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Summary Dalbergia sissoo, a wind-dispersed tropical tree, shows a positively skewed distribution of seeds per pod. This is attributed to the enhanced dispersal advantage of few-seeded pods due to their reduced wing loading (ratio of weight to pod surface area) and low settling velocity. The proximate mechanisms causing the positively skewed distribution were investigated. The distribution could not be attributed to the distribution pattern of ovule number per ovary, pollen grain limitation, lack of ovule fertilization, or post-fertilization elimination of many-seeded pods. Rather, it was caused by the post-fertilization abortion of seeds within a pod 2 weeks after fertilization. This intra-pod seed abortion (IPSA) is due to a dominance hierarchy of fertilized ovules from the distal (near stigma) to the basal end, generated by the temporal differences in fertilization. The dominant developing seeds at the distal end cause the abortion of others through the production and diffusion of an aborting agent. When the dominance hierarchy of the siblings is not intense, pods are formed with more than one seed. We argue that the positively skewed distribution of seeds per pod is not due to maternal regulation but is a result of sibling rivalry. We propose that this sibling rivalry is generated by genetic differences in pollen grain fitness and disucss the results in the context of parent-offspring conflict.  相似文献   
Making transgenic livestock: genetic engineering on a large scale.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The feasibility of introducing foreign genes into the genomes of cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep has only recently been demonstrated. Studies have thus far focused on improving growth efficiency or directing expression of pharmaceutical proteins to the mammary glands of these species. The general strategy for producing transgenic livestock and mice is similar. In addition to the obvious difference in scale between mice and livestock experiments, there are noteworthy obstacles that significantly reduce the efficiency of producing transgenic livestock. Low embryo viability, low transgene integration rates, and high animal costs contribute to project costs that can easily exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars. A better understanding of the mechanisms that govern transgene integration should lead to improved efficiencies. But, the full potential of the transgenic livestock system will not be fully realized until: 1) gene constructs can be designed that function in a reproducible, predictable manner; and 2) the genetic control of physiological processes are more clearly elucidated. Newly emerging approaches may resolve at least some of these issues within the next decade.  相似文献   
Biology and economics of growing seaweeds on land in a film culture   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary In an uneven-aged, multi-species oak-hornbeam forest at Báb, SW Slovakia (former IBP Forest Research Site), a series of micrometeorological and ecophysiological measurements started in 1985. The aims of the work are to improve understanding of physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration) of adult trees and stand microclimate, to collect data for simulation of the canopy (stand) photosynthesis and for ecological synthesis of the functioning of the forest ecosystem. In this paper, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (AT) and relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), and CO2 concentration ([CO2]) in and above the forest are characterized for the fully leaved season, using diurnal courses, vertical profiles and isodiagrams (isopleths). Approximately 50% of incident PAR was absorbed by the upper 4–5 m layer of leaves and only approximately 5% or less penetrated to the forest floor. Vertical gradients of AT and RH were generally low, but large differences in diurnal ranges of AT and RH were observed between vertical levels. The upper leaf canopy greatly reduced WS, and at a height of about 14 m above the ground it was close to zero. The highest diurnal [CO2] maximum and variations occurred at 1 m above the ground, and the lowest above the forest. In good light conditions in the forest, the entire leaf canopy (overstorey and understorey canopy) is a large sink of CO2. At night the forest stand is a source of CO2, the largest internal source being the soil and forest floor.  相似文献   
Abstract. We compare the dispersal spectra of diaspores from varied plant communities in Australia, New Zealand, and North America, assigning dispersal mode to each diaspore type on the basis of apparent morphological adaptations. Species with ballistic and external dispersal modes were uncommon in most communities we surveyed. Ant dispersal was also rather uncommon, except in some Australian sclerophyll vegetation types. The frequency of vertebrate dispersal ranged up to 60% of the flora, the highest frequencies occurring in New Zealand forests. Wind dispersal ranged as high as 70% of the flora, with the highest values in Alaska, but usually comprised 10–30% of the flora. Many species in most communities had diaspores with no special morphological device for dispersal. Physiognomically similar vegetation types indifferentbiogeographic regions usually had somewhat dissimilar dispersal spectra. The frequency of dispersal by vertebrates often increased and the frequency of species with no special dispersal device decreased along gradients of increasing vertical diversity of vegetation