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Male wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) construct nests that areused in their display to females. Previous work has suggestedthat the number of vacant nests may be used as a mate choicecue. Correlational data from 1992 confirmed that females appearedto be assessing die number of vacant nests on a male's territoryand preferentially mating with males with more nests. Male taillengdi was also correlated widi mating success. In 1993 thenumbers of nests on territories was experimentally manipulated,the female setdement patterns confirmed that die number of vacantnests did mediate mate choice. Male tail length failed to explainadditional variance in mating success when die variance explainedby the experimental manipulation was removed, suggesting diatdie original correlation arose because both tail length andmating success were correlated widi a confounding variable.The structure of the vegetation in a male's territory influencedmating success. This appeared to be due to nests surviving betterin territories widi dense vegetation. Males on territories inwhich nests survive well had longer tails. Male-male competitionfor good territories may explain die observed effects of malemorphology on mating success. Furdier analysis of die nest choicedata showed diat all nests had an equal chance of being usedby a female. The fact diat all nests had an equal probabilityof being chosen by a female means diat each additional nestbuilt by a male wren results in die same increase in matingsuccess. This suggests diat die benefits to males of nest buildingincrease linearly. The number of nests on a territory will beaffected by various factors such as predation pressure, nestbuilding rate, and vegetation structure. The information diatfemales are getting by assessing such a signal is discussed.  相似文献   
Capsule Woodland birds were significantly less likely to occur in gardens in years of high beechmast crop.

Aim To test the hypothesis that woodland species that feed on beechmast will have significantly lower occurrence rates at garden feeders in mast years.

Methods Weekly winter occurrence rates at garden feeders between 1970/71 and 1999/2000 for 40 species were analysed in relation to annual beechmast abundance, classified into low, medium and high years. A repeated-measures logistic regression model was used to assess whether beechmast abundance explained further significant variation additional to underlying seasonal and annual trends.

Results Seven species that commonly feed on beechmast showed significantly lower occurrence in gardens in years of highest beechmast abundance: Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, Woodpigeon Columba palumbus, Great Tit Parus major, Coal Tit Periparus ater, Nuthatch Sitta europaea, Jay Garrulus glandarius and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Blackbird Turdus merula and Siskin Carduelis spinus, which showed similar significant patterns, are likely to take beechmast as elements of their diet. Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba was the only insectivorous species to show significant effects, but occurrence was lowest in years of intermediate beechmast abundance. For the latter species, this may have been due to confounding effects of temperature, but there were no such confounding effects of either temperature, or the number of bird feeders provided in gardens, for the other nine species.

Conclusion Use of artificial food sources by birds in gardens is influenced by resources in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that food provided in gardens may play a significant part in the population dynamics of these species, that population monitoring without consideration of the garden habitat may be deficient, and that volunteer-based garden bird recording may provide data that can be used as an indicator of changes in the wider countryside.  相似文献   
Despite keen interest in extra‐pair mating in birds, its adaptive significance remains unresolved. Here, we use a multi‐year dataset to test whether traits of a female's social mate influence her propensity to produce extra‐pair offspring in a population of house wrens, and whether producing extra‐pair young has consequences for a female's fitness through effects on offspring survival. Females were most likely to produce extra‐pair offspring when paired with old males and when paired with males on poor‐quality territories, although this latter effect was marginally nonsignificant. Among offspring, the cutaneous immunity of within‐pair young decreased as the age of their sires increased, but cutaneous immunity of extra‐pair young was not affected by the age of their extra‐pair sires or by the age of the males rearing them. Extra‐pair offspring were more likely than within‐pair offspring to return as breeding adults to the local population, with extra‐pair sons being more likely to return as a breeder for multiple years. Our findings support the hypothesis that females produce extra‐pair offspring to enhance their inclusive fitness beyond what they are capable of given the male with which they are socially paired.  相似文献   
Clutch size and the costs of incubation in the house wren   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Trade-offs in the allocation of finite resources among differentstages of a breeding attempt as well as between different reproductiveevents should shape the evolution of life-history traits. Toinvestigate the effects of incubation effort on within-broodand between-brood trade-offs in house wrens (Troglodytes aedon),we manipulated the clutch size that females incubated. We isolatedeffects of incubation by reversing the manipulation at hatchingto allow all parents to provision their natural brood sizes.Females that incubated enlarged clutches had longer incubationperiods than control females, both early and late in the season,suggesting that the experimental treatment increased incubationeffort. Contrary to predictions, however, increased incubationeffort did not adversely affect the allocation of effort tonestling provisioning. Rather, in the early season, but notin the late season, females that incubated enlarged clutchesappeared to allocate more effort to nestling provisioning, producingheavier and larger fledglings than control females. Althoughfemales with enlarged early-season clutches consequently lostmore mass than control females, this was likely an adaptiveresponse to reduce wing loading in anticipation of high provisioningdemands. There were no treatment-related differences in fledglingmass or size, or in female mass loss, in the late season. Thus,elevated incubation demands negatively affected a fitness-relatedtrait (duration of incubation) that may constrain clutch sizebut not the allocation of resources to subsequent stages ofthe same breeding event or to subsequent breeding events. Wesuggest that environmental conditions may mediate clutch-sizeeffects on trade-offs in allocation of resources between incubationand nestling provisioning.  相似文献   
We cloned seven microsatellite loci from house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) using a biotin enrichment protocol. Starting with fragments generated using DOP–PCR, fragments containing microsatellite motifs AC and AAC were captured using biotinylated probes and streptavidin coated magnetic particles. Captured fragments were cloned into plasmids; prior to sequencing, the plasmids were screened for microsatellites using a simple PCR approach. Five of the loci showed variation in a sample of nine individuals.  相似文献   
Bursts of speciation have followed colonization of remote oceanic islands by diverse taxa, a process evidenced by island endemics around the world. The present study explores whether the Malvinas – Falkland Islands (MFI), a relatively understudied archipelago off the South Atlantic coast of Patagonia, harbour endemic genetic lineages of passerine birds. Nine passerine species nest regularly in the MFI (Cinclodes antarcticus, Muscisaxicola maclovianus, Troglodytes cobbi, Cistothorus platensis, Turdus falcklandii, Anthus correndera, Melanodera melanodera, Sturnella loyca, and Carduelis barbata). Mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase I sequences) are used to quantify and compare divergence between insular and continental populations, finding genetic patterns to vary across these nine species. Most MFI passerines do not show significant genetic differentiation from continental populations, whereas C. platensis, M. melanodera, and T. falcklandii are modestly diverged. Finally, T. cobbi differes markedly from its closest continental relative Troglodytes aedon, a result that is confirmed using nuclear and vocal data. The study also identifies broadly divergent lineages within continental populations of C. platensis and T. aedon. Taken together, these results suggest that the land bird populations of the MFI were established at different times. Troglodytes cobbi is the oldest MFI land bird, splitting from continental T. aedon during the Great Patagonian Glaciation of the Pleistocene. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, •• , ••–••.  相似文献   
Capsule Negative forest edge effects were detected for Willow Ptarmigan (Red Grouse) Lagopus lagopus and Dunlin Calidris alpina.

