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The primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the colonial urochordate Botryllus schlosseri are sequestered in late embryonic stage. PGC-like populations, located at any blastogenic stage in specific niches, inside modules with curtailed lifespan, survive throughout the life of the colony by repeated weekly migration to newly formed buds. This cyclical migration and the lack of specific markers for PGC-like populations are obstacles to the study on PGCs. For that purpose, we isolated the Botryllus DDX1 (BS-DDX1) and characterized it by normal expression patterns and by specific siRNA knockdown experiments. Expression of BS-DDX1 concurrent with BS-Vasa, γ-H2AX, BS-cadherin and phospho-Smad1/5/8, demarcate PGC cells from soma cells and from more differentiated germ cells lineages, which enabled the detection of additional putative transient niches in zooids. Employing BS-cadherin siRNA knockdown, retinoic acid (RA) administration or β-estradiol administration affirmed the BS-Vasa+BS-DDX1+BS-cadherin+γ-H2AX+phospho-Smad1/5/8+ population as the B. schlosseri PGC-like cells. By striving to understand the PGC-like cells trafficking between transient niches along blastogenic cycles, CM-DiI-stained PGC-like enriched populations from late blastogenic stage D zooids were injected into genetically matched colonial ramets at blastogenic stages A or C and their fates were observed for 9 days. Based on the accumulated data, we conceived a novel network of several transient and short lived ‘germ line niches’ that preserve PGCs homeostasis, protecting these cells from the weekly astogenic senescence processes, thus enabling the survival of the PGCs throughout the organism's life.  相似文献   
Molecular Phylogeny of Metazoan Intermediate Filament Proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have cloned cytoplasmic intermediate filament (IF) proteins from a large number of invertebrate phyla using cDNA probes, the monoclonal antibody IFA, peptide sequence information, and various RT-PCR procedures. Novel IF protein sequences reported here include the urochordata and nine protostomic phyla, i.e., Annelida, Brachiopoda, Chaetognatha, Echiura, Nematomorpha, Nemertea, Platyhelminthes, Phoronida, and Sipuncula. Taken together with the wealth of data on IF proteins of vertebrates and the results on IF proteins of Cephalochordata, Mollusca, Annelida, and Nematoda, two IF prototypes emerge. The L-type, which includes 35 sequences from 11 protostomic phyla, shares with the nuclear lamins the long version of the coil 1b subdomain and, in most cases, a homology segment of some 120 residues in the carboxyterminal tail domain. The S-type, which includes all four subfamilies (types I to IV) of vertebrate IF proteins, lacks 42 residues in the coil 1b subdomain and the carboxyterminal lamin homology segment. Since IF proteins from all three phyla of the chordates have the 42-residue deletion, this deletion arose in a progenitor prior to the divergence of the chordates into the urochordate, cephalochordate, and vertebrate lineages, possibly already at the origin of the deuterostomic branch. Four phyla recently placed into the protostomia on grounds of their 18S rDNA sequences (Brachiopoda, Nemertea, Phoronida, and Platyhelminthes) show IF proteins of the L-type and fit by sequence identity criteria into the lophotrochozoic branch of the protostomia. Received: 2 April 1998 / Accepted: 19 June 1998  相似文献   
During regeneration of the neural ganglion in Ciona intestinalis, the pattern of reappearance of some peptidergic cells is similar to the ontogenetic patterns exhibited by these cell types during normal post-metamorphic development. Using a specific antiserum to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), we describe here the appearance of GABA-ergic cells in Ciona during both post-metamorphic development and regeneration of the neural ganglion following total ablation. Post-metamorphic animals were divided into the categories: 1, 3–5, 6–10, 11–15 and 23–27 mm in body length. Regeneration was monitored at 12, 15, 18, 21, 28 and 56 days post ablation. The first appearance of GABA-like immunoreactive cells during normal development were at the 3 to 5-mm stage where they were seen as discrete cells, without processes, evenly distributed in the cortical region throughout the ganglion. Fibres were first seen at the 6 to 10-mm stage. As development proceeded, GABA-like immunoreactive cells became more concentrated near the nerve root exits and along the dorsal rind of the ganglion. In regenerating ganglia, GABA was first detected at 18–21 days post ablation, in cells that lacked any obvious processes and that were distributed in all regions of the ganglion. At 28 days post ablation, processes could be detected in the neuropile, and after 56 days GABA cells were found predominantly in the same regions as in the normally developing adult ganglion. Although the overall pattern reflects that in a normal adult, a few differences were detectable. For example, rather more GABAergic cells were concentrated ventrally in the ganglion close to the neural gland.  相似文献   
P transposons belong to the eukaryotic DNA transposons, which are transposed by a cut and paste mechanism using a P-element-coded transposase. They have been detected in Drosophila, and reside as single copies and stable homologous sequences in many vertebrate species. We present the P elements Pcin1, Pcin2 and Pcin3 from Ciona intestinalis, a species of the most primitive chordates, and compare them with those from Ciona savignyi. They showed typical DNA transposon structures, namely terminal inverted repeats and target site duplications. The coding region of Pcin1 consisted of 13 small exons that could be translated into a P-transposon-homologous protein. C. intestinalis and C. savignyi displayed nearly the same phenotype. However, their P elements were highly divergent and the assumed P transposase from C. intestinalis was more closely related to the transposase from Drosophila melanogaster than to the transposase of C. savignyi. The present study showed that P elements with typical features of transposable DNA elements may be found already at the base of the chordate lineage. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Traditional metazoan phylogeny classifies the Vertebrata as a subphylum of the phylum Chordata, together with two other subphyla, the Urochordata (Tunicata) and the Cephalochordata. The Chordata, together with the phyla Echinodermata and Hemichordata, comprise a major group, the Deuterostomia. Chordates invariably possess a notochord and a dorsal neural tube. Although the origin and evolution of chordates has been studied for more than a century, few authors have intimately discussed taxonomic ranking of the three chordate groups themselves. Accumulating evidence shows that echinoderms and hemichordates form a clade (the Ambulacraria), and that within the Chordata, cephalochordates diverged first, with tunicates and vertebrates forming a sister group. Chordates share tadpole-type larvae containing a notochord and hollow nerve cord, whereas ambulacrarians have dipleurula-type larvae containing a hydrocoel. We propose that an evolutionary occurrence of tadpole-type larvae is fundamental to understanding mechanisms of chordate origin. Protostomes have now been reclassified into two major taxa, the Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa, whose developmental pathways are characterized by ecdysis and trochophore larvae, respectively. Consistent with this classification, the profound dipleurula versus tadpole larval differences merit a category higher than the phylum. Thus, it is recommended that the Ecdysozoa, Lophotrochozoa, Ambulacraria and Chordata be classified at the superphylum level, with the Chordata further subdivided into three phyla, on the basis of their distinctive characteristics.  相似文献   
Neurotransmitters play an important role in larval metamorphosis in different groups of marine invertebrates. In this work, the role of dopamine and serotonin during metamorphosis of the ascidian Phallusia mammillata larvae was examined. By immunofluorescence experiments, dopamine was localized in some neurons of the central nervous system and in the adhesive papillae of the larvae. Dopamine and serotonin signaling was inhibited by means of antagonists of these neurotransmitters receptors (R(+)-SCH-23390, a D(1) antagonist; clozapine, a D(4) antagonist; WAY-100635, a 5-HT(1A) antagonist) and by sequestering the neurotransmitters with specific antibodies. Moreover, dopamine synthesis was inhibited by exposing 2-cell embryos to alpha-methyl-l-tyrosine. Dopamine depletion, obtained by these different approaches, caused early metamorphosis, while serotonin depletion delayed the onset of metamorphosis. The opposite effects were obtained using agonists of the neurotransmitters: lisuride, a D(2) agonist, inhibited metamorphosis, while DOI hydrochloride and 8-OH-DPAT HBr, two serotonin agonists, promoted it. So, it is possible to suppose that dopamine signaling delayed metamorphosis while serotonin signaling triggers it. We propose a mechanism by which these neurotransmitters may modulate the timing of metamorphosis in larvae.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural features of larval notochord cell differentiation, sheath (membrane leaflets and filaments) and vacuoles of intracellular colloid, were found in some cells of certain partial embryos of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. As expected from established lineage fate maps, mature quarter-embryos developing from microsurgically isolated anterior-vegetal blastomeres (A4.1 pair) at the 8-cell stage had some cells with the notochord features. Such cells, however, also occurred in quarter-embryos resulting from the posterior-vegetal blastomere pair (B4.1) and in partial embryos derived from the B5.1 cell pair isolated at the next cleavage of the B4.1 blastomeres. These findings confirm a prediction of additional notochord cell fates from a recent revision of the ascidian lineage map based on cell marking with microinjected horseradish peroxidase. Partial embryos obtained from other lineages of the 8- and 16-cell stages did not develop notochord cells.  相似文献   
The alimentary tract of Kowalevskia tenuis and K. oceanica, the only species of the appendicularian family Kowalevskiidae, was studied both at the light and electron microscope levels and compared with species belonging to the other two families of the class. Kowalevskids show interesting specializations: 1) the pharynx opens on both sides through two opposing spiracles, modified into long ciliated fissures, and possesses an original filtering system of ciliated combs arranged in two pairs of opposing longitudinal rows; 2) the endostyle is absent, its place being taken by a ciliated groove without any glandular cell; 3) posterior to the esophagus, the globular stomach and rectum form a digestive nucleus comprising a few, large cells including two well-developed, specialized valves, cardiac and pyloric; 4) special apical junctions bearing characteristics of both gap and adherens junctions are diffuse along the gut epithelium; 5) the heart is absent. Our data suggest that Kowalevskiidae underwent a high degree of specialization for food filtering and are more closely related to Fritillariidae, with which they share several characters, rather than Oikopleuridae, the latter probably representing the most primitive family of appendicularians.  相似文献   
Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial marine invertebrate, exhibits three generations of short-lived astogenic modules that continuously grow and die throughout the colony's entire lifespan, within week-long repeating budding cycles (blastogenesis), each consisting of four stages (A-D). At stage D, aging is followed by the complete absorption of adult modules (zooids) via a massive apoptotic process. Here we studied in Botryllus the protein mortalin (HSP70s member), a molecule largely known for its association with aging and proliferation. In-situ hybridization and qPCR assays reveal that mortalin follows the cyclic pattern of blastogenesis. Colonies at blastogenic stage D display the highest mortalin levels, and young modules exhibit elevated mortalin levels compared to old modules. Manipulations of mortalin with the specific allosteric inhibitor MKT-077 has led to a decrease in the modules’ growth rate and the development of abnormal somatic/germinal morphologies (primarily in vasculature and in organs such as the endostyle, the stomach and gonads). We therefore propose that mortalin plays a significant role in the astogeny and aging of colonial modules in B. schlosseri, by direct involvement in the regulation of blastogenesis.  相似文献   
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