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The loading of amino acids and nitrate into the xylem was investigated by collection and analysis of root-pressure exudate from the cut hypocotyl stumps of seedlings of Ricinus communis L. Glutamine was found to be the dominant amino acid in the exudate and also to be the amino acid which is transferred to the xylem most rapidly and accumulated to the greatest extent. The comparison between uptake and xylem loading showed significant differences in specificity between these two transport reactions, indicating a different set of transport systems. Nitrate is transferred to the xylem at a higher relative rate than any amino acid despite the great nitrate-storage capacity of the root system. Thus the supply of nitrate to Ricinus plants leads to enhanced nitrogen allocation to the shoots.  相似文献   
Roni Aloni  John R. Barnett 《Planta》1996,198(4):595-603
The differentiation of phloem anastomoses linking the longitudinal vascular bundles has been studied in stem internodes of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne, C. pepo L. and Dahlia pinnata Cav. These anastomoses comprise naturally occurring regenerative sieve tubes which redifferentiate from interfascicular parenchyma cells in the young internodes. In all three species, severing a vascular bundle in a young internode resulted in regeneration of xylem to form a curved by-pass immediately around the wound. The numerous phloem anastomoses in these young internodes were not involved in this process, the regenerated vessels originating from interfascicular parenchyma alone. Conversely, in mature internodes of Dahlia, the regenerated vessels originated from initials of the interfascicular cambia, and their phloem anastomoses did not influence the pattern of xylogenesis. On the other hand, in old internodes of Cucurbita, in which an interfascicular cambium was not yet developed, the parenchyma cells between the bundles had lost the ability to redifferentiate into vessel elements, and instead, regenerated vessels were produced in the phloem anastomoses. Thus, the wounded region of the vascular bundle was not bypassed via the shortest, curved pathway, but by more circuitous routes further away from the wound. Some of the regenerated vessels produced in the phloem anastomoses were extremely wide, and presumably efficient conductors of water. It is proposed that the dense network of phloem anastomoses developed during evolution as a mechanism of adaptation to possible damage in mature internodes by providing flexible alternative pathways for efficient xylem regeneration in plants with limited or no interfascicular cambium.This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Isaac Blachmann (deceased 19 November 1995), father-in-law of the senior author, for encouragement and advice throughout the yearsThis research was supported by an International Scientific Exchange Award to R.A. from the Israel Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society.  相似文献   
A novel pathway of invasion of the legume Sesbania rostrata by Azorhizobium caulinodans is described that involves colonization of the root xylem, possibly following entry into the natural fissures created during emergence of lateral roots. Azorhizobia were detected microscopically, and their presence confirmed by the expression of a lacZ reporter gene. We have shown that rhizobial Nod factors are not required for either xylem colonization or for crack-entry of lateral roots. We discuss the extent to which this discovery of xylem colonization by azorhizobia is likely to improve our understanding of both symbiosis and of pathogenicity in plant–bacterial interactions.  相似文献   
Wide-band tracheids are a specialized tracheid type in which an annular or helical secondary wall projects deeply into the cell lumen. They are short, wide and spindle-shaped, and their bandlike secondary walls cover little of the primary wall, leaving most of it available for water diffusion. Wide-band tracheids appear to store and conduct water while preventing the spread of embolisms. They may be the most abundant tracheary element in the xylem, but they are always accompanied by at least a few vessels. Typically, fibers are absent wherever wide-band tracheids are present. Wide-band tracheids occur in the primary and secondary xylem of succulent stems, leaves and roots in genera of all three subfamilies of Cactaceae but were not found in the relictual genusPereskia, which lacks succulent tissues. In the large subfamily Cactoideae, wide-band tracheids occur only in derived members, and wide-band tracheids of North American Cactoideae are narrower and are aligned in a more orderly radial pattern than those of South American Cactoideae. Wide-band tracheids probably arose at least three times in Cactaceae.  相似文献   
Endogenous, free indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) levels were measured in the main stem in the 10-year-old cambial zone, in the adjoining differentiating xylem, and in the adjoining mature xylem of 15–20-year-old Pinus contorta Dougl. by single-ion-current monitoring, combined gas chromatography — mass spectrometry, on several dates from early spring to early winter. Microscopy was used to determine the state of cambial activity on each harvest date. The IAA levels were found to be nearly constant at 1 g g-1 DW in the cambial zone from March to July, then to increase to near 2 g g-1 DW during the remainder of the growth season. No clear correlation was evident between number of fusiform cells per radial file and IAA content in the cambial zone. By contrast, the IAA content in differentiating xylem was higher than that in the adjoining meristematic zone on all harvest dates and also exhibited marked seasonal variation, peaking near 16 g g-1 DW in mid summer, and declining to 1 g g-1 DW in autumn. In mature xylem, IAA levels were very low and showed negligible variation. The fresh weight to dry weight ratio of differentiating xylem was greater than that of the cambial zone, and greater in the cambial zone than in mature xylem.  相似文献   
Richard P. C. Johnson 《Planta》1977,136(3):187-194
