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The first born,their dispersal,and vole cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. Gliwicz 《Oecologia》1990,83(4):519-522
Summary On the basis of some empirical data and the existing theory of vole cycles, a new hypothesis is proposed. It explains cyclicity as an effect of obligatory dispersal of the first seasonal cohort of young (Y1) from their natal (optimal) habitats into vacant (suboptimal) habitats. This behaviour could evolve, because it increases contribution of genetic lineages with dispersing Y1, to subsequent generation. It is assumed that the dispersal of Y1 is common among vole species, it does not change during consecutive phases of the cycle, and it does not vary between cyclic and non-cyclic populations. It results in multiannual cycles only under a certain set of spatial and climatic conditions, which are discussed in a paper. Otherwise it results in annual dynamics.  相似文献   
A population of the grey red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, was investigated on a 1 ha control grid and a 1 ha grid on which the voles were fed within a 2.1 ha outdoor enclosure in Hokkaido, Japan by live trapping from 1984 to 1986, for testing the Reproductive Suppression Model of Wasser and Barash (1983)-females can optimize their lifetime reproductive success by suppressing reproduction when future conditions for the survival of offspring are likely to be sufficiently better than present ones as to exceed the costs of the suppression itself. Age at the first pregnancy more varied in a higher density population on the experimental grid and females could be classified into the early and the late reproductive type in two generations (A: females born from February to June 1985; B: females born from September to November 1985). Lifetime reproductive success (the number of pregnancies, the number of successful litters, and the number of offspring) was not different between the early and the late reproducing females. The late reproducing females lived for longer periods than the early reproducing females, so that the loss by delayed start of reproduction was compensated for by a longer life span. Life span was not different between offspring of the early and the late reproducing females. These facts supported the Reproductive Suppression Model.  相似文献   
We fed prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) rat chow diluted with variable amounts of -cellulose to determine 1) how much fiber the voles could tolerate in their diet; 2) changes in food intake and digestibility of dry matter and of fiber; 3) the extent to which voles utilized fiber as an energy source; and 4) whether any of these variables differed between groups of animals maintained at 5 or 22°C. Fiber content of the diets ranged from 20 to 84%. Animals held at 5°C maintained body mass through a diet containing 69% fiber, while animals held at 22°C maintained body mass through the 84% fiber diet. Dry matter intake increased with fiber level from 9.3 to 15.0 g·day-1 for animals at 5°C and from 5.6 to 14.0 g·day-1 for animals at 22°C; intake on the highest fiber diet eaten by either group was not different. Dry matter digestibility decreased significantly as the fiber in the diets increased, but was not affected by temperature treatments. Digestible dry matter intake for each group remained constant regardless of diet quality, but on each diet digestible dry matter intake for animals at 5°C was significantly higher than that of the animals held at 22°C. Digestibility of the fiber portion of the experimental diets remained constant as food quality decreased, so the percent of daily energy need met by fiber utilization increased with higher food intake. On the lowest quality diet each group tolerated, fiber digestion provided approximately 42 and 68% of the energy needs of voles at 5 and 22°C, respectively.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - DE digestible energy - DM dry matter - DMD dry matter digestibility - DDMI digestible dry matter intake - MR metabolic rate - NDF neutral detergent fiber (=cell walls) - NDS neutral detergent solubles (=cell solubles) - SEM standard error of mean - T a ambient temperature  相似文献   
单配制啮齿动物社会结构的神经生物学原理可以通过实验室研究Social bonding而获得。在本文中,我们探讨了如何利用单配制的草原田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster)作为研究模型揭示pair bond形成的神经调控机制。我们进而探讨了单配制与多配制田鼠之间神经解剖学的差异以及神经化学物质的调节是怎样影响pair bond的。本篇综述还讨论了与pair bond形成有关的神经化学系统之间的相互影响以及pair bond形成过程中的两性差异。最后,我们预测了这一研究领域的未来研究方向以及研究social bonding的神经调控对人类健康的重要性。  相似文献   
Light is the main entraining signal of the central circadian clock, which drives circadian organization of activity. When food is made available during only certain parts of the day, it can entrain the clock in the liver without changing the phase of the central circadian clock. Although a hallmark of food entrainment is a behavioral anticipation of food availability, the extent of behavioral alterations in response to food availability has not been fully characterized. The authors have investigated interactions between light and temporal food availability in the timing of activity in the common vole. Temporally restricted food availability enhanced or attenuated re-entrainment to a phase advance in light entrainment when it was shifted together with the light or remained at the same time of day, respectively. When light-entrained behavior was challenged with temporal food availability cycles with a different period, two distinct activity components were observed. More so, the present data indicate that in the presence of cycles of different period length of food and light, an activity component emerged that appeared to be driven by a free-running (light-entrainable) clock. Because the authors have previously shown that in the common vole altering activity through running-wheel availability can alter the effectiveness of food availability to entrain the clock in the liver, the authors included running-wheel availability as a parameter that alters the circadian/ultradian balance in activity. In the current protocols, running-wheel availability enhanced the entraining potential of both light and food availability in a differential way. The data presented here show that in the vole activity is a complex of individually driven components and that this activity is, itself, an important modulator of the effectiveness of entraining signals such as light and food. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
