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The initial rate and final extent of polymerization of both bovine brain tubulin and sea urchin egg tubulin were enhanced in the presence of 2H2O. The yields were increased in association with the elevation of the 2H2O concentration. 2H2O also reduced the critical concentration for polymerization of brain tubulin. Thermodynamic analysis was attempted using the temperature dependence of the critical concentration for polymerization in the presence of 2H2O. We obtained linear van 't Hoff plots and calculated thermodynamic parameters which were positive and were increased with the elevation of the 2H2O concentration. The enhancement of the polymerization of tubulin by 2H2O could, therefore, be the result of the strenghening of intra-and/or inter-molecular hydrophobic interactions of the tubulin molecules. We believe that the increase in lenghth and number of microtubules of the mitotic spindles in the dividing cells of the eukaryotes with 2H2O may be caused by the direct involvement of 2H2O in the polymerization of tubulin.  相似文献   
Tubulin has been purified from human blood and tonsil lymphocytes. Using gel filtration, the molecular weight of human lymphocyte tubulin was estimated to be 119 000. The proteins was shown to consist of two subunits, with molecular weights of 61 000 and 58 000 comparable to the α and β polypeptides of human brain tubulin. A partial identity reaction was observed between lymphocyte tubulin and human tubulin when tested by double immunodiffusion against a rabbit anti-human brain tubulin antibody. In the presence of GTP, the purified protein polymerized to form microtubules. Tubulin was localized to the cell's juxtacentriolar region by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. When assayed by a colchicine-binding assay corrected for time decay, the binding affinity was 1.50 ± 0.86 · 106M?1 and a level in normal lymphocytes of 1.21 · 10?2 ± 0.79 g/g of soluble protein was determined. Since chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytes have an anomalous capping behavior as well as an unusual susceptibility to colchicine toxicity, the properties and levels of tubulin were determined in these cells. Similar values were obtained for the level, decay rate, molecular weight, and Ka for colchicine as for normal lymphocytes. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocyte tubulin polymerized in a normal fashion. It thus appears that a decrease in the quantity or function of tubulin does not account for these anomalies in the chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocyte.  相似文献   
Summary To assay the functional significance of the multiple but closely related - and -tubulin polypeptides (termed isotypes) that are expressed in mammalian cells, we have generated a number of sera that uniquely discriminate among these isotypes. These sera have been used to demonstrate that there is no subcellular sorting of either - or -tubulin isotypes among microtubules of diverse function, either in cells growing in culture or in tissues consisting of cell types that contain specialized kinds of microtubule. In spite of this failure to segregate between functionally distinct kinds of microtubule, the fact that isotype-specific amino acid sequences have been strictly conserved over extensive periods of evolutionary time argues persuasively for a functional role for the different tubulin gene products. One possibility is that they are required for specific interactions with microtubule associated proteins (MAPs), and that tubulin isotypes have coevolved with different cell type-specific MAPs with which they must interact. We have tested this hypothesis by examining the distribution of -tubulin isotypes in mammalian cerebellum in relationship to the known patterns of expression of a number of MAPs, and find that these patterns correlate in the case of M 2 and MAP 3, and M 6 and MAP 1 a. These data, plus emerging data based on a structural analysis of tau, MAP 1 b and MAP 2 obtained via sequence determination of cloned cDNAs, are discussed in terms of the possible functional significance of tubulin isotype/MAP interactionsin vivo.  相似文献   
Sites of Tubulin Polymerization in PC 12 Cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The site at which tubulin enters into polymer in the neuritic process is a very important datum in terms of our understanding of the mechanism of transport of the microtubular cytoskeleton out the axon. If the form of tubulin being transported out the axon is the microtubule, then assembly of tubulin into microtubules should occur at or near the cell body; if, however, the form of tubulin transported is free tubulin dimer, then assembly can occur at any free microtubule end out the neurite. We have injected a fluorescent analog of tubulin into differentiated PC 12 cells and used differential extraction protocols to extract free dimer but not microtubules. We have imaged these cells before and after extraction by low-light-level video fluorescence microscopy and have used image analysis to examine the sites of tubulin incorporation into polymer or other unextracted components as a function of