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The diurnal water budget of developing grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries was evaluated before and after the onset of fruit ripening (veraison). The diameter of individual berries of potted ‘Zinfandel’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines was measured continuously with electronic displacement transducers over 24 h periods under controlled environmental conditions, and leaf water status was determined by the pressure chamber technique. For well-watered vines, daytime contraction was much less during ripening (after veraison) than before ripening. Daytime contraction was reduced by restricting berry or shoot transpiration, with the larger effect being shoot transpiration pre-veraison and berry transpiration post-veraison. The contributions of the pedicel xylem and phloem as well as berry transpiration to the net diurnal water budget of the fruit were estimated by eliminating phloem or phloem and xylem pathways. Berry transpiration was significant and comprised the bulk of water outflow for the berry both before and after veraison. A nearly exclusive role for the xylem in water transport into the berry was evident during pre-veraison development, but the phloem was clearly dominant in the post-veraison water budget. Daytime contraction was very sensitive to plant water status before veraison but was remarkably insensitive to changes in plant water status after veraison. This transition is attributed to an increased phloem inflow and a partial discontinuity in berry xylem during ripening.  相似文献   
A stilbene synthase catalyzing the formation of resveratrol from 4-hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA was found in the leaves of several Vitaceae. This stilbene synthase and two other enzymes functioning on the route from phenylalanine to stilbenes were induced concurrently upon irradiation of the leaves with UV light. With leaves of Cissus antarctica, an increase of stilbene synthase activity, more than hundred-fold, was observed with a maximum appearing 15 h after the induction with UV light.Abbreviations EDTA Na2-ethylenediaminotetraacetate - Hepes 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - Mes morpholinoethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   
l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] or sucrose-[U-14C] was fed into grape berries and 14CO2 evolution was determined. 14CO2 evolution front l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] was slightly higher in mature than immature berries, and that from sucrose-[U-14C] was higher in immature than mature ones. 14CO2 evolution from l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] was irregular throughout the day until 2 or 3 weeks after flowering. This stage shifted to regular 14CO2 evolution until 6 or 7 weeks after flowering, and the mode of 14CO2 evolution showed diurnal variation; higher in the day than at night. Then the stage without variation of 14CO2 evolution followed 10 weeks after flowering. These observations indicate that tartrate is not biochemically inert in grape berries, while the amount of 14CO2 evolution from sucrose-[U-14C] was higher at night than in the day through the whole ripening process, except in the early stage.  相似文献   
The exotic temperate liana (woody vine) Celastrus orbiculatus has become a weed in Michigan, occurring in many of the same habitats as the native liana Vitis riparia. However, C. orbiculatus frequently develops into extensive monospecific infestations, while V. riparia does not. Freezing-induced embolism may be responsible for limiting liana distribution. Root pressure has been observed in numerous tropical lianas and temperate species of Vitis and has been implicated as vital to the recovery of xylem function in wide vessels following winter freezes. For both of these co-occurring lianas we investigated root pressure and water conductance as possible explanatory factors for their differential spread. According to our hypothesis, C. orbiculatus should have produced greater or more frequent root pressures than V. riparia. However, the reverse proved true, indicating that root pressure is not a prerequisite for weedy proliferation of C. orbiculatus. Additionally, the seasonal patterns of specific conductivity of stem xylem indicate that each species responds differently to environmental constraints. Vitis riparia establishes conductivity early in the growing season, before the leaves emerge, using root pressure to reverse embolism, but loses conductivity with the first freeze in early autumn. Celastrus orbiculatus is slow to establish conductivity, depending on new wood production, but leafs out sooner than V. riparia and maintains green leaves after the first freeze. Vulnerability curves of xylem to cavitation caused by water stress for the two species indicate that they respond similarly to dehydration. These results indicate that root pressures are not responsible for the invasive success of C. orbiculatus and suggest that other factors must be key to its prolific invasion.  相似文献   
