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Long-term assessments of species assemblages are valuable tools for detecting species ecological preferences and their dispersal tracks, as well as for assessing the possible effects of alien species on native communities. Here we report a 50-year-long study on population dynamics of the four species of land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Terricola) that have colonized or become extinct in a 70-year-old Atlantic Forest regrowth remnant through the period 1955–2006. On the one hand, the two initially most abundant species, which are native to the study site, Notogynaphallia ernesti and Geoplana multicolor have declined over decades and at present do not exist in the forest remnant. The extinction of these species is most likely related with their preference for open vegetation areas, which presently do not exist in the forest remnant. On the other hand, the neotropical Geoplaninae 1 and the exotic Endeavouria septemlineata were detected in the forest only very recently. The long-term study allowed us to conclude that Geoplaninae 1 was introduced into the study area, although it is only known from the study site. Endeavouria septemlineata, an active predator of the exotic giant African snail, is originally known from Hawaii. This land flatworm species was observed repeatedly in Brazilian anthropogenic areas, and this is the first report of the species in relatively well preserved native forest, which may be evidence of an ongoing adaptive process. Monitoring of its geographic spread and its ecological role would be a good practice for preventing potential damaging effects, since it also feeds on native mollusk fauna, as we observed in lab conditions. Júlio Pedroni: Granted by CNPQ–Brazil.  相似文献   
Pollen, phytolith, and plant macrofossil analyses were carried out on the cultural layers of Helsinki Old Town excavated by the Helsinki City Museum and dated to the 15–17th centuries. Cultural mineral soil layers, a former ditch, a well, one waste pit, one waste heap and three house areas were investigated. The results show that-within certain limits-pollen in the mineral soil reflects the cultural changes of the local settlement from rural to urban. Among the main anthropogenic indicators, the high NAP (non-arboreal pollen) frequencies, the low pollen concentration values, and especially the high frequencies of Cichoriaceae (Liguliflorae) pollen should be emphasized. The macrofossil data were used to determine the species list of the herb pollen and to make a more detailed reconstruction of the local vegetation at Helsinki Old Town.  相似文献   
The Trophic Diatom Index: a new index for monitoring eutrophication in rivers   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A index for monitoring the trophic status of rivers based on diatom composition (‚trophic diatom index’, TDI) has been developed, in response to the National Rivers Authority (England & Wales)'s needs under the terms of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive of the European Community. The index is based on a suite of 86 taxa selected both for their indicator value and ease of identification. When tested on a dataset from 70 sites free of significant organic pollution, this index was more highly correlated with aqueous P concentrations than previous diatom indices. However, where there was heavy organic pollution, it was difficult to separate the effects of eutrophication from other effects. For this reason, the value of TDI is supplemented by an indication of the proportion of the sample that is composed of taxa tolerant to organic pollution. The index was tested on the R. Browney, N-E. England, above and below a major sewage discharge. TDI values indicated that the effect of inorganic nutrients on the river downstream of the discharge was slight as the river was already nutrient-rich, but there was a large increase in the proportion of organic pollution-tolerant taxa. This indicates that the river was already so eutrophic upstream of the discharge that tertiary treatment to remove P would not be effective unless other aspects of the discharge were also improved.  相似文献   
