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In a mature mixed subalpine stand ofTsuga mertensiana andAbies amabilis, significantly higher Al levels were found in foliage, branch and root tissues ofT. mertensiana.Tsuga mertensiana had significant increases in Al, Ca and Mn levels with increasing foliage age. In current foliage,T. mertensiana had lower levels of Ca, similar levels of Mg and P, and higher levels of Mn thanA. amabilis. Both tree species had Cu and Fe present at higher levels in branch than foliage tissues. Fine roots had the highest concentrations of Al, Fe and Cu but the lowest Ca and Mn concentrations of all tissues analyzed. In the roots of both species, phloem tissues always had significantly higher Al levels than xylem. Fine roots (< 1 and 1–2 mm) ofT. mertensiana had higher Al levels than were found inA. amabilis. Roots greater than 2 mm in diameter exhibited no significant differences in Al levels in phloem or xylem tissue betweenA. amabilis andT. mertensiana. The two species show a clear difference in their ability to accumulate specific elements from the soil.  相似文献   
若干铁杉属植物核型的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李林初   《广西植物》1988,(4):324-328
本文首次报道了我国特产的重点保护植物南方铁杉的核型,全由中部和近中部着丝点染色体构成,核型公式为K(2n)=2x=24=20m+4sm,属“ 2A”类型。染色体的相对长度组成为2n=24=12M_2+10M_1+2S。通过比较。发现东亚的南方铁杉的核型与台湾铁杉甚为相似而略具进化的趋势,但北美东部的卡罗来纳铁杉的核型比它们进化得多。本文支持Florin认为铁杉属至少在早第三纪存在一条从欧亚大陆经过白令海峡到达北美洲的迁移路线的意见。  相似文献   
长苞铁杉的核型分析及其分类学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次分析了特产我国的长苞铁杉亚属(Subgen. Paleotsuga)的代表种长苞铁杉Tsuga longibracteata的核型,它全由中部和近中部着丝粒染色体组成,核型公式为K(2n)=24=22m 2sm,属“lA”类型。第12号染色体具“长着丝点区域”。染色体相对长度组成为2n=12M_2 10M_1 2S。作者发现铁杉亚属(Subgen. Tsuga)植物的核型全为“2A”类型。胞核学资料支持对长苞铁杉亚属和铁杉亚属的划分并表明前者(长苞铁杉)较为原始。长苞铁杉应隶于长苞铁杉亚属、长苞铁杉组。  相似文献   
Subalpine forest succession was studied on Mt. Fuji, Japan, where various types of forests in different successional phases occur owing to volcanic action. Ninety stands were subjected to ordination using an index (SI) defined by the relative basal area and the life span of component woody species, and the cover of canopy layer of the sample stands. Two different sequences of sample stands were found. One was from deciduous scrubs, through Larix kaempferi forests and Abies forests, to Tsuga diversifolia forests, and the other from Abies-Tsuga thickets to Abies forests. Through analyses of the forest structure and composition, soil survey and identification of fallen logs, the former sequence was recognized as the primary sere and the latter as a regeneration sere following gap formation. During forest succession, basal area reached a maximum in the seral phase with a multi-layered structure. The Tsuga forests, whose understory is restricted to a moss layer, were regarded as the climax. The death or fall of Tsuga stems resulted in gaps, which were subsequently occupied by Abies-Tsuga thickets. The second Abies forests were distinguished from the ones in the primary sere by the occurrence of Dryopteris and Cacalia and the lack of Rhododendron in the understorey. Both Abies forest types included Tsuga saplings. Thus, a cyclic relation is supposed between Abies and Tsuga.Nomenclature follows Ohwi (1975) and Nakaike (1982) for vascular plants, Iwatsuki & Noguchi (1973) for mosses, Inoue (1981) for hepaticae, Kashiwadani (1981) for lichens, respectively. Abies veitchii, A. mariesii were lumped as Abies spp.I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Toshio Hamaya, Tokyo, for the cordial guidance and encouragement. I also thank Prof. M. Numata and Dr. M. Ohsawa, Chiba, Prof. K. Okutomi, Tokyo, Dr. K. Suzuki, Tokyo, Dr. M. Suzuki, Kanazawa, and Mr. H. Taoda, Kumamoto, for their valuable advice and discussions.  相似文献   
报道了产于新疆的驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceratoides(L) Guedenst)2个新变种及昆仑山驼绒藜(K.compacta(Losinsk.)Grub.)1个新变种:叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var.yechengensis A L Fu.f.nov.)。每一新分类群均有插图。荒漠驼绒藜(Krascheninnikovia ceraroides var. deserticola(Losinsk.)G.Yang comb.nova)主要生于平原荒漠或低山区,常在下部分枝,形成垫状灌丛,叶片狭窄,披针形、狭椭圆形、狭长圆形,两面均被细绒毛。因而两面同色;草原驼绒藜(K.ceratoides var. pratensis(Losinsk.)Z Li comb.nova)主要生在山地草原,分枝也多在上部,叶上面无毛,下面疏毛,因而两面不同色;叶城驼绒藜(K.compacta var. yechengensis A L Fu var.nov.)的叶片跟博乐驼绒藜(变型)很近似,但雌花苞片为淡绿色,分离部分远长于连合部分,而甚易区别,也仅见于叶城昆仑山。  相似文献   
