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Sex-related growth rate differences in preimplantation mouse embryos were investigated. In experiment I, Day 3 embryos were recovered from reproductive tracts, classified according to developmental stage, and cultured for 24 hr in CZB medium containing glucose. Each embryo was then reclassified and stained for measurement of number of nuclei and finally sexed using the polymerase chain reaction. In experiment II, Day 4 embryos were recovered, classified, stained, and sexed as in experiment I immediately after recovery. Morphologically, there were no differences between the sexes in either of the experiments on Day 4. However, based on number of nuclei, the data showed that in vitro conditions support the development of male embryos to the blastocyst stage compared to female embryos. Furthermore, growth rate differences were observed in vivo on Day 3, as females compacted earlier than males. These results suggest that the increased cell proliferation in cultured male embryos is an artifact caused by the in vitro environment. The variation may be due to sex differences in embryonal energy metabolism during the preimplantation stage. The growth difference implies different in vitro requirements of male and female embryos. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A comparative study of the last exon of the zinc finger genes Zfx, Zfy, and Zfa from species of mice in the genus Mus was conducted to assess the extent of gene-specific and chromosome-specific effects on the evolutionary patterns among related X-, Y-, and autosomal-linked genes. Phylogenetic analyses of 29 sequences from Zfx, Zfa, and Zfy from 10 taxa were performed to infer relatedness among the zinc finger loci, and codon-based maximum likelihood analyses were conducted to assess evolutionary pattern among genes. Five models of nucleotide sequence evolution were applied and compared using a likelihood ratio test. Estimates of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes (dN/dS) for these genes suggest that amino acid substitutions are occurring at a more rapid rate across the autosomal- and Y-specific lineages compared to the X-specific lineage, with the Y-specific lineage showing the highest rate under certain models. The data suggest the action of gene-specific effects on evolutionary pattern. In particular, Zfa and Zfy genes, both with presumed restricted expression, appear less functionally constrained relative to ubiquitously expressed Zfx. Slightly elevated dN/dS for Zfy genes in comparison to Zfa also suggest Y-specific effects.  相似文献   
The zinc finger Y (Zfy) gene is located on the Y chromosome of all placental mammals. Although it is phylogenetically conserved and is expressed in mouse fetal testis, it is not the sex determining Y (Tdy) gene. To address the possible function of the Zfy gene in mice, the distribution of Zfy protein in fetal mice was investigated by immunocytochemical staining using several specific antisera against synthetic peptides of the mouse Zfy protein. Analysis of various fetal tissues at different embryonic stages demonstrated a specific staining only in fetal testis. In particular, reactive protein was initially observed in male fetal gonads at day 11.5 postcoitum (p.c.). The immuno-staining intensified in fetal testes at day 12 and 12.5 p.c., decreased drastically in those at day 13 and 14 p.c. and became undetectable in those at day 15 p.c. and beyond. The reactive molecules were distributed mostly within the seminiferous tubules of the embryonic testis. The present observations confirm the previous findings with RT-PCR analysis and indicate that Zfy or Zfy-like protein is expressed in stage-specific manner during early testis differentiation. Its location in the seminiferous tubules suggests a possible role in early germ cell development.  相似文献   
We analyzed the genetic structure and relationships of house mouse (Mus musculus) populations in the remote Atlantic archipelago of the Azores using nuclear sequences and microsatellites. We typed Btk and Zfy2 to confirm that the subspecies Mus musculus domesticus was the predominant genome in the archipelago. Nineteen microsatellite loci (one per autosome) were typed in a total of 380 individuals from all nine Azorean islands, the neighbouring Madeiran archipelago (Madeira and Porto Santo islands), and mainland Portugal. Levels of heterozygosity were high on the islands, arguing against population bottlenecking. The Azorean house mouse populations were differentiated from the Portuguese and Madeiran populations and no evidence of recent migration between the three was obtained. Within the Azores, the Eastern, Western, and Central island groups tended to act as separate genetic units for house mice, with some exceptions. In particular, there was evidence of recent migration events among islands of the Central island group, whose populations were relatively undifferentiated. Santa Maria had genetically distinctive mice, which may relate to its colonization history. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
A two-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was used to determine the sex of mouse preimplantation embryos obtained from oocytes fertilized and cultured in vitro, to investigate the differences in the developmental rates of mouse embryos according to the sex. All the in vitro developed embryos could be analyzed by this method. When the embryos were classified according to the time of morula to blastocyst transition as fast-intermediate- and slow-growing embryos, a significantly high percentage (78.0%) of the fast-developing embryos were identified as males; while a significantly lower percentage (42.5%) of slow-developing embryos were identified as males. The intermediate-developing embryos presented a sex ratio not significantly different from the total (57.5%). The deviation of sex ratio was further confirmed by embryo transfer experiment, where fast- and slow-developing embryos gave 76.2% and 25.7% male fetuses, respectively. We concluded that male mouse embryos fertilized and cultured in vitro develop faster than female embryos. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Introgressive hybridization between mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) was studied using sequence analysis of the paternally inherited, Y-linked, Zfy gene. The distribution of Zfy genotypes indicate that male white-tailed deer disperse into the range of mule deer and successfully breed with mule deer does. In western Texas, F1 hybrids are rare, but a relatively high proportion of backcross individuals was observed. Phylogenetic analysis of Zfy among white-tailed, mule, and black-tailed deer was consistent with traditional systematic placement of the latter two being sister-taxa, whereas previous mtDNA studies suggested mule and white-tailed deer were sister taxa.  相似文献   
As with other many game species in Europe, introductions of non-native stock to supplement Scottish red deer populations in an attempt to improve hunting trophy are well reported. These introductions included wapiti (Cervus elaphus canadensis or Cervus canadensis), a species two to three times heavier than the Scottish red deer. However, the effect of these past introductions of wapiti into Scottish red deer populations has not yet been assessed. In this study we sequenced a Y-chromosome marker (Zfy) from 104 collected in three neighbouring estates in the Scottish Highlands including one of the areas with the highest number of wapitis introduced in Scotland, and 45 red deer from an English deer park where introduction of wapiti and subsequent crosses with red deer were a common practice. Analyses revealed that all individuals presented red deer Y-chromosome sequences therefore suggesting a low impact of past introductions of wapiti in the populations under study. Sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of Zfy sequences for four additional deer species revealed that phylogenetic relationships were in agreement with previous mtDNA phylogenetic studies, and demonstrated the potential use of this marker to determine the direction of hybridization in F1 red-sika hybrids.  相似文献   
XXSxr pseudomale mice (chromosomally XX animals "sex-reversed" by the Sxr factor) develop testes and produce sufficient androgens for masculinization as assessed at the macroscopic level. However, adult XXSxr pseudomales lack the epididymal initial segment (I.S.). In this study prenatal and postnatal epididymal development was examined histologically and biochemically, and it was found that XXSxr pseudomales are indistinguishable from normal XY males up to day 21 of postnatal life. By 25 days postnatally, before the onset of the pubertal androgen surge, the I.S. precursor is evident in normal animals but absent in XXSxr mutants. No major abnormalities were seen in other segments of the XXSxr epididymis. Our data suggest that androgen levels in testis and epididymis are not higher in normal XY males than in XXSxr pseudomale mice of the same age. Inadequate availability of androgens at the target site is unlikely to be the cause of the epididymal abnormality in XXSxr pseudomale mice.  相似文献   
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