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Contrary to our expectations, soil salinity and moisture explained little of the spatial variation in plant establishment in the upper intertidal marsh of three southern California wetlands, but did explain the timing of germination. Seedlings of 27 species were identified in 1996 and 1997. The seedlings were abundant (maximum densities of 2143/m2 in 1996 and 1819/m2 in 1997) and predominantly annual species. CCAs quantified the spatial variation in seedling density that could be explained by three groups of predictor variables: (1) perennial plant cover, elevation and soil texture (16% of variation), (2) wetland identity (14% of variation) and (3) surface soil salinity and moisture (2% of variation). Increasing the spatial scale of analysis changed the variables that best predicted patterns of species densities. Timing of germination depended on surface soil salinity and, to a lesser extent, soil moisture. Germination occurred after salinity had dropped below a threshold or, in some cases, after moisture had increased above a critical level. Between 32% and 92% of the seedlings were exotic and most of these occurred at lower soil salinity than native species. However, Parapholis incurva and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum were found in the same environments as the native species. In 1997, the year of a strong El Niño/Southern Oscillation event with high rainfall and sea levels, the elevation distribution of species narrowed and densities of P. incurva and other exotic species decreased but densities of native and rare species did not change. The ‘regeneration niche’ of wetland plant communities includes the effects of multiple abiotic and biotic factors on both the spatial and temporal variations in plant establishment.  相似文献   
The Acheulian Technocomplex exhibits two phenomena: variability and conservatism. Variability is expressed in the composition and frequencies of tool types, particularly in the varying frequencies of bifaces (handaxes and cleavers). Conservatism is expressed in the continuous presence of bifaces along an immense time trajectory. The site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (GBY) offers a unique opportunity to study aspects of variability and conservatism as a result of its long cultural-stratigraphic sequence containing superimposed lithic assemblages. This study explores aspects of variability and conservatism within the Acheulian lithic assemblages of GBY, with emphasis placed on the bifacial tools. While variability has been studied through a comparison of typological frequencies in a series of assemblages from the site, evidence for conservatism was examined in the production modes expressed by the reduction sequence of the bifaces. We demonstrate that while pronounced typological variability is observed among the GBY assemblages, they were all manufactured by the same technology. The technology, size, and morphology of the bifaces throughout the entire stratigraphic sequence of GBY reflect the strong conservatism of their makers. We conclude that the biface frequency cannot be considered as a chrono/cultural marker that might otherwise allow us to distinguish between different phases within the Acheulian. The variability observed within the assemblages is explained as a result of different activities, tasks, and functions, which were carried out at specific localities along the shores of the paleo-Hula Lake in the early Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Repetitive low-force contractions are common in the workplace and yet can lead to muscle fatigue and work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The current study aimed to investigate potential motion adaptations during a simulated repetitive light assembly work task designed to fatigue the shoulder region, focusing on changes over time and age-related group differences. Ten younger and ten older participants performed four 20-min task sessions separated by short breaks. Mean and variability of joint angles and scapular elevation, joint net moments for the shoulder, elbow, and wrist were calculated from upper extremity kinematics recorded by a motion tracking system. Results showed that joint angle and joint torque decreased across sessions and across multiple joints and segments. Increased kinematic variability over time was observed in the shoulder joint; however, decreased kinematic variability over time was seen in the more distal part of the upper limb. The changes of motion adaptations were sensitive to the task-break schedule. The results suggested that kinematic and kinetic adaptations occurred to reduce the biomechanical loading on the fatigued shoulder region. In addition, the kinematic and kinetic responses at the elbow and wrist joints also changed, possibly to compensate for the increased variability caused by the shoulder joint while still maintaining task requirements. These motion strategies in responses to muscle fatigue were similar between two age groups although the older group showed more effort in adaptation than the younger in terms of magnitude and affected body parts.  相似文献   
This essay examines ritual and ceremonial activities among the Arawakspeaking Wakuénai of the Venezuelan Amazon as processes of constructing power relations in changing historical and ecological conditions. Ritual evocations of the vertical dimension of power relations between mythic ancestors and human descendants adapt local populations to conditions of relatively severe stress, such as epidemics and scarcity of fish in long wet seasons. Other rituals evoke the horizontal dimension of power relations between affinally-related groups as a way of expanding the local descent group in conditions of lowered stress. These two ways of exercising ritual power link human populations to specific natural habitats and provide flexibility needed to adjust to demographic and other historical changes. Through ritual performances, the Wakuénai transform the natural environment into a cultural landscape of socialized objects and, conversely, remember the history of political relations among peoples through spirit-naming of natural species, objects, places, and geographic landmarks.  相似文献   
