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The control of bud dormancy in potato tubers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber buds normally remain dormant through the growing season until several weeks after harvest. In the cultivar Majestic, this innate dormancy persisted for 9 to 12 weeks in storage at 10° C, but only 3 to 4 weeks when the tubers were stored at 2° C. At certain stages, supplying cytokinins to tubers with innately dormant buds induced sprout growth within 2 d. The growth rate was comparable to that of buds whose innate dormancy had been lost naturally. Cytokinin-treatment did not accelerate the rates of cell division and cell expansion in buds whose innate dormancy had already broken naturally. Gibberellic acid did not induce sprout growth in buds with innate dormancy. We conclude that cytokinins may well be the primary factor in the switch from innate dormancy to the non-dormant state in potato tuber buds, but probably do not control the subsequent sprout growth.Abbreviations tio 6ade 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enyl amino)purine, zeatin - tio6ado 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enyl amino)-9--D-ribofuranosyl purine, zeatin riboside  相似文献   
本文报道了我国地下真菌3个新种和2个新记录,它们是:太原块菌Tuber taiyuanense Liu sp.nov.,苍岩山层腹菌Hymenogaster cangyan-shanensis Liu sp.nov.,山西须腹菌Rhizopogon shanxiensis Liu sp.nov.,棱孢层腹菌Hymenogaster fusisporus(Massee et Rodway)G.H.Cunningham以及小硬皮腹菌Sclerogaster minor Coker et Coudl。  相似文献   
Temperature dependencies of sprouting and germination were compared for subterranean perennating organs and seeds of ten closely related species of the genusDioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), a group of monocotyledonous summer perennials which are distributed from the tropics to the subarctic. The species used wereD. nipponica Makino,D. tokoro Makino,D. japonica Thunb.,D. tenuipes Franch. et Savat.,D. septemloba Thunb.,D. quinqueloba Thunb.,D. izuensis Akahori,D. bulbifera L. f.spontanea (Makino) Makino et Nemoto,D. pentaphylla. L. andD. alata L.; they are distributed from cold northern areas to warmer southern areas approximately in this order in and around Japan. Bulbil sprouting was also studied in those forming bulbils. Subterranean organs of the tropical species sprouted faster without any prior temperature treatment, whereas those of species from the more northern areas sprouted after prechilling. Northern species required longer, periods of prechilling for sprouting. On the other hand, with seeds or bulbils, the southern species required longer periods of prior temperature treatment for dormancy breaking. This difference in the length of dormant periods between seeds or bulbils and subterranean organs among the ten species may be related to their size and position of shedding; seeds or bulbils are small and are shed on the ground surface, whereas subterranean organs are large and are located below the surface. It is important to determine in other perennials whether the above relation between dormant features of seeds or bulbils and subterranean organs are common properties or not.  相似文献   
DNA analyses were developed to type mycorrhizas of two Tuber species of commercial value (T. melanosporum, T. borchii) and a competitive fungus (Sphaerosporella brunnea) which forms ectomycorrhizas with plants usually considered hosts for truffles. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA isolated from fruitbodies, mycelia, mycorrhizas and leaves of host plants, was performed with a primer pair for an internal transcribed spacer ITS1-4. ITS amplification followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified products clearly distinguished the two Tuber species at the fruitbody, mycorrhiza and mycelium levels. Accepted: 6 September 1996  相似文献   
J. Sparkuhl  G. Setterfield 《Planta》1977,135(3):267-273
