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The populations of native male adult oriental fruit fly Dacus dorsalis (Hendel ) and artocarpus fruit fly D. umbrosus (F.) in two selected site (BU and SD) were estimated weekly by the capture-recapture technique using live traps baited with methyl eugenol. In BU where many varieties of fruit trees were grown, the estimated population densities of D. dorsalis were between 980 and 3100 male flies per ha between May and July, 1984. During the same period, in SD where there were fewer number and varieties of fruit trees, the estimated population densities were between 300 and 1000 flies per ha. The estimated population densities of D. umbrosus over the same period were between 570 and 1290 flies per ha in BU; and between 5 and 95 flies per ha in SD. Of a total 6828 marked D. dorsalis flies released only one fly (released 6 weeks earlier in BU) was caught in a different site.  相似文献   
城市生态学已逐渐发展成一门受众人肯定的生态学分支学科,但乡村生态学未引起广泛重视。本文定义乡村生态学为研究村落形态、结构、行为及其与环境本底统一体客观存在的生态学分支科学。村落是以一定年龄结构、一定数量人口或人群为基本特征,以户为组成单位,以土地为经营对象,以相应的生物(牲畜和作物)为主要价值资源的人类聚居的空间单元。村落除具空间和生命涵义外,还直接联系地理位置、地形地势、气候、土壤和植被等景观要素与资源参数;同时,它还与历史传统、社会习俗等多方面复杂因素有关。乡村生态学的意义在于揭示村落与所有这些相关因素的关系,并用以指导乡村建设。  相似文献   
大气污染对珠江三角洲村边林植被的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
在群落结构与组成分析的基础上,阐明了陶瓷工业污染对自然条件下生长的植被伤害状况、程度和原因,为类似地理气候区重度污染背景下退化生态系统的植被恢复提供参考。野外调查样地位于广东省佛山市南海区一村边半自然次生林内。结果表明,该森林以隆缘桉和尾叶桉占优势,其次是乡土树种鸭脚木、泥竹,重要值依次为26.75、17.08、16.27和11.50,其它伴生种的重要值不足30。根据冠层叶可见症状、失绿和脱叶对植物受害进行综合评价,分死亡(受害程度100%,全部叶死亡脱落)、重度(60%-100%)、中度(25%-60%)、轻度(10%-25%)和健康(<10%)5个级别。隆缘桉和马尾松冠层叶完全脱落属于死亡类,泥竹、南岭黄檀属重度受害种类。尽管其它伴生树种有较低的重要值,但其中多数种类显示出较强耐受能力,这些种类包括鸭脚木、珊瑚树、酒饼叶、光叶山矾、白背叶、银柴、竹节树、山黄麻、构树、粗叶榕、潺槁树等。和乔木层比较,林下灌木和草本植物受污染的伤害大大降低。桉树类树种因其速生、快速郁闭的特点被认为是华南荒山、退化丘陵地区植被恢复的重要种类,在重度污染地区已经受到严重威胁,应该引起重视。另一方面,某些乡土树种在重度污染地区环境修复中显示出潜力和前景。  相似文献   
Twenty-five species of fishes belonging to 18 genera, 7 families under the order siluriformes have been recorded from different freshwater and brackish water wetlands of South West Bengal, India. Fishery potential of 17 commercially important siluroid fishes were noted especially from market surveys as well as from information collected from local fishermen communities. Following the IUCN guidelines, and also through Participatory Rural Appraisal (P.R.A.) methods, an attempt has been made to assess the conservation status of such fishes, many of which are thought to be threatened. Trend analysis, Fish Magnitude Value and Rank based Quotient revealed the threatened status of 17 siluroid fishes.  相似文献   
In the state Meghalaya, northeast India, >80% of the forest lands are owned by local communities and managed by traditional institutions. These forests are under severe threats due to a number of human disturbances. The present study was conducted to assess the plant diversity and identify the community forests for priority conservation in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. Floristic explorations carried out in the 87 forests reveals the presence of 1300 plant species of which 400 are either rare, endemic or threatened. Of the different forest categories, reserve forests had the highest number of species (1190), followed by sacred forests (987 species) and village forests (786 species). Majority of the forests (56) had high-species richness, irreplaceability level (42 forests) and vulnerability level (54). In terms of area, 13.8% (1666.8 ha) fall under low risk while 1855 ha under high risk zone. High risk zone was mostly represented by village forests. An area of 7661.56 ha of community forests falls under high priority category and hence calls for immediate conservation actions. The conservation priority map generated in the present study will help to concentrate the protection strategy to the demarcated and adjoining areas and help conservationists and planners to evolve effective strategies for conservation of the community forests.  相似文献   