Vascular bundles of petioles below wilted leaves of Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmel. O. Kuntze) were frozen intact and freeze-fractured for electron microscopy. Cell walls in them appeared drawn in against the helical thickenings of xylem vessels. By contrast, walls round vessels which had been frozen in vascular bundles below turgid leaves, and walls round vessels which had been fixed, embedded and sectioned, were straight or bulged outwards slightly. Walls bulged outwards slightly also from cut vessels filled with sucrose solution before freezing. Movement of vessel walls could produce the clicks audible when water cavitates in vessels, and might explain a variable resistance to the flow of water through plants.  相似文献   
Summary Nitrate reductase (EC activity (NRA), as measured by an in vivo assay, is present in needle leaves and mycorrhizal fine root tips of adult Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in at least equal amounts on a fresh weight basis, in both adult and 5-year-old trees. NRA could also be demonstrated in trunk wood of deroted trees after fertilization with 5 mM , exhibiting a longitudinal profile in the trunk. Inducibility in needles can more efficiently be achieved by NO2 (100 g·m-3) than by 5 mM nitrate, which is effective only in root-amputated trees. A remarkably high level of needle-NRA in unfertilized trees, which are characterized by a very low level of nitrate in the xylem sap, suggests that NRA in spruce needles may in part be constitutive. Organic-N is a major nitrogen source for the needles even in root-amputated trees, indicating pronounced exchange processes between ray parenchyma and trunk xylem, which in turn are modified by the nitrogen source fed to the trunk stump. Intact trees exhibit a very similar amino acid composition of the xylem sap, regardless of whether or has been fed. The amino acid pattern of the needles is not thrown out of balance by flooding with and , which occurs in fertilized derooted trees. This indicates a distinct potential for homoeostasis of nitrogen entrance-metabolism (i.e. NRA and glutamine synthetase activity) in the needles. In the ectomycorrhiza/fine root-system (EMC), marked differences in NRA were observed depending on root-tip diameter and along the longitudinal profile of the fine roots. EMC-nitrate reductase is strongly enhanced by . Needle-NRA exhibits a circannual rhythm. An early summer maximum is followed by a December minimum. This activity pattern matches well the transitory increase of soluble nitrogen in spring and the total protein maximum in winter. In an indirect way assimilatory NRA may well contribute to nitrogen overfertilization (by consumption of NOX) as one possible cause of the contemporary decline of spruce populations.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn were determined in stem wood of beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) from 3 sites in northern Germany. Distinct radial distribution patterns of the elements were observed in the xylem. Concentrations of Cd and Pb increased from the youngest, outermost annual rings towards the center of the stem. With Zn intermediate concentrations were observed in the sapwood and higher levels at the center of the stem.Temporal and spatial stability of such distribution patterns in the trunks was investigated. Wood samples taken from the same individual tree in different months of the year were analysed. Marked seasonal variations of mineral concentrations were observed. Also the shape of the distribution patterns of the elements varied with the season. Such variations were larger than those observed with samples taken simultaneously from different sides of the trunk. Furthermore, Pb concentrations in the stem showed variations with height above ground.The results indicate, that radial distribution patterns of Cd, Pb and Zn in xylem rings of beech are not stable. Biomonitoring trace element pollution levels by analysis of beech wood is, thus, questionable. To obtain a reliable historical record of pollution from tree rings, the distribution patterns should be stable over a long period of time. This basic requirement of the dendroanalytical method does not hold for the examined beech. Still, with other tree species and under more favourable conditions the dendroanalytical biomonitoring method may prove valuable.Presented as symposium paper at the V International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama, August 23–30, 1990.  相似文献   
The technique of EDTA-enhanced phloem exudation (King and Zeevaart, 1974: Plant Physiol. 53, 96–103) was evaluated with respect to the collection and identification of amino acids exported from senescing wheat leaves. Whilst the characteristics of the exudate collected conform with many of the accepted properties of phloem exudate, unexpectedly high molar proportions of phenylalanine and tyrosine were observed. By comparing exudation into a range chelator solutions with exudation into water, the increased exudation of phenylalanine and tyrosine relative to the other amino acids occurring when ethylene-diaminetetracetic acid was used, was considered to an artefact.In plants thought to be relying heavily on mobilisation of protein reserves to satisfy the nitrogen requirements of the grain, the major amino acids present in flag-leaf phloem exudate were glutamate, aspartate, serine, alanine and glycine. Only small proportions of amides were present until late in senescence when glutamine became the major amino acid in phloem exudate (25 molar-%). Glutamine was always the major amino acid in xylem sap (50 molar-%).The activities of glutamine synthetase (EC, glutamate synthase (EC, glutamate dehydrogenase (EC and asparagine synthetase (EC were measured in the flag leaf throughout the grain-filling period. Glutamine synthetase and glutamate-synthase activities declined during this period. Glutamate-dehydrogenase activity was markedly unchanged despite variation in the number of multiple forms visualised after gel electrophoresis. The activity of the enzyme reached a peak only very late in the course of senescence of the flag leaf. No asparagine-synthetase activity could be detected in the flag leaf during the grain-filling period.II. Peoples et al. (1980)  相似文献   
木本植物木质部空穴和栓塞化研究(综述)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
木本植物木质部空穴和栓塞化现象的发现至今已近80年历史,国外学者对此做了较多的研究,国内此方面的研究极少。木质部空穴和栓塞化研究是木本植物体内水分传输研究的前沿所在,不同学者在不同地区对不同材料的研究结果各异,争议颇多。本文对这一研究方向近年来的资料作了概括和总结,包括栓塞化现象的发现、检测方法、诱因及形成机理、木质部栓塞化同输水结构间的关系等方面。  相似文献   
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