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Community persistence in Broadstone Stream (U.K.) over three decades   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Few detailed long-term data sets exist for fresh waters with which to examine large-scale temporal changes in community composition. Consequently, insight into community persistence has been restricted to a few, contingent case studies. We collated and analysed data for the aquatic macroinvertebrate community of Broadstone Stream in south-east England, spanning three decades. The pH of this naturally acid stream has risen progressively since the 1970s, and we sought to examine the potential effects of this environmental change upon the community.
2. Persistence within Broadstone was high when compared with other systems that have been analysed using similar methods. The stream was characterised by a `core' community of eight taxa that were always present, and contributed 75–97% of total invertebrate abundance, with a trailing limb of progressively rarer and more acid-sensitive taxa. There was little species turnover, although the time-series exceeded 20 generations for most species.
3. Despite this high persistence, a long-term response to rising pH was detected: species indicating profound acidity (identified a priori from independent studies) have declined since the 1970s, whereas indicators of moderate acidity increased. The structure of the community food web has also changed since the 1970s, with increased predator diversity and abundance, and a lengthening of food chains following the invasion of a new top predator.
4. These changes in the community appeared to be driven by an interaction between pH and climate. The unusually hot, dry summers characteristic of the 1990s may have raised pH during the more sensitive (i.e. early) stages of the life-cycle, and thus provided a window of opportunity for less acid-tolerant taxa to colonise and become established. Changes in pH appeared to set the boundaries of the available local species pool, within which biotic interactions ultimately shaped the community.  相似文献   
Ola Broberg 《Hydrobiologia》1987,150(1):11-24
The acidified lakes Lake Gårdsjön and Lake Stora Hästevatten the reference lake have been monitored since 1979 and 1980 respectively. The lakes are situated in SW Sweden; in an area severly affected by acid deposition. Lake Gårdsjön was limed in spring 1982. This paper analyses changes in nutrient concentrations upon liming of Lake Gårdsjön. The liming of Lake Gårdsjön was followed by a slight increase in ammonium, nitrate, and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations. A drastic decrease occurred in particulate nitrogen and particulate carbon, whereas dissolved organic carbon increased. Total phosphorus and particulate phosphorus concentrations were similar to pre-limed conditions. The long-term decrease in phosphorus concentration, exhibited by the reference lake, was not identified in Lake Gårdsjön after liming, but total phosphorus concentration was still less than half compared to Lake Gårdsjön in the early 1970's. Additional measures such as phosphorus fertilization, should in certain cases be considered in addition to liming if the goal is to restore lakes to their pre-acidic conditions.  相似文献   
Big Moose Basin: simulation of response to acidic deposition   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The ILWAS model has been enhanced for application to multiple-lake hydrologic basins. This version of the model has been applied to the Big Moose basin, which includes Big Moose Lake and its tributary streams, lakes, and watersheds. The basin, as defined, includes an area of 96 km2, with over 20 lakes and ponds, and 70 km of streams. Hydrologic and chemical calibrations have been made using data from seven sampling stations. When total atmospheric sulfur loading to the basin is halved, the model predicts, after four years of simulation, a decreasing sulfate concentration and to a lesser extent a rising alkalinity at Big Moose Lake outlet. At the end of four years, the results show an increase in pH of 0.1 to 0.5 pH units depending upon season.  相似文献   
A three month experimental acidification was carried out on lotic bottom communities. Experiments were conducted under semi-natural conditions in plasticized wooden channels. Acidified communities (pH 4.0), with or without added aluminum, were compared with a reference community (pH 6.3–6.9). Added aluminum concentrations were respectively 0.2 and 0.4 mg 1–1 in experiments performed in 1982 and 1983. Water chemistry and taxonomic composition of the macroinvertebrate communities were monitored. Under acidified conditions, results were similar, with or without added aluminum. Mean abundances of all groups of organisms were lowered. Mayflies nearly completely disappeared from the acidified channels. The only organism not affected by the acidification was Microtendipes sp. Differences in the organism response were observed: Orthocladiinae (Rheocricotopus, Parametriocnemus, Corynoneura, Thienemanniella, Nanocladius, Cricotopus) and Ephemeroptera (Baetis, Habrophlebia, Habrophlebiodes, Paraleptophlebia, Ephemerella), especially early instars, were very sensitive to low pH, Chironomini and Tanypodinae were much less sensitive, while Tanytarsini were intermediate; Oligochaeta and Nematoda were difficult to classify, their response being different from one year to another. Organisms inhabiting the surface of artificial substrates disappeared very rapidly from the system, while those buried inside had a delayed reaction to acidification. Aluminum which was mainly in the monomeric form was not responsible for community modifications. Direct action of hydrogen ions through a physiological stress seems a more credible explanation. These results, induced by a continuous experimental acidification, suggest that if this small headwater stream undergoes acidification, the resulting invertebrate community will be very simplified, with only resistant species able to cope with the acid conditions.  相似文献   
