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Summary Both carotid bodies from 26 patients coming to necropsy were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and sections 4 m thick were stained for various peptides by use of the immunogold technique. The results show that the human carotid body contains met- and leu-enkephalin, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), neurotensin and bombesin. The distribution of these six peptides within the carotid body differs. Thus met- and leu-enkephalin are both present predominantly within glomic chief cells but with a marked tendency to favour the dark variant of these cells. Substance P and VIP both show a weak immunoreactivity in comparison to the enkephalins and are present in all three variants of chief cell. Neurotensin shows the weakest immunoreactivity of all and is restricted to a few glomic chief cells in a minority of cases. Bombesin also shows a weak immunoreactivity in glomic chief cells but a strong reaction in glomic arteries and arterioles. In these vessels bombesin appears to be confined to smooth muscle cells in the media but we cannot say whether it is secreted by them or merely bound to receptor sites on their membranes. These findings are related to quantitative data on the concentration of peptides in the human carotid body from a previous paper with which we were associated.  相似文献   
Summary In saltwater-acclimated ducks with fully specialized supraorbital salt glands, intracarotid application of acetylcholine (5 nmoles/min/kg b.w.) or porcine vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (pVIP) (240 pmoles/min/kg b.w.) induced secretion from the salt glands at threshold conditions of secretory activity. pVIP-like immunoreactivity could be localized in fibers of the postganglionic secretory nerve ramifying throughout the glandular parenchyma. Both middle-sized arterioles and secretory tubules were innervated, and pVIP-immunoreactive varicose fibers formed peritubular baskets around the basal region of secretory tubules indicating direct innervation of the secretory tissue. pVIP-specific staining could be abolished by preabsorption of the antiserum with peptide extracts of salt-gland tissue. Synthetic pVIP and endogenous VIP from salt glands of the duck co-eluted on the HPLC system, suggesting structural similarity of the peptides. Membrane-binding studies with radioiodinated pVIP revealed the presence of high-affinity binding sites in salt-gland tissue. Affinities of unlabeled pVIP analogues to compete for these binding sites were as follows: pVIP > PHI > pVIP antagonist > secretin > pVIP (10–28) > chicken VIP (16–28). Peptide extracts of salt glands had affinities similar to pVIP. Binding sites could be localized mainly at the apical end of the radially arranged secretory tubules, as demonstrated by receptor autoradiography.It is concluded that, in addition to the classical parasympathetic transmitter acetycholine, VIP serves as neuromodulator/transmitter in cranial parasympathetic control of avian salt-gland secretion by acting on both the arteriolar network and the secretory tubules of the gland.  相似文献   
Summary The ontogeny of substance P, CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide), and VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) containing nerve fibers in the carotid labyrinth of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was examined by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. The time of appearance of these three peptides was different for each. First, CGRP fibers appeared in the wall of the carotid arch and external carotid arteries, and in a thin septum between these two arteries at an early stage of larval development (stage III). At stage V, substance P immunoreactive fibers appeared, and VIP fibers were detected at the early metamorphic stage (stage XXII). Up to the completion of metamorphosis, the number of these fibers remained low. From 1 to 5 weeks after metamorphosis, substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers increased in number to varying degrees. By 8 weeks after metamorphosis, the distribution and abundance of these fibers closely resembled those of the adults. Some CGRP and VIP immunoreactive glomus cells were found at the stages immediately before and after the completion of metamorphosis. These findings suggest that substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers during larval development and metamorphosis may be nonfunctional, and start to participate in vascular regulation only after metamorphosis. The transient CGRP and VIP in some glomus cells may be important for the development of the labyrinth, or may take part in vascular regulation through the close apposition of the glomus and smooth muscle cells (g-s connection).  相似文献   
GH3 cells can be used effectively to study the in vitro mechanism of action of GRF. In these cells, there is a time and concentration-dependent release of cAMP into the medium. Rat hypothalamic GRF, (rGRF) is 7 to 10 fold more active than human hypothalamic GRF (hGRF). VIP, a peptide which is structurally homologous to GRF, stimulates cAMP efflux in GH3 cells, with a higher affinity than hGRF or rGRF. We propose that in contradistinction to the normal rat pituitary, the stimulation of cAMP release by GRF in GH3 cells occurs via activation of VIP-preferring receptors and that GRF (rGRF in particular) behaves as a partial VIP agonist.  相似文献   
Intracerebroventricular administration of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) shortened the duration of pentobarbital-induced sleep and produced significant hypermotility in the rat. Although hypermotility induced by methamphetamine was not potentiated by central administration of VIP, L-DOPA-induced hypermotility in pargyline-pretreated rats was markedly enhanced by VIP and this hypermotility was suppressed by simultaneous administration of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) in a dose-related manner. Apomorphine-induced hypermotility was also potentiated by VIP. These results suggest that VIP may stimulate postsynaptic dopaminergic receptor, causing an increase in motility, and that a possible reciprocal interaction exists between VIP and CCK-8.  相似文献   
