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1985年4~10月与1986年6~8月,在贵州省沿河县的纸坊村和崔家坨村先后发生了病因不明的传染病。纸坊村约有1/5的村民发病,病死率为12%,崔家坨村有1/10的村民发病,病死率高达30%。发病波及各年龄组,以青壮年为多,有家庭集聚现象。 本病起病急,轻症者只有头晕、乏力、肌痛、多汗、心悸伴以低热,有的初期有短暂的腹泻。重症者有高热(40℃以上)、大汗、心悸、游走性肌肉痉挛伴有明显疼痛和触痛,以腰骶部及四肢肌肉为好发部位。病人烦燥不安,2~5天内死亡。经实验室检查,排除了食物中毒、农药中毒、钩端螺旋体病和弓形体感染。从病人和接触者的粪便中分离到9株病毒,性状一致,为RNA型25nm的球形颗粒,耐酸,耐乙醚,能凝集人“O”型血球。经血清学鉴定为ECHO3型病毒。16份病人双份血清的检测结果表明,恢复期血清对该病毒中和抗体有4倍以上升高者共8例(纸坊村和崔家坨各4例)。病人单份血清也都有较高的抗体。有理由认为两年中先后在两个村庄发生的传染病与ECHO3型病毒有密切关系。查阅文献,尚未见有关ECHO3型病毒引起以肌痛、游走性肌痉挛为特征的疾病的报道。  相似文献   
The resolution of the conflict between eggcare and foraging was studied in male and female wandering albatrosses. The foraging zone and range, duration of incubation shifts and foraging trips, and associated changes in body mass were studied. Costs during incubation, expressed as the time spent incubating and the proportional loss of body mass, were similar for both sexes. The mass gained at sea was related to the duration of foraging trips, but the relationship was much less significant in males, where foraging ranges, though similar on average to those of females, were very variable. Males foraged in more southerly waters than females, and gained mass more rapidly. Only females appeared to regulate the duration of foraging trips, and this compensated for the mass lost during the incubation fast. Previous breeding experience had no influence on foraging efficiency. Egg desertion because of depletion of body reserves was very rare because birds have a wide safety margin, i.e. the difference between the average body mass when relieved and that at nest desertion. This safety margin enables the birds to compensate for the high variability in the duration of foraging trips, and is probably a reason for the high breeding success of wandering albatrosses. Decisions to return from the sea to the nest or to desert the nest are probably related to the status of body reserves, and have been selected in the large wandering albatross so that both present and future reproductive success are maximised.  相似文献   
Suitable alterations in gene expression are believed to allow animals to survive drastic changes in environmental conditions. Drosophila melanogaster larvae cease eating and exit moist food to search for dry pupation sites after the foraging stage in what is known as the wandering stage. Although the behavioral change from foraging to wandering causes desiccation stress, the mechanism by which Drosophila larvae protect themselves from desiccation remains obscure. Here, we identified a gene, CG14686 (designated as Desiccate (Desi)), whose expression was elevated during the wandering stage. The Desi expression level was reversibly decreased by transferring wandering larvae to wet conditions and increased again by transferring them to dry conditions. Elevation of Desi expression was also observed in foraging larvae when they were placed in dry conditions. Desi encoded a 261-amino acid single-pass transmembrane protein with notable motifs, such as SH2 and PDZ domain-binding motifs and a cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation motif, in the cytoplasmic region, and its expression was observed mainly in the epidermal cells of the larval integuments. Overexpression of Desi slightly increased the larval resistance to desiccation stress during the second instar. Furthermore, Desi RNAi larvae lost more weight under dry conditions, and subsequently, their mortalities significantly increased compared with control larvae. Under dry conditions, consumption of carbohydrate was much higher in Desi RNAi larvae than control larvae. Based on these results, it is reasonable to conclude that Desi contributes to the resistance of Drosophila larvae to desiccation stress.  相似文献   
The present study introduces a new preparation of a spider vibration receptor that allows intracellular recording of responses to natural mechanical or electrical stimulation of the associated mechanoreceptor cells. The spider vibration receptor is a lyriform slit sense organ made up of 21 cuticular slits located on the distal end of the metatarsus of each walking leg. The organ is stimulated when the tarsus receives substrate vibrations, which it transmits to the organ’s cuticular structures, reducing the displacement to about one tenth due to geometrical reasons. Current clamp recording was used to record action potentials generated by electrical or mechanical stimuli. Square pulse stimulation identified two groups of sensory cells, the first being single-spike cells which generated only one or two action potentials and the second being multi-spike cells which produced bursts of action potentials. When the more natural mechanical sinusoidal stimulation was applied, differences in adaptation rate between the two cell types remained. In agreement with prior extracellular recordings, both cell types showed a decrease in the threshold tarsus deflection with increasing stimulus frequency. Off-responses to mechanical stimuli have also been seen in the metatarsal organ for the first time.  相似文献   
There are now more than 40,000 identified spider species in the world, and considered about 100 species as actually dangerous to human. Spider bites cause a range of symptoms from simple swellings to disfiguring necrotic lesions, and occasionally death. While spider bites are not a major medical problem in Korea, it would be of great value to know which species of spiders pose a threat to human health. A middle molecular weight protein, sphingomyelinase D, has been identified in the venom of the brown recluse spider and strong evidence suggests that they have a major role in spider bite necrosis. For the identification of necrotizing species, we have investigated using recently developed non‐radioactive assay of sphingomyelinase for rapidly screening the necrotizing venoms. Here, we demonstrate the fetal toxicity of total 57 species (32 genera, 9 families) of the wandering spiders among 622 identified spider species in Korea. It has been revealed that two species of the Thomisidae spider, Ozyptila nongae (0.2467) and Diaea subdola (0.2020) have the strongest sphingomyelinase activities among themselves. In addition one species of the family Pisauridae, Dolomedes sulfureus (0.2341) has also relatively higher value comparing to other wandering spiders. However comparing to that of the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa (1.814) in North America the necrotizing activities of these Korean wandering species are still very low state, so there seems to be little possibilities to create serious medical problems by the necrotizing arachnidism in Korean peninsula.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the results in Integral Biomathics obtained to this moment and provides an outlook for future research in the field.  相似文献   
Habitat selection by spiders may be strongly influenced by biotic, climatic, and physical factors. However, it has been shown that the selection of habitats by generalist predators (like spiders) is regulated more by the physical structure of the habitat than by prey availability. Yet, the preferences of spiders in relation to plants or plant traits remain poorly explored. In a remnant of the Atlantic forest in Brazil, the spider Selenops cocheleti is frequently detected on the trunks of plants from the Myrtaceae family. Here, we investigated quantitatively and experimentally whether the colonization of trees by S. cocheleti is related to plant species or the presence of specific structures on trunks. We found that S. cocheleti preferentially occurred on plants of the family Myrtaceae. This spider was also strongly associated with trees that have smooth trunks and/or exfoliating bark. Non-Myrtaceae plants that were occupied by this species have exfoliating bark (e.g., Piptadenia gonoacantha) or deep fissures on the trunk (e.g., the exotic species Pinus elliottii). Our results indicate that the selection of host plants by S. cocheleti is not species-specific, but based on the structural characteristics of plants. Trunks with exfoliating bark may benefit spiders by providing shelter against predators and harsh climatic conditions. Smooth surfaces might allow rapid movements, facilitating both attacks on preys and escape from predators. Our study emphasizes the importance of the physical structure of the habitat on spider's distribution. Future studies investigating how specific plant characteristics influence prey acquisition and predator avoidance would improve our understanding of habitat selection by these animals.  相似文献   
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