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研究了草食动物(牛、山羊)对辽东半岛结缕草种子散布及发芽力的影响。结果表明:风干牛粪、羊粪中结缕草种子的数量分别为101.7和6.88粒.g-1;牛、羊的采食和消化对结缕草种子的生活力没有影响,但提高了其发芽率(分别为74.12%和67.77%)、发芽势(分别为24.34%和17.72%)及活力指数(分别为41.86和37.38),缩短了其发芽时间(分别为12.53和12.70d);牛粪和羊粪中结缕草种子的发芽率虽有提高但没有达到其生活力水平;牛对结缕草种子散布及发芽力的影响效果均好于山羊。  相似文献   
We have optimized conditions for efficient regeneration of the vegetatively propagated zoysia grass (Zoysia matrella L. Merr) cultivar “Konhee”. Two explants, young inflorescences, and stem nodes, were used and they displayed different responses to combinations and concentrations of plant growth regulators in callusing, embryogenic callus formation, and regeneration. The highest callus initiation rate from young inflorescences was obtained on medium supplemented with 4.5 to 9.0 μM 2,4-dicholorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and 0.44 μM 6-benzyl amino purine (BA). When the BA concentration was lowered to 0.044 μM, the highest percent embryogenic callus induction from young inflorescences was achieved. The highest callus initiation rate from stem nodes was obtained, when young inflorescences were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 4.5 to 9.0 μM 2,4-D, 0.44 μM BA, and 0.037 μM abscisic acid (ABA). But embryogenic callus formation from the stem node was highest in the presence of 4.5 to 9.0 μM 2,4-D, 0.044 μM BA, and 0.037 μM ABA. Addition of ABA significantly increased embryogenic callus formation from stem nodes, but not from young inflorescences. Regeneration percentage was variable in response to BA level, and inclusion of α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) further increased the regeneration percentage. The highest regeneration percentages obtained from the young inflorescences and stem nodes were 82% and 67%, respectively. This is the first report showing that plants can be regenerated from young inflorescences and stem nodes of vegetatively propagated zoysia grass.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne sasseri n. sp. is described and illustrated from American beachgrass (Ammophila breviliffulata) originally collected from Henlopen State Park and Fenwick Island near the Maryland state line in Delaware, United States (6). Its relationship to M. graminis, M. spartinae, and M. californiensis is discussed. Primary distinctive characters of the female perineal pattern were a high to rounded arch with shoulders, widely spaced lateral lines interrupting transverse striations, a sunken vulva and anus, and coarse broken striae around the anal area. Second-stage juvenile body length was 554 μm (470-550), stylet length 14 μm (13-14.5), tail length 93 μm (83-115), tapering to a finely rounded terminus. Male stylet length 20 μm (19-21.5), spicule length 33 μm (30-36). Scanning electron microscope observations provided additional details of perineal patterns and face views of the female, male, and J2 head. Wheat, rice, oat, Ammophila sp., Panicum sp., bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass were tested as hosts. Distribution of the species was the coasts of Delaware and Maryland. The common name "beachgrass root-knot" is proposed for M. sasseri n. sp.  相似文献   
通过对分布于我国的结缕草属(ZoysiaWilld.)54份种质地下部分特点的研究,发现其地下茎分布都在15cm土层内,其中大部分在5cm深度的土层范围内(97.23%),很少达到15cm(0.29%);不定根一般可分布到40cm左右,但表层15cm内分布了不定根总量的81.62%,其下的25cm土层中分布的不定根只占不定根总量的18.38%。地下茎在10~15cm、不定根在30~40cm土层中各性状的变异都比较显著。相关分析表明,随着纬度的升高,地下茎在较深的土层(5~15cm)中分布密度有增加的趋势,而伴随着纬度升高不定根分布密度趋小。根据地下茎和不定根分布的特点,可将我国结缕草属植物地下部分划分为3大类型,即浅茎密根型、中茎密根型和深茎浅根型。  相似文献   
结缕草生物技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结缕草属植物具有耐干旱、耐盐和耐践踏等优良特性。最近的研究表明,基因转移与重组技术在结缕草遗传改良中具有巨大应用潜力;结缕草遗传连锁图谱构建取得重要进展;基因克隆和基因资源研究正在展开。结合当前有关结缕草生物技术研究现状,综述了结缕草基因工程和基因资源方面的研究进展,讨论了存在的问题并展望其前景。  相似文献   
结缕草属植物种间关系的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以结缕草属的9种1变种共58份种源为材料,利用SSR标记技术进行了多样性分析和种间关系研究。结果表明:结缕草属植物具有很高的遗传多样性;14对SSR引物中,共扩增出267条带,Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.376 0,Shannon多样性指数为0.552 6;属内总基因多样性为0.382 3,种内基因多样性为0.219 6,57.44%的遗传变异存在于种内,基因流为0.674 8,不同的种之间有遗传分化,遗传漂变对该遗传分化有一定的贡献。UPGMA遗传距离聚类分析结果表明,结缕草、中华结缕草、朝鲜结缕草和大穗结缕草聚为一类;沟叶结缕草、小结缕草和细叶结缕草聚为一类;大花结缕草、长花结缕草和太平洋结缕草各自为一类。研究表明,生态地理条件相似的种优先聚集。  相似文献   