The colonization pattern of Vitis vinifera L. by Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN was determined using grapevine fruiting cuttings with emphasis on putative inflorescence colonization under nonsterile conditions. Two-week-old rooted plants harbouring flower bud initials, grown in nonsterile soil, were inoculated with PsJN:gfp2x. Plant colonization was subsequently monitored at various times after inoculation with plate counts and epifluorescence and/or confocal microscopy. Strain PsJN was chronologically detected on the root surfaces, in the endorhiza, inside grape inflorescence stalks, not inside preflower buds and flowers but rather as an endophyte inside young berries. Data demonstrated low endophytic populations of strain PsJN in inflorescence organs, i.e. grape stalks and immature berries with inconsistency among plants for bacterial colonization of inflorescences. Nevertheless, endophytic colonization of inflorescences by strain PsJN was substantial for some plants. Microscopic analysis revealed PsJN as a thriving endophyte in inflorescence organs after the colonization process. Strain PsJN was visualized colonizing the root surface, entering the endorhiza and spreading to grape inflorescence stalks, pedicels and then to immature berries through xylem vessels. In parallel to these observations, a natural microbial communities was also detected on and inside plants, demonstrating the colonization of grapevine by strain PsJN in the presence of other microorganisms.  相似文献   
A flight tunnel study was done to decipher the behavioral effect of grape odor in grapevine moth Lobesia botrana. A blend of 10 volatile compounds, which all elicit a strong antennal response, attracts mated grapevine moth females from a distance, by upwind orientation flight. These 10 grape volatiles are in part behaviorally redundant, since attraction to a 3-component blend of beta-caryophyllene, (E)-beta-farnesene and (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene was not significantly different from the 10-component blend. Blending these three compounds had a strong synergistic effect on female attraction, and omission of any one compound from this 3-component blend almost abolished attraction. It was nonetheless possible to substitute the three compounds with the other grape volatiles which are perceived by the female antenna, to partly restore attraction. Several blends, of varying composition, elicited significant attraction. The observed behavioral plasticity in response to grape volatile blends probably reflects the variation of the natural plant signal, since females oviposit on different grape varieties, in different phenological stages.  相似文献   
Pterisanthes (Vitaceae) is a genus of c. 20 species of scandent climbers endemic to Southeast Asia with unusual lamellate inflorescences. Molecular phylogenetic analysis supports its relationship in the well‐supported VitisAmpelocissusNothocissusPterisanthes clade (i.e. the AmpelocissusVitis clade). Shoot tips and floral buds were collected from wild and greenhouse‐grown P. eriopoda at different developmental stages and were examined using epi‐illumination, light and scanning electron microscopy. Inflorescence and floral ontogeny was studied to discover how the lamellate inflorescence evolved and to make morphological comparisons to infer relationships with closely related members of Vitaceae. The second‐order branches in P. eriopoda are racemose and develop helically around the inflorescence axis in a similar fashion to Vitis and Ampelocissus. Inflorescence branching is restricted to the second order in P. eriopoda, whereas in Vitis and most Ampelocissus species subsequent branching orders culminate in the typical vitaceous determinate dichasium. In P. eriopoda subsequent lateral growth of the second‐order branches combined with the inhibition of peduncle or pedicel formation and loss of dichasial branching results in the unique lamellae in Pterisanthes, on which the floral primordia arise directly in a helical pattern. Floral development in P. eriopoda is the same as in other genera of Vitaceae examined to date with initiation of floral whorls centripetally, the calyx ring developing first and calyx lobes fused to cover the petals and stamen primordia. Given the recent phylogenetic results that placed Pterisanthes firmly within Ampelocissus, the most likely scenario is that the Pterisanthes inflorescence is derived from the thyrse of an Ampelocissus‐like ancestor and that the thyrse is a morphological synapomorphy of the Ampelocissus–Vitis clade. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 725–741.  相似文献   
将产于中国海南的Cayratia mollissima var.lanceolata C.L.Li.提升为种:Cayratia lanceolata(C.L.Li)J.Wen&Z.-D.Chen(狭叶乌蔹莓),本种与产于马来西亚和印度支那的C.mollissima在果实与叶形态上差异显著。  相似文献   
The European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a major grapevine pest in Europe. The larva is polyphagous and able to develop on more than 25 plant species, several of them being more suitable than Vitaceae for the fitness of L. botrana. Larvae normally eat the pulp of the berry, but may also consume the seeds according to the development stage of the berry and the larval density per bunch. Understanding the effect on individual fitness of such feeding behaviour is important to assess how suitable the different berry tissues are for this insect. We offered to the larvae either entire berries, seeds, or pulp with skin of the variety Vitis vinifera cv. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ as larval food in order to assess several life history traits from egg hatching to adult death. Two control groups were raised on semisynthetic diets, offering a low (no plant material) or a higher (with corn flour) nutritive value medium. The larvae performed differently when fed on diets containing different parts of berries. The larvae fed on a diet containing grape berry seeds had a prolonged development time and showed higher mortality. The females emerging from these larvae had a lower fecundity and mating success than the females emerging from larvae fed on diets containing other parts of the berries. However, their longevity was greater in comparison to the other groups. We conclude that seeds of Cabernet Sauvignon are not toxic to larvae but affect the reproductive life history traits in L. botrana.  相似文献   
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