Macrozoobenthos of three Pennsylvania lakes: responses to acidification   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The littoral macrozoobenthos (MZB) of three northeastern Pennsylvania lakes was sampled seasonally from summer 1981 until summer 1983, to determine if any changes were occurring in response to acid deposition. In the acidified lake (total alkalinity 0.0 eq L–1) the mean pH decreased from 5.5 in 1981 to 4.2 in 1983. Chironomidae comprised 71.30% of the MZB numbers and 19.6% of the wet weight. Over the study period the wet weight of Chironomidae increased (p < 0.04) as did the total numbers of Chironomidae in general (p < 0.01) and Tanytarsini (p < 0.01) in particular. Total numbers of MZB also increased (p < 0.02) in the acidified lake, but there was no significant change in the number of taxa, diversity or total wet weight. In the moderately sensitive lake (total alkalinity 47.4 eq L–1, mean pH 6.1) Chironomidae were numerically (43%) dominant but Odonata (18.6%) and Mollusca (12.7%) dominated wet weight. There were no significant changes in the MZB of the moderately sensitive lake over the study period. In the least sensitive lake (total alkalinity 190 eq L–1, mean pH 6.6) the Amphipoda (31.3%) and Chironomidae (27.3%) together provided 58.6% of the MZB numbers, and the Mollusca formed 55.1% of wet weight. Wet weight at the least sensitive lake was higher (p < 0.01) and there were more Ephemeroptera, Pelecypoda and Gastropoda than at the other two lakes. There were no differences in total numbers, diversity or number of taxa among the three lakes.  相似文献   
Cladoceran populations, as revealed by sedimentary remains, were studied in six lakes which by diatom evidence have become strongly acidified during the past 30 years. The accumulation rates of cladoceran remains and in two of the most strongly acidified lakes both relative and absolute numbers ofBosmina greatly increased during this period. Species numbers were not reduced, but there were shifts in relative abundances of cladoceran species.Bosmina longispina dominated all the lakes. Low pH (4.7) seemed not to be straight-forwardly harmful toDaphnia longispina, but the relative abundances of this taxon were reduced because ofBosmina.  相似文献   
The pH of weak-acid solutions is controlled by acid concentration (HA + A), the degree of acid dissociation (A/HA), and the strength of the acids present (pKa). We developed an empirical approach that allows the relative importance of each of these factors to be estimated for soils. This empirical model was applied to soils collected from an old-field plantation of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) at 5 and 25 years of age. During this period, soil pH dropped by 0.3 to 0.8 units, and extractable calcium, magnesium and potassium declined by 20 to 80%. The empirical model indicates that the decline in pH resulted largely from the reduction in base saturation of the exchange complex. However, the average acid strength of the exchange complex decreased during the 20 years, preventing a greater decline of perhaps 0.1 to 0.2 units in the observed pH. The rate of decrease in the acid neutralizing capacity to pH 3.5 was about 1.3 kmolc/ha annually, while the increase in base neutralizing capacity was about 2.7 and 1.6 kmolc/ha annually to pH 5.5 and 8.2, respectively. Extractable alkali and alkaline earth cations declined by about 2.2 kmolc/ha annually, matched by the rate of increase in aluminium. These changes demonstrated the dynamic nature of poorly buffered soils, and indicated that changes in soil acidity may be expected over a period of decades (especially following changes in land-use).  相似文献   
Summary A membrane fraction, rich in brush border membranes, was prepared from renal proximal tubules of the spiny dogfish,Squalus acanthias, and the sodium-proton exchange mechanism in these membrane vesicles was investigated by both a rapid filtration technique and the fluorescence quenching of acridine organe.22Na+ uptake was stimulated by an outwardly directed H+ gradient, and was inhibited by amiloride at a single inhibitory site with an apparentK i of approximately 1.7×10–5 M. In the presence of an H i + >H o + gradient, the of the Na+/H+ exchanger were 9.7±0.8 mM and 48.0±12.0 nmol·mg protein–1·min–1, respectively. The uptake of Na+ was electroneutral in the presence of a H+ gradient, indicating a stoichiometry of 1. In the fluorescence studies, quenching of acridine orange occurred in the presence of an outwardly directed Na+ gradient which was inhibited by amiloride. Thus, an electroneutral Na+/H+ exchanger with properties similar to those found in the mammalian kidney is also present in the spiny dogfish and may contribute to the urinary acidification of this marine animal.  相似文献   
To demonstrate the contribution of atmospheric ammonium to soil acidification in acid forest soils, a field study with13N-ammonium as tracer was performed in an oak-birch forest soil. Monitoring and analysis of soil solutions from various depths on the13N-ammonium and15N-nitrate contents, showed that about 54% of the applied15N-ammonium was oxidized to nitrate in the forest floor. Over a period of one year about 20% of the15N remained as organic nitrogen in this layer. The percentage15N enrichment in ammonium and nitrate were in the same range in all the forest floor percolates, indicating that even in extremely acid forest soils (pH < 4) nitrate formation from ammonium can occur. Clearly, atmospheric ammonium can contribute to soil acidification even at low soil pH.  相似文献   
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