In order to examine the relation of protein synthesis to the onset of growth, changes in ribosome content and activity were compared in aged, metabolically active Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) slices incubated in water or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid+kinetin. In water, cells do not grow or divide and rRNA and protein levels remain constant. The percentage membrane-bound (mb) ribosomes drops from 25% to 16% during 24h. At the same time the proportion of ribosomes active in protein synthesis in both free and mb populations declines from about 69% to 54%. In auxin+kinetin, cell expansion occurs and is accompanied by a 3-fold increase in rRNA and a 50% increase in total protein content. The percentage mb ribosomes remains at 25% throughout 48 h of growth. During the first 24h of growth 70% of ribosomes in both free and mb populations are active; this value declines to near water levels at 48 h. Considering the large increase in total ribosomes the number of synthetically active ribosomes is substantially increased during growth. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) does not inhibit hormone induced growth but does depress total rRNA content by about one-third. It also reduces [3H]uridine incorporation into ribosomes by 70% and the newly made ribosomes are mostly inactive in protein synthesis. On the other hand, the inhibitor does not significantly affect the proportion of total ribosomes active in protein synthesis and only partially reduces protein accumulation during the second 24 h of growth. It is suggested that while ribosome production is reduced in 5-FU, ribosome turnover is also retarded resulting in retention of near normal capacity for protein synthesis and growth.  相似文献   
The goal of the research is to determine the effect of pretreated poultry manure and irrigation on the yield and quality of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) grown in fields located on the southern steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Field experiments were repeated every three years. During vegetation, potato leaves and tubers were studied at the full blossom, leaves’ decay, and potato harvest. The results showed that applying pretreated poultry manure at the rate of 120 t/ha favored higher tuber weight both on the rainfed and irrigated plots (from 0.23 to 0.82 kg/plant and from 0.24 to 1.02 kg/plant, respectively). On the rainfed and irrigated plots where poultry mature was not applied (control fields) the tubers’ weight ranged from 0.08 to 0.31 kg/plant and from 0.16 to 0.50 kg/plant, respectively. Upon application of 40 t/ha of manure, under irrigation, the highest marketable value of tubers was 78%. On the rainfed plots the same value was 72% when applying poultry manure at a dose of 120 t/ha. Soil moisture monitoring showed that the potatoes did not get adequate water during the growing season. When the soil moisture on irrigated plots was 70% less than its minimum water capacity, potato plantings were watered.  相似文献   
半夏属 (PINELLIA)的花粉粒和醇溶蛋白比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
继细胞学 〔1〕、形态学 〔2〕和比较解剖学 〔3〕的研究之后 ,我们又对半夏属的花粉粒和醇溶蛋白作了比较分析 ,旨在探讨这些性状的变异与分类学价值。1  材料和方法1 .1 实验材料 实验材料采自华东 3省的不同地区。在南京栽植至少 1年后 ,在盛花季节 ( 5月 )选有花植株的花粉和地下块茎作实验分析。各材料的种名、群体编号和产地见表 1。表 1  供实验用的半夏属 5种植物群体材料的来源Table1  Sources of material for experiment of the populationsbelonging to5species of Pinellia种名Species群体编号No.of populations产地Lo…  相似文献   
Tuber spp. are fungi that establish symbiosis with several trees and shrubs. Some of these fungal species produce edible ascomata, also known as truffles, which are highly appreciated for their taste and odour. We isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from Tuber magnatum, the finest white truffle species, and assessed their variability in 370 individuals collected from all over the species range of distribution. Although two to 18 alleles per locus were found, no heterozygous individuals were observed. The availability of simple sequence repeat loci provides valuable tools for assessment of the genetic structure and population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   
采用代谢组学技术研究中国块菌(云南黑松露)及其共生云南松的小分子活性代谢产物.运用核磁共振(1H-NMR)和气相质谱(GC-MS)两种技术,分析新鲜中国块菌成熟子实体及松根的代谢成分;将1H-NMR及GC-MS数据导入SMICA-P软件进行多元统计分析,比较二者的差异代谢物.在块菌子实体及松根中分别共检测到了苏氨酸、甘...  相似文献   
印度块菌(Tuber indicum)菌根促生细菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】筛选对印度块菌菌根量和菌根苗长势有促进作用的菌根促生细菌(Mycorrhization helper bacteria,MHB)。【方法】选择华山松为宿主植物,自块菌菌根根际土壤中分离得到的11种细菌为供试菌株,将印度块菌菌剂与不同浓度的细菌混合于特定基质中后接种于华山松上,并通过对印度块菌与华山松形成的菌根数、华山松的株高和地径三方面的统计与分析,确认MHB。【结果】Pseudomonas sp. JCM 5481 (P143)、Streptomyces sp. EN31 (S191)、Variovorax paradoxus (V633)在浓度为2.4×109 CFU/mL时对印度块菌菌根数、株高和地径均有极显著促进作用(P<0.01);Pseudomonas chlororaphis (P11)、Pseudomonas corrugate (P127)在浓度为0.8×109 CFU/mL时对印度块菌菌根数、株高和地径均有显著促进作用(P<0.05)。4种假单胞菌浓度梯度的设置显示了不同菌株适宜的浓度不同。【结论】实验获得5种MHB,并表明细菌浓度是获得MHB的一个重要影响因素。  相似文献   
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