Bovine t hymic peptide extract (1–100 g/ml) is shown to completely inhibit the binding of [125I]VIP to rat blood mononuclear cells, lymphoid cells of spleen, and liver plasma membranes. In the three models, the bovine thymic peptide extract inhibits [125I]VIP binding with a potency that is 4000–7000 times lower than that of the native VIP, on a weight basis. In rat liver plasma membranes, the bovine thymic peptide extract stimulates adenylate cyclase with a maximal efficiency that is similar to that of VIP. At maximal doses, VIP and thymic peptide extract do not exert an additive effect on adenylate cyclase, suggesting that the activation of the enzyme by the bovine thymic peptide extract occurs through VIP receptors. Finally, no VIP-like immunoreactivity was detected in the thymic peptide extract using an antiserum raised against mammalian VIP. All these data suggest the presence in the bovine thymic peptide extract of a new substance which behaves as a VIP agonist in rat.  相似文献   
Synthetic human pancreatic growth hormone-releasing factor containing 40 amino acids ([hpGRF (1-40)]-OH) significantly stimulated plasma growth hormone (GH) levels in both sodium pentobarbital and urethane anesthetized rats. Synthetic secretin, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), and glucagon significantly decreased plasma GH levels while synthetic vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) had no effect. Secretin and GIP also altered the in vivo plasma GH response to [hpGRF(1-40)]-OH. Whether this effect is the result of an interaction at the pituitary level or is due to an extra-pituitary effect of secretin and GIP awaits further study.  相似文献   
Abstract: Adenylate cyclase in microvessels isolated from rat cerebral cortex was stimulated by guanine nucleotides, catecholamines, prostaglandin E1, prostaglandin E2, and 2-chloroadenosine. Catecholamine stimulation was mediated by interaction with β-adrenergic receptors. The order of relative potency was: isoproterenol > epinephrine > norepinephrine. Activation of microvessel adenylate cyclase by prostaglandins E1 and E2 as well as by 2-chloroadenosine was dose related. Twenty-two peptides were tested for possible effects on the microvessel adenylate cyclase. Only vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was stimulatory. No inhibitory action was observed. Activation by VIP required guanosine triphosphate and was dose dependent from 10 n M to μ M (ED50= 0.1 μ M ). At 30°C, stimulation of adenylate cyclase by the peptide increased linearly with time for up to 15 min. The effect of VIP was not inhibited by phentolamine or propranolol, suggesting that its action was not elicited by interaction with α- or β-adrenergic receptors. Activation achieved by VIP and isoproterenol, prostaglandin E1, or 2-chloroadenosine was the sum of the individual stimulations, suggesting that receptors for VIP were distinct from those for isoproterenol, prostaglandin E1, and 2-chloroadenosine.  相似文献   
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and helospectin are two vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-related neuropeptides that have recently been demonstrated in the mammalian gut; the aim of this study was to reveal their occurrence and localisation in the gastrointestinal tract, swimbladder, urinary bladder and the vagal innervation of the gut of teleosts, using immunohistochemical methods on whole-mounts and sections of these tissues from the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua and the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Both PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides were present in the gut wall of the two species. Immunoreactive nerve fibres were found in all layers but were most frequent in the myenteric plexus and along the circular muscle fibres. Immunoreactivity was also demonstrated in nerves innervating the swimbladder wall, the urinary bladder and blood vessels to the gut. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in the myenteric plexus of the gut and in the muscularis mucosae of the swimbladder. In the vagus nerve, non-immunoreactive nerve cells were surrounded by PACAP-immunoreactive fibres. Double staining revealed the coexistence of PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides with VIP in all visualized nerve fibres and in some endocrine cells. It is concluded that PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides coexist with VIP in nerves innervating the gut of two teleost species. The distribution suggests that both PACAP and helospectin, like VIP, are involved in the control of gut motility and secretion.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical double labelling of the enteric nervous system of the guinea pig ileum was performed with a monoclonal antibody (anti-MYC 033) directed against a peptide sequence of the human c-Myc protein together with antibodies directed against either the neuron-specific antigens neuron-specific enolase or PGP 9.5 or the glia-specific marker S-100 to demonstrate that anti-MYC 033 labelled the nuclei of all enteric neurons but not glia. This strategy was also employed to demonstrate that another anti-c-Myc monoclonal anti-body, anti-MYC 070, labelled the nuclei of all neurons and glia, as well as perhaps all other cells in these preparations. A polyclonal antiserum raised against a peptide sequence of the human c-Fos protein (anti-FOS 4) was shown to label the identical nuclei as anti-MYC 033. The ganglionic density of nuclei labelled by anti-FOS 4 was found to be similar to previous measures of the ganglionic density of neurons. Double labelling with anti-MYC 033 and an antiserum directed against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide was performed to reexamine the ganglionic density of neurons that express this neuropeptide. Our results suggest that the ganglionic density of these neurons might be less than previously determined.  相似文献   
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