Weight, stature, arm circumference, and the triceps skinfold were measured in 1,410 school children, 6 through 14 years of age, from two urban colonias in the city of Oaxaca de Juarez (n = 479), and from two rural Ladino (n = 467) and two rural Zapotec (n = 464) communities in the Valley of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. Children from rural Ladino communities and urban colonias are significantly taller, heavier, and more muscular than children in rural Zapotec communities. The differences between rural Ladino and urban colonia children favor the former, particularly for weight and stature. These observations thus suggest (1) that children in the rural, indigenous communities in the Valley of Oaxaca are relatively undernourished compared to children in Ladinoized and urban communities, and (2) that rural-to-urban migration does not necessarily result in improved growth status.  相似文献   
Weight, stature, arm circumference, and the triceps skinfold were measured in 1,410 school children, 6 through 14 years of age, from two urban colonias in the city of Oaxaca de Juarez (n = 479), and from two rural Ladino (n = 467) and two rural Zapotec (n = 464) communities in the Valley of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. Children from rural Ladino communities and urban colonias are significantly taller, heavier, and more muscular than children in rural Zapotec communities. The differences between rural Ladino and urban colonia children favor the former, particularly for weight and stature. These observations thus suggest (1) that children in the rural, indigenous communities in the Valley of Oaxaca are relatively undernourished compared to children in Ladinoized and urban communities, and (2) that rural-to-urban migration does not necessarily result in improved growth status.  相似文献   
【目的】分析居住于哈尔滨城市和乡村的青年居民肠道菌群多样性的异同。【方法】采用PCR和DGGE技术相结合的方法对生活于哈尔滨城市和乡村的青年志愿者肠道菌群多样性进行研究。基于DGGE指纹图谱,分别使用聚类和PCA分析对志愿者肠道微生物相似性进行分析,使用Shannon-Weine多样性指数(H′)、丰度(S)和均匀度(EH)对志愿者肠道微生物多样性进行分析,对图谱中具有代表性的共性和特异性条带进行胶回收和克隆测序以分析志愿者肠道微生物组成。基于PCR技术在种水平上对城乡志愿者肠道内乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属多样性进行定性分析。【结果】相似性分析显示,城乡青年居民间肠道微生物群落结构存在分开趋势,相似性小于城市或乡村青年居民内部;多样性分析显示,城乡青年居民肠道微生物多样性差异不显著;测序结果表明,城乡居民肠道微生物组成在门水平上相同,但是在种属水平上存在差异。PCR定性分析显示Lactobacillus plantarum、L.casei和L.salivarius在哈尔滨城乡青年居民肠道内检出率接近100%,Bifidobacterium longum和B.breve的检测率约90%,在哈尔滨城乡青年居民肠道内普遍存在;乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属各细菌种在城乡居民肠道中的检出频率差异不显著。【结论】哈尔滨城市和乡村青年居民肠道微生物多样性差异不显著。  相似文献   
完善的交通基础设施网络是形成高度同城化和高度一体化城市群的前提和基础,科学探测城市群地区交通通达度对生态系统健康状况的影响机理对城市群地区生态系统保护以及区域可持续发展具有重要实践意义和价值。基于多源数据分别测度了1995—2015年长江中游城市群交通通达度以及生态系统健康水平,并借助双变量空间自相关与空间回归模型从全局和局部的角度揭示了交通通达度对生态系统健康的影响机理。研究结果显示:(1)研究期间长江中游城市群生态系统健康状况总体呈现降低态势,山区生态系统健康水平显著高于平原地区;(2)双变量空间自相关分析结果显示交通通达度和生态系统健康水平之间存在显著的空间依赖性,二者之间主要的关系类型包括低交通通达度水平-低生态系统健康水平、高交通通达度水平-低生态系统健康水平和低交通通达度水平-高生态系统健康水平三种类型;(3)空间回归结果显示交通通达度的增加会导致生态系统健康状况的恶化,而且交通通达度对生态系统健康的影响具有显著的空间异质性。研究发现可以为长江中游城市群地区生态系统健康保护宏观调控政策制定以及差异化管控政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
陈利顶 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4932-4934
针对频繁发生的城市洪涝,我国提出了建设海绵城市的策略,然而海绵城市建设能否解决当今城市面临的困境仍然存在许多不确定性。本文从城市雨洪的两面性、城市洪涝灾害形成之根源、城市规划者的责任、生态智慧在城市雨洪管控中的重要性和海绵城市建设等方面做了深入阐述,希望在海绵城市建设中运用生态智慧去实现管控城市洪涝和雨洪资源开发利用的目的。  相似文献   
采用富集培养和BTB(溴百里酚蓝)平板法从城市河道污水中筛选、分离获得了一株高效的好氧反硝化菌株ADZ1, 48 h内对硝酸盐的降解率为93.1%, 总氮的去除率为34.7%。16S rRNA测序及系统发育分析结果表明该菌株属于Pseudamonas sp., 经VITEK? 2系统鉴定为Pseudomonas putida。对该菌株的反硝化特性进行了研究, 结果表明, 该菌株以乙醇为最佳碳源, 在碳氮比达到12:1时, 对硝酸盐的去除率达到98%以上, 总氮去除率达到41.3%。该菌株对溶解氧、pH有着广泛的适应性, 菌体活力强, 有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
城市生态用地分类及其规划的一般原则   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
城市生态用地的规划布局是城市规划的难点之一,也是急待解决的问题.本文根据城市生态系统的特点,给出了城市生态用地定义,指出城市生态用地同时具有自然属性和社会属性,依据这个特点,将城市生态用地划分为服务型生态用地和功能型生态用地两大类型,并结合具体的城市生态规划对各种类型的生态用地规划进行了定性分析.  相似文献   
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