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Summary The occurrence of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), as judged from 13C values, was investigated in epiphytes and some related plant species at a series of sites covering the approximate altitudinal range of epiphytes in Papua New Guinea. Comprehensive collections were made at each site and the occurrence of water storage tissue and blade thickness was also determined. Some 26% of epiphytic orchids from a lowland rainforest (2–300 m.a.s.l) showed 13C values typical of obligate CAM and possessed leaves thicker than 1 mm. A second group of orchids, mostly with succulent leaves, possessed intermediate 13C values between -23 and -26% and accounted for 25% of the total species number. Some species of this group may exhibit weak CAM or be facultative CAM plants. The remainder of the lowland rainforest species appeared to be C3 plants with 13C values between -28 and -35%. and generally possessed thin leaves. Obligate CAM species of orchids from a lower montane rainforest (1175 m.a.s.l) comprised 26% of the species total and mostly possessed thick leaves. The remainder of the species were generally thin-leaved with 13C values between -26 and -35%. largely indicative of C3 photosynthesis. Orchids with intermediate 13C values were not found in the lower montane rainforest. Obligate CAM appeared to be lacking in highland epiphytes from an upper montane rainforest and subalpine rainforest (2600–3600 m.a.s.l). However the fern, Microsorium cromwellii had a 13C value of -21.28%. suggesting some measure of CAM activity. Other highland ferns and orchids showed more negative °13C values, up to-33%., typical of C3 photosynthesis. The highland epiphytic orchids possessed a greater mean leaf thickness than their lowland C3 counterparts due to the frequent occurrence of water storage tissue located on the adaxial side of the leaf. It is suggested that low daytime temperatures in the highland microhabitats is a major factor in explaining the absence of CAM. The increased frequency of water storage tissue in highland epiphytes may be an adaptation to periodic water stress events in the dry season and/or an adaptation to increased levels of UV light in the tropicalpine environment.  相似文献   
Fucosidosis is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease due to a deficiency of-L-fucosidase activity in tissues and body fluids. Exponentially growing lymphoid cell cultures from four fucosidosis patients had 2.7-fold to 15.6-fold less extracellular-L-fucosidase protein and 28.8-fold to 144.0-fold less intracellular-L-fucosidase protein with negligible catalytic activity, compared to the mean of 19 control cultures. The percentage of total-L-fucosidase protein released extracellularly by cultures from the four patients was 64 to 85%, compared to 35±9% for control cultures. Intracellular and extracellular enzyme forms in fucosidosis and control cell lines were glycoproteins containing polypeptide chains ofM r=52,000. During a 1.5-hr pulse-label with35S-methionine,-L-fucosidase was synthesized by control cells and two fucosidosis cell lines as an intracellular form withM r=58,000. During a subsequent 21-hr chase with unlabeled methionine, mutant enzyme was almost entirely processed to an extracellular form withM r=62,000. In contrast, only 25–30% of control enzyme was processed to an extracellular form (M r=62,000), with the remainder retained intracellularly (M r=60,000). In the other two fucosidosis cell lines,-L-fucosidase was synthesized as an intracellular form withM r=56,000 that was processed to an extracellular form withM r=60,000. In summary, the fucosidosis mutation(s) affected the catalytic activity, quantity, and extracellular release of-L-fucosidase as expressed by lymphoid cells.This work was funded by NIH Grants DK 32161 to R. A. DiCioccio and GM 28428 to J. K. Darby.  相似文献   
The immunochemical data from studies with polyclonal antisera to -zein1, the 27 kD component of the maize prolamin, indicated that the region containing 8 tandem repeats of the sequence PPPVHL is an immunodominant site. In one case, the entire antibody repertoire of an antiserum recognized epitope(s) within this region. Three 17-mer oligopeptides corresponding to the predicted antigenic epitopes of -zein1 were synthesized and reacted with three different anti--zein1 sera in order to map antigenic sites in the intact protein. These antisera yielded positive reactions with a 17-mer peptide (peptide 37), which was not in a hydrophilic maximum but derived from the repeat region. The same antisera gave little or no reaction with other peptides (peptides 38 and 39), both of which were in a hydrophilic maximum. In addition, an antiserum to peptide 37 reacted strongly with both the homologous antigen and the intact -zein1. Peptide 37 also blocked the binding of antisera to -zein1 in competition assays. Subsequently, the shorter 6-mer (peptide 82) and 12-mer (peptide 80) versions of peptide 37 were synthesized, and both reacted with anti-peptide 37 serum and also with each of the three anti--zein1 sera. In these reactions and in competition assays, the reactivity and the blocking ability increased in proportion to the length of the peptide. Based on these data, it was concluded that the repeat region of -zein1 is the site of one or more continuous immunodominant epitopes. The data also suggest that the repeat region is exposed on the surface of the folded protein and probably occur as a mobile, random coil.  相似文献   
The pollination biology and breeding systems ofKielmeyera coriacea andK. speciosa, two sympatric woody species common in the cerrado vegetation of C. Brazil, were studied. Both species have similar nectarless, polystemonous Papaver-type flowers which are visited by a similar spectrum of insects, though they bloom in different seasons and are thus phenologically isolated. Large carpenter bees seem to be the most important pollinators and these and other bees effect buzz pollen retrieval despite the fact that anthers are not poricidal. Both species ofKielmeyera possess strong xenogamous breeding systems. The presence of staminate flowers and andromonoecy inK. coriacea, as well as the longevity ofK. speciosa flowers are discussed as alternative strategies to improve pollination success and reproductive efficacy.  相似文献   
