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Night shiftworkers often complain of disturbed sleep during the day. This could be partly caused by morning sunlight exposure during the commute home, which tends to maintain the circadian clock on a daytime rhythm. The circadian clock is most sensitive to the blue portion of the visible spectrum, so our aim was to determine if blocking short wavelengths of light below 540 nm could improve daytime sleep quality and nighttime vigilance of night shiftworkers. Eight permanent night shiftworkers (32–56 yrs of age) of Quebec City's Canada Post distribution center were evaluated during summertime, and twenty others (24–55 yrs of age) during fall and winter. Timing, efficacy, and fragmentation of daytime sleep were analyzed over four weeks by a wrist activity monitor, and subjective vigilance was additionally assessed at the end of the night shift in the fall–winter group. The first two weeks served as baseline and the remaining two as experimental weeks when workers had to wear blue-blockers glasses, either just before leaving the workplace at the end of their shift (summer group) or 2 h before the end of the night shift (fall–winter group). They all had to wear the glasses when outside during the day until 16:00 h. When wearing the glasses, workers slept, on average ±SD, 32±29 and 34±60 more min/day, increased their sleep efficacy by 1.95±2.17% and 4.56±6.1%, and lowered their sleep fragmentation by 1.74±1.36% and 4.22±9.16% in the summer and fall–winter group, respectively. Subjective vigilance also generally improved on Fridays in the fall–winter group. Blue-blockers seem to improve daytime sleep of permanent night-shift workers.  相似文献   
Nurses working 12-h shifts complain of fatigue and insufficient/poor-quality sleep. Objectively measured sleep times have not been often reported. This study describes sleep, sleepiness, fatigue, and neurobehavioral performance over three consecutive 12-h (day and night) shifts for hospital registered nurses. Sleep (actigraphy), sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale [KSS]), and vigilance (Performance Vigilance Task [PVT]), were measured serially in 80 registered nurses (RNs). Occupational fatigue (Occupational Fatigue Exhaustion Recovery Scale [OFER]) was assessed at baseline. Sleep was short (mean 5.5?h) between shifts, with little difference between day shift (5.7?h) and night shift (5.4?h). Sleepiness scores were low overall (3 on a 1–9 scale, with higher score indicating greater sleepiness), with 45% of nurses having high level of sleepiness (score ?>?7) on at least one shift. Nurses were progressively sleepier each shift, and night nurses were sleepier toward the end of the shift compared to the beginning. There was extensive caffeine use, presumably to preserve or improve alertness. Fatigue was high in one-third of nurses, with intershift fatigue (not feeling recovered from previous shift at the start of the next shift) being most prominent. There were no statistically significant differences in mean reaction time between day/night shift, consecutive work shift, and time into shift. Lapsing was traitlike, with rare (39% of sample), moderate (53%), and frequent (8%) lapsers. Nurses accrue a considerable sleep debt while working successive 12-h shifts with accompanying fatigue and sleepiness. Certain nurses appear more vulnerable to sleep loss than others, as measured by attention lapses. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
The aerial/terrestrial scan and glance behaviors of 20 captive adult black tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix penicillata), kept undisturbed in their own familiar social environments, were assessed at 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00 h, as little is known on the temporal organization of their vigilance repertoire, particularly under normal social and stress-free conditions. For each time point, four 20-min observation sessions were held. Although general high vigilance rates were observed, significantly more time was spent scanning the upper part of the home-cage, particularly during the earliest and latest hours of the day. Significantly higher terrestrial than aerial glance frequencies were also seen, yet both remained constant throughout the day. Therefore, the observed pattern not only varied significantly according to the specific vigilance behavior and time of day, but also seemed associated with eco-physiological factors, such as the search/intake of food, sleep site selection and higher risk of air-born threats.  相似文献   
Sun P  Yu HH  Zhao XQ  Wang DH 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):561-565
行为是反映动物应对环境变化的最直接形式。动物可以根据周围环境条件的变化以及自身的生理状况来调整行为,异地放养是保护珍稀动物的有效方法,但必然会对其行为产生影响。为了探讨藏羚(Pantholops hodgsonii)对异地环境的行为学适应,对异地圈养藏羚的警戒行为进行了不同季节间的比较研究,采用全事件记录法和焦点动物取样法,记录和统计了异地圈养藏羚在冷季和暖季的警戒行为,进而推测其对人类干扰的行为适应性。研究结果表明,雌性和雄性藏羚的警戒时间及警戒比例(警戒时间占全天活动时间的比例)在暖季存在显著差异(警戒时间:Z=4.36,P<0.05;警戒比例:Z=4.559,P<0.05),而在冷季则无差异(警戒时间:Z=0.001,P>0.05;警戒比例:Z=0.0014,P>0.05);而季节差异对雌、雄性藏羚的警戒时间、警戒比例均具有极显著的影响(雄性-警戒时间:F=31.758,P<0.01;警戒比例:F=21.768,P<0.01;雌性-警戒时间:F=14.98,P<0.01;警戒比例:F=11.05,P<0.01);但是季节和性别对藏羚警戒行为的影响没有交互作用(Z=?0.576,P>0.05)。这些结果提示异地圈养藏羚警戒行为的变化可能是对陌生环境适应的结果。  相似文献   
