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Protected areas (PAs) in the tropics are vulnerable to human encroachment, and, despite formal protection, they do not fully mitigate anthropogenic threats to habitats and biodiversity. However, attempts to quantify the effectiveness of PAs and to understand the status and changes of wildlife populations in relation to protection efficiency remain limited. Here, we used camera‐trapping data collected over 8 consecutive years (2009–2016) to investigate the yearly occurrences of medium‐to‐large mammals within the Udzungwa Mountains National Park (Tanzania), an area of outstanding importance for biological endemism and conservation. Specifically, we evaluated the effects of habitat and proxies of human disturbance, namely illegal hunting with snares and firewood collection (a practice that was banned in 2011 in the park), on species' occurrence probabilities. Our results showed variability in species' responses to disturbance: The only species that showed a negative effect of the number of snares found on occurrence probability was the Harvey's duiker, a relatively widespread forest antelope. Similarly, we found a moderate positive effect of the firewood collection ban on only the suni, another common antelope, and a negative effect on a large opportunistic rodent, the giant‐pouched rat. Importantly, we found evidence of temporal stability in occurrence probability for all species over the 8‐year study period. Our findings suggest that well‐managed PAs can sustain mammal populations in tropical forests. However, variability among species in their responses to anthropogenic disturbance necessitates consideration in the design of conservation action plans for multiple taxa.  相似文献   
We sampled terrestrial molluscs at fifteen elevations between 400 and 2000 m in Mwanihana Forest Reserve, Tanzania and recorded 84 taxa. Four diversity measures – species density (DP), species richness (D20) and observed (SO) and interpolated (SI) alpha diversity – were measured; beta diversity and abundance were also investigated. Mean elevational range was 470 m. DP, D20, alpha diversity and mollusc abundance increased with elevation, but alpha diversity peaked at 1695 m (SO) or 1500 m (SI) and declined at higher elevations. Maximum beta diversity was at 1000 m. Soil pH was negatively correlated with elevation and DP. Cluster analysis divided the sites into lowland (400–900 m) and highland (>1000 m) groups. Axis 1 of a canonical correspondence analysis was associated with altitude and suggested a faunal discontinuity at 1000 m. Variation within the highland (>1000 m) and lowland faunal sets was related to elevation and forest structure respectively. The findings indicate that mollusc diversity peaks at intermediate elevations. This may be related to the combined effects of low rainfall conditions at low elevations and increasing effects of soil leaching at high elevations, both of which may limit mollusc diversity and abundance. Diversity at intermediate altitudes may be further elevated because of faunal mixing of lowland and highland groups.  相似文献   
A new species of sengi, or elephant-shrew, is described. It was discovered in the northern Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania in 2005. Sengis (Order Macroscelidea, super-cohort Afrotheria) include four genera and 15 species of mammals that are endemic to Africa. This discovery is a significant contribution to the systematics of this small order. Based on 49 camera trap images, 40 sightings and five voucher specimens, the new sengi is diurnal and distinguished from the other three species of Rhynchocyon by a grizzled grey face, pale yellow to cream chest and chin, orange-rufous sides, maroon back and jet-black lower rump and thighs. The body weight of the new species is about 700 g, which is 25–50% greater than any other giant sengi. The new Rhynchocyon is only known from two populations that cover about 300 km2 of montane forest. It has an estimated density of 50–80 individuals km−2. This discovery has important implications for the conservation of the high biodiversity that is found in the forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains.  相似文献   
We evaluated variation in group size and composition of Udzungwa red colobus (Procolobus gordonorum) in relation to gross-habitat and sociological parameters. The endangered species is endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains and nearby forests in the Kilombero Valley of south-central Tanzania. We counted 63 groups in 10 forests, ranging in altitude from 250 to 1,800 m. Group size ranged from 7 to 83 (x = 36.3) individuals and adult sex ratios (females/male) ranged from 1.5 to 7.3 (x = 3.5), excluding solitary individuals. Group size was influenced by several habitat parameters, including tree density, degree of deciduousness, and forest size. Groups were largest in large blocks of mature, moist, mixed evergreen and semideciduous forests, but group size is not correlated with altitude. Groups in a highly degraded forest appeared to have fission-fusion societies. The effect of habitat quality on age-sex composition of groups was most apparent in natality and less so in survivorship of adult females and juveniles. The number of adult males in groups accounted for 50% of the variance in group size and 34–39% of the variance in numbers of adult females in groups. Habitat quality affects natality more than demographic parameters do. Groups with a low proportion of adult females had greater juvenile survivorship, perhaps because of lower food competition between these two classes. We proffer hypotheses based on our study and previous intertaxonal comparisons to explain cause and effect relationships between habitat quality and demography. Finally, our study demonstrates the importance of large blocks of old-growth forest to the conservation of Udzungwa red colobus, and we make recommendations for conservation and research.  相似文献   