Ex planta, bacteroids of the sulla-symbiont Rhizobium hedysari strain HCNT 1 terminated reduction of nitrite at nitrous oxide irrespective of the presence or absence of acetylene. Nitrate was not reduced during the experimental period, but slight nitrate reductase activity occurred if incubation with nitrate was prolonged (up to 15 h). As was observed in free-living cells, exposure of the bacteroids to the metal chelator, diethyldithiocarbamate, prevented reduction of nitrite, indicating the presence of a copper-containing nitrite reductase. Pulses of 10–75 M nitrite transiently impeded O2 uptake in bacteroids, which resumed consumption of O2 when the nitrite had been reduced. Exposure to >1.0 mM nitrite for 24h greatly inhibited nitrogenase activity (assayed as acetylene reduction activity) of bacteroids in planta. Exposure to the same concentrations of nitrite after 1h of incubation in the presence of acetylene almost completely stopped ongoing ethylene production in bacteroids of strain HCNT 1 extracted from nodules. Free cells of the non-nitrite-reducing R. hedysari strain CC 1335 were lacking in nitrogenase (acetylene-reduction) activity, whereas identically cultured (low-oxygen) strain HCNT 1 cells reduced both nitrite and acetylene.Abbreviations PMS phenazine methosulfate - DDC diethyldithiocarbamate  相似文献   
A number of proteases have been immobilized on alumina in a two-step procedure: the first step converted them into semisynthetic phosphoproteins which, in the second step, spontaneously bonded to alumina through their phosphate function. The immobilized enzymes thus obtained showed the physical properties typical of the inorganic carrier and a high activity on low molecular weight substrates.  相似文献   
Summary The EcoK restriction of unmodified phage is 1000-fold alleviated in Escherichia coli grown in the presence of base analogs 2-aminopurine (2AP) and 5-bromouracil (5BU). 2AP treatment of bacteria affects specificially the type I restriction systems (EcoA, EcoB, EcoD and EcoK) and does not influence type II (EcoRI) and type III (EcoP1) restriction. 2AP-induced alleviation of restriction occurs in bacteria which are deficient in the SOS response (recA and lexA) and mismatch repair (mutH, mutL and mutS) and can be distinguished from the alleviation of restriction observed in dam - strains. We suggest that mismatches induced by 2AP and 5BU may function as an inducing signal for the alleviation of restriction observed in the presence of base analogs.  相似文献   
Summary The yeast 2 m circle encodes four major transcribed open reading frames, A, B, C and D. Products of ORF's A, B and C, together with the inverted repeats and the other cis-acting loci ORI and STB, have been shown to be involved in plasmid maintenance. However, the function of ORF D has remained unclear. We have therefore carried out studies on 2 m derivatives with both insertional and frameshift mutations in D. Our results indicate that there is a protein product encoded by ORF D, which is involved in plasmid maintenance. When the copy number of the C gene was reduced to one, by chromosomal integration, we observed striking differences in the efficiency of partitioning of D + and D plasmid derivatives. Absence of D function could be compensated by an increase in dosage of the C gene, indicating that the D product may act to regulate C expression. Since the C product has been implicated in copy number control as well as partitioning, our data suggest that the D product may also be involved in both of these processes.  相似文献   
Summary Tree-ring data of naturally grown connifers were analyzed to evaluate the possibility of enhanced tree growth due to increased atmospheric CO2. Tree cores were obtained from 34 sites in four different climatic regions in the northern hemisphere. In each of the four regions, the sampling sites were located along ecological gradients between the subalpine treeline and low elevations and, sometimes, the arid forest border. Growth trends after 1950, when the atmospheric CO2 concentration increased by more than 30 l·l-1 indicate an increase in ring-widths at eight of the 34 sites. These chronologies were from sites which moderate temperature or water stress. In four cases the growth increase in the post-1950 period coincided with favorable climatic conditions. In the remaining four cases, the growth increase exceeded the upper bound response expected from CO2 enrichment experiments with seedling conifer species. Therefore, increased growth in any of the tree-ring chronologies examined could not be solely attributed to higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations.Major financial supporters: Swiss National Science Foundation (application no. 1.869-0.83); Swiss Federal Institute of Forestry Research, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland; other financial supporters: Carbon Dioxide Research Division, U.S. Department of Energy under subcontract no. 11X-57507V with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, IncOperated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., under contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with U.S. Department of Energy  相似文献   
Summary The effect of monensin on polysaccharide slime secretion by root tips of corn (Zea mays) was studied. Various treatment times and ionophore concentrations were tested: none resulted in inhibition of slime secretion. Because monensin changes the pH of the medium, its effect was also monitored in strongly buffered media and at different pH's. Even in such media, monensin did not inhibit slime secretion. We also measured the effect of the drug after a pulse with [3H]fucose or a pulse followed by a chase. The amount of labeled slimed secreted was not altered by the ionophore. However, 10M monensin affected the development of root tips and drastically reduced their growth. We showed that monensin inhibits the secretion of -amylase by the scutellum of the same plantlet. The importance of the nature of the secretory compound in relation to monensin inhibition of its secretion is discussed.Abbrevations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sul-fonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   
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