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The effect of rainfall pattern on tick challenge was investigated at Kyle Recreational Park, Zimbabwe, from 1991 to 1992 using drag and removal plot methods to sample environmental tick density. The abundance of adults and nymphs of the brown ear-tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and larvae of the bont tick Amblyomma hebraeum was positively correlated with monthly rainfall, whereas no relationship with rainfall was revealed for larval R. appendiculatus, adults of the red-legged tick R. evertsi, or larvae of the blue tick Boophilus decoloratus. A comparison between 1991 (490 mm rainfall) and the drought year of 1992 (161 mm) revealed significant differences in the abundance of R. appendiculatus, A. hebraeum, and B. decoloratus. During the wet season, R. appendiculatus adults were 2–3 time more numerous in the environment during the higher rainfall year of 1991. A. hebraeum larval abundance exhibited a similar pattern to that of R. appendiculatus adults, but B. decoloratus larvae were more abundant in the drought year of 1992 during both the wet and dry seasons. Comparable tick abundance data collected at Kyle during the above-average rainfall years of 1975–1977 (mean = 1029 mm) were compared with tick challenge during the below-average rainfall years of 1991–1992 (mean = 326 mm). In grassland sand habitat and all habitats combined R. appendiculatus adults, nymphs, and larvae were much more abundant during the high rainfall years. In contrast, larvae of B. decoloratus were more numerous during the drier years. A. hebraeum larvae were also more abundant during the drier years. The strong positive correlation of adult R. appendiculatus abundance with rainfall and the coincidence of increased adult tick challenge with increased rainfall indicates that adult R. appendiculatus tick burden on hosts would be heaviest during the wet season and high rainfall years.  相似文献   
Zimbabwe provides a significant context to examine the interplay of the new development rhetoric, the actions of powerful conservation organizations, donor policies, a relatively strong and stable government, and the empowerment of local communities. This interplay exists in diverse rural areas where the Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) is in various stages of experimentation and implementation. CAMPFIRE has been described as a philosophy of sustainable rural development that enables rural communities to manage, and benefit directly form indigenous wildlife. It is the best known of African efforts to permit African communities to re- assert their management of selected natural resources. The program has the official support of the Zimbabwean government. Nonetheless, there are many potential areas of serious conflict. Three case studies are utilized to explore how the challenges of repossession of critical environmental resources by marginalized communities in the changing context of state and NGO relationships where international tourism is a revenue generator for both the private sector and government.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a single specimen of Tilapia rendalli Boulenger was observed June through October 1986 in Lake Ngezi, Zimbabwe, by the use of a surgically-implanted radiotransmitter. The individual displayed a distinct homing response on two occasions, returning to the cove of capture (1) 1.5 km away within 48 hours of release (95Z of the distance was covered in 24 hours), and (2) after a lengthy migration some 6.0 km up the lake with other tilapia. During the only observed migration in late June, the fish travelled a conservative distance of 6.7 km over a 5-day period, sometimes at rates > 150 m/hr. The fish was also characterized by strong territoriality (i.e., preference to the cove of capture) and avoidance to the approach of the researcher by boat.  相似文献   
Activity periods and diurnal behaviour of southern white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) were studied in Matobo National Park, Zimbabwe, from August 2016 to July 2017 using camera trapping and focal group sampling, respectively. Camera trap data showed that diurnal and nocturnal movements of white rhino varied significantly with moon phase, with more frequent nocturnal photographic captures during full- and third-quarter moon phases than during new and crescent moon phases. Permutational MANOVA and canonical correspondence analysis of focal group observation data were used to test the effects of season, time of day, habitat type, distance to roads, moon phase, presence/absence of other mammals, age/sex category, individual identity and herd composition on daytime behaviour. Weather conditions accounted for the majority of variation in rhino behaviour, with more time spent feeding during cloudy and rainy weather than sunny weather. Time of day and moon phase also accounted for high variation in behaviour, followed by habitat attributes and age/sex category. Variance partitioning by sets of explanatory variables showed that weather conditions had the greatest explanatory power in the variation of rhino behaviour, followed by temporal attributes, habitat attributes and age/sex category. Our findings provide insights for white rhino population management strategies aimed at increasing the effectiveness of security patrols, minimising disturbance and improving sightings for tourists.  相似文献   
One major aspect of research in forensic entomology is the investigation of molecular techniques for the accurate identification of insects. Studies to date have addressed the corpse fauna of many geographical regions, but generally neglected the southern African calliphorid species. In this study, forensically significant calliphorids from South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana and Zimbabwe and Australia were sequenced over an 1167 base pair region of the COI gene. Phylogenetic analysis was performed to examine the ability of the region to resolve species identities and taxonomic relationships between species. Analyses by neighbour-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods all showed the potential of this region to provide the necessary species-level identifications for application to post-mortem interval (PMI) estimation; however, higher level taxonomic relationships did vary according to method of analysis. Intraspecific variation was also considered in relation to determining suitable maximum levels of variation to be expected during analysis. Individuals of some species in the study represented populations from both South Africa and the east coast of Australia, yet maximum intraspecific variation over this gene region was calculated at 0.8%, with minimum interspecific variation at 3%, indicating distinct ranges of variation to be expected at intra- and interspecific levels. This region therefore appears to provide southern African forensic entomologists with a new technique for providing accurate identification for application to estimation of PMI.  相似文献   
The tick vectors of heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) in Zimbabwe, Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma variegatum, historically were believed to be confined to the low-lying regions of the south and north-west of the country. However, country-wide surveys performed in 19751980 and 19881991 demonstrated that both species were also established in western parts of the highveld plateau and had started to encroach on the predominantly heartwater-free central and eastern highveld regions. To determine the current distributions of both the vectors and evaluate the potential threat of heartwater to animals in the highveld, a survey of ticks infesting cattle was performed in 1996 at 2994 locations in small-holder and large-scale commercial farming areas throughout Zimbabwe. Amblyomma hebraeum was collected at 1329 locations, A. variegatum at 72 locations and both A. hebraeum and A. variegatum at 13 locations. The results demonstrated that A. hebraeum was present, as previously recorded, throughout the southern half of the country and appeared to have undergone further limited spread into the central and eastern highveld regions. Only the northern-most region of the country appeared to be free of this species. Amblyomma variegatum was collected mainly in the north-west, as previously recorded, but was also found at isolated locations across the central highveld region and along the eastern border with Mozambique. This species was, however, still absent from the southern half and the northern-most regions of the country. An overlap of the distributions of the two species existed within a zone along the southern and eastern regions of the distribution of A. variegatum. These results suggest that the vectors of heartwater are spreading and threaten to introduce heartwater into intensive livestock-producing regions of the country.Exp Appl Acarol 22: 725740 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   
Studies were carried out in Zimbabwe of the responses of tsetse to cattle treated with deltamethrin applied to the parts of the body where most tsetse were shown to land. Large proportions of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) landed on the belly ( approximately 25%) and legs ( approximately 70%), particularly the front legs ( approximately 50%). Substantial proportions of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood landed on the legs ( approximately 50%) and belly (25%), with the remainder landing on the torso, particularly the flanks ( approximately 15%). Studies were made of the knockdown rate of wild, female G. pallidipes exposed to cattle treated with a 1% pour-on or 0.005% suspension concentrate of deltamethrin applied to the (a) whole body, (b) belly and legs, (c) legs, (d) front legs, (e) middle and lower front legs, or (f) lower front legs. The restricted treatments used 20%, 10%, 5%, 2% or 1% of the active ingredient applied in the whole-body treatments. There was a marked seasonal effect on the performance of all treatments. With the whole-body treatment, the persistence period (knockdown > 50%) ranged from approximately 10 days during the hot, wet season (mean daily temperature > 30 degrees C) to approximately 20 days during the cool, dry season (< 22 degrees C). Restricting the application of insecticide reduced the seasonal persistence periods to approximately 10-15 days if only the legs and belly were treated, approximately 5-15 days if only the legs were treated and < 5 days for the more restricted treatments. The restricted application did not affect the landing distribution of tsetse or the duration of landing bouts (mean = 30 s). The results suggest that more cost-effective control of tsetse could be achieved by applying insecticide to the belly and legs of cattle at 2-week intervals, rather than using the current practice of treating the whole body of each animal at monthly intervals. This would cut the cost of insecticide by 40%, improve efficacy by 27% and reduce the threats to non-target organisms and the enzootic stability of tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   
Post-mating, prefertilization inbreeding avoidance (PPIA) is well established in plants but not in animals. Support for animal PPIA comes from sperm competition studies showing success of a male's gametes declining with his relatedness to the multiply mated female; however, such studies confound female-male and male-male interaction. To avoid this problem, we investigated offspring productivity of singly mated Drosophila melanogaster females using flies from four different genetic backgrounds. Our experiments established that intrapopulation crosses using highly related parents (within-strain) were significantly less productive than intrapopulation crosses using unrelated individuals from the same population (between-strain). Furthermore, we showed that these effects were not due to inbreeding depression. The average decrease in offspring productivity of within-strain crosses relative to between-strain crosses was 18.3% [nonlaboratory populations: Zimbabwe 20.3%, Riverside 11.4%, neither of which showed inbreeding depression; and temperature-adapted laboratory populations, uncorrected (corrected) for nonsignificant inbreeding depression: 18 degrees C, 26.5% (24.2%) and 29 degrees C, 20.1% (9.5%)]. The significant reduction of within-cross productivity demonstrates PPIA in the absence of multiple mating.  相似文献   
Fire is a key factor affecting the survivorship and dynamics of woody plants in savannas, but few empirical studies in savanna vegetation have investigated correlates of mortality following fire at the level of individual stems. A study of stem mortality as a function of size, neighbourhood effects, and prior damage (mainly caused by elephants) was undertaken in an area of Kalahari sand vegetation in western Zimbabwe. Stem and whole-plant mortality were quantified for the dominant stems of 557 trees in 4 plots following dry season unplanned fires in 2001. Two plots were located in areas that had been affected by frost earlier in the season, and 2 in areas that had not. Mortality was also recorded for 1762 trees in 20 unburned reference plots, also classified according to the presence of frost damage. Mortality estimators were constructed with a maximum likelihood regression method. Whole-plant mortality was low (on the order of 1–2%) compared with stem mortality, which in burned plots approximated 100% for the smallest size classes and declined as a function of stem diameter. Fire-driven mortality was lower in stems protected by the crowns of larger trees than in stems that were in the open. There was also evidence to suggest that the effects of fire are exacerbated by the prior action of frost and elephant herbivory.  相似文献   
A review of the occurrence of wild fires in Sengwa Wildlife Research Area (SWRA), Zimbabwe, is presented for the period 1965–1993. The effectiveness and desirability of early burning of peripheral areas introduced in 1979 are evaluated. More than 75% of wild fires occurred between July and October, 48.6% of which originated from communal lands. Early burning of peripheral areas led to significant reductions in extent of areas burnt, from annual mean areas of 115 km2 (1965–1978) to 11 km2 (1979–1993) because of effective control of fires, which originated from communal lands. Some areas did not burn at all after 1979, and the overall probability of burning dropped from 0.484 to 0.187. Whilst it may be desirable to keep fires out of SWRA in the short term, fuel build‐ups increase the fire hazard resulting in negative consequences on biodiversity in the long term. Consideration should be given to combine peripheral burning with low‐intensity prescribed burning of selected blocks to keep a semblance of natural fire regimes to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity while simultaneously reducing the fire‐hazard. An integrated fire management plan should be put in place for SWRA.  相似文献   
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