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Tonsil lymphocytes from three adults and three children were examined for immunoglobulin (Ig) production before and after Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation. T-cell depletion was required to obtain cell lines from EBV-seropositive individuals. Cytoplasmic Ig was mainly IgG in adult lymphocytes before and after transformation; IgA and IgM were more prominent after than before. IgM and IgG predominated in lymphocytes of children before and after transformation; IgA was more prominent after than before. Cytoplasmic Ig of peripheral blood lymphocytes from these individuals was mainly IgM. Secreted Ig from tonsil lymphocytes was mainly IgA or IgG; after transformation IgM predominated with adult cell lines, and IgG or IgM with cell lines from children. IgE was consistently sparse in spite of ragweed and/or grass allergies of the adults.  相似文献   
Effective shelter has been demonstrated to reduce neonatal lamb mortality rates during periods of inclement weather. Periods of high wind speed and rainfall have been shown to influence shelter usage; however, it is not yet known how ewe factors such as breed, age and body condition score influence shelter-seeking behaviour. This study, conducted on a working upland farm in the UK, examined impact of artificial shelter on the biological and climatic factors that influence peri-parturient ewe behaviour. Pregnant ewes (n = 147) were randomly allocated between two adjacent fields which were selected for their similarity in size, topography, pasture management, orientation to the prevailing wind and available natural shelter. In one field, three additional artificial shelters were installed to increase the available shelter for ewes, this field was designated the Test field; no additional artificial shelter was provided in the second field which was used as the Control field. Individual ewes were observed every 2 h between 0800 and 1600 for 14 continuous days to monitor their location relative to shelter. Ewe breed (Aberfield and Highlander), age (2–8 years) and body condition score were considered as explanatory variables to explain flock and individual variance in shelter-seeking behaviour and the prevalence of issues which required the intervention of the shepherd, termed ‘shepherding problems’. Any ewe observed with dystocia, a dead or poor vigour lamb or who exhibited mismothering behaviour was recorded as a shepherding problem. The prevalence of these shepherding problems which necessitate human intervention represents arguably the most critical limiting factor for the successful management of commercial sheep flocks in outdoor lambing systems. Overall, ewes in the Test field with access to additional artificial shelter experienced fewer shepherding problems than those in the Control field (P < 0.05). A significant breed effect was also observed, with Highlander ewes more likely to seek shelter than Aberfield ewes (P < 0.001), and experiencing significantly fewer shepherding interventions (P < 0.05). These findings demonstrate the substantial and significant benefits to animal welfare and productivity that can be achieved through the provision of shelter in commercial, upland, outdoor lambing systems in the UK.  相似文献   
The United Nations [UN] is an organization of states. As such it can be expected to represent the interests of its members and uphold a state‐centric view of international politics. For this reason it has been suggested that the organization cannot respond positively to ethnic conflicts within states, or across state borders. However, since such ethnic conflicts can be a threat to international peace and security and to internationally accepted norms of behaviour, the UN cannot always remain indifferent. In fact, it has become involved in ethnic conflicts in several ways. It has dispatched peace‐keeping operations to Cyprus and Lebanon, which try to keep apart the warring factions. The UN has been involved in peace‐making in ethnic conflicts through mediation and Security Council and General Assembly resolutions. It has also engaged in peace‐building, which involves efforts to change both socio‐economic conditions and the mutually hostile attitudes of the parties to violent ethnic conflict. Finally, even though the UN, unlike the League of Nations, has not been prepared to adopt a system of minority‐rights protection, it has been involved in the issue of group rights in at least three areas. These are the Genocide Convention, the work of the Sub‐Commission for the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities, and the issue of the right of national self‐determination.  相似文献   
This study estimates the effects of welfare reform in the 1990s, which permanently restructured and contracted the cash assistance system in the U.S., on food insecurity—a fundamental form of material hardship—of the next generation of households. An implicit goal underlying welfare reform was the disruption of an assumed intergenerational transmission of disadvantage; however, little is known about the effects of welfare reform on the well-being of the next generation of adults. Using intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and a variation on a difference-in-differences framework, this study exploits 3 sources of variation in childhood exposure to welfare reform: (1) risk of exposure across birth cohorts; (2) variation of exposure within cohorts because different states implemented welfare reform in different years; and (3) variation between individuals with the same exposure who were more likely and less likely to rely on welfare. We found that exposure to welfare reform led to decreases in food insecurity of the next generation of households, by about 10% for a 5-year increase in exposure, with stronger effects for individuals exposed for longer durations during childhood, individuals exposed in early childhood (0–5 years), and women. We also found smaller favorable effects for individuals whose mothers had less than a high school education, indicating that in terms of food insecurity, welfare reform led to relative disadvantages among the most disadvantaged and thus could be exacerbating socioeconomic and health inequalities.  相似文献   
