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The late Miocene North African mammalianassemblage is considered here from three viewpoints: survivals, extinctions, and immigrations. The Eurasiatic affinities of the large mammals slightly prevail over the Ethiopian affinities. Amongst the North African large mammals, 4 to 8 taxa are Eurasiatic immigrants, while 4 to 6 are of Subsaharian origin. Contrarily, the micromammalian fauna is highly endemic, with only one species, a murid (Paraethomys miocaenicus), considered here as being related to an Asiatic form (Karnimata darwini). Our study of Eurasian and African Miocene faunas reveals that during the late Astaracian-early Turolian interval, the Saharo-Arabic belt permitted very little latitudinal faunal exchanges. However, during the middle and late Turolian such faunal exchanges became frequent. The micromammal record unequivocally indicates that a brief period of faunal exchange occurred between Africa and western Europe at the end of the Miocene, corresponding with the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The increased intercontinental faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia during the late Miocene coincides with, and counterbalances the extinction of more than 10 taxa at the Mio/Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   
In the North of Abla (Almeria), SE of the Guadixbasin some bones of Hipparion gromovae granatenseAguirre have been found this has allowed us to date, for the first time, the bottom of the Formation of Guadix as upper Turolian.  相似文献   
In the present article, we study the proboscidean remains from three upper Miocene localities of Northern Greece: Thermopigi (Serres), Neokaisareia (Pieria) and Platania (Drama). The material from the Turolian locality of Thermopigi includes only postcranial specimens. The morphological features of the scapula indicate the presence of the deinotheriid Deinotherium sp., whereas the rest of the specimens are morphologically distinct from Deinotherium and can be referred to Elephantimorpha indet. The material from Neokaisareia consists of a partial skeleton of a single individual and is attributed to the mammutid Mammut sp. (M. obliquelophus?). This taxon is known in Greece from the early–middle Turolian. The Platania proboscidean belongs to the tetralophodont amebelodontid Konobelodon cf. atticus. The genus Konobelodon was already present during the Vallesian of the wider area, but the lower tusk of the Platania shovel-tusker presents some morphological and metrical differences from the Vallesian representative, yet it has also smaller dimensions in its deciduous dentition than the morphologically similar Turolian specimens. The type locality of K. atticus is Pikermi (Attica, Greece), correlated to the middle Turolian, but the known biostratigraphic range of this species covers the entire Turolian. Platania is possibly correlated close to the Vallesian/Turolian boundary and the possible record of this species could document one of its earliest occurrences.  相似文献   
首次报道了伊朗西北部 Varzeghan 附近发现的大型哺乳动物化石,材料包括三趾马和恐象。根据个体大小和形态特征,将三趾马标本暂时分为一个小至中型类似 Hipparion moldavicum 的种和一个中至大型类似 H. prostylum 或 H. dietrichi 的种。Deinotherium giganteum 也出现于这一地区。依据与其他晚中新世地点哺乳动物化石的对比,这些新化石地点的时代推测为吐洛里期( Turolian) 中期或相当于欧洲哺乳动物带的 MN12。  相似文献   
Revision of the stratigraphy and depositional environmentsin the Eastern Neogene basin of Samos. Mapping, structural analysis together with new K/Ar dates provide the following general pattern: two fluvial-lacustrine cycles separated by a disconformity. Basal cycle is Astaracian-Vallesian, the disconformity occured between 9 and 8.5 MY, upper cycle is Turolian and has yielded the famous «Samos mammal fauna wich is between 8.5 and 7.0 MY old.  相似文献   
The fossil mammal localities of the Axios Valley (Macedonia, Greece) yielded a rich collection of Mesopithecus remains, which were first described at the beginning of the 1990s. The late Turolian Dytiko localities include several specimens of Mesopithecus, which were originally separated in two size-related forms: the relatively larger-sized M. cf. or aff. pentelicus, and the relatively smaller-sized M. cf. monspessulanus. However, some Dytiko specimens were only partially described, or remained even undescribed because the cranium either was still in connection with the mandible or was markedly deformed. Later, careful cleaning of the materials and their revision based on larger comparative samples indicate that they represent two distinct species: the relatively larger-sized specimens belong to M. pentelicus, while the relatively smaller-sized ones to M. monspessulanus. The Dytiko M. pentelicus has slightly smaller