Aims To investigate the effects of distance to forest on the abundance and changes in abundance of four key peatland breeding bird species, and to measure changes in predatory bird numbers, in the peatlands of northern Scotland.

Methods Bird surveys were carried out in 2000 at 34 plots, covering 197 km2 of peatland, and 80 forestry point‐count sites, first surveyed in 1988. Habitat data were also collected in 2000. We used multi‐model inference to investigate the associations between forest distance and other habitat variables, and the abundance, and changes in abundance, of four bird species of economic or conservation importance: Red Grouse, European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, Dunlin and Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia.

Results There was strong evidence that distance to forest was negatively associated with Dunlin abundance and changes in Red Grouse abundance, but only weak evidence for negative associations with Golden Plover abundance and changes in Dunlin abundance. There was no evidence of a forest distance effect on Greenshank. Among predatory birds, there were no significant increases either on peatland plots or in new forestry plantations.

Conclusions This study provides evidence that, for a given habitat quality, Dunlin densities are lower, and Red Grouse declines more likely, near to forest edges, but weak evidence only that Dunlin declines are more likely, and Golden Plover abundance lower, near to forests. These results suggest that for at least two key peatland breeding birds, forest removal is likely to benefit birds breeding on adjacent unafforested peatland.  相似文献   

Although sounds are produced by highly eusocial bees in a variety of contexts, their meaning and evolution are poorly understood. In this study we examined the communicative function of sound during dominance disputes in primitively eusocial bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). The interaction between sound production and dominance behaviour was studied in the context of parasitism by obligate bumble bee social parasites (Psythyrus spp.). Females of Psithyrus bohemicus and P. vestalis produced sound during dominance interactions in bumble bee host colonies. Parasites mauled and pushed host bees, after which they buzzed with their wings folded. The sounds were broad band, with a mean frequency of 820 Hz for the loudest harmonic produced by a P. bohemicus female. The frequency range of recorded sounds matched that of the vibratory stimuli to which isolated bumble bee workers responded. Buzzing by some bumble bee social parasites may assist them in advertising a position of dominance in egg-laying hierarchies established in the absence of pheromonal inhibition of ovarian development.  相似文献   
Males in the cavity-nesting house wren (Troglodytes aedon) frequentlyadd arthropod cocoons to their nests during building, possiblyas an ornamental cue for female choice. We tested this hypothesisby comparing the time to pairing for males that did and didnot add cocoons to their nests and for males in whose nestswe manipulated the number of cocoons prior to pairing. We alsotested the hypothesis that females acquire fitness-related benefitsby selecting mates based on their use of cocoons. The use ofcocoons by males was not consistently related to habitat, butthe number of cocoons added per nest increased during the courseof the breeding season. Contrary to prediction, the time topairing for males adding cocoons was significantly longer thanthat for males without cocoons in their nests at both unmanipulatedand experimental nests. There was also no consistent fitness-relatedbenefit for females related to the use of cocoons by their mates.Therefore, we conclude that females did not prefer males thatadded cocoons to their nests, and that the increased time topairing for males that add cocoons likely results in fitness-relatedcosts brought about by delayed breeding. Nonetheless, male housewrens routinely use cocoons, and why they do so remains unknown.  相似文献   
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