Plants produce various compounds in response to water deficit. Here, the presence and identification of a drought-inducible non-protein amino acid in the leaves of two C4 grasses is first reported. The soluble amino acids extracted from the leaves of three different species were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography of derivatives formed with o-phthaldialdehyde and β-mercaptoethanol. One amino acid that increased in amount with drought stress had a retention time not corresponding to any common amino acid. Its identity was determined by metabolite profiling, using 1H NMR and GC-MS. This unusual amino acid was present in the dehydrated leaves of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Zoysia japonica Steudel, but was absent from Paspalum dilatatum Poir. Its identity as 2-amino-5-hydroxypentanoic acid (5-hydroxynorvaline, 5-HNV) was confirmed by synthesis and co-chromatography of synthetic and naturally occurring compounds. The amount of 5-HNV in leaves of the more drought tolerant C4 grasses, C. dactylon and Z. japonica, increased with increasing water deficit; therefore, any benefits from this unusual non-protein amino acid for drought resistance should be further explored.  相似文献   
Buddleja macrostachya (Buddlejaceae) is a widespread shrub native to the Sino-Himalayan mountains and beyond. It has been found to occur at two ploidy levels, hexaploid, 2n=6x=114 and dodecaploid, 2n=12x=228. To determine if morphological characters might be used as indicators of ploidy levels, we measured floral and fruit length, relative and absolute leaf size, trichome density on both leaf surfaces, and stomatal density and length in different populations of B. macrostachya. In general, flower and fruit length, absolute leaf size, and stomatal length increased with an increase at ploidy level (P<0.01), whereas adaxial cell and stomatal density decreased with an increase at ploidy level (P<0.01). We found no conspicuous differences in relative leaf size (P>0.05) in different populations. Other characters studied such as trichome type, cuticular membrane and ornamentation of stomata, cell and stomatal shape, and anticlinal wall pattern were quite constant in this species. Thus it appears that flower and fruit length, absolute leaf size, and stomatal frequency and length can be used to distinguish hexaploid from dodecaploid cytotypes either in the field or in herbarium specimens.  相似文献   
Plains bristlegrass (Setaria macrostachya Kunth) is a native grass with forage value. However, due to the lack of grazing management practices, populations and thus genetic diversity, have been reduced. Morphological and genetic variability were analyzed on 44 populations of plains bristlegrass in the State of Chihuahua. Plants were transplanted in a common area under natural conditions. Two years later, morphological characterization was evaluated measuring nine variables, and genetic variability using AFLP molecular markers. The principal components analysis (PC) showed that the three first principal components explained 73.74% of the variation. The variables with the greatest contribution to the variance in PC1 were plant height and inflorescence length; in CP2, tiller number and leaf width; and in PC3, tiller thickness. Application of four pairs of primers, presented 186 total bands, from which 87.10% showed polymorphism and 12.90% monomorphism. The combination of EcoRI-AGG MseI-CAG primers detected the highest percentage (93%) of polymorphism with 40 polymorphic bands. The cluster analysis and Dice coefficient indicated that populations clump into two groups. The wide genetic variability and morphological characteristics detected among populations represent the basis for the selection of populations that could be used with different purposes in the rehabilitation of ecosystems. In addition, this study will allow establishment of in situ conservation strategies.  相似文献   
中国结缕草属植物( Zoysia spp.)地上部分形态类型多样性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对结缕草属 (ZoysiaWilld .)植物地上部分 18个形态性状的的聚类分析 ,将产于中国的 78份结缕草种质划分为 6组 ,结缕草 (Z .japonicaSteud .)和中华结缕草 (Z .sinicaHance)具有较典型的特征而各自成组 ,细叶结缕草(Z .tenuifoliaWilld .)和沟叶结缕草〔Z .matrella (L .)Merr.〕为一组、大穗结缕草 (Z .macrostachyaFranch .)和长花结缕草 (Z .sinicavar.nipponicaOhwi)为一组 ,另有两组为比较独特的类型。结缕草属植物叶表面被毛、叶长、叶宽等营养性状和生殖枝高度、小穗密度、小穗数量等生殖性状都有较大的变异 ,变异系数 13.75 %~ 5 8.74 % ,其中中华结缕草内部存在更大的变异 ,表明在中华结缕草种内选育更加容易获得优良种质或品种。主成分分析表明 ,小穗数、小穗长、小穗密度、小穗长宽比以及叶片宽度和叶片被毛发达情况是结缕草属形态分类的重要依据 ,其中叶片被毛发达情况可以作为区分结缕草和中华结缕草的简单依据 ;而生殖枝高度、穗长、叶长、花序柄长度 (1)和叶长宽比可作为研究结缕草属下种内分异的主要依据  相似文献   
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