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Yessotoxin (YTX) is a polycyclic ether toxin produced by phytoplanktonic microalgae from the group of dinoflagellates. It has been shown that YTX increases the 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) activity and that there is a binding between these proteins and the toxin. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is a spectroscopic technique that can be used to study the interactions between molecules. It is based on exciting a fluorescent molecule with plane-polarized light and measuring the polarization degree of the emitted light. In this study, the FP is applied to the study of the interaction between YTX and phosphodiesterases I and II (PDE I and II). The phosphodiesterases are labeled with a reactive succinimidyl esther of carboxyfluorescein, and the FP of the protein-dye conjugate is measured when the YTX concentration in the medium increases. The results show that in both cases the fluorescence polarization of the conjugates decreases when they bind to YTX. For the PDE I, it is possible to draw a Gaussian curve or a straight line that relates the two variables (FP and YTX concentration). The concentration of this toxin in a spiked mussel extract (which contains the conjugate) can be quantified measuring its FP and using the equations of those lines. Different extraction methods are tried in this study, and those that can be used to obtain an appropriate mussel extract to be quantified with this technique are determined.  相似文献   
Yessotoxin (YTX) is a generic name for a group of lipophilic compounds recently discovered and chemically characterized. Association measurements were done in a resonant mirror biosensor. The instrument detects changes in the refractive index and/or thickness occurring within a few hundred nanometers form the sensor surface where a molecule is attached. We used aminosilane surfaces where phosphodiesterase 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide-specific from bovine brain (PDEs) was immobilized. Over this immobilized ligand different amounts of YTX were added and typical association curve profiles were observed. These association curves fit a pseudo-first-order kinetic equation where the apparent association rate constant (k(on)) can be calculated. The value of this constant increases with YTX concentration. From the representation of k(on) versus YTX concentration we obtained the association rate constant (k(ass)) 248+/-40 M(-1)s(-1) and the dissociation rate constant (k(diss)) 9.36 x 10(-4)+/-1.72 x 10(-4)s(-1). From these values the kinetic equilibrium dissociation constant (K(D)) for YTX-PDEs association can be calculated. The value of this last constant is 3.74 x 10(-6)+/-8.25 x 10(-8)M YTX. The PDE-YTX association was used as a method suitable for determination of the toxin concentration in a shellfish sample. The assay had sufficient sensitivity and can be used on simple shellfish extracts.  相似文献   
Contamination of yessotoxin (YTX) and its analogs in shellfish has occurred worldwide and has seriously damaged shellfish industries. One of the sources of YTX has been identified the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum. A new analog of YTX, 45,46,47-trinorhomoYTX, was isolated from cultures of the dinoflagellate P. reticulatum collected at Yamada Bay, Iwate in Japan. Its structure was determined by analysis of MS and NMR experiments. This is the first isolation and confirmation of a homoYTX analog in Japan.  相似文献   
A fragment of a putative L-type Ca(2+) channel has been identified by molecular biology experiments in immunocytes from the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Using the cell permeable and Ca(2+)-specific fluorochrome FURA 2-AM, we have demonstrated that the algal toxin yessotoxin (YTX) is able to increase intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in M. galloprovincialis immunocytes. The YTX effect on Ca(2+) increase is inhibited by the L-type Ca(2+) channel inhibitor, verapamil, which is cAMP- and cGMP-dependent, but PKA- and nitric oxide-independent. On the basis of these observations, a possible role for YTX as a potential disturber of mussel immune efficiency is suggested.  相似文献   
Paralytic shellfish toxins produced by dinoflagellates are known to deter copepod grazing. Dinoflagellate species, including Protoceratium reticulatum, also produce disulfated polyether yessotoxins that were previously referred to as diarrheic shellfish toxins. However, the role of yessotoxins in predator–prey relationships is not yet clear. In the present study, the effects of purified yessotoxin (YTX) on feeding activities of Acartia hudsonica (Copepoda, Calanoida) were experimentally investigated. Polystyrene fluorescent microspheres (10 μm in diameter) colored bright blue or yellow-green were coated with cell extracts of P. reticulatum that do not produce yessotoxins. The bright blue microspheres were further coated with YTX, and the yellow-green microspheres were used as the reference. The microspheres were then given to the copepods separately or in combination to measure clearance rates and feeding selectivity. A. hudsonica was found to feed on the yellow-green microspheres without YTX at twice the rate of the bright blue microspheres with YTX. We also confirmed that microsphere color per se did not affect the feeding rates. The bright blue microspheres adsorbed 1.8–43.3 pg of YTX per microsphere, which is similar to the cell-specific yessotoxin content of toxic P. reticulatum found in natural environments. These results suggest that production of yessotoxin is advantageous for P. reticulatum by deterring predation by copepods.  相似文献   