We develop a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to a well-known model of vigilance behaviour in a group of animals. We first demonstrate that the GA approach can provide a good match to analytic solutions to the original model. We demonstrate that a GA can be used to find the evolutionarily stable strategies in a model relevant to behavioural ecology where the fitness of each strategy is determined by the frequencies of different strategies in the population. We argue that the GA implementation demonstrates the combination of assumptions used to generate analytic solution to the original model can only be simultaneously satisfied under relatively restrictive conditions on the ecology of the species involved; specifically that group membership is very fluid but group size is conserved over timescales of individual foraging bouts. We further explore the sensitivity of model predictions to alternative choices in the implementation of the GA, and present advice for implementation and presentation of similar models. In particular, we emphasise the need for care in measuring the predictions of such models, so as to capture the intrinsic behaviour of the system and not the remnant of often arbitrarily chosen initial conditions. We also emphasise the potential for GA models to be more transparent about model assumptions regarding underlying biology than analytic models.  相似文献   
Summary When given a choice, animals often prefer foraging habitats where predation risk is low, even if such habitats provide reduced foraging opportunities. We evaluated foraging rates of tame but free-ranging Himalayan Snowcocks (Tetraogallus himalayensis) in 16 types of alpine habitats. Foraging rate was highest on level or slightly-sloping terrain and where grasses were relatively abundant. We also observed 102 wild snowcocks and found they were most nervous about raptorial predators when on level or slightly-sloping terrain and in small coveys. Snowcocks face a dilemma: they are most vulnerable to raptors in areas where they can forage most efficiently. During summer snowcocks trade off higher foraging efficiency on level terrain for lower predation risk on steeper terrain. During winter, when raptor numbers are lower, snowcocks apparently revert to using level or slightly-sloping, high-efficiency foraging habitats. Risk of predation plays an important role in habitat selection and resource utilization by snowcocks.  相似文献   
Synopsis Recent studies show that fish forage actively when perceived risk is low, but decrease foraging and increase vigilance when perceived risk is high. Isolated juvenile chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta, were visually exposed to groups of conspecifics engaged in different activities to examine their ability to gain information about foraging opportunity and risk by interpreting conspecific behavior. Isolates ate most when exposed to feeding groups, less when exposed to nonfeedig groups, and least when exposed to alarmed groups. Isolates exposed to alarmed conspecifics also spent more time motionless than did fish exposed to either feeding or nonfeeding conspecifics. These findings indicate that schooling fish gain information by interpreting conspecific behavior, and are consistent with research showing that animals balance the conflicting demands of foraging and vigilance.  相似文献   
Synopsis If an individual is less susceptible to predation in a group it should be able to reduce its vigilance for predators and perhaps also its tendency to flee from predators, thereby gaining time and energy for feeding and other activities. These predictions were examined in the field (Veronica Lake, northwestern Ontario) using a facultative schooling species, the spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius). Schools of various sizes attacked with a fish predator model had a significantly lower reaction distance to the predator than solitary shiners. Solitary shiners must therefore invest more time and energy in defense but may gain a feeding advantage because their visual field does not overlap with conspecific competitors.  相似文献   
The rates of visual scanning and vocalizations were studied in a group of captive marmosets (Callinthrix jacchus) after the presentation of five different stimuli (artificial flower, playback of long calls, female/male conspecific, stuffed wild cat) in order to assess the function of visual scanning. Only the presentation of a stuffed cat induced a significant response. The adult males in particular increased their scanning rate and all adult individuals decreased their rate of vocalizations. The results indicate that visual scanning in marmosets is an appropriate measure of vigilance which seems to serve the function of predator detection and avoidance. The strong response of adult males suggests that they play a special role in predator detection.  相似文献   
2005年1—3月,在云南丽江拉市海就群体规模对越冬灰鹤(Grusgrus)警戒行为的影响进行了研究。用扫描取样记录群体的规模和警戒个体的数量、用焦点取样记录群体中个体警戒行为的频次和持续时间,结果显示灰鹤群体和个体的警戒力均随群体规模增加而降低,但集群个体数超过30只后,群体警戒力便不会再下降(P>0.05)、成体的警戒持续时间也会增加(P<0.01);当群体规模超过50只后,成体的警戒频次也会上升(P<0.05)。推测亚成体维持低警戒的群体规模上限值要高于成体,单从警戒行为分析,20—30只个体的集群可能代表越冬灰鹤的最适群体大小。  相似文献   
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