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The eukaryotic endomembrane system (ES) is served by hundreds of dedicated proteins. Experimental characterization of the ES-associated molecular machinery in several model eukaryotes complemented by a recent progress in phylogenomics and comparative genomics have revealed a conserved complex core of the machinery that appears to have been established before the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA). At the same time, modern eukaryotes exhibit a huge variation in the ES resulting from a multitude of evolutionary processes operating along the ever-branching paths from the LECA to its descendants. The most important source of evolutionary novelty in the ES functioning has undoubtedly been gene duplication followed by divergence of the gene copies, responsible not only for the pre-LECA establishment of many multi-paralog families of proteins in the very core of the ES-associated machinery, but also for post-LECA lineage-specific elaborations via family expansions and the origin of novel components. Extreme sequence divergence has obscured actual homologous relationships between potentially many components of the machinery, even between orthologous proteins, as illustrated by the yeast Vps51 subunit of the vesicle tethering complex GARP hypothesized here to be a highly modified ortholog of a conserved eukaryotic family typified by the zebrafish Fat-free (Ffr) protein. A dynamic evolution of many ES-associated proteins, especially those centred around RAB and ARF GTPases, seems to take place at the level of their domain architectures. Finally, reductive evolution and recurrent gene loss are emerging as pervasive factors shaping the ES in all phylogenetic lineages.  相似文献   
The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRTs) impact multiple cellular processes including multivesicular body sorting, abscission, and viral budding. The AAA-ATPase Vps4 is required for ESCRT function, and its full activity is dependent upon the co-factor Vta1. The Vta1 carboxyl-terminal Vta1 SBP1 Lip5 (VSL) domain stimulates Vps4 function by facilitating oligomerization of Vps4 into its active state. Here we report the identification of the Vps4 stimulatory element (VSE) within Vta1 that is required for additional stimulation of Vps4 activity in vitro and in vivo. VSE activity is autoinhibited in a manner dependent upon the unstructured linker region joining the amino-terminal microtubule interacting and trafficking domains and the carboxyl-terminal VSL domain. The VSE is also required for Vta1-mediated Vps4 stimulation by ESCRT-III subunits Vps60 and Did2. These results suggest that ESCRT-III binding to the Vta1 microtubule interacting and trafficking domains relieves linker region autoinhibition of the VSE to produce maximal activation of Vps4 during ESCRT function.  相似文献   
Autophagy is a tightly regulated lysosomal degradation pathway for maintaining cellular homeostasis and responding to stresses. Beclin 1 and its interacting proteins, including the class III phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase Vps34, play crucial roles in autophagy regulation in mammals. We identified nuclear receptor binding factor 2 (Nrbf2) as a Beclin 1-interacting protein from Becn1−/−;Becn1-EGFP/+ mouse liver and brain. We also found that Nrbf2-Beclin 1 interaction required the N terminus of Nrbf2. We next used the human retinal pigment epithelial cell line RPE-1 as a model system and showed that transiently knocking down Nrbf2 by siRNA increased autophagic flux under both nutrient-rich and starvation conditions. To investigate the mechanism by which Nrbf2 regulates autophagy, we demonstrated that Nrbf2 interacted and colocalized with Atg14L, suggesting that Nrbf2 is a component of the Atg14L-containing Beclin 1-Vps34 complex. Moreover, ectopically expressed Nrbf2 formed cytosolic puncta that were positive for isolation membrane markers. These results suggest that Nrbf2 is involved in autophagosome biogenesis. Furthermore, we showed that Nrbf2 deficiency led to increased intracellular phosphatidylinositol-3 phosphate levels and diminished Atg14L-Vps34/Vps15 interactions, suggesting that Nrbf2-mediated Atg14L-Vps34/Vps15 interactions likely inhibit Vps34 activity. Therefore, we propose that Nrbf2 may interact with the Atg14L-containing Beclin 1-Vps34 protein complex to modulate protein-protein interactions within the complex, leading to suppression of Vps34 activity, autophagosome biogenesis, and autophagic flux. This work reveals a novel aspect of the intricate mechanism for the Beclin 1-Vps34 protein-protein interaction network to achieve precise control of autophagy.  相似文献   
Hypopigmentation is a characteristic of several diseases associated with vesicle traffic defects, like the Hermansky–Pudlak, Chediak–Higashi, and Griscelli syndromes. Hypopigmentation is also a characteristic of the zebrafish mutant vps18hi2499A, which is affected in the gene vps18, a component of the homotypic fusion and protein sorting complex that is involved in tethering during vesicular traffic. Vps18, as part of this complex, participates in the formation of early endosomes, late endosomes, and lysosomes. Here, we show that Vps18 is also involved in the formation of melanosomes. In the zebrafish mutant vps18hi2499A the retroviral insertion located at exon 4 of vps18, leads to the formation of two abnormal splicing variants lacking the coding sequence for the clathrin repeat and the RING finger conserved domains. A deficiency of Vps18 in zebrafish larvae results in hepatomegaly and skin hypopigmentation. We also observed a drastic reduction in the number of melanosomes in the eye's retinal pigmented epithelium along with the accumulation of immature melanosomes. A significant reduction in the vps18hi2499A larvae visual system capacity was found using the optokinetic response assay. We propose that the insertional mutant vps18hi2499A can be used as a model for studying hypopigmentation diseases in which vesicle traffic problems exist.  相似文献   