江苏盐城上冈全瘭世颗石藻及其环境控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐城上冈地区全新世期间处于泥砂质潮滩环境。根据有孔虫组合分析,这套近岸潮滩沉积代表潮下带-湖间带-潮上带的一次大海退过程。本文分析了上冈村砖瓦厂采泥坑东侧SGE柱状剖面全新统的颗石藻化石,结果发现这套沉积物仅仅含Gephyrocapsa oceanica单一属种,而且丰度较低。但这个种在剖面上的丰度分布显示三分性:即自下至上为贫乏或缺失间隔、较常见间隔笔常见间隔,基本上对应于潮下带、潮间带和潮上带。一般情况下,潮坪区由海向陆水动力由强至弱,各相带的水动力条件不同,其沉积特征各异。颗石灌胳架十分细微,在海水中往往以悬乳形式搬运,并在水动力较弱时停积。所以,水动力是G.oceanica分布的直接控制因素。  相似文献   
韦诗誉 《生物信息学》2018,25(12):110-115
将乡村聚落景观研究置于人类学视野之下有利于科学认知乡村所独具的人地关系价值。对山区聚落的典型代表——桂北龙脊村和瑞士弗林村的聚落景观分别展开研究,首先剖析其空间单元与社会建构、生产活动的关系,进而阐释中观层面的组团分布或受自然地理限定或以公共活动为中心,而两者在宏观格局上则因农业生产活动的不同呈现出截然不同的形态。从乡村聚落景观生成的源头探索人类活动与空间的深度交融;通过2个跨文化案例的比较研究,剖析乡村聚落景观多样性的成因——自然要素、文化要素、生产要素与空间要素之间丰富的关联,揭示乡村聚落景观的多元价值内涵。  相似文献   
姚梦园  晏实江  吴艳兰 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):3905-3912
徽派村落是中国传统村落的典型代表,蕴含了丰富的地域文化和生态内涵,是中国古代人与自然和谐相处的典范,其研究与保护在生态学、地理学、建筑学和美学等领域具有重要的科学价值.本文以呈坎村为例,综合风水理论、心理场理论等,从生态学视角提出理想人居环境的理想生态系统模式,并引入三维景观指数,对徽派村落空间结构进行解析,定量分析村落理想生态系统各景观要素组合结构的生态功能体现.结果表明: 呈坎村立体结构为“山-林-屋-水-林”的景观空间组合模式,形成了以人为中心、自然景观立体环绕的圈层结构,符合理想人居模式.传统基于投影距离的方法造成了景观指数偏差(如对面积与边长的低估).平均斑块面积三维指数比二维指数高6.7%;林地的面积比重三维指数比二维指数高1.0%,其他景观类型的面积比重均有所下降,其中建设用地和耕地等人工斑块的面积比重下降最多.面积与周长指标被低估,形状指标和多样性指标被高估,导致景观格局分析中自然斑块的优势度被低估、人工斑块的优势度被高估.三维景观指数表明,呈坎村落生态系统中各自然要素及组合体现出了较好的生态功能,关键要素和景观生态系统具有较高的稳定性、连接度和聚集性;定量印证了以呈坎为代表的徽派村落是理想的生态系统.  相似文献   
Lovejoy and colleagues excavated some 1327 skeletons deposited around 800 to 1100 A.D. at a site near Lake Erie in Ohio, called Libben. Examination of the implications of the life table presented for the living group which produced the cemetery shows that it would have had to be an extremely young population, in which many of the children would be orphans, in which the adults would have had to work hard and effectively to support the group, and almost none of whom would have lived long enough to become grandparents. The unusual and implausible features of the population structure can be interpreted as direct evidence on prehistoric living conditions, or alternatively, as a caution that the life table may include sources of error or bias.  相似文献   
Only 30% of commercial heparin reacts with antithrombin III (ATIII). This study shows that the interaction is pH dependent: 100% of the heparin binds to ATIII at pH 3.0, 30% at physiological pH. Binding of ATIII, platelet factor 4, and protamine to heparin was studied using a new rocket precipitin electrophoresis procedure, adapted from the Laurell rocket immunoelectrophoresis procedure. Protamine is incorporated into agarose gel, and heparin mixtures with protamine, ATIII, or platelet factor 4 electrophoresed into the gel from a series of wells. The residual free heparin is precipitated by the protamine in a rocket-shaped arc, the height of which is proportional to the amount of free heparin. No antibody is employed. This procedure is useful for quantitation of heparin and for studying the binding of heparin to proteins.  相似文献   
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