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Ectopic fat accumulation has been linked to lipotoxic events, including the development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Indeed, intramyocellular lipid storage is strongly associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. Research during the last two decades has provided evidence for a role of lipid intermediates like diacylglycerol and ceramide in the induction of lipid-induced insulin resistance. However, recently novel data has been gathered that suggest that the relation between lipid intermediates and insulin resistance is less straightforward than has been previously suggested, and that there are several routes towards lipid-induced insulin resistance. For example, research in this field has shifted towards imbalances in lipid metabolism and lipid droplet dynamics. Next to imbalances in key lipogenic and lipolytic proteins, lipid droplet coat proteins appear to be essential for proper intramyocellular lipid storage, turnover and protection against lipid-induced insulin resistance.Here, we discuss the current knowledge on lipid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle with a focus on the evidence from human studies. Furthermore, we discuss the available data that provides supporting mechanistic information.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of L-carnitine on the hemodynamic parameters of Langendorff hearts. Isolated rat hearts were perfused with various solutions containing high or low concentrations of fatty acids, additional glucose or no glucose, and L-carnitine or no L-carnitine. The most interesting part of the experiments was the behaviour of the hearts in the reperfusion period after no-flow ischemia of 20 min. The results were: (1) With glucose and high fatty acid concentrations the hearts showed an improved recovery of the left ventricular functions in the reperfusion period compared with low fatty acid concentrations. Without glucose the left ventricular pressure is much lower in the reperfusion period. (2) Addition of L-carnitine improved the recovery of the ischemically damaged hearts. This improvement is especially impressive at low fatty acid concentrations. L-carnitine addition at high fatty acid concentrations but without glucose strongly improved reperfusion behaviour. (3) The coronary flow is increased by 2 experimental conditions: (i) perfusion at low levels of fatty acids, carnitine and with glucose and (ii) high levels of fatty acids and carnitine but without glucose. These findings suggest that supplementation of L-carnitine has a beneficial effect on the isolated heart under various conditions, and possibly on specific human heart diseases.  相似文献   
Integration of genetic and metabolic profiling holds promise for providing insight into human disease. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is strongly heritable, but the heritability of metabolomic profiles has not been evaluated in humans. We performed quantitative mass spectrometry‐based metabolic profiling in 117 individuals within eight multiplex families from the GENECARD study of premature CAD. Heritabilities were calculated using variance components. We found high heritabilities for amino acids (arginine, ornithine, alanine, proline, leucine/isoleucine, valine, glutamate/glutamine, phenylalanine and glycine; h2=0.33–0.80, P=0.005–1.9 × 10?16), free fatty acids (arachidonic, palmitic, linoleic; h2=0.48–0.59, P=0.002–0.00005) and acylcarnitines (h2=0.23–0.79, P=0.05–0.0000002). Principal components analysis was used to identify metabolite clusters. Reflecting individual metabolites, several components were heritable, including components comprised of ketones, β‐hydroxybutyrate and C2‐acylcarnitine (h2=0.61); short‐ and medium‐chain acylcarnitines (h2=0.39); amino acids (h2=0.44); long‐chain acylcarnitines (h2=0.39) and branched‐chain amino acids (h2=0.27). We report a novel finding of high heritabilities of metabolites in premature CAD, establishing a possible genetic basis for these profiles. These results have implications for understanding CAD pathophysiology and genetics.  相似文献   
Plasma lipid levels are altered in chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as during acute stresses such as fasting and cold exposure. Advances in MS-based lipidomics have uncovered a complex plasma lipidome of more than 500 lipids that serve functional roles, including as energy substrates and signaling molecules. This plasma lipid pool is maintained through regulation of tissue production, secretion, and uptake. A major challenge in understanding the lipidome complexity is establishing the tissues of origin and uptake for various plasma lipids, which is valuable for determining lipid functions. Using cold exposure as an acute stress, we performed global lipidomics on plasma and in nine tissues that may contribute to the circulating lipid pool. We found that numerous species of plasma acylcarnitines (ACars) and ceramides (Cers) were significantly altered upon cold exposure. Through computational assessment, we identified the liver and brown adipose tissue as major contributors and consumers of circulating ACars, in agreement with our previous work. We further identified the kidney and intestine as novel contributors to the circulating ACar pool and validated these findings with gene expression analysis. Regression analysis also identified that the brown adipose tissue and kidney are interactors with the plasma Cer pool. Taken together, these studies provide an adaptable computational tool to assess tissue contribution to the plasma lipid pool. Our findings have further implications in understanding the function of plasma ACars and Cers, which are elevated in metabolic diseases.  相似文献   
Branched-chain fatty acids (such as phytanic and pristanic acid) are ligands for the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) in vitro. To investigate the effects of these physiological compounds in vivo, wild-type and PPARalpha-deficient (PPARalpha-/-) mice were fed a phytol-enriched diet. This resulted in increased plasma and liver levels of the phytol metabolites phytanic and pristanic acid. In wild-type mice, plasma fatty acid levels decreased after phytol feeding, whereas in PPARalpha-/- mice, the already elevated fatty acid levels increased. In addition, PPARalpha-/- mice were found to be carnitine deficient in both plasma and liver. Dietary phytol increased liver free carnitine in wild-type animals but not in PPARalpha-/- mice. Investigation of carnitine biosynthesis revealed that PPARalpha is likely involved in the regulation of carnitine homeostasis. Furthermore, phytol feeding resulted in a PPARalpha-dependent induction of various peroxisomal and mitochondrial beta-oxidation enzymes. In addition, a PPARalpha-independent induction of catalase, phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase, carnitine octanoyltransferase, peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, and straight-chain acyl-CoA oxidase was observed. In conclusion, branched-chain fatty acids are physiologically relevant ligands of PPARalpha in mice. These findings are especially relevant for disorders in which branched-chain fatty acids accumulate, such as Refsum disease and peroxisome biogenesis disorders.  相似文献   
