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The scavenger effect of melanin and of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity on superoxide anion has been shown. In this work we show the relationship between melanin content and SOD activity in livers containing different quantities of melanin which were taken from various species of animals. The mitochondrial SOD activity disappears when the melanin content in the liver is very high; moreover it increases, in the liver of various species of animals examined, proportionally to the decrease of melanin content. No significant variation of the SOD activity localized in the soluble fraction has been detected when related to the melanin content. We think that in the pigmented liver the antioxidant activity of the melanin could mimic part of the function of SOD. The loss of Mn SOD activity could be mediated by a low intracellular level of superoxide anion due to the scavenger effect of melanin on superoxide anion; in fact, it is well known that the biosynthesis of Mn SOD is induced by intracellular levels of superoxide anion.  相似文献   
Based on protochordates and extant fish, the earliest Palaeozoic vertebrates were microphagous suspension-feeding animals that pumped food-carrying water very slowly and thus required highly concentrated suspensions. Such conditions exist in benthic (not open water) aquatic environments. Feeding modes which on the basis of extant fish are closely related to benthic microphagous suspension feeding include deposit feeding, epilithic algal scraping, and macrophagous suspension feeding; early jawless vertebrates are predicted to have included all these feeding types. The gnathostome condition is predicted to have followed an initial switch from feeding on suspensions to taking tiny individual food particles (microphagous suspension-feeding → microphagous particulate-feeding → macrophagous particulate-feeding).  相似文献   
Abstract. We compare the dispersal spectra of diaspores from varied plant communities in Australia, New Zealand, and North America, assigning dispersal mode to each diaspore type on the basis of apparent morphological adaptations. Species with ballistic and external dispersal modes were uncommon in most communities we surveyed. Ant dispersal was also rather uncommon, except in some Australian sclerophyll vegetation types. The frequency of vertebrate dispersal ranged up to 60% of the flora, the highest frequencies occurring in New Zealand forests. Wind dispersal ranged as high as 70% of the flora, with the highest values in Alaska, but usually comprised 10–30% of the flora. Many species in most communities had diaspores with no special morphological device for dispersal. Physiognomically similar vegetation types indifferentbiogeographic regions usually had somewhat dissimilar dispersal spectra. The frequency of dispersal by vertebrates often increased and the frequency of species with no special dispersal device decreased along gradients of increasing vertical diversity of vegetation structure. Elevation and moisture gradients also exhibited shifts in dispersal spectra. Within Australia, vertebrate- and wind-dispersal increased in frequency along a soil-fertility gradient, and dispersal by ants and by no special device decreased. Habitat breadths (across plant communities) and microhabitat breadths (within communities) for species of each major dispersal type did not show consistent differences, in general. Ant-dispersed species often had lower cover-values than other species in several Australian vegetation types. We discuss the ecological bases of these differences in dispersal spectra in terms of the availability of dispersal agents, seed size, and other ecological constraints. Seed size is suggested to be one ecological factor that is probably of general relevance to the evolution of dispersal syndromes.  相似文献   
We compared the exon/intron organization of vertebrate genes belonging to different isochore classes, as predicted by their GC content at third codon position. Two main features have emerged from the analysis of sequences published in GenBank: (1) genes coding for long proteins (i.e., 500 aa) are almost two times more frequent in GC-poor than in GC-rich isochores; (2) intervening sequences (=sum of introns) are on average three times longer in GC-poor than in GC-rich isochores. These patterns are observed among human, mouse, rat, cow, and even chicken genes and are therefore likely to be common to all warm-blooded vertebrates. Analysis of Xenopus sequences suggests that the same patterns exist in cold-blooded vertebrates. It could be argued that such results do not reflect the reality because sequence databases are not representative of entire genomes. However, analysis of biases in GenBank revealed that the observed discrepancies between GC-rich and GC-poor isochores are not artifactual, and are probably largely underestimated. We investigated the distribution of microsatellites and interspersed repeats in introns of human and mouse genes from different isochores. This analysis confirmed previous studies showing that Ll repeats are almost absent from GC-rich isochores. Microsatellites and SINES (Alu, B1, B2) are found at roughly equal frequencies in introns from all isochore classes. Globally, the presence of repeated sequences does not account for the increased intron length in GC-poor isochores. The relationships between gene structure and global genome organization and evolution are discussed.  相似文献   