structure. Elevation and moisture gradients also exhibited shifts in dispersal spectra. Within Australia, vertebrate- and wind-dispersal increased in frequency along a soil-fertility gradient, and dispersal by ants and by no special device decreased. Habitat breadths (across plant communities) and microhabitat breadths (within communities) for species of each major dispersal type did not show consistent differences, in general. Ant-dispersed species often had lower cover-values than other species in several Australian vegetation types. We discuss the ecological bases of these differences in dispersal spectra in terms of the availability of dispersal agents, seed size, and other ecological constraints. Seed size is suggested to be one ecological factor that is probably of general relevance to the evolution of dispersal syndromes.  相似文献   
The wind cooling effect determines wind chill equivalent-temperatures, which may be rather different to actual temperature. In a windy region such as Patagonia, this difference may reach a magnitude and persistence to become an important bioclimatic element. This paper quantifies the wind cooling effect in Patagonia by the presentation of equivalent isotherms as an adaptation of the usual isotherm maps to the regional bioclimatic environment. It is concluded that due to seasonal variations in wind speed, the annual equivalent temperature range is smaller than the actual temperature range, thus increasing oceanic features, from a thermal viewpoint, of the Patagonian climate.«Les vents que chassent, à travers une échancrure de la Cordillère des Andes, les hautes pressions du Pacifique, s'étranglent et s'accelèrent dans un étroit couloir de cent kilomètres de front, en direction de l'Atlantique, et raclent tout sur leur passage».Antoine de Saint-Exupéry «Un sens à la vie» (1956)  相似文献   
Seed dispersal and early revegetation processes were studied in an area devastated by a debris avalanche that occurred on volcano Ontake, Central Japan in 1984. The avalanche was initiated by a volcanic earthquake, and a 3.4 x 107 m3 land mass destroyed the vegetation over 700 ha. The revegetation of the first five years was slow in the area of higher elevation (subalpine area). Both the speed of revegetation and the species richness of trapped seeds varied with the elevation. The post-disturbance vegetation on the deposit with surface soil or plant fragments was richer in species than that without any surface soil. Almost all of the seeds caught by sticky traps and most of the species with frequent occurrence in the vegetation after disturbance were wind dispersed. Wind dispersal was especially important on the deposit without surface soil or plant fragments.  相似文献   
We studied the spatial distribution of fruits and plants, mortality and growth rates ofScaphium macropodum (Sterculiaceae) in four 1-ha plots in a tropical rain forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The species is a large deciduous tree and produces wind-dispersed fruits on defoliated twigs. The density of dispersed fruits on the ground decreased with increasing distance from a parent tree. The area under the parent's crown had the highest density of the fruits and the highest mortality of the seedlings immediately after germination. Consequently, the density of the established seedlings peaked 14 m from the tree which is outside its crown. Thick litter mainly from the parent tree seemed to physically prevent the seedlings' root from reaching the soil surface and caused the high mortality. Juvenile and mature trees distributed exclusively, suggesting that regeneration is the most successful outside of the crown of mature trees. Saplings under canopy shade did not grow well.Scaphium macropodum is hypothesized to require a gap for seedling growth and successful regeneration, whereas it can germinate and last under closed canopies as suppressed seedlings or saplings.  相似文献   
 It has been hypothesized that females of some dioecious species maintain stamens that produce sterile pollen as a means of attracting pollinators to promote greater seed set. However, this hypothesis has rarely been tested. This paper examines the role of pollinators in the maintenance of sterile stamens in the cryptically dioecious species, Thalictrum pubescens. Wind was found to contribute to pollination; branches of female T. pubescens enclosed in cheesecloth to exclude insects but not wind were still able to set seed. Therefore, females may not need the stamens for pollination. In 1994, insects were found to discriminate against emasculated female flowers, but this discrimination did not lead to a significant difference in either the amount of pollen received or seed set. In 1995, emasculation was combined with the addition of pollen to determine if emasculated females were pollen limited. No significant effect of pollen addition or emasculation was found. Emasculated branches in the pollen-addition treatment appeared to have slightly lower seed set than non-emasculated branches that received pollen, indicating that the slight reduction in seed set was caused by emasculation rather than pollen limitation. Since stamens do not appear to be maintained as pollinator attractants, other explanations, such as genetic constraints, must be investigated. Received: 4 February 1997 / Revision accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   
中国乌桕品种资源的调查研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文报道对我国16省82县乌桕主产区进行乌桕品种资源调查的结果。通过性状比较研究划分为44个农家品种和11个无性系品种,并描述了这些品种的分布和性状。  相似文献   
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