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A character analysis reveals a clearly intermediate position of the tetraploidV. persica (2n = 28) between the two diploid speciesV. polita andV. ceratocarpa (both 2n = 14) which are morphologically rather different and have been placed by several authors in different sections of the genus.V. ceratocarpa is native to subhumid deciduous forests of the Caucasus and of the Elburz mountains (N. Iran);V. polita has its centre of variation in the Elburz range where it grows in therophyte habitats. Three other closely related species,V. bungei, V. siaretensis, andV. francispetae, are endemic to the Elburz range which is the main centre of diversity and variability of theV. agrestis group. This comprises all the above mentioned species and also two more European weeds:V. agrestis andV. opaca. Veronica polita, was probably originally native to open places in deciduous mountain forests, before becoming a weed in neolithic times and migrating to Europe; nowadays it has an almost world-wide distribution. The allotetraploidV. persica combines the ecological characters of its parents, the slightly xerophyticV. polita and the more mesophyticV. ceratocarpa, thus being preadapted to become a highly successful weed with a large ecological range. It has spread rapidly almost all over the world since the early 19th century.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrKarl Heinz Rechinger on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   
Flavonoid patterns of several provenances ofVeronica triloba, V. sublobata, andV. hederifolia s. str. have been investigated. 7-0-glucuronides of apigenin and luteolin as well as of 6-substituted (6-hydroxyluteolin and hispidulin) and 3′-methylated (chrysoeriol) derivatives represent characteristic accumulation tendencies in theV. hederifolia group. The three species show slightly different flavonoid profiles.V. hederifolia exhibits a cumulative pattern of all compounds occurring either inV. triloba orV. sublobata, thus supporting the hypothesis of an allopolyploid origin ofV. hederifolia.  相似文献   
Veronica lycica Lehm. is a distinct, diploid member of theVeronica cymbalaria group, endemic in Lycia (S.W. Anatolia). Closely related is the newV. stamatiadae M. Fischer etW. Greuter which is also diploid and seems to be restricted to the small Greek island Ro close to the South coast of Lycia. The chromosome numbers for both species are reported for the first time (2n = 18).
Untersuchungen über den PolyploidkomplexVeronica cymbalaria agg., II. — Der erste Beitrag dieser Serie:Fischer (1975).  相似文献   
Acylated iridoid glucosides from Veronica anagallis-aquatica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three new (1-3) and four known iridoid glucosides (4-7) as well as a known phenylethanoid glycoside (8) were isolated from the aerial parts of Veronica anagallis-aquatica and their structures were determined as 6'-O-benzoyl-8-epiloganic acid named aquaticoside A (1), 6'-O-p-hydroxybenzoyl-8-epiloganic acid named aquaticoside B (2), 6'-O-benzoyl-gardoside named aquaticoside C (3), veronicoside (4), catalposide (5), verproside (6), verminoside (7) and martynoside (8) on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectral analysis.  相似文献   
A survey of the flavonoid glycosides of selected taxa in the genus Veronica yielded two new acylated 5,6,7,3',4'-pentahydroxyflavone (6-hydroxyluteolin) glycosides and two unusual allose-containing acylated 5,7,8,4'-tetrahydroxyflavone (isoscutellarein) glycosides. The new compounds were isolated from V. liwanensis and V. longifolia and identified using NMR spectroscopy as 6-hydroxyluteolin 4'-methyl ether 7-O-alpha-rhamnopyranosyl(1"'-->2")[6"-O-acetyl-beta-glucopyranoside] and 6-hydroxyluteolin 7-O-(6"-O-(E)-caffeoyl)-beta-glucopyranoside, respectively. Isoscutellarein 7-O-(6"'-O-acetyl)-beta-allopyranosyl(1"'-->2")-beta-glucopyranoside was obtained from both V. intercedens and V. orientalis and its 4'-methyl ether from V. orientalis only. Complete 1H and 13C NMR spectral assignments are presented for both isoscutellarein glycosides. Two iridoid glucosides new to the genus Veronica (melittoside and globularifolin) were also isolated from V. intercedens.  相似文献   