time. We find that tubulin in the distal reaches of the neurite is found initially as monomer and that its appearance in the unextracted component occurs later. This pattern of appearance of fluorescent tubulin initially in the soluble fraction and later in the unextractable component is qualitatively similar to that reported by other workers for biotinylated tubulin, but we see a larger gap between the rates of appearance in soluble fraction and in polymer. Quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensities in the two compartments with distance out the neurite reveals substantial variation between different neurites: In some neurites, the pattern of variation of unextracted/total tubulin suggests that tubulin enters into the unextracted component primarily near the cell body and that this unextracted component moves out the neurite with time, and in other neurites it suggest that monomer adds into microtubule ends staggered out the neurite. In no case do we see a pattern suggesting that distal addition predominates. These analyses of fluorescence intensities in extracted and unextracted neurites suggest that both transport of polymerized microtubules and monomer addition onto staggered microtubule ends occur in PC12 neurites and that in individual neurites one or the other of these two behaviors may predominate.  相似文献   
We recently described a new protein associated exclusively with neuronal clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), and characterized two monoclonal antibodies that react with it (S-8G8 and S-6G7). In this report, the association of neuronal protein of 185 kilodaltons (NP185) with CCV kinases and its interaction with tubulin are described. The affinity of NP185 for tubulin is significantly enhanced when tubulin is phosphorylated by CCV-associated casein kinase II. In contrast, phosphorylation of tubulin by a kinase activity associated with purified brain tubulin decreases its affinity for NP185. Together, these data suggest that the interaction of NP185 with tubulin is modulated by protein phosphorylation. Recent evidence has suggested that tubulin is phosphorylated by casein kinase II during neurite development. The enhanced affinity of NP185 for tubulin phosphorylated by casein kinase II could be important for proper intracellular sorting of this protein in the developing neuron.  相似文献   
Rats were fed a diet containing ammonium for up to 6 months. High ammonia levels were attained in brain. The amount of polymerized tubulin in microtubules increased, while the amount of free tubulin remained unchanged. Polymerization of tubulin from brain of ammonium fed rats (30 min, 37°C) was approximately 60% of control. Depolymerization of the microtubules was also affected and took approximately 3 times longer than in controls. These results indicate that both assembly and disassembly of tubulin in brain are impaired by high ammonia levels. Interestingly, the amount of microtubule-associated proteins was not affected.  相似文献   
Optically anisotropic zones occur spontaneously in solutions of microtubules. These tactoids, in which microtubules are arranged in parallel arrays, can be visualized by their birefringence. With microtubules assembled in the presence of associated proteins (MAPs), birefringence appears immediately after nucleation of polymerization, even at relatively low protein concentrations. It is not dependent on whether the assembly is initiated by temperature jump or by isothermal addition of GTP. With pure tubulin, assembled in buffers containing 25% glycerol or 4% dimethylsulfoxide and/or taxol, birefringence appears within a few hours, but it can be speeded up by gentle agitation. With tubulin assembled in the presence of MAPs, spontaneous orientation occurs simultaneously with polymerization. This may be due to the existence of more pronounced repulsive forces between microtubules when they are covered with MAPs. A simple calculation of the covolume, suggests that tactoid formation is expected for microtubules of lengths of 5 to 10 m at protein concentrations in the range 1 to 3 mg/ml (as observed), and that repulsive forces will promote tactoid formation at even lower protein concentrations. Offprint requests to: Y. Engelborghs  相似文献   
Polysomes prepared from frozen rat brain powder were fractionated by centrifugation in a sucrose gradient. Individual fractions were used to program a reticulocyte lysate in a run-off reaction. The products of cell-free synthesis were assayed for the brain-specific enolase (14.3.2 protein) and S100 protein by immunoprecipitation with specific antisera and for tubulin by two-dimensional electrophoresis in polyacrylamide slab gels. The relative synthesis of these proteins by unfractionated free brain polysomes were 0.1 per cent, 0.05 per cent and 0.7 per cent respectively. After centrifugation in a sucrose gradient polysomes synthesizing S100 protein were separated from those synthesizing the other two markers. There was a threefold enrichment in the specific messenger RNA activity for each of the three proteins studied in their respective peak fractions of polysomes.  相似文献   
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