A solid-phase extract from Protoceratium reticulatum was partitioned between water and butanol and the two fractions purified on an alumina column. Fractionation was monitored by ELISA and LC–MS. Results indicate that while almost all yessotoxin (1) was extracted into butanol, large amounts of yessotoxin analogs remained in the aqueous extract along with lesser amounts in the butanolic extract. NMR analysis of selected fractions from reverse-phase chromatography of the extracts confirmed the presence of yessotoxin analogs, although structure determinations were not possible due to the complexity of the mixtures. Analysis of fractions with LC–MS3 and neutral-loss LC–MS/MS indicated the presence of more than 90 yessotoxin analogs, although structures for most of these have not yet been determined. These analogs provide a mechanism to rationalise the discrepancy between ELISA and LC–MS analyses of algae and shellfish.  相似文献   
A comparison between germfree (GF) and gnotobiotic (GB) mice, inoculated with Bacteroides vulgatus, Eubacterium aerofaciens, Bifidobacterium longum, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium perfringens, revealed that the GB mice suffered no deleterious effect on the apparent absorption ratios of Ca and P, and showed a higher apparent absorption ratio of Mg.  相似文献   
Using computer-assisted microscopic image analysis, we have found that algal yessotoxin (YTX) affects the immune response of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Indeed, YTX increases immunocyte cell motility through the involvement of both extracellular Ca2+ and cAMP, but not through protein kinase A, protein kinase C or phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Alone, however, the toxin does not induce any effect, as its action on cell motility is observed only after addition of the chemotactic substance N-formyl-Meth-Leu-Phe (fMLP). fMLP is known to induce cellular changes via both the phosphatidylinositol and cAMP pathways and, from this scenario, we can surmise that Ca2+ and cAMP concentrations rise sufficiently in fMLP-activated immunocytes to reveal YTX action. One possible explanation is that the toxin increases fMLP-mediated cell activation by intervening in L-type Ca2+-channel opening through a cAMP-dependent/PKA-independent pathway.  相似文献   
The marine dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum has been recently identified as a source for the disulfated polyether toxin, yessotoxin (YTX), and may pose a risk to human health, aquaculture development and coastal environments. The requirements of P. reticulatum for selenium, iron and cobalt were assessed in culture. P. reticulatum was grown in nutrient enriched seawater (1/10 GP medium) without selenium or with 0.003 and 0.0003 μM selenium added; without iron or with 0.076 and 0.0076 μM iron added; and without cobalt or with 0.008 μM cobalt added. Test flasks were monitored for growth rate, cell yield and YTX production. P. reticulatum was found to exhibit a strong requirement for both selenium and iron. Growth rate and cell yield in treatments without added selenium were significantly (P<0.05) reduced to 60.2% (μ=0.15 day−1) and 20.2% (4942 cell ml−1), respectively, of those with selenium added (μ=0.23 day−1 and 24, 387 cell ml−1). YTX production was significantly increased by addition of selenium in two of three transfers tested. Cells of P. reticulatum subjected to medium without selenium added showed morphological changes observable at the light microscope level which included enlarged cell size. The diameter of cells in medium without selenium added were significantly (P<0.05) enlarged to 36.7±0.90 μm compared to cells in the medium with selenium added, 27.5±1.25 μm. Growth rate and cell yield in treatments without added iron were also significantly reduced to 70.1% (μ=0.16 day−1) and 34.2% (8003 cells ml−1), respectively, of those with iron added (μ=0.23 day−1 and 23,416 cells ml−1). No significant effect on YTX production was measured. In contrast to selenium and iron, no limitation of growth or cell yield or differences in YTX production were observed for flasks without cobalt as compared to those with cobalt added. The possibility that harmful algal events of P. reticulatum may be influenced by selenium or iron in neritic waters is discussed.  相似文献   
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