Species distribution models (SDMs) project the outcome of community assembly processes – dispersal, the abiotic environment and biotic interactions – onto geographic space. Recent advances in SDMs account for these processes by simultaneously modeling the species that comprise a community in a multivariate statistical framework or by incorporating residual spatial autocorrelation in SDMs. However, the effects of combining both multivariate and spatially-explicit model structures on the ecological inferences and the predictive abilities of a model are largely unknown. We used data on eastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis and five additional co-occurring overstory tree species in 35 569 forest stands across Michigan, USA to evaluate how the choice of model structure, including spatial and non-spatial forms of univariate and multivariate models, affects ecological inference about the processes that shape community composition as well as model predictive ability. Incorporating residual spatial autocorrelation via spatial random effects did not improve out-of-sample prediction for the six tree species, although in-sample model fit was higher in the spatial models. Spatial models attributed less variation in occurrence probability to environmental covariates than the non-spatial models for all six tree species, and estimated higher (more positive) residual co-occurrence values for most species pairs. The non-spatial multivariate model was better suited for evaluating habitat suitability and hypotheses about the processes that shape community composition. Environmental correlations and residual correlations among species pairs were positively related, perhaps indicating that residual correlations were due to shared responses to unmeasured environmental covariates. This work highlights the importance of choosing a non-spatial model formulation to address research questions about the species–environment relationship or residual co-occurrence patterns, and a spatial model formulation when within-sample prediction accuracy is the main goal.  相似文献   
珍稀濒危植物南方铁杉种群动态研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
以种群生命表及生存分析理论为基础,编制南方铁杉种群静态生命表,绘制存活曲线、死亡率曲线、亏损度曲线、死亡密度函数曲线、积累死亡函数曲线和危险率函数曲线,分析种群生命过程。结果表明,南方铁杉有一个死亡最低峰,存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型。并应用谱分析方法研究南方铁杉种群动态,结果表明,在南方铁杉种群自然更新过程中并没有表现出明显的周期性。  相似文献   
 针对九龙山国家级自然保护区南方铁杉(Tsuga tchekiangensis)种群的分布特点, 设置了10个具有代表性的样地。以种群生命表及生存分析理论为基础, 编制了南方铁杉种群的静态生命表, 绘制了存活曲线、死亡率曲线、消失率曲线、生存率曲线、累计死亡率曲线、种群死亡密度曲线和危险率曲线, 分析了种群数量特征; 同时结合谱分析方法, 分析了南方铁杉种群数量的动态变化。结果表明: 1) 南方铁杉种群结构存在波动性, 幼年阶段的个体较丰富, 成年个体数量相对较少, 种群趋于Deevey Ⅱ型。2) 南方铁杉种群死亡率和消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致, 均出现两个高峰, 一个出现在第5龄级阶段, 另一个出现在第15龄级阶段。3) 南方铁杉种群的生存率单调下降, 累计死亡率单调上升, 生存率下降趋势前期高于后期, 累计死亡率则相反。4) 4个生存函数曲线表明, 南方铁杉具有前期稳定、中期锐减和后期衰退的特点。5) 种群动态的谱分析显示, 南方铁杉种群动态除受基波影响外, 还存在着明显的小周期波动, 谐波A3处周期的波动与南方铁杉的高生长有关; A6处周期的波动与外界环境变化有关; A8处周期的波动与南方铁杉进入生理衰退期有关。  相似文献   
The coexistence of two introduced predatory species, Laricobius nigrinus Fender and Sasajiscymnus tsugae (Sasaji and McClure), and a native predator, L. rubidus LeConte, on eastern hemlock was documented for the first time. Details of their coexistence and implications to management of hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae Annand, are discussed.  相似文献   
Dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium spp.) is a hemiparasite that is said to be the single‐most destructive pathogen of commercially valuable coniferous trees in many regions of the world. Although its destructive nature is well documented in many respects, its effects on the physiology of its host are poorly understood. In the present study, water and carbon relations were characterized over a range of scale from leaf to whole tree in large (40‐ to 50‐m‐tall) individuals of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) that were either heavily infected, or uninfected with hemlock dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium tsugense). Specific hydraulic conductivity (ks) of infected branches was approximately half that of uninfected branches, yet leaf‐specific conductivity (kL) was similar because leaf area : sapwood area ratios (AL : AS) of infected branches were lower. Pre‐dawn and minimum leaf water potential and stomatal conductance (gs) were similar among infected and uninfected trees because adjustments in hydraulic architecture of infected trees maintained kL despite reduced ks. Maximum whole‐tree water use was substantially lower in infected trees (approximately 55 kg d?1) than in uninfected trees (approximately 90 kg d?1) because reduced numbers of live branches in infected trees reduced whole‐tree AL : AS in a manner consistent with that observed in infected branches. Maximum photosynthetic rates of heavily infected trees were approximately half those of uninfected trees. Correspondingly, leaf nitrogen content was 35% lower in infected trees. Foliar δ13C values were 2.8‰ more negative in infected than in uninfected individuals, consistent with the absence of stomatal adjustment to diminished photosynthetic capacity. Adjustments in hydraulic architecture of infected trees thus contributed to homeostasis of water transport efficiency and transpiration on a leaf area basis, whereas both carbon accumulation and photosynthetic water use efficiency were sharply reduced at both the leaf and whole‐tree scale.  相似文献   
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