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2015年4~8月,在贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区,记录到1巢白腹短翅鸲(Hodgsonius phaenicuroides)被鹰鹃(Cuculus sparverioides)寄生,寄生率为1/16(n=16)。发现时白腹短翅鸲巢内有1枚白色的寄生卵和2枚蓝色的寄主卵,且卵已凉,疑为亲鸟弃巢。鹰鹃卵重6.09 g,卵大小20.20 mm×27.73 mm;两枚白腹短翅鸲的卵重分别为2.34 g和2.40 g,大小分别为20.05 mm×14.94 mm和19.95 mm×15.09 mm。鹰鹃的卵重量(6.09 g)和大小(27.73 mm×20.20 mm)均明显大于白腹短翅鸲的卵。卵色光谱测量结果表明,鹰鹃和白腹短翅鸲卵色的反射光谱图差别明显,鹰鹃卵在色度和色调上明显低于白腹短翅鸲,但卵色亮度却明显比白腹短翅鸲卵高,为典型的非模拟寄生卵。  相似文献   
意义。本文以社鼠头骨为材料,通过SPSS 统计分析软件对采集自我国中西部5 大山系的250 号标本头骨形态变
方面的差异。除此之外,本文研究结果尚揭示了在对具有广泛分布的小型兽类进行种下阶元(如亚种) 的划分
时,需充分考虑形态特征可能存在的地理差异。  相似文献   
在宿主的寄生防御压力下,鸟类巢寄生者通常会进化出一系列有效的寄生行为以提高其自身的繁殖适合度。以往研究发现,部分巢寄生者可能具有类似人类的"放牧"行为,即通过破坏或捕食不适合寄生的宿主巢,促使其重新筑巢以获取新的寄生机会。然而,对于其野外行为事件的报道并不多见。2018年5至8月,在贵州六枝地区,通过对宿主北红尾鸲(Phoenicurusauroreus)的巢进行录像监控,首次记录到大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)对正在孵卵的北红尾鸲的放牧行为。进一步查阅了大杜鹃寄生系统中已有的放牧案例,说明放牧行为很可能是大杜鹃普遍采用的一种寄生策略。  相似文献   
Based on molecular data for mitochondrial (Cyt b, COI) and nuclear (IRBP, GHR) genes, and morphological examinations of museum specimens, we examined diversity, species boundaries, and relationships within and between the murine genera Chiromyscus and Niviventer. Phylogenetic patterns recovered demonstrate that Niviventer sensu lato is not monophyletic but instead includes Chiromyscus chiropus, the only previously recognized species of Chiropus. To maintain the genera Niviventer and Chiropus as monophyletic lineages, the scope and definition of the genus Chiromyscus is revised to include at least three distinct species: Chiromyscus chiropus (the type species of Chiromyscus), Chiromyscus langbianis (previously regarded as a species of Niviventer), and a new species, described in this paper under the name Chiromyscus thomasi sp. n.  相似文献   
实验条件下社鼠个体相遇时的叫声特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室条件下对捕自杭州市郊的11只社鼠(3♂,8♀)个体相遇时的叫声与行为进行观察和记录,其结果表明,社鼠不同个体相遇后存在4种叫声,即雄性个体相遇打斗时败者的叫声、雌性个体相遇打斗时败者的叫声、异性成体相遇时雌体的叫声和成幼体相遇时幼体的叫声。进一步比较分析显示,各种叫声的主要声学参数之间大多存在着极显著差异。同性个体打斗后,败者的叫声和幼体见到成体时的叫声均呈现为多谐变音的频谱结构,这可能是对强者的惧怕叫声;而异性个体相遇时,雌体的叫声呈现为多谐恒频的频谱结构,这可能是对雄体的拒斥叫声。  相似文献   
白腹短翅鸲雄鸟的羽毛延迟成熟现象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20 0 3年 6月 ,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区观察到白腹短翅鸲 (Hodgsoniusphaenicuroides)雄鸟的羽毛延迟成熟现象。研究发现 ,亚成体雄鸟体羽暗淡 ,为似雌鸟样的褐色 ,但仍然可以繁殖。声谱分析表明 ,成体雄鸟与亚成体雄鸟的鸣声结构非常相似 ,而且两者在巢址、巢材、窝卵数、卵色、卵大小等巢卵特征上也非常一致。通过对中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1 1 7只白腹短翅鸲雄鸟标本的测量 ,发现成体雄鸟的翅长和尾长明显大于亚成体 (t 检验 ,P <0. 0 0 1 )。在 1 93 0年北平东陵同一繁殖季节采集的 1 0 8只雄鸟标本中 ,亚成体雄鸟所占的比例为 1 9%。  相似文献   
This paper presents a method for the design of a habitat network in a fragmented landscape. It employs metapopulation dynamics and connectivity to develop spatial rules which, together with the requirements of a target species, can be used to guide the creation of a network to improve population persistence. Using these guidelines, two conservation strategies of patch enlargement and corridor creation are developed. The spatial models used to produce the habitat network are described. The resulting maps show the network consisting of the source patches that could be occupied by stable populations and a number of patches, which could support viable local populations, situated in the proximity of the sources or linked to them. The approach could be used to inform decision-making in nature conservation and landscape planning.  相似文献   