Many individual researchers have used line transect counts to estimate forest primate abundance. They have devoted less attention to the interpretation of line transect data obtained by several observers, as is often the case in long-term monitoring programs. We present primate relative abundance data that 5 observers collected over 6 yr (not continuous) along 4 different transects each 4 km long in the Mwanihana Forest, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Total distance walked during transect repetitions is ca. 700 km. The species we saw most frequently was the endemic Udzungwa red colobus Procolobus gordonorum (mean 0.59 groups/km walked), followed by the Angolan black-and-white colobus Colobus angolensis (0.43 groups/km) and Sykes’s monkey Cercopithecus mitis (0.35 groups/km). We sighted the endemic Sanje mangabey Cercocebus galeritus sanjei and the yellow baboon Papio cynocephalus infrequently, the latter being confined to the deciduous forest parts of the transects. We analyzed sighting frequency by gross habitat type, transect, season, and observer. Interobserver differences in the relative abundance of each species were moderate and the few cases of significant variations were due to discordance of only 1 observer from the others. Estimated distances of primate group sightings differ significantly among observers, thus preventing us from deriving estimates of absolute density. Frequency distributions of distance-class intervals are not significantly different among observers, which may indicate gross interobserver consistency in the width of the area sampled. We conclude that unless consistency in data collection is checked, as we did for 2 observers who collected data simultaneously, potential interobserver differences remain an underlying source of variance in the results that cannot be separated from other sources of variance.  相似文献   
This study describes changes in woody vegetation in the Mwanihana forest, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania, over an altitude range of 470–1700 m. Two methods, fixed‐ and variable‐area plots, are compared to elucidate altitudinal variation in tropical forest structure, diversity and community composition. Six 25 m × 100 m fixed area plots recorded a total of 2143 woody stems of ≥3 cm d.b.h. from 204 species. The 78 variable‐area plots recorded the nearest twenty trees of ≥20 cm d.b.h. to an objectively chosen point, giving a total of 1560 stems in 9.1 ha from 156 species. A linear trend of increasing stem density with altitude was seen for variable‐area plots. Species diversity is highest at high elevations. There was no clear zonation of elevational vegetation types. Restricted range taxa occur at all altitudes sampled. The study also revealed some methodological considerations. Bias in sample size and plot area can be tested by employing two sampling methods. Of the two methods used, fixed area plots are preferred as variable area plots are impractical in tangled understorey. Plot size must be controlled for in order to make reliable observations of diversity. Sampling along a continuous or near‐continuous altitudinal gradient with sufficient replication is also important.  相似文献   
Sanje mangabeys (Cercocebus sanjei), first described in 1981, are among the most endangered primates in the world. They are endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, in a biogeographic region designated one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. Conservation research since 1997 has documented the presence of the mangabey in only 3 of the relict montane forest blocks of the Udzungwas. The total population, possibly < 1,500 animals, is fragmented and not adequately protected. A substantial proportion (perhaps 40%) live in forest reserves outside the protective confines of the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, and they are affected by habitat loss and hunting. Efforts to improve their conservation status include assessment of distribution, relative abundance, and habitat quality, and initiation of observational research with habituated individuals to acquire critically important data on their habitat requirements, diet, movement patterns, socioecology, and community ecology. These interrelated research activities should contribute to effective management for conservation, provide baseline information to support current efforts to expand the boundaries of the national park, and guide potential future establishment of corridors between the major forests known to support mangabey groups.  相似文献   
Human modification of the environment has drastically changed ecosystems around the globe. While forest-loss (deforestation) has been well studied for its effects on ecosystems, afforestation also has major impacts. The Udzungwa Plateau in Tanzania is naturally a mix of forests and grasslands. However, non-native pine plantations have recently increased in the area displacing the native grasslands of the montane plateau. In this study, we explored the effects of land use change on amphibian communities by comparing amphibian surveys before non-native plantations were introduced (~2000) and after (2017–2019). To put these amphibian surveys into wider context across the plateau and to distinguish local population loss compared to plateau-wide extinctions, we sample diversity at new sampling locations and locations with multiple surveys through time. We then assessed landscape change through remotely sensed data and ground surveys. Amphibian encounter surveys found approximately the same species diversity across all sampling locations, but local extinctions appear likely. Remaining amphibians appear to be limited to small refugia in non-pine wetlands. Approximately half (45%) of the species found have limited distributional ranges (<72,000 km2) and are described as habitat specialists by the IUCN Red List. Monitoring pine plantation growth using remote sensing techniques suggested only limited extensions of plantations between 2000 through to 2013–2016, but ground surveys found small pines (<3 years old) throughout almost all areas identified as grasslands on satellite imagery. Our study highlights the plight of this narrowing biome on the African continent and calls for more research on the impact of non-native plantations on natural communities. Abstract in Swahili is available with online material.  相似文献   
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