The origin of polyploid Veronica cymbalaria (Plantaginaceae) was investigated using DNA sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprints to reveal the parentage of this taxon. The use of AFLP fingerprints in phylogenetic analysis is problematic and various methods have therefore been compared. DNA sequence data (for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the plastid trnL-F region (trnL intron, 3'exon, and trnL-F spacer)) and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the ITS region suggested a reliable hypothesis for the evolution of the V. cymbalaria complex. This hypothesis allowed evaluation of the effect of different distance measures (Jaccard and Nei-Li) in phenetic, character-state weighted parsimony, and Bayesian analyses of AFLP markers. The study establishes that tetraploid V. cymbalaria originated at least twice in the eastern Mediterranean, with one parent differing in the two separate origins. Hexaploid V. cymbalaria originated even more often. The results illustrate that even subtle differences in the analyses of AFLP markers can lead to drastically different conclusions. The study reveals multiple origins of a Mediterranean polyploid species. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the analysis of a complex marker system such as AFLP fingerprints using only one type of analysis can easily be misleading.  相似文献   
京津水源区小流域土壤侵蚀空间模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对京津水源区生态环境脆弱、水土流失空间分异大、突发性强等问题,以河北省平泉县东北沟典型小流域为例,采用GIS技术与CSLE模型对其土壤侵蚀进行二维空间模拟及侵蚀规律研究,并对模型模拟精度进行验证.结果表明:模型确定性系数>0.85,模拟结果可信度高;小流域侵蚀模数为2359.24t·km-2·a-1,属于轻度侵蚀,侵蚀主要源于15°以上坡面,占侵蚀总量的92.1%;土壤侵蚀模数随坡度先逐渐增加,当坡度>45°时,土壤侵蚀模数有减小的趋势;土壤侵蚀模数空间异质性显著,坡耕地侵蚀模数最大,为6112.90tkm-2·a-1;荒草地占总面积33.2%,侵蚀量却达总量的74.9% ;59.3%的侵蚀来自阳坡和半阳坡,而阴坡半阴坡仅占流域侵蚀量的16.2%.研究为利用CSLE模型对小流域土壤侵蚀进行空间模拟提供技术范例,为京津水源区土壤侵蚀规律研究及水土保持生态建设提供科学参考.  相似文献   
Veronica (Veroniceae; Scrophulariaceae) and segregated genera, such as Hebe from New Zealand has been debated intensively in the past. We conducted an analysis of sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) to evaluate the validity of segregate genera and the monophyly of Veronica. According to the results presented here, Veronica is paraphyletic, with the Hebe complex, Synthyris, and Paederota nested within the larger Veronica clade. Pseudolysimachion is in a basal polytomy of the expanded Veronica clade in the strict consensus tree and might be nested within Veronica as well. Clades within Veronica do not correspond to sections traditionally recognized. This study provides a first estimation of the phylogeny of Veroniceae using molecular data and can serve as a starting point for future investigations of Veronica and relatives. Received 24 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 19 October 2000  相似文献   
In climate change ecology, simplistic research approaches may yield unrealistically simplistic answers to often more complicated problems. In particular, the complexity of vegetation responses to global climate change begs a better understanding of the impacts of concomitant changes in several climatic drivers, how these impacts vary across different climatic contexts, and of the demographic processes underlying population changes. Using a replicated, factorial, whole‐community transplant experiment, we investigated regional variation in demographic responses of plant populations to increased temperature and/or precipitation. Across four perennial forb species and 12 sites, we found strong responses to both temperature and precipitation change. Changes in population growth rates were mainly due to changes in survival and clonality. In three of the four study species, the combined increase in temperature and precipitation reflected nonadditive, antagonistic interactions of the single climatic changes for population growth rate and survival, while the interactions were additive and synergistic for clonality. This disparity affects the persistence of genotypes, but also suggests that the mechanisms behind the responses of the vital rates differ. In addition, survival effects varied systematically with climatic context, with wetter and warmer + wetter transplants showing less positive or more negative responses at warmer sites. The detailed demographic approach yields important mechanistic insights into how concomitant changes in temperature and precipitation affect plants, which makes our results generalizable beyond the four study species. Our comprehensive study design illustrates the power of replicated field experiments in disentangling the complex relationships and patterns that govern climate change impacts across real‐world species and landscapes.  相似文献   
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