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Anthers of Vitis latifolia L. (wild grape) cultured on Nitsch and Nitsch medium supplemented with 20 μM 2,4-D and 9 μM BAP produced callus after 4–6 weeks. Subculture of callus onto Nitsch and Nitsch medium containing 10 μM NAA produced somatic embryos within 6 weeks. On growth regulator-free Nitsch and Nitsch basal medium somatic embryos converted to plantlets in 6–8 weeks. One gram of callus produced more than 400 somatic embryos with 13.7% being converted to complete plantlets, which were subsequently established in soil. Regenerated plants were found to have mixoploid populations of cells, 2n = 38 and n = 19. Received: 23 May 1998 / Revision received: 21 September 1998 / Accepted: 10 October 1998  相似文献   
Gas exchange studies in two Portuguese grapevine cultivars   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Gas exchange characteristics of leaves of Vitis vinifera L. cvs Tinta Amarela and Periquita, two grapevine cultivars grown in distinct climatic regions of Portugal, were studied under natural and controlled conditions. Daily time courses of gas exchange were measured on both a hot, sunny day and a cooler, partly cloudy day. Responses of net photosynthesis to irradiance and internal partial pressure of CO2, were also obtained. A strong correlation between net photosynthesis (PN) and leaf conductance (gs) was found during the diurnal time courses of gas exchange, as well as a relatively constant internal partial pressure of CO2 (Pi), even under non-steady-state conditions. On the cloudless day, both PN and gs were lower in the afternoon than in the morning, despite similar conditions of leaf temperature, air to leaf water vapor deficit and irradiance. The response curves of net photosynthesis to internal CO2 showed linearity up to pi values of 50 Pa, possibly indicating a substantial excess of photosynthetic capacity. When measured at low partial pressures of O2 (1 kPa), PN became inhibited at high CO2 levels. Inhibition of PN at high CO2 was absent under normal levels of O2 (21 kPa). Significant differences in gas exchange characteristics were found between the two cultivars, with T. Amarela having higher rates under similar measurement conditions. In particular, the superior performance of T. Amarela at high temperatures may represent adaptation to the warmer conditions at its place of origin.  相似文献   
水稻原生质体产生细胞团的冰冻保存和冻后再生植株形成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)原生质体产生的细胞团加上10-20%的二甲亚枫(DMSO)和10-20%的蔗糖,置于液氮中保存。冻后细胞生存率达到对照的40-50%。存活的细胞在附加2×10~(-5)mol/l 2,4-D 的Linsmier-Skoog(Ls)固体培养基上再生长,然后将形成的愈伤组织块转到附加10~(-6)mol/l NAA,4×10~(-6)mol/l 激动素和10~(-6)mol/l 2 IP 及8%的蔗糖的 LS培养基上分化出芽并形成植株。  相似文献   
What limits nitrate uptake from soil?   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
Abstract. An accepted view, that unless nitrate concentrations in the soil solution are very low (e.g. below 0.1–0.2 mol m?3) the growth of high-yielding crops is not limited by the availability of nitrogen, is challenged. Conventional analyses of nutrient supply and demand, based on calculations of apparent inflow rates (uptake rates per unit total root length) are invalid. Apparent inflow rates are inversely proportional to root length. The convention of using total root length grossly overestimates the fraction of the root system active in nutrient uptake. Consequently, inflow rates based on total root lengths underestimate the true values, indicating unrealistically low nutrient concentration differentials between bulk soil and root surfaces required to drive uptake. An alternative method of analysis is suggested. This is based on total nutrient uptake rather than on inflow rate. Measurements of the former do not depend on estimates of active root length and can be made directly and reliably. The method was applied to data obtained from a pot experiment using spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Wembley) grown in soil without nitrogen fertilizer (N0) or with nitrogen fertilizer equivalent to 200kg N ha?1 (N+). Soil nitrate concentrations calculated using the conventional method based on total root length, suggested that any increases in concentration above those measured in the N0 treatment should not have resulted in increased uptake and growth. However, the N+ plants were always bigger than those in the No treatment, refuting this suggestion. Theoretical uptakes of nitrogen (calculated initially on the basis of a fully active root system) were adjusted, by reducing the effective root length incrementally, until the theoretical uptake matched the measured net uptake of nitrogen. The mean fractions of the root systems likely to have been involved in nitrate uptake were 11% and 3.5% of the total lengths of root in the N0 and N+ treatments, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of soil water status on the critical phosphorus concentration (CPC) determined in apices