dental dimensions compared to M. pentelicus from Pikermi, indicating a possible trend for size decrease. The Dytiko M. monspessulanus, although close to the typical form of this species, has somewhat larger dimensions. The semi-terrestrial M. pentelicus disappeared at the end of the Miocene, while some of its populations adapted to the wetter and more woody Pliocene habitats, finally giving origin to M. monspessulanus, whose elbow-joint indicates an arboreal lifestyle. M. monspessulanus was widely distributed in Europe, but its remains are very scarce and are all from the Pliocene. Some questionable indications for the presence of M. monspessulanus in the latest Miocene come from some Italian Messinian sites (Gravitelli, Baccinello V3), but this scenario still needs verification. However, even if its presence in some Italian localities was confirmed, the Dytiko M. monspessulanus nonetheless represents the earliest known occurrence of this species in Europe, as the Dytiko fauna is considered as latest Turolian (pre-Messinian, 7.0–6.0 Ma).  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper reports the first record of Desmanella (Mammalia, Soricomorpha) from the Granada Basin in southern Iberian Peninsula, which represents its south‐westernmost occurrence in all Eurasia. It is a controversial taxon whose systematic assignment has been discussed for a long time. This genus belongs to the family Talpidae, a group of insectivores that include extant moles, shrew moles and desmans. Desmanella was very abundant in the late Miocene and early Pliocene of Eurasia, including several basins of northern Iberian Peninsula, but it has not been found until now in southern Iberia. Previous studies have shown that the faunal record and the climatic conditions during the Neogene in the Granada Basin were different from other areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The particular distribution of Desmanella supports the hypothesis that specific climatic features (wetter than neighbouring areas) prevailed in the Granada Basin during the late Turolian (late Miocene).  相似文献   
Ann Forsten 《Geobios》1979,12(2):283-290
Samples, mainly of isolated teeth, of Hipparion concudensePirlot from the Turolian fossil sites “Concud”. Cerro de la Garita, Barranco de las Calaveras, Concud III, Masia del Barbo, and Los Mansuetos, all in the Calatayud-Teruel area, Spain, are analysed and compared. The teeth from “Concud”, Cerro, and Masia are similar and larger than those from Barranco, Concud III, and Los Mansuetos, which between them are similar. A possible trend towards decrease in size is indicated. The stratigraphic position of these sites is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
An almost complete skull and a second partial skull of Bohlinia attica (Artiodactyla: Giraffidae) from the late Miocene of Maragheh in northwestern Iran is described along with a complete upper dentition from Samos in Greece. These specimens enrich what is known of this species. The skull has massive bent ossicones. The braincase is horizontal to the face in lateral view. The upper premolars have strongly curved styles. The metapodials of this species are elongate with a deep plantar trough. The braincase is short and the occipital does not extend caudally. The type material of Bohlinia is from Pikermi but this taxon is also known from localities in F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iraq, and Iran. The new specimens are similar to others except that the ossicone terminates in a knob and the palatine choanae are positioned caudally. This taxon along with Honanotherium, which is most similar but with shorter metapodials and simpler premolars, can be placed in the subfamily Bohlininae.  相似文献   
Abstract: Morphological and biometrical variability of the equid Hipparion from Puente Minero and other localities from the Teruel Basin, Spain (MN10–MN13), is analysed. Three species of Hipparion are recognized in Puente Minero, H. laromae, H. matthewi and Hipparion sp. cf. H. longipes, through comparison with other Spanish and Eurasian species (Samos, Greece; Höwenegg, Germany; Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, small and large forms; Akka?da?i, Turkey; and the following Spanish sites, La Roma 2, Los Aljezares, Concud, Milagros, Las Casiones and Venta de Moro). The majority of the Hipparion remains from Puente Minero and determined to be Hipparion laromae based on their size and morphology. This interpretation was confirmed by bivariate and multivariate analyses. These results suggest a Eurasian immigration of different Hipparion species into the Teruel Basin.  相似文献   
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