Measuring seasonal productivity is difficult in multi-brooded species without labour-intensive ringing studies. Individual-based (IB) models have been used to estimate seasonal productivity with no direct knowledge of number of nesting attempts, but they are often based on simplified re-nesting probability (φR) step-functions instead of observed or more biologically plausible ones. We present a new, open-source IB seasonal productivity model parameterized from studies of Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella. We examined how the φR function shape (empirical versus simplified) influenced (1) model performance, (2) re-nesting compensation and (3) population-level predictions of a simulated management intervention. Population-level predictions were made only for Yellowhammer as we had more detailed demographic data, such as survival rates, available. Pattern-oriented modelling revealed that IB models produced realistic within-population distributions of breeding parameters, and those specified with an observed or empirically derived φR function generally outperformed those specified with simpler step functions. Strength of re-nesting compensation differed depending on the φR function used. For Yellowhammers, type of φR function in IB models marginally influenced population-level predictions of a simulated management intervention (potential population growth rate increased between 23% and 29% relative to no management intervention). In contrast, a simple deterministic productivity model, which did not simulate re-nesting compensation, predicted a 41% increase in potential population growth. At a population level, choice of φR function may have less influence on IB model predictions, but choice of model itself (IB versus deterministic) may have substantial impact. We discuss how more biologically plausible φR functions might either be observed directly, derived from nest data, or estimated from proxy information such as moult or brood patch changes.  相似文献   
Three species of brood parasites are increasingly being recorded as transoceanic vagrants in the Northern Hemisphere, including two Cuculus cuckoos from Asia to North America and a Molothrus cowbird from North America to Eurasia. Vagrancy patterns suggest that their establishment on new continents is feasible, possibly as a consequence of recent range increases in response to a warming climate. The impacts of invasive brood parasites are predicted to differ between continents because many host species of cowbirds in North America lack egg rejection defenses against native and presumably also against invasive parasites, whereas many hosts of Eurasian cuckoos frequently reject non‐mimetic, and even some mimetic, parasitic eggs from their nests. During the 2014 breeding season, we tested the responses of native egg‐rejecter songbirds to model eggs matching in size and color the eggs of two potentially invasive brood parasites. American Robins (Turdus migratorius) are among the few rejecters of the eggs of Brown‐headed Cowbirds (M. ater), sympatric brood parasites. In our experiments, robins rejected one type of model eggs of a Common Cuckoo (C. canorus) host‐race, but accepted model eggs of a second cuckoo host‐race as well as robin‐mimetic control eggs. Common Redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), frequent hosts of Common Cuckoos in Eurasia, rejected ~50% of model Brown‐headed Cowbird eggs and accepted most redstart‐mimetic control eggs. Our results suggest that even though some hosts have evolved egg‐rejection defenses against native brood parasites, the invasion of brood parasites into new continents may negatively impact both naïve accepter and coevolved rejecter songbirds in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
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