The Golgi associated retrograde protein complex (GARP) or Vps fifty-three (VFT) complex is part of cellular inter-compartmental transport systems. Here we report the identification of the VFT tethering factor complex and its interactions in mammalian cells. Subcellular fractionation shows that human Vps proteins are found in the smooth membrane/Golgi fraction but not in the cytosol. Immunostaining of human Vps proteins displays a vesicular distribution most concentrated at the perinuclear envelope. Co-staining experiments with endosomal markers imply an endosomal origin of these vesicles. Significant accumulation of VFT complex positive endosomes is found in the vicinity of the Trans Golgi Network area. This is in accordance with a putative role in Golgi associated transport processes. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, GARP is the main effector of the small GTPase Ypt6p and interacts with the SNARE Tlg1p to facilitate membrane fusion. Accordingly, the human homologue of Ypt6p, Rab6, specifically binds hVps52. In human cells, the "orphan" SNARE Syntaxin 10 is the genuine binding partner of GARP mediated by hVps52. This reveals a previously unknown function of human Syntaxin 10 in membrane docking and fusion events at the Golgi. Taken together, GARP shows significant conservation between various species but diversification and specialization result in important differences in human cells.  相似文献   
The function of the yeast lysosome/vacuole is critically linked with the morphology of the organelle. Accordingly, highly regulated processes control vacuolar fission and fusion events. Analysis of homotypic vacuole fusion demonstrated that vacuoles from strains defective in the CCZ1 and MON1 genes could not fuse. Morphological evidence suggested that these mutant vacuoles could not proceed to the tethering/docking stage. Ccz1 and Mon1 form a stable protein complex that binds the vacuole membrane. In the absence of the Ccz1-Mon1 complex, the integrity of vacuole SNARE pairing and the unpaired SNARE class C Vps/HOPS complex interaction were both impaired. The Ccz1-Mon1 complex colocalized with other fusion components on the vacuole as part of the cis-SNARE complex, and the association of the Ccz1-Mon1 complex with the vacuole appeared to be regulated by the class C Vps/HOPS complex proteins. Accordingly, we propose that the Ccz1-Mon1 complex is critical for the Ypt7-dependent tethering/docking stage leading to the formation of a trans-SNARE complex and subsequent vacuole fusion.  相似文献   
The homotypic fusion and protein sorting (HOPS) complex is a multisubunit tethering complex that in yeast regulates membrane fusion events with the vacuole, the yeast lysosome. Mammalian homologs of all HOPS components have been found, but little is known about their function. Here, we studied the role of hVps41 and hVps39, two components of the putative human HOPS complex, in the endo‐lysosomal pathway of human cells. By expressing hemagglutinin (HA)‐tagged constructs, we show by immunoelectron microscopy (immunoEM) that both hVps41 and hVps39 associate with the limiting membrane of late endosomes as well as lysosomes. Small interference RNA (siRNA)‐mediated knockdown of hVps41 or hVps39 resulted in an accumulation of late endosomes, a depletion in the number of lysosomes and a block in the degradation of endocytosed cargo. Lysosomal pH and cathepsin B activity remained unaltered in these conditions. By immunoEM we found that hVps41 or hVps39 knockdown impairs homotypic fusion between late endosomes as well as heterotypic fusion between late endosomes and lysosomes. Thus, our data show that both hVps41 and hVps39 are required for late endosomal–lysosomal fusion events and the delivery of endocytic cargo to lysosomes in human cells.  相似文献   
Vps30p/Apg6p is required for both autophagy and sorting of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). Although Vps30p is known to interact with Apg14p, its precise role remains unclear. We found that two proteins copurify with Vps30p. They were identified by mass spectrometry to be Vps38p and Vps34p, a phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase. Vps34p, Vps38p, Apg14p, and Vps15p, an activator of Vps34p, were coimmunoprecipitated with Vps30p. These results indicate that Vps30p functions as a subunit of a Vps34 PtdIns 3-kinase complex(es). Phenotypic analyses indicated that Apg14p and Vps38p are each required for autophagy and CPY sorting, respectively, whereas Vps30p, Vps34p, and Vps15p are required for both processes. Coimmunoprecipitation using anti-Apg14p and anti-Vps38p antibodies and pull-down experiments showed that two distinct Vps34 PtdIns 3-kinase complexes exist: one, containing Vps15p, Vps30p, and Apg14p, functions in autophagy and the other containing Vps15p, Vps30p, and Vps38p functions in CPY sorting. The vps34 and vps15 mutants displayed additional phenotypes such as defects in transport of proteinase A and proteinase B, implying the existence of another PtdIns 3-kinase complex(es). We propose that multiple Vps34p-Vps15p complexes associated with specific regulatory proteins might fulfill their membrane trafficking events at different sites.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vam6p/Vps39p plays a critical role in the tethering steps of vacuolar membrane fusion by facilitating guanine nucleotide exchange on small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) Vam4p/Ypt7p. We report here the identification and characterization of a novel protein in Aspergillus nidulans, AvaB, that exhibits similarity to Vam6p/Vps39p and plays a critical role in vacuolar morphogenesis in A. nidulans. AvaB is comprised of 1058 amino acids with amino-terminal citron homology (CNH) and central clathrin homology (CLH) domains, as observed for other Vam6p/Vps39p family proteins. Disruption of avaB in A. nidulans resulted in the fragmentation of vacuoles and reduced growth rate under various growth conditions, implying its importance in maintaining vacuolar morphology and function. Yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated the interaction of AvaB with AvaA, a Vam4p/Ypt7p homolog in A. nidulans, as well as the homooligomer formation of AvaB, suggesting that AvaB performs its function through hetero- or homophilic protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   
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