Quantitative analysis of mitochondrial FA β-oxidation (FAO) has drawn increasing interest for defining lipid-induced metabolic dysfunctions, such as in obesity-induced insulin resistance, and evaluating pharmacologic strategies to improve β-oxidation function. The aim was to develop a new assay to quantify β-oxidation function in intact mitochondria and with a low amount of cell material. Cell membranes of primary human fibroblasts were permeabilized with digitonin prior to a load with FFA substrate. Following 120 min of incubation, the various generated acylcarnitines were extracted from both cells and incubation medium by protein precipitation/desalting and subjected to solid-phase extraction. A panel of 30 acylcarnitines per well was quantified by MS/MS and normalized to citrate synthase activity to analyze mitochondrial metabolite flux. Pretreatment with bezafibrate and etomoxir revealed stimulating and inhibiting regulatory effects on β-oxidation function, respectively. In addition to the advantage of a much shorter assay time due to in situ permeabilization compared with whole-cell incubation systems, the method allows the detection of multiple acylcarnitines from an only limited amount of intact cells, particularly relevant to the use of primary cells. This novel approach facilitates highly sensitive, simple, and fast monitoring of pharmacological effects on FAO.  相似文献   
Carnitine acetyltransferase (CrAT) is a mitochondrial matrix enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of acetyl-CoA and acetylcarnitine. Emerging evidence suggests that this enzyme functions as a positive regulator of total body glucose tolerance and muscle activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), a mitochondrial enzyme complex that promotes glucose oxidation and is feedback inhibited by acetyl-CoA. Here, we used tandem mass spectrometry-based metabolic profiling to identify a negative relationship between CrAT activity and muscle content of lipid intermediates. CrAT specific activity was diminished in muscles from obese and diabetic rodents despite increased protein abundance. This reduction in enzyme activity was accompanied by muscle accumulation of long-chain acylcarnitines (LCACs) and acyl-CoAs and a decline in the acetylcarnitine/acetyl-CoA ratio. In vitro assays demonstrated that palmitoyl-CoA acts as a direct mixed-model inhibitor of CrAT. Similarly, in primary human myocytes grown in culture, nutritional and genetic manipulations that promoted mitochondrial influx of fatty acids resulted in accumulation of LCACs but a pronounced decrease of CrAT-derived short-chain acylcarnitines. These results suggest that lipid-induced antagonism of CrAT might contribute to decreased PDH activity and glucose disposal in the context of obesity and diabetes.  相似文献   
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT-II) mediates the import of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix for subsequent beta-oxidation. Defects of CPT-II manifest as a severe neonatal hepatocardiomuscular form or as a mild muscular phenotype in early infancy or adolescence. CPT-II deficiency is diagnosed by the determination of enzyme activity in tissues involving the time-dependent conversion of radiolabeled CPT-II substrates (isotope-exchange assays) or the formation of chromogenic reaction products. We have established a mass spectrometric assay (MS/MS) for the determination of CPT-II activity based on the stoichiometric formation of acetylcarnitine in a coupled reaction system. In this single-tube reaction system palmitoylcarnitine is converted by CPT-II to free carnitine, which is subsequently esterified to acetylcarnitine by carnitine acetyltransferase. The formation of acetylcarnitine directly correlates with the CPT-II activity. Comparison of the MS/MS method (y) with our routine spectrophotometric assay (x) revealed a linear regression of y = 0.58x + 0.12 (r = 0.8369). Both assays allow one to unambiguously detect patients with the muscular form of CPT-II deficiency. However, the higher specificity and sensitivity as well as the avoidance of the drawbacks inherent in the use of radiolabeled substrates make this mass spectrometric method most suitable for the determination of CPT-II activity.  相似文献   
Accumulation of organic acids as well as their CoA and carnitine esters in tissues and body fluids is a common finding in organic acidurias, beta-oxidation defects, Reye syndrome, and Jamaican vomiting sickness. Pathomechanistic approaches for these disorders have been often focused on the effect of accumulating organic acids on mitochondrial energy metabolism, whereas little is known about the pathophysiologic role of short- and medium-chain acyl-CoAs and acylcarnitines. Therefore, we investigated the impact of short- and medium-chain organic acids, acylcarnitines, and acyl-CoAs on central components of mitochondrial energy metabolism, namely alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and single enzyme complexes I-V of respiratory chain. Although at varying degree, all acyl-CoAs had an inhibitory effect on pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex activity. Effect sizes were critically dependent on chain length and number of functional groups. Unexpectedly, octanoyl-CoA was shown to inhibit complex III. The inhibition was noncompetitive regarding reduced ubiquinone and uncompetitive regarding cytochrome c. In addition, octanoyl-CoA caused a blue shift in the gamma band of the absorption spectrum of reduced complex III. This effect may play a role in the pathogenesis of medium-chain and multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, Reye syndrome, and Jamaican vomiting sickness which are inherited and acquired conditions of intracellular accumulation of octanoyl-CoA.  相似文献   
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