Rhodopsinlike opsins constitute a distinct phylogenetic group (Yokoyama 1994, Mol. Biol. Evol. 11:32–39). This RH2 group includes the green-sensitive opsins in chicken and goldfish and the blue-sensitive opsin in a nocturnal lizard gecko. In the present study, we isolated and sequenced the genomic DNA clones for the RH2 opsin gene, rh2 Ac , of the diurnal lizard Anolis carolinensis. This single-copy gene spans 18.3 kb from start to stop codons, making it the longest opsin gene known in vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggests that rh2 Ac is more closely related to the chicken green opsin gene than to the gecko blue opsin gene. This gene tree differs from the organismal tree, where the two lizard species should be most closely related, implying that rh2 Ac and the gecko blue-sensitive opsin genes have been derived from duplicate ancestral genes.Correspondence to: S. Yukiyama  相似文献   
Summary After application of a rapid, selective silver impregnation procedure for light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy, individual neurons are distinguishable by a light silver precipitation. The silver content is sufficient that entire nerve cells can be observed light microscopically; on the other hand, electron microscopically the cytological details are still visible. Brains of mice were fixed by phosphate-buffered aldehyde perfusion, and pieces of tissue left in a 1 % K2Cr2O7 solution for 13 h before impregnation in a 0.5 % AgNO3 solution for 2h. Thick sections (30–50 m) of the impregnated tissue were cut; from these sections, suitably stained neurons were dissected out and re-embedded for ultrathin sectioning, thereby allowing observations on the same neurons at the EM level. A thin silver deposit was observed along the delimiting neuronal membrane, the microtubules and the smooth ER, including the spinal apparatus of the dendritic spines. The fine cytoplasmic details of the impregnated neurons and the surrounding tissue are well preserved and, therefore, suitable for subsequent determination of synaptic relationships of the impregnated neurons with the adjacent neuronal elements.  相似文献   
Summary This paper is concerned with the divergence of synonymous codon usage and its bias in three homologous genes within vertebrate species. Genetic distances among species are described in terms of synonymous codon usage divergence and the correlation is found between the genetic distances and taxonomic distances among species under study. A codon usage clock is reported in alphaglobin and beta-globin. A method is developed to define the synonymous codon preference bias and it is observed that the bias changes considerably among species.  相似文献   
Summary Since the discovery of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, more than 50 years ago, paleontologists and comparative morphologists have debated whether coelacanths or lungfishes, two groups of lobe-finned fishes, are the closest living relatives of land vertebrates (Tetrapoda). Previously, Meyer and Wilson (1990) determined partial DNA sequences from two conservative mitochondrial genes and found support for a close relationship of lungfishes to tetrapods. We present additional DNA sequences from the 12S rRNA mitochondria gene for three species of the two lineages of lungfishes that were not represented in the first study: Protopterus annectens and Protopterus aethiopicus from Africa and Neoceratodus forsteri (kindly provided by B. Hedges and L. Maxson) from Australia. This extended data set tends to group the two lepidosirenid lungfish lineages (Lepidosiren and Protopterus) with Neoceratodus as their sister group. All lungfishes seem to be more closely related to tetrapods than the coelacanth is. This result appears to rule out the possibility that the coelacanth lineage gave rise to land vertebrates. The common ancestor of lungfishes and tetrapods might have possessed multiple morphological traits that are shared by lungfishes and tetrapods [Meyer and Wilson (1990) listed 14 such traits]. Those traits that seem to link Latimeria and tetrapods are arguably due to convergent evolution or reversals and not to common descent. In this way, the molecular tree facilitates an evolutionary interpretation of the morphological differences among the living forms. We recommended that the extinct groups of lobe-finned fishes be placed onto the molecular tree that has lungfishes and not the coelacanth more closely related to tetrapods. The placement of fossils would help to further interpret the sequence of morphological events and innovations associated with the origin of tetrapods but appears to be problematic because the quality of fossils is not always high enough, and differences among paleontologists in the interpretation of the fossils have stood in the way of a consensus opinion for the branching order among lobefinned fishes. Marshall and Schultze (1992) criticized the morphological analysis presented by Meyer and Wilson (1990) and suggest that 13 of the 14 morphological traits that support the sister group relationship of lungfishes and tetrapods are not shared derived characters. Here we present further alternative viewpoints to the ones of Marshall and Schultze (1992) from the paleontological literature. We argue that all available information (paleontological, neontological, and molecular data) and rigorous cladistic methodology should be used when relating fossils and extant taxa in a phylogenetic framework. Offprint requests to: Axel Meyer  相似文献   
The neural crest provides a useful model to learn how cell fate diversification is regulated during vertebrate development. Our approach is to isolate zebrafish mutations in which the development of neural crest derivatives is disrupted, in order to learn about the underlying genetic mechanisms. We describe a screen in which parthenogenetic diploid embryos are examined both for visible phenotypes and for cellular defects in neural crest-derived sensory neurons recognized immunohistochemically. We present preliminary results from this screen and briefly describe a few representative mutations. We also discuss the general utility of our strategy and comment on the future directions of this approach. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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