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Similar to many other pinniped species, harbour seals ( Phoca vitulina ) mate exclusively at sea. Here we present the first attempt to measure male mating success in an aquatically mating pinniped. Male mating success was estimated by paternity analysis in two cohorts of pups born at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, using microsatellite DNA markers. The genotypes of 275 pups born in 1994 and 1995 were compared to those of 90 candidate males at six microsatellite loci using a likelihood approach to resolve paternity. Paternity could be assigned for two, 22, 40 and 85 pups at confidence levels of 95, 80, 65 and 50%, respectively. Most successful males were assigned the paternity of a single offspring, suggesting a low variance in male mating success relative to most pinniped species. The proportion of paternal half sibs within cohorts and between maternally related sibs estimated by maximum likelihood were not significantly different from zero. It is thus unlikely that most offspring were sired by a small number of highly successful unsampled males, and that female harbour seals do not usually exhibit fidelity to the same male in sequential breeding seasons. A low level of polygyny in Sable Island harbour seals is consistent with predictions based on their breeding ecology, as females are highly mobile and widely dispersed in the aquatic mating environment at Sable Island.  相似文献   
作者对舟山港区43个表层沉积物样品进行定量分析,共鉴定出底栖有孔虫33属60种。研究海域各站位均发现浮游有孔虫壳体,个体细小、属种单一,未发现活体个体。研究海域底栖有孔虫组合以玻璃质壳为主,平均含量86.71%,有孔虫丰度均值为1 676枚/50克,总体有孔虫组合为Ammonia beccarii vars.-A.maruhasii-Epistominella naraensis。研究发现,表层沉积物中大个体有孔虫(Ammonia beccarii vars.等)与小个体有孔虫(Epistominella naraensis)分布与潮流搬运呈密切相关关系,提示可能存在不同的搬运机制。与前人研究相比,研究海域有孔虫组合呈现以下变化:(1)胶结质壳有孔虫含量增加,个别站位出现15.89%的高值;(2)出现耐污染属种;(3)环境敏感属种畸形比例增加。研究表明,沉积搬运作用和环境参数变化是影响研究区有孔虫组合的重要因素,为有孔虫作为环境指标的进一步研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
描述了竹亚科牡竹属一新种——长耳吊丝竹(Dendrocalamus Iongiauritus S.H.Chen,K.F.HuangetR.S.Chen)。该种与吊丝竹(D.minor(McClure)ChiaetH.L.Fung)相近似,但该竹种部分节有明显发达的一条主枝,箨耳较大,明显并与箨片基部相连,窄长,横卧于箨鞘两肩,且呈有规则皱褶状,并着生有6~8mm长的波曲燧毛,箨舌高达0.7~0.9cm,呈不整齐撕裂状,上部有灰黄色扁形长毛,易于区别。  相似文献   
During the early 1900s, more than 90% of the surface area of Cootes Paradise Marsh was covered with emergent vegetation; currently, less than 15% of the surface is covered with aquatic vegetation and the remainder is wind-swept, turbid, open water. The loss of emergent cover is significantly correlated with mean annual water levels that increased more than 1.5 m over the past 60 years. Species diversity and the percent cover of the submerged macrophtye community also declined dramatically after the 1940s, coincident with decreased water clarity and increased nutrients from pollution by sewage and stormwater effluent. Phosphorus levels in the marsh dropped ten-fold after the sewage plant was upgraded to a tertiary-treatment facility in 1978; however, there was no measurable improvement in water clarity, in spite of a decrease in chlorophyll concentrations. Long-term changes in the composition of the planktonic, benthic and fish communities accompanied changes in water clarity, nutrient status and macrophyte cover. Phytoplankton changed from a community dominated by diverse taxa of green algae and diatoms during the 1940s, to a less diverse community dominated by a few taxa of green and blue-green algae in the 1970s, then to a much more diverse community recently, including many taxa of green algae, diatoms and chrysophytes; however, because water turbidity continues to be high, and algae tolerant of low light levels are now very abundant. Daphnia, which were prominent during the 1940s (especially in the vegetated sites) were replaced in the 1970s by smaller zooplankton such as the cladoceran, Bosmina, and several rotifer species including Brachionus, Asplanchna and Keratella. In the recent survey conducted in 1993 and 1994, small-bodied forms still dominate the turbid open-water areas, while medium-sized cladocerans such as Moina were common near macrophyte beds. Generally, total herbivorous zooplankton biomass tended to be highest next to Typha beds and declined with increasing distance from the plants. Conversely, biomass of edible algae at these sites increased with distance from the macrophytes. Species diversity of aquatic insects declined dramatically over the past 40 years, from 57 genera (23 families and 6 orders) in 1948, to 9 genera (6 families and 3 orders) in 1978, to only 5 genera (3 families and 2 orders) in 1995. The diverse benthic community present 5 decades ago has now been replaced by a community consisting primarily of chironomid larvae, oligochaetes and other worms associated with low-oxygen environments. These successional changes illustrate the impact of natural (fluctuating water levels) and anthropogenic (deterioration in water quality) stressors on the character of the biotic communities, and reveal the complex interactions among the various trophic levels and the abiotic environment as degradation and remediation proceeded.  相似文献   