The best evidence for identifying the inhabitants of northeast Asia in the terminal Pleistocene or early Holocene periods is provided by the human burials from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian, and in particular the “Old Man”. Apart from the Minatogawa finds on Okinawa, all Late Pleistocene human remains from East Asia that are reasonably well published are poorly preserved and often have equivocal dates. Since the time the Upper Cave was excavated it has been supposed that the human remains were the link between “Peking Man” and the modern Mongoloid complex. We have carried out multivariate analyses of the “Old Man” cranium employing new measurements of Weidenreich's cast of the skull and comparative data from Howells' survey of modern human groups. Despite our expectations the analyses have not shown the “Old Man” to be closely linked with the Mongoloids. Considering all the evidence available we conclude that the common belief of a close biological relationship between the people buried in the Upper Cave and the modern Mongoloids is not yet adequately demonstrated. Of crucial importance in interpreting the Upper Cave burials is their antiquity, which is still commonly thought to be in the order of at least 18 000 years. We believe that recent C-14 dates of about 11 000 years, determined from animal bones, indicate the earliest possible date for the burials. The time span between the Upper Cave burials and the earliest known modern Mongoloids in north China is in the order of about 4–5000 years. It is possible that a major population shift has occurred in north China between the terminal Pleistocene and the mid Holocene, when farming first appears. If this is so, the Upper Cave people may not have been closely allied to the Mongoloid groups that now inhabit East Asia and the Americas.  相似文献   
New material of Diplopteridium holdenii is described from the Drybook Sandstone assemblage of Upper Visean (Middle Mississippian) age at Puddlebrook, Gloucestershire. Vegetative leaves consist of bifurcate fronds which are pinnately divided and terminate in narrow pinnule segments. The fronds are arranged spirally in terminal crowns on a narrow, spindly axis. Fertile leaves consist of fronds which bear a median, dichotomous branchlet which gives rise to reflexed, bilaterally symmetrical cupules. One specimen demonstrates that a single fertile crown consisted of cupulate and vegetative fronds. The detailed morphology of the cupules is reconstructed from compression/impression and fusainized material from both attached and isolated units. An isotomously branched synangiate organ is also described from the locality. The synangiate organ is assigned to a new genus and species. A comparison of D. holdenii and this synangiate organ with Diplopteridium teilianum from north Wales and Sphenopteris bifida and Sphenopteris affine from northern England and Scotland, provides indirect evidence that the synangiate organ may have belonged to D. holdenii . Bifurcate and trifurcate fronds associated with dichotomous branchlets bearing either synangial or cupulate structures was a common association in the Visean compression assemblages of Great Britain.  相似文献   
Species composition, relative abundance, distribution and physical habitat associations of submerged aquatic macrophytes in the main channel border (MCB) habitat of Pool 5A, Upper Mississippi River (UMR) were investigated during the summers of 1980 and 1983. The submerged aquatic macrophytes in Pool .5A MCB were a small and stable component of the river ecosystem. Submerged plants occurred primarily in small, monospecific clumps. Clumps in close proximity to each other formed plant patches. Plant patches were stable in location and number between 1980 and 1983; 82.5% of the patches first observed in 1980 were present in 1983. Submerged macrophytes covered about 10–12 ha of the 201 ha MCB in Pool 5A. Submerged plants were most common in the lower two-thirds of the pool. Ten species of aquatic macrophytes occurred on rock channel-training structures and eleven occurred on non-rock substrates in the MCB. The most common submerged plants, in order of abundance, were Vallisneria americana Michx., Heteranthra dubia Jacq., Potamogeton pectinatus L., Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton americanus C. & S.  相似文献   
昆明呈贡龙潭山第2地点的人化石和旧石器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在对呈贡县大渔区龙潭山第2地点的试掘中发现一枚人的下臼齿,它在形态上与现代人的不同,与北京猿人的也有所差别。它带有早期智人下第二乳臼齿的一些形态特征。一起发现的石制品中有石核、石片、砍砸器和刮削器。时代为晚更新世,距今30,500±800年。  相似文献   
New prosauropod material from a cave filling of Upper Triassic/Lower Jurassic age in Pant-y-ffynnon Quarry, South Wales, is described. The Panl-y-ffynnon fauna also includes thecodont, coelurosaur, crocodile and lepidosaur material.
Most of the prosauropod skeleton is represented. An almost complete but disarticulated skull is preserved. The skull and whole skeleton of the prosauropod are reconstructed. Evidence from the size and relative proportions of the bones, also the state of ossification, indicates that the prosauropod remains represent juveniles.
The level of the jaw articulation combined with the form of the teeth would suggest that the Pant-y-ffynnon prosauropod was omnivorous.
The Pant-y-ffynnon prosauropod resembles closely the much less complete Durdham Down (Bristol) remains of Thecodonlosaurus antiquus Morris; the Welsh material could well be juveniles of that species. Here the Pant-y-ffynnon material is ascribed to Thecodonlosaurus sp.
The mode of deposition of the fossil material is discussed, to account for the deposit containing only juveniles of the prosauropod.  相似文献   
山东莒南发现的石制品   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
员晓枫  徐淑彬等 《人类学学报》1989,8(1):32-38,,T001,
本文报道的128件人工石制品分别采自山东莒南县的石莲子乡烟敦岭和扁山乡九顶莲花山两个地点。石制品常见类型有边刮器,端刮器和砍斫器等,另有少量的雕刻器和尖状器,内含典型细石器。就石制品的组合及工艺水平而言,其时代可能属于旧石器时代末期。  相似文献   
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