Population dynamics of theSmith 's red-backed vole predominantly common through uplands of Shikoku have been in some degree disclosed by the use of my own and Government Forest Station's samples collected since 1955 onward. It has proved that the upper-range population reaches its density peak possibly in late summer or early fall, but the lower-range one does probably in October–November as the seasonal trend in usual years. The upper one produced a peak three times at 3–4 year intervals, the first peak being an outbreak followed by a crash, during the last decade. It seems likely that all the populations through the range have, in the gross, fluctuated in phase after 1959 at least. The cyclic fluctuation may readily be explained by the theory of intrinsic mechanism, because no external factors are considered to have exerted a conclusive effect. Except what was concerned in the outbreak, the role of the social stress could be set at naught. The regulation of fecundiy by density was expressed more markedly in litter size and less in active reproductivity rate and incidence of pregnancy. The mean litter size at term as small as 2.00 is contrary to our expectation in view of the supposed prolific potential, nevertheless the observed frequency of litter poduction and intra-uterine survival rate has proved not to be so high as to make up for the small litter size. The problem in the postnatal mortality has remained to be solved.  相似文献   
Tanaka  Ryo 《Population Ecology》1966,8(2):93-101
Population Ecology - From a field study for the vole population (Clethrionomys rufocanus) in Hokkaido in the late summer of 1965, it has been proved that the range length may decrease from 25 to 18...  相似文献   
以线粒体细胞色素b基因序列(Cyt b)为分子标记,结合系统发育分析(最大似然法和贝叶斯法)和遗传距离统计(JC遗传距离模型)等方法,分析青藏高原东部地区田鼠类动物的物种组成和地理分布特征。从16个样点共采集到189个田鼠样品,成功获得所有个体的Cyt b全序列,长度为1 143 bp,共检测到248个变异位点和65个单倍型。系统发育分析显示,最大似然树和贝叶斯树的结构基本一致,将65个单倍型分为三组(G1-G3),分别与已知的柴达木根田鼠(Microtus limnophilus)、青海松田鼠(Neodon fuscus)和高原松田鼠(N. irene)聚为单系群,支持率都为100%。遗传距离统计显示,G1、G2、G3组内两两单倍型之间的遗传距离范围分别为0.09%~3.04%、0.09%~0.70%、0.18%~1.95%;同时,G1与柴达木根田鼠参考序列之间、G2与青海松田鼠参考序列之间、G3与高原松田鼠参考序列之间遗传距离范围分别为0.61%-2.49%、0.53%-0.97%、1.77%-2.22%。结合系统发育和遗传距离分析结果,本研究中采集到的田鼠个体可以鉴定为3个物种:柴达木根田鼠(n = 135)、青海松田鼠(n = 30)和高原松田鼠(n = 24)。其中,柴达木根田鼠分布最广(10个地点),青海松田鼠(4个地点)和高原松田鼠(3个地点)的分布区则相对狭小;3种动物在分布区上重叠度很小,仅河南县同时发现有柴达木根田鼠和青海松田鼠分布。研究表明,青藏高原东部地区至少有3种田鼠分布,种间遗传界限清晰,空间分布具有一定规律性。研究结果为了解青藏高原东部地区田鼠类动物的物种分布提供可靠的基础资料,同时,为这一地区的田鼠类动物的分子鉴定方法提供参考。  相似文献   
We studied vegetation responses to disturbances originated by ants and voles in subalpine grasslands in the Eastern Pyrenees. We compared the effects of these small-scale disturbances with those of a large-scale disturbance caused by ploughing. We wanted to know if these soil disturbances promoted species richness through the existence of a specific guild of plants colonizing these areas, and if this guild was the same for all soil disturbances, independently of their extent. In general, grassland vegetation seemed to recover relatively quickly from soil-displacement disturbances, and the effects could be scaled up in time and space in terms of species richness and composition. Vole mound composition was similar to that in the surrounding grassland, suggesting that mounds were rapidly colonized by the neighbouring vegetation. Vegetation composition differed between the grassland and the ant mounds. Grasses and erect dicots coped well with repeated disturbance, while rosette-forming species and sedges were very sensitive to it. Landscape processes could be important to understanding recolonization. Species from xeric grasslands were found in mesic grasslands when disturbed by ploughing and on the tops of active ant mounds. Furrows in mesic grasslands recovered well, but decades after disturbance showed long persistence of some xeric species and increased species richness compared to terraces, while xeric grasslands showed decreased richness. This suggests that, because of those disturbances, within-habitat diversity was increased, although landscape diversity was not. However, specific disturbances showed idiosyncratic effects, which could enhance the species richness globally. In ant-affected areas, the grassland itself showed the highest plant species richness, partially associated to the presence of some species with elaiosomes not, or only rarely, found in adjacent grasslands without ant mounds. Therefore, soil disturbances occurring at different spatial scales contributed to complexity in vegetation patterns in addition to abiotic factors and grazing. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nomenclature of the species follows Tutin et al. (1964–1980) and Bolòs et al. (1993).  相似文献   
The loss and fragmentation of forest habitats have been considered to pose a worldwide threat to the viability of forest-dwelling animals, especially to species that occupy old forests. We investigated whether the annual survival of sedentary male Tengmalm’s owls Aegolius funereus was associated with the cover of old coniferous forests in Finland. Survival and recapture probabilities varied annually with density changes in populations of the main prey (Microtus voles). When this variation was controlled for, and relationships between survival and proportions of the three different forest age classes (old-growth, middle-aged, and young) were modeled separately, the old-growth model was the most parsimonious. Survival increased with the cover of old forest, although the extent of old forest within owl territories was relatively small (mean ∼12%, range 2–37%). This association, however, varied among years and appeared especially in years of increasing vole abundance. At such times, old forests may sustain high populations of bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus, shrews and small passerines. In addition, old forests may serve as refuges against large avian predator species, such as Ural owls Strix uralensis and goshawks Accipiter gentilis. Our results suggest that changes in habitat quality created by agriculture and forestry may have the potential to reduce adult survival, an essential component of fitness and population viability.  相似文献   
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