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Oculocutaneous albinism type 1A (OCA1A) is the most severe form of albinism characterized by a complete lack of melanin production throughout life and is caused by mutations in the TYR gene. TYR gene codes tyrosinase protein to its relation with melanin formation by knowing the function of these SNPs. Based on the computational approaches, we have analyzed the genetic variations that could change the functional behaviour by altering the structural arrangement in TYR protein which is responsible for OCA1A. Consequences of mutation on TYR structure were observed by analyzing the flexibility behaviour of native and mutant tyrosinase protein. Mutations T373K, N371Y, M370T and P313R were suggested as high deleterious effect on TYR protein and it is responsible for OCA1A which were also endorsed with previous in vivo experimental studies. Based on the quantitative assessment and flexibility analysis of OCA1A variants, T373K showed the most deleterious effect. Our analysis determines that certain mutations can affect the dynamic properties of protein and can lead to disease conditions. This study provides a significant insight into the underlying molecular mechanism involved in albinism associated with OCA1A.  相似文献   
In general, transferases undergo large structural changes and sequester substrate molecules, to shield them from water. By contrast, hydrolases exhibit only small structural changes, and expose substrate molecules to water. However, some hydrolases deeply bury their substrates within the proteins. To clarify the relationship between substrate‐shielding and enzymatic functions, we investigated 70 representative hydrolase structures, and examined the relative accessible surface areas of their substrates. As compared to the hydrolases employing the single displacement reaction, the hydrolases employing the double displacement reaction bury the substrate within the proteins. The exo hydrolases display significantly more substrate‐shielding from water than the endo hydrolases. It suggests that the substrate‐shielding is related to the chemical reaction mechanism of the hydrolases and the substrate specificity. Proteins 2013; © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a set of computational tools for systematic characterisation of ordered and disordered porous materials. These tools include calculation of the accessible surface area and geometric pore size distribution, analysis of the structure connectivity and percolation analysis of the porous space. We briefly discuss the algorithms behind these calculations. To demonstrate the capabilities of the tools and the type of insights that can be gained from their application, we consider a series of case studies. These case studies include small molecular fragments, several crystalline metal-organic materials, and variants of these materials with induced defects and disorder in their structure. The simulation package is available upon request.  相似文献   
Kondratova  M. S.  Efimov  A. V. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(1):117-123
Examination of 80 -helical proteins and domains demonstrates that they contain from 1 to more than 20 completely buried (water-inaccessible) polar side chains. As a rule the latter have partners for H-bonding but the resulting H-bond system is often not saturating. Basing on statistical analysis, we determined the optimal number of H-bonds for every type of polar side chain, and discuss the structural role of vacant donors and acceptors. About half of the H-bonds formed by buried side chains pertain to interhelix contacts of the (side chain)–(side chain) and (side chain)–(main chain) types. Such interactions appear to be a most important factor determining the mutual arrangement of -helices in proteins. Analysis of the frequency of occurrence of various interacting pairs reveals that these interactions are selective.  相似文献   
Protein folding rates vary by several orders of magnitude and they depend on the topology of the fold and the size and composition of the sequence. Although recent works show that the rates can be predicted from the sequence, allowing for high‐throughput annotations, they consider only the sequence and its predicted secondary structure. We propose a novel sequence‐based predictor, PFR‐AF, which utilizes solvent accessibility and residue flexibility predicted from the sequence, to improve predictions and provide insights into the folding process. The predictor includes three linear regressions for proteins with two‐state, multistate, and unknown (mixed‐state) folding kinetics. PFR‐AF on average outperforms current methods when tested on three datasets. The proposed approach provides high‐quality predictions in the absence of similarity between the predicted and the training sequences. The PFR‐AF's predictions are characterized by high (between 0.71 and 0.95, depending on the dataset) correlation and the lowest (between 0.75 and 0.9) mean absolute errors with respect to the experimental rates, as measured using out‐of‐sample tests. Our models reveal that for the two‐state chains inclusion of solvent‐exposed Ala may accelerate the folding, while increased content of Ile may reduce the folding speed. We also demonstrate that increased flexibility of coils facilitates faster folding and that proteins with larger content of solvent‐exposed strands may fold at a slower pace. The increased flexibility of the solvent‐exposed residues is shown to elongate folding, which also holds, with a lower correlation, for buried residues. Two case studies are included to support our findings. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The conformational states sampled by the Alzheimer amyloid beta (10-35) (Abeta 10-35) peptide were probed using replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations in explicit solvent. The Abeta 10-35 peptide is a fragment of the full-length Abeta 40/42 peptide that possesses many of the amyloidogenic properties of its full-length counterpart. Under physiological temperature and pressure, our simulations reveal that the Abeta 10-35 peptide does not possess a single unique folded state. Rather, this peptide exists as a mixture of collapsed globular states that remain in rapid dynamic equilibrium with each other. This conformational ensemble is dominated by random coil and bend structures with insignificant presence of an alpha-helical or beta-sheet structure. The 3D structure of Abeta 10-35 is seen to be defined by a salt bridge formed between the side-chains of K28 and D23. This salt bridge is also observed in Abeta fibrils and our simulations suggest that monomeric conformations of Abeta 10-35 contain pre-folded structural motifs that promote rapid aggregation of this peptide.  相似文献   
