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本文报道了岩羊小肠的祁连毛圆线虫,新种Trichostrongylus qilianensis sp. nov., 其形态与已发表的39种毛圆线虫均有明显区别。  相似文献   
The binding of [3H]mebendazole ([3H]MBZ) to tubulin in benzimidazole-susceptible (BZ-S) and benzimidazole-resistant (BZ-R) strains of Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Caenorhabditis elegans was examined in order to investigate the biochemical changes to tubulin that result in BZ resistance in parasitic and free-living nematodes. In both species the extent of [3H]MBZ binding to tubulin was significantly reduced in the BZ-R strain compared with the BZ-S strain. The decrease in [3H]MBZ binding in the BZ-R strain of each species was the result of a significant reduction in the amount of charcoal stable [3H]MBZ-tubulin complexes and was not related to a change in the association constant of the [3H]MBZ-tubulin interaction. [3H]MBZ binding to tubulin was temperature dependent, reaching maximum levels at 37°C in BZ-S T. colubriformis and 10°C in BZ-R T. colubriformis. Both the BZ-S and BZ-R strains of C. elegans displayed maximum [3H]MBZ binding at 4°C. Resistance ratios derived from the amount of [3H]MBZ binding in the BZ-S and BZ-R strains and in vitro development assays demonstrated that the temperature dependence and extent of drug binding was indicative of BZ resistance status and was species specific in the BZ-S isolates. These results indicate that biochemical differences exist in the binding of benzimidazole carbamates to tubulin in nematode species, and suggest that the susceptibility of the parasitic nematodes to the benzimidazole anthelmintics is the result of a unique high affinity and/or high capacity interaction ofbenzimidazole carbamates with tubulin.  相似文献   
, , , and 1992. A new simplified assay for larval migration inhibition. International Journal for Parasitology 22: 1183–1185. A simple method is described for the in vitro detection of substances that impair the motility of third-stage larvae of gastro-intestinal nematodes. The test is based on the ability of larvae to freely migrate through selected mesh sizes of nylon sieves and the reduced ability of larvae to migrate after preincubation with, and in the presence of, substances that inhibit or reduce larval motility.  相似文献   
Carotenoids determine the yellow-red colours of many ornaments, which often function as signals of quality. Carotenoid-based signalling may reliably advertise health and should be particularly sensitive to parasite infections. Nematodes are among the commonest parasites of vertebrates, with well-documented negative effects on their hosts. However, to date, little is known about the effects that these parasites may have on carotenoid-based signalling. Tetraonid birds (grouse) exhibit supra-orbital combs, which are bright integumentary ornaments pigmented by carotenoids. We tested the effect of the nematode parasite Trichostrongylus tenuis on signalling in free-living male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. We show that experimentally reduced nematode infection increases plasma carotenoid concentration and comb redness, demonstrating for the first time that nematodes can influence carotenoid-based signals.  相似文献   
1972. Bile and bile salts and exsheathment of the intestinal nematodes Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Nematodirus battus. International Journal for Parasitology, 2: 433–438. Exsheathment of T. colubriformis was potentiated at physiological levels of CO2 by bile and bile salts. Lamb bile and crude sodium taurocholate preparations produced the greatest increase in exsheathment while rabbit bile, sodium glycocholate and deoxycholate had less pronounced effects. Exsheathment in bile and taurocholate occurred at a pH above 4 and it is therefore suggested that infective larvae which fail to exsheath in the abomasum could well do so in the proximal part of the small