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Summary The objective of this in-vitro study was to examine whether the diencephalic floor or the mesenchyme is involved in differentiation of LH cells in the developing rat adenohypophysis. Overall growth of the adenohypophysial tissue was retarded when the adenohypophysial primordium was cultivated after enzymatic removal of the diencephalic floor on days 11.5 and 12.5 of gestation. This malgrowth was more marked when the brain was separated on day 11.5; most expiants retained a simple cystiform structure that consisted of a few layers of undifferentiated cells. Removal of the brain also caused a highly significant decrease (P < 0.001) in the number of immunoreactive LH cells, if it was performed on day 11.5 but not day 12.5. Mesenchyme had little effect on the adenohypophysial growth or the number of immunopositive cells. Cultivation of the adenohypophysial primordium with the diencephalic floor resulted in the appearance of many immunoreactive LH cells. The number of LH cells significantly decreased, however, when the co-cultivated brain completely surrounded the adenohypophysial tissue.These results indicate that in 11.5-day-old fetal rats the diencephalic floor is indispensable for the initial proliferation of adenohypophysial primordial cells and for the early determinating process of LH cells. Once determined, the development of LH cells may proceed without the surrounding tissues. The cytodifferentiation seems to be rather inhibited when in contact with the brain. The significance of the intimate spatial relationship between developing LH cells and the surrounding mesenchyme is also discussed.  相似文献   
雌牛生殖道内游离氨基酸种类及含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据黄体的大小和形态,判断屠宰母牛的发情时期,分别收集发情第3天(D3)和第7天(D7)的输卵管液(OF)和子宫液(UF),通过HPLC分析游离氨基酸种类及含量。总共检测到23种氨基酸,包括除Cys外的19种必需和非必需氨基酸,以及另外四种(βAla,Tau,Orm和Cit)非蛋白质氨基酸。OFD3、UFD3、OFD7和UFD7的游离氨基酸总量分别为31.6、46.9、26.3和17.2mmol/L,其中,Gly含量最高,分别为14.7、14.4、11.1和4.4,其次为Glu、Gln和A1a,其他氨基酸的含量均接近或低于lmmol/L。结果表明:氨基酸总量及个别氨基酸含量在不同体液及不同发育时期均存在一定程度的差异.  相似文献   
Summary The administration of progesterone to ovariectomized rats induces an increase in the volume density (Vv) of the mitochondria and the appearance of giant mitochondria in the uterine glandular cells. This experimental model, including a stereological analysis, allowed us to investigate and quantify a direct effect of progesterone on a well-defined cellular structure without the intervention of estrogen in a priming phase. Synthetic compounds, promegestone, gestrinone and RU 38486, were tested in this model either in place of progesterone or simultaneously with progesterone. The potent progestomimetic activity of promegestone was confirmed by the proliferation of giant mitochondria and a high Vv value for the mitochondria, the two other compounds being inactive even at higher doses. At lower doses, gestrinone and RU 38486 partially inhibit the action of progesterone and at higher doses they both show a complete antagonist effect by preventing the development of the mitochondria.  相似文献   
Summary Intercellular junctions in the uterine epithelium of the ovoviviparous urodele Salamandra salamandra were studied in pregnant and non-pregnant females by freeze-fracture technique. Junctional complexes consist of zonulae occludentes (tight junctions) and numerous maculae adhaerentes (desmosomes); z. adhaerentes and nexuses (gap junctions) could not be identified. Tight junctions are of the flexible type exhibiting loosely interconnected fibrils. The fibrillary network appears stretched more often in pregnant females possibly due to the mechanical stress of pregnancy. The structure and occurrence of the junctions identified, especially that of the tight junctions, is discussed with regard to the functions of the uterus during pregnancy.Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Gefrierbruchtechnik wurden im Uterus-epithel trächtiger und nichtträchtiger Feuersalamanderweibchen (Salamandra salamandra) Zonulae occludentes und Maculae adhaerentes, jedoch keine Z. adhaerentes sowie Nexus identifiziert. Die Z. occludentes sind flexibel. Ihr fibrilläres Netzwerk ist bei trächtigen Weibchen öfter gestreckt; das ist möglicherweise auf die stärkere Ausdehnung des Uterusgewebes während der Trächtigkeit zurückzuführen. Das Vorkommen der verschiedenen Kontakt-strukturen, namentlich das der Z. occludentes, wird im Hinblick auf die Funktionen des Uterus während der Trächtigkeit diskutiert.We are indebted to Mrs. K. Ott for excellent technical assistance and to Miss Dr. U. Beigel for linguistic help  相似文献   
The third petiolar bud ofHypolepis punctata appears on the basiscopic lateral side of the petiole above the fairly developed first petiolar bud. This investigation clarified the fact that the third bud is formed neither by the activity of the meristem of the first bud nor by the meristem directly detached from the shoot apical meristem, but is initiated in the cells involved in the abaxial basal part of the elevated portion of the leaf primordium. Thus the third bud is of phyllogenous origin. This investigation further revealed that the cells to initiate the third bud are originally located in the abaxial side of the leaf apical cell complex like the cells to initiate the first bud, but are not incorporated into the meristem of the first. After the first, second and third petiolar buds have been initiated, they are carried up into fairly high regions on the petiolar base by the intercalary growth which occurs in the leaf base below the insertion level of the first and the second buds.  相似文献   
Summary This study investigates the role of the developing diencephalic floor or mesenchymal tissue in the differentiation of ACTH-producing cells.The adenohypophysial primordia of fetal rats on days 12.5 and 13.5 of gestation were treated with collagenase; some primordia were allowed to retain an association with the brain and mesenchyme, but in others the brain and/or mesenchyme were removed. These different combinations of tissues were cultured and examined by immunohistochemical techniques using antisera against pACTH and synthetic -MSH. Removal of mesenchyme alone had little effect on the development of ACTH cells as compared to primordia maintained with brain and mesenchyme. In contrast, removal of the brain with or without mesenchyme on day 12.5 resulted in a marked decrease of ACTH cells accompanied by a mal-growth of adenohypophysial tissue. Such changes were slight when the brain was separated from day 13.5 primordia. Immunoreactive -MSH cells were sparse or absent in all cases.These results suggest that in fetal rats the developing diencephalic floor is essential for differentiation of ACTH cells before day 13.5 of gestation whereas mesenchyme has no apparent effect.  相似文献   
Anatomical and developmental studies have been made ofHistiopteris incisa in order to obtain a reasonable interpretation of the so-called extra-axillary bud. Single, or rarely two extra-axillary buds arise on the lateral side of the petiolar base. The branch trace appears to depart from the basiscopic margin of the leaf trace. At the earliest stage of the leaf initiation, the leaf apical cell is cut off in one of the prismatic cells of the shoot apical meristem. The leaf apical cell, then, cuts off segments successively to form a well-defined group of derivatives. On the other hand, a well-recognized cell group called “outer neighboring cell group”,onc, is found adjacent to the abaxial boundary of the derivatives of the leaf apical cell. This group of cells does not originate directly in the mother cell of the leaf apical cell. The primordium of the extra-axillary bud is always initiated in the superficial pillar-shaped cell layer ofonc. The leaf primordium may consist of two parts, the distal part derived from the leaf apical cell and the basal part from the adjacent cells includingonc. These facts suggest that the extra-axillary bud is of foliar nature. This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists by the Ministry of Education of Japan; no. 374222 in 1978.  相似文献   
Population Ecology - Female deermice housed from weaning with groups of five females, five males or five males plus five females had significantly smaller uteri at 35–38 days of age compared...  相似文献   
Summary Proteins of uterine fluid and lung homogenates of the rabbit were separated by gel and ion exchange chromatography. Purified protein fractions were used for immunisation and antiserum production. By means of several absorptions, six monospecific antisera against uteroglobin and five other proteins were obtained. Using immunohistochemistry, four of them could be localised in the uterine epithelium from oestrus and the first and the seventh day post coitum, and also in the blastocyst. The present study indicates the involvement of different endometrial cells in the synthesis and release of the various proteins of uterine secretion.Supported by grant Ki 154/6-7 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which forms an icosahedral inclusion body, was transmitted to larvae of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. Serial passages of Bombyx NPV in the alternate host by injecting the supernatant of diseased hemolymph produced inclusion bodies with cuboidal and other shapes that differed from the original shape formed in Bombyx. These different shapes increased with times of passages, and after the twelfth passage, only cuboidal inclusion bodies were formed. The icosahedral inclusion bodies in B. mori and the cuboidal inclusion bodies in C. suppressalis occluded singly enveloped virions of the same size (350 × 75 nm), but the cuboidal inclusion bodies contained only a few virions and a large number of membraneous spherical structures. The formation process of the cuboidal inclusion body differed from that of the icosahedral. At first, irregularly branched inclusion bodies containing “vacant” spaces appeared in the infected nuclei. The bodies grew larger with the deposition of protein in the spaces between the branches, and this was accompanied with the occlusion of a large number of membraneous structures formed in the vicinity of the inclusion bodies, which became cuboidal in shape.  相似文献   
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