and whole tops ofStylosanthes hamata cv. Verano was investigated in a glasshouse trial. The species was grown with six rates of P and three ranges of soil water potential and was harvested at 10 and 14 weeks after germination. The CPC of both whole tops and apices decliced between the two harvests. At the first harvest the CPC of both whole tops and apices increased as the soil water potential decreased but at the second harvest there was no effect of soil water potential on CPC. It is suggested that at the earlier harvest water stress was delaying physiological development, resulting in a CPC characteristic of chronologically younger tissue, but that by the second harvest the decline in CPC with age had ceased for all water treatments.  相似文献   
Monoterpene glycoside biosynthesis in detached grape berries grown in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A procedure for the culture in vitro of isolated small berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Muscat of Alexandria in a Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with N6-benzyladenine and indoleacetic acid is described. Berries developed well in culture during 60 days and tripled in size, but remained green and smaller than normal berries grown in vivo. Some callus formed on the distal end of the berry, and where major skin damage occurred, callus emerged from the cracked berries. In order to examine their biosynthetic competency, berries which were previously cultured in vitro for 60 days were incubated for 48 h in a Murashige and Skoog medium containing a [14C]-labelled water-soluble fraction. This fraction was isolated from grape berries located adjacent to a leaf that had been exposed to gaseous 14CO2 in full sunlight for 5 h. The berries were then recultured for 48 h after which a glycosidic fraction was isolated on a C18 reversed phase column and further separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The major labelled band corresponded to the geranyl-β-rutinoside marker, indicating that grape berries have the ability to synthesize monoterpene glycosides. This band also consisted of other monoterpene glycosides as revealed by the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of their aglycones (released by enzymatic hydrolysis).  相似文献   
葡萄胚珠,胚乳及胚的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了“早玫瑰”和“新玫瑰”葡萄胚珠、胚乳和胚的发育。结果表明:花后3天胚珠即开始迅速生长,其生长的最终大小依品种成熟期的不同而各异。胚乳游离核在花后33天成为细胞状态。受精后16—21天,合子才开始第一次分裂。当胚乳充满珠心组织时,胚开始迅速发育并一直持续到果实成熟.胚的发育与果实的发育无明显竞争关系。  相似文献   
The effects of an aqueous plant-derived smoke extract, octanoic acid and ethylene on germination of light-sensitive Grand Rapids lettuce seeds were investigated. The smoke extract brought about a concentration dependent increase in germination and a complete inhibition of germination at high concentrations. Octanoic acid could not induce germination. Ethylene at concentrations over 5 L L–1 increased lettuce seed germination, but not to the same degree as smoke. Aqueous smoke in combination with ethylene showed a synergistic effect on germination at suboptimal smoke concentrations. At high smoke concentrations the effect of ethylene was almost completely inhibited. Octanoic acid in combination with ethylene brought about a higher level of germination than with ethylene alone, but only at the highest concentration of octanoic acid tested (1 mM). Standardized hexane and dichloromethane-partitioned smoke extracts and octanoic acid were subjected to TLC separation. The R f -fractions in the smoke lanes showing activity in the lettuce seed bioassay did not correspond to the R f -value of octanoic acid. As aqueous smoke can withstand autoclaving and can be separated by TLC and HPLC without loosing activity it is unlikely that the activity of aqueous smoke is linked to ethylene. It thus appears that the active compound in smoke is neither octanoic acid nor ethylene.Abbreviations TLC thin layer chromatography - HPLC High performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   
Isolated somatic embryos from petiole-derived callus cultures ofVitis rupestris Scheele have been employed in experiments on genetic transformation. Co-cultivation of somatic embryos during embryogenesis induction withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404, which contains the plasmid pBI121 carrying the neomycin phosphotranspherase and the-glucuronidase genes, produced transformed cellular lines capable of recurrent somatic embryogenesis. Precocious selection for high levels of kanamycin (100 mgl-1) was an important part of our transformation protocol. Transformed lines still have strong-glucuronidase expression as well as stable insertion of the marker genes after 3 years of in-vitro culture, during which they have maintained their capacity to organize secondary embryos and to regenerate transgenic plants with an agreeable efficiency (13%).  相似文献   
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