The effects of climate change on marine ecosystems and in particular on marine top predators are difficult to assess due to, among other things, spatial variability, and lack of clear delineation of marine habitats. The banks of West Greenland are located in a climate sensitive area and are likely to elicit pronounced responses to oceanographic changes in the North Atlantic. The recent increase in sea temperatures on the banks of West Greenland has had cascading effects on sea ice coverage, residency of top predators, and abundance of important prey species like Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Here, we report on the response of one of the top predators in West Greenland; the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). The porpoises depend on locating high densities of prey species with high nutritive value and they have apparently responded to the general warming on the banks of West Greenland by longer residence times, increased consumption of Atlantic cod resulting in improved body condition in the form of larger fat deposits in blubber, compared to the situation during a cold period in the 1990s. This is one of the few examples of a measurable effect of climate change on a marine mammal population.  相似文献   
Three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus were used as a model to test for the effects of turbidity on visual-predator foraging. While the number of feeding lunges and number of prey consumed did not change with increasing turbidity, reactive distance to prey decreased.  相似文献   
描述了竹亚科矢竹属一新种——中岩茶秆竹(Pseudosasa zhongyanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。本种与茶秆竹(P.amabilis(McClure) Keng f.)相近似,但箨环具明显箨基残留物和木栓质隆起,高于秆环,箨鞘顶端具小型外翻箨耳,耳缘具皱曲繸毛,箨舌几无毛或有短柔毛,易于区别。  相似文献   
The distribution and abundance of viable resting eggs of copepod Acartia pacifica in Xiamen Bay, China, were determined in the laboratory by the presence of nauplii hatched from the sediments. Sediment cores to a depth of 30 cm, sliced at 1.0 cm intervals, showed that most viable resting eggs of A. pacifica occurred near the sediment surface (0-5 cm), and the number of viable eggs sharply decreased with depth of the sediment, although resting eggs remained viable as deep as 23 cm. 210Pb analyses of the sediments indicated that the maximum age of viable eggs of A. pacifica was 20.5 years and the mean egg age was 4.3 years. The egg mortality of A. pacifica in the sediment was 0.1408 year−1, or 85.92% annual egg survival, calculated by regressing ln(egg density) on the age of the sediment. The horizontal distribution of viable resting eggs ranged from 2.27×103 to 3.85×105 m−2, with a mean value of 9.49×104 m−2. Regressions between viable eggs of A. pacifica and all fine-fraction particle size classes (at 2 μm intervals) were not significant. The accumulation of viable resting eggs that can persist for an extended period of time provided evidence for the existence of an egg bank of A. pacifica in the seabed of Xiamen Bay.  相似文献   
Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) both occur within the UK, but display regional contrasting population trends. While grey seals are typically increasing in number, harbour seals have shown varying trends in recent decades following repeated pandemics. There is a need for monitoring of regional and local populations to understand overall trends. This study utilized a 20‐year dataset of seal counts from two neighboring harbours in the Solent region of south England. Generalized additive models showed a significant increase in the numbers of harbour (mean 5.3–30.5) and grey (mean 0–12.0) seals utilizing Chichester Harbour. Conversely, in Langstone Harbour there has been a slight decrease in the number of harbour seals (mean 5.3–4.0). Accompanying photographic data from 2016 to 18 supports the increase in seal numbers within Chichester Harbour, with a total of 68 harbour and 8 grey seals identified. These data also show evidence of site fidelity of harbour seals in this area, with almost a quarter of animals resighted within the past three years. Overall, this long‐term study indicates an increasing number of both harbour and grey seals within the Solent. However, more research is required to identify the drivers of this trend.  相似文献   
厦门常见观赏竹在园林造景中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对厦门岛内外公园、绿地竹类植物调查的基础上,选择常见观赏竹31种,分析其观赏特性,并阐述其在现代园林绿化中的应用。  相似文献   
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