This study investigated firstly if confined calves perform more locomotor behaviour when open-field tested in pairs than when tested individually, and secondly if length of confinement affects the build-up of motivation to perform locomotor behaviour. In the first experiment,14 calves were open-field tested on two successive days either individually or as a pair. Calves walked more and performed more locomotor play when tested in pairs, suggesting that it may be appropriate to avoid isolation when aiming to measure the effects of confinement on locomotor behaviour. In the second experiment, in each of three successive weeks, 24 calves had access to an exercise arena for 45 min daily on three successive days either: (i) the first 3 days, (ii) the third, fourth and fifth day, or (iii) the fourth, fifth and sixth day. On the seventh day the calves were released into the arena for 10 min (open-field test). All calves received all three treatments in a Latin square design. Calves performed more locomotor play, and they trotted more after 3 days without access to the arena than after 1 or 0 days, suggesting that in calves the motivation to perform locomotor play and trotting increases with length of confinement.  相似文献   
Twenty three groups of about 30 pigs each were kept in an environmentally controlled room in lairage, at temperatures of 20 or 35°C for periods of 0.5 or 3 h, to establish the effects of these parameters on animal behaviour and meat quality. Following initial exploration, 50% of pigs kept at 35°C but only 5% kept at 20°C lay down before the end of the 0.5 h period. Seven percent of pigs fought in both temperature conditions. When held in lairage for 0.5 h there was no difference in meat quality or skin damage at either temperature. When held for 3 h, about 95% of pigs were lying down after 2 h in the pens. Again, the percentage of animals fighting was similar for both temperatures, the number of encounters increasing during the first 30–40 min. The more intense initial fighting within the group held at 35°C resulted in the pigs lying down slightly earlier. Irrespective of the lairage time, the frequency of sexual activity decreased with temperature. The proportion of carcasses with skin damage increased with lairage time due, perhaps, to the longer duration of aggressive encounters. Increased lairage time at 20°C reduced the incidence of PSE meat, but at 35°C the longer lairage time showed no benefit to animal welfare or meat quality.  相似文献   
本文提出实验动物福利是人类应当给予实验动物的良好条件(正面因素),主要体现在动物的饲养和运输等过程,以“5F”为基本理论;伦理则是人类给予动物实验处理(负面因素)时应遵循的原则,主要体现在动物实验过程中,以“3R”为基本理论.同时总结了实验动物饲养和运输过程的实际经验,从环境、笼具、垫料、密度、饲料和饮水、社会和行为需要、安乐死、运输等方面,介绍了保障实验动物福利的具体做法.  相似文献   
Little is known about the cognitive and subjective experiences of fish that are confined with conspecifics of varying body sizes. Plasma cortisol and several behavioural variables were recorded when a ȁ8mediumȁ9 sized fish had its familiar social group (comprised of medium, like-sized individuals) replaced with a group of fish that were either medium sized, smaller or larger than itself. Interestingly, the medium sized test fish showed very few behavioural responses indicative of stress when exposed to a new social cohort. Fish did not use a particular part of their tank, or water column, nor did they show any significant change in locomotory behaviour. There was no difference in aggressive ȁ8chasingȁ9 behaviour in any of the treatments, however, medium sized fish were frequently chased by their tank-mates when exposed to the ȁ8largeȁ9 fish treatment, and were almost never chased by fish smaller than themselves. Similarly, plasma cortisol concentrations did not differ between fish that were exposed to different size treatment groups, although there was a high increase above baseline levels; this suggests that encounters with unfamiliar fish were stressful, regardless of size.  相似文献   
Unusual behaviours not normally seen in the wild were studied in 52 captive agile (Hylobates agilis albibarbis) and 23 Müllers gibbons (H. muelleri spp) at three locations within the Kalaweit Gibbon Rehabilitation Project. Unusual behaviours included stereotypic behaviour (SB), human-directed masturbation and posterior presenting. These data were collected over 18 months as part of an ongoing study into behavioural adaptation of gibbons in a rehabilitation programme. Data were also collected on the unusual behaviours observed, for example, SB, human-directed masturbation and posterior presenting. I suggest causes of the abnormal behaviours and propose solutions to reduce their incidence in order to improve the gibbon’s progress in rehabilitation. From this study I conclude that most gibbons can be rehabilitated from the point of view of acquiring and maintaining a normal behavioural repertoire once in suitable housing. Encouraging the gibbons to reduce and/or stop these unusual behaviours is key to the welfare of the gibbons while in the rehabilitation programme and to successful release into a forest habitat. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
In connection with the development of a test method for the attractiveness and appropriateness of nests for laying hens, we carried out an investigation by using a preference test and motivation measuring with the help of push doors. Hens were offered two different nest sites either consisting of a tray filled with wood shavings (litter tray) or a wooden nest box plus wood shavings (nest box). Hens were individually housed in pens (2.0 m × 2.0 m) and had free access to the nest sites until they laid their 15th egg. From that day the hens had to overcome a push door to reach the nest sites. Resistance for entrance was also increased stepwise at the door leading to the hens’ nest. The experiment ended when a hen stopped to lay in her usual nest site for four consecutive days (postexperimental period). The behaviour during the last hour before oviposition was video taped at a level of resistance of 3.5, 6.0, 7.5 and 10.0 N.The hens were categorized into nest and litter layers depending on nest choice. All but one hen pushed maximum resistances between 11.5 and 18.0 N with no differences between nest and litter layers. Behaviour did not significantly change with increasing levels of resistance, but there were significant differences between nest and litter layers. Nest layers spent more time nesting than litter layers while the latter showed a strong tendency to more exploring behaviour. For litter layers, more entries through the push door leading to their nest site and more unsuccessful pushes were detected than for nest layers. According to our results, two types of layers could be distinguished whereas the two were equally motivated to access their nest site.  相似文献   
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