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Typha latifolia L. from aquatic plants is widely found throughout Kehli Stream (Elazig, Turkey). This study examined the uptake of some metals by T. latifolia and the transfer from roots to other plant parts. The accumulation of Mn in T. latifolia L. can be suggested as a tolerance strategy due to its transfer factor higher than 1.0. The enrichment coefficients in the leaves of T. latifolia L. were higher than 1.0 for Zn and Mn and often lower than 1.0 for other metals. Similarly, the enrichment coefficients of all metals, except for Cr, in roots of T. latifolia L. were higher than 1.0. This study demonstrated that T. latifolia L. could be considered as either a bio-indicator or a bio-accumulator for sediments and water polluted by metals.  相似文献   
Underground and aboveground biomass and their ratios at flowering time in different natural stands of Typha angustata near Jaipur, India were studied in the field and experimentally over a period of eleven months (June to April). The underground biomass was 40–50% of the aboveground biomass in both natural and experimental conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract. We estimated, using logistic regression techniques, the realized niches of the four dominant species in an experimental marsh complex located in the Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada. These models were then used to predict the probability of occurrence of these species in selected elevation ranges when water levels were raised in 1985 either 0, 30 or 60 cm above the long-term normal water level. These realized-niche models were calculated using elevation and species data collected in 1980. After having been eliminated by two years of deep flooding, the emergent vegetation in this complex had been re-established during a drawdown beginning in either 1983 or 1984. Our hypothesis was that from 1985 to 1989 the frequencies of occurrence of species in selected elevation ranges would converge to their probabilities predicted from the 1980 logistic models. This was not borne out by our results. Actual frequencies and predicted probabilities of occurrence of a species were similar at best less than 40% and then mostly in the control (0 cm) treatment. The realized-niche models were not adequate to predict the distribution of emergents after an increase in water level in the short term because the emergent species did not migrate upslope. Emergent species in the medium and high treatments either (1) died out - Scolochloa festucacea and Scirpus lacustris - after 3 yr because they could not survive permanent flooding, (2) stayed where they were - Phragmites australis - because they were unable to move upslope through clonal growth, or (3) became more widespread - Typha glauca only because of the expansion of small local populations already established in 1985 in areas dominated formerly by other species.  相似文献   
The effects of foliar spraying with spermidine (Spd), ranging in concentration from 0.25 to 0.50mmol/L, on the antioxidant system under Cd2 stress (range 0.1- 0.2 mmol/L Cd2 ) in Typha latifolia L.grown hydroponically were investigated in order to offer a referenced evidence for an understanding of the mechanism by which polyamines (PAs) relieve the damage to plants by heavy metal and improve the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metal-contaminated water. The results showed that Cd2 stress inhydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in both leaves and caudices. With theexception of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the leaves, an increase in the activities of catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), and glutathione reductase (GR) was observed in both leaves and caudices,SOD activity was increased in caudices, and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was increased in leaves following Cd2 treatment. The reduced glutathione (GSH) content in both leaves and caudices and the reductive ascorbate content in leaves was obviously increased, which were prompted by the application of exogenous Spd. Spraying with Spd increased the activity of GR and APX in both leaves and caudices,whereas the activity of SOD, CAT, and GPX was increased only in caudices following spraying with Spd.with Spd. The decrease in MDA was more obvious following the application of 0.25 than 0.50 mmol/L Spd.It is supposed that exogenous Spd elevated the tolerance of T. latifolia under Cd2 stress primarily by increasing GR activity and the GSH level.  相似文献   
The conservation of many freshwater marsh waterbirds (i.e., waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, and secretive marshbirds) in the Laurentian Great Lakes requires managing invasive emergent macrophytes, which degrade waterbird habitat by creating dense, litter-clogged stands, and excluding plants that produce nutritionally balanced and high-energy food (seeds, tubers, and submerged aquatic vegetation). The most commonly used management approach in the United States Great Lakes region involves the application of herbicides, which can stimulate waterbird forage plants but does not address the accumulation of plant litter, the underlying cause of plant community diversity loss and habitat degradation. We experimentally evaluated the effects of an alternative approach, harvesting invasive plants and their litter followed by flooding, on plant communities, focusing on the effects of these treatments to increase the abundance of high-energy wetland plants. At the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge in Michigan, USA, we experimentally treated an invasive cattail (Typha × glauca)-dominated wetland in August and September of 2016, 2017, and 2018, using a randomized block design with 4 blocks and 3 treatments (sediment surface harvest, above ground harvest, and control). We monitored the effects of these treatments on the abundance and dominance of waterbird forage-producing plants, plant diversity, and plant communities prior to (Jul 2016) and during the summer following each treatment (late Jul or early Aug 2017, 2018, and 2019). Additionally, we used pre- and post-treatment waterbird use-day data collected at the unit scale and compared values with satellite imagery-derived land cover changes. Compared to control plots, 3 years of harvesting and flooding significantly increased plant species diversity, increased the abundance of waterbird seed- and tuber-producing plant species by 5 times, and increased annual plant dominance by more than 10 times, while substantially reducing all measures of cattail and its litter. Use-days increased for total waterbirds, including waterfowl and dabbling ducks, following treatment. Cattail cover decreased and open water and non-cattail emergent vegetation cover increased. Harvesting invasive plant biomass coupled with flooding promoted a plant community composition and structure beneficial to waterbirds. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
通过腊叶标本研究、野外观察和文献考证,结合栽培试验,研究了香蒲科水烛(Typha angustifolia L.)花部结构特征,补充描述了该种丝状毛在子房柄上的着生方式、小穗不孕雌花数目等性状特征,观察了在成熟期不同阶段其孕性雌花柱头与小苞片的长度变异。结果显示,水烛孕性雌花小苞片呈宽披针形、匙形或条形,先端褐色,短于柱头,或与柱头近等长或稍长于柱头;子房柄上的丝状毛除少数散生外,多数基部合生呈鞘状或束状,在子房柄下部呈1~4轮排列;小穗不孕雌花常3(~4)枚。研究材料在7月中旬前后雌花小苞片明显短于柱头,随果穗成熟小苞片与柱头近等长。长苞香蒲(T.domingensis Pers.)子房柄上的丝状毛形态和着生方式与水烛中的情况基本一致,但小苞片白色透明,小穗不孕雌花常1(~2)枚。这表明水烛孕性雌花小苞片和柱头的长度比例与不同成熟阶段有关系,不宜作为与长苞香蒲的区别特征,而小穗不孕雌花数目和小苞片颜色等特征对两物种的划分有较重要的意义。  相似文献   

Landfilling has been widely used for solid waste disposal; however, the generation of leachate can pose a major threat to the surrounding environment in the form of soil salinity. Two native plants of North America Puccinellia nuttalliana (alkaligrass) and Typha latifolia (cattail) were selected in this study to investigate bioaccumulation of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?) under controlled greenhouse conditions. The treatments include irrigation of the plants using fertilizer (F), landfill leachate (LL), and tap water (control, C). Plants cultivated after one season (12?weeks) were harvested by separating aboveground tissues and roots, and soil from each treatment was collected for analysis. The results show that alkaligrass irrigated with LL had 2.13% more biomass yield than control, but 17.63% less than that with F. However, cattail yielded 19.70% more biomass with the irrigation of LL than C and 3.04% less compared to F. Alkaligrass and cattail accumulated 6.85 and 7.00?g Na+/Kg biomass with the irrigation of LL, respectively. Alkaligrass and cattail irrigated with LL accumulated 120.14% and 94.47% more Cl? than C. When alkaligrass and cattail were irrigated with LL, the electrical conductivity of soil was reduced by 71.70% and 45.36%, respectively. This study demonstrated that using North American native halophytes could be a cost-effective and promising approach for phytoremediation of landfill leachate.  相似文献   
Using epifluorescent and histochemical techniques, we examined anatomical differences in the shoot organs of Typha latifolia, T. angustifolia and T. glauca. The leaf lamina of T. latifolia and T. glauca had enlarged epidermal cells and a thickened cuticle above the subepidermal vascular bundles; that of T. angustifolia lacked these characteristics. Leaf sheaths were similar among the species and all lacked the epidermal thickenings found in the lamina. The fertile stems had typical scattered vascular bundles with a band of fibres that was most prominent in T. glauca. The sterile stems were only 1 cm in length and contained a multiseriate hypodermis and a uniseriate endodermis over part of their length. The rhizomes were similar except for a pronounced band of fibres surrounding the central core in T. angustifolia. The rhizome was also characterized by an outer cortical region with a large multiseriate hypodermis/exodermis and a uniseriate endodermis with Casparian bands, suberin lamellae and secondarily thickened walls.  相似文献   
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