Disulfide bonds play an important role in protein stability and function. Here, we describe a general procedure for generating disulfide-linked dimers and multimers of proteins of known crystal structures. An algorithm was developed to predict sites in a protein compatible with intermolecular disulfide formation with neighboring molecules in the crystal lattice. A database analysis was carried out on 46 PDB coordinates to verify the general applicability of this algorithm to predict intermolecular disulfide linkages. On the basis of the predictions from this algorithm, mutants were constructed and characterized for a model protein, thioredoxin. Of the five mutants, as predicted, in solution four formed disulfide-linked dimers while one formed polymers. Thermal and chemical denaturation studies on these mutant thioredoxins showed that three of the four dimeric mutants had similar stability to wild-type thioredoxin while one had lower stability. Three of the mutant dimers crystallized readily (in four to seven days) in contrast to the wild-type protein, which is particularly difficult to crystallize and takes more than a month to form diffraction-quality crystals. In two of the three cases, the structure of the dimer was exactly as predicted by the algorithm, while in the third case the relative orientation of the monomers in the dimer was different from the predicted one. This methodology can be used to enhance protein crystallizability, modulate the oligomerization state and to produce linear chains or ordered three-dimensional protein arrays.  相似文献   
Due to its ability to emit light, the luciferase from Renilla reniformis (RLuc) is widely employed in molecular biology as a reporter gene in cell culture experiments and small animal imaging. To accomplish this bioluminescence, the 37-kDa enzyme catalyzes the degradation of its substrate coelenterazine in the presence of molecular oxygen, resulting in the product coelenteramide, carbon dioxide, and the desired photon of light. We successfully crystallized a stabilized variant of this important protein (RLuc8) and herein present the first structures for any coelenterazine-using luciferase. These structures are based on high-resolution data measured to 1.4 Å and demonstrate a classic α/β-hydrolase fold. We also present data of a coelenteramide-bound luciferase and reason that this structure represents a secondary conformational form following shift of the product out of the primary active site. During the course of this work, the structure of the luciferase's accessory green fluorescent protein (RrGFP) was also determined and shown to be highly similar to that of Aequorea victoria GFP.  相似文献   
The structure and dynamics of a single GM1 (Gal5-β1,3-GalNAc4-β1,4-(NeuAc3-α2,3)-Gal2-β1,4-Glc1-β1,1-Cer) embedded in a DPPC bilayer have been studied by MD simulations. Eleven simulations, each of 10 ns productive run, were performed with different initial conformations of GM1. Simulations of GM1-Os in water and of a DPPC bilayer were also performed to delineate the effects of the bilayer and GM1 on the conformational and orientational dynamics of each other. The conformation of the GM1 headgroup observed in the simulations is in agreement with those reported in literature; but the headgroup is restricted when embedded in the bilayer. NeuAc3 is the outermost saccharide towards the water phase. Glc1 and Gal2 prefer a parallel, and NeuAc3, GalNac4 and Gal5 prefer a perpendicular, orientation with respect to the bilayer normal. The overall characteristics of the bilayer are not affected by the presence of GM1; however, GM1 does influence the DPPC molecules in its immediate vicinity. The implications of these observations on the specific recognition and binding of GM1 embedded in a lipid bilayer by exogenous proteins as well as proteins embedded in lipids have been discussed.  相似文献   
Serine Protease inhibitors (Serpins) like antithrombin, antitrypsin, neuroserpin, antichymotrypsin, protein C-inhibitor and plasminogen activator inhibitor is involved in important biological functions like blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, inflammation, cell migration and complement activation. Serpins native state is metastable, which undergoes transformation to a more stable state during the process of protease inhibition. Serpins are prone to conformation defects, however little is known about the factors and mechanisms which promote its conformational change and misfolding. Helix B region in serpins is with several point mutations which result in pathological conditions due to polymerization. Helix B analysis for residue burial and cavity was undertaken to understand its role in serpin structure function. A structural overlap and an accessible surface area analysis showed the deformation of strand 6B and exposure of helix B at N-terminal end in cleaved conformation but not in the native and latent conformation of various inhibitory serpins. A cleaved polymer like conformation of antitrypsin also showed deformation of s6B and helix B exposure. Cavity analysis showed that helix B residues were part of the largest cavity in most of the serpins in the native state which increase in size during the transformation to cleaved and latent states. These data for the first time show the importance of strand 6B deformation and exposure of helix B in smooth insertion of the reactive center loop during serpin inhibition and indicate that helix B exposure due to variants may increase its polymer propensity. ABBREVIATIONS: serpin -serine protease inhibitors RCL -reactive center loop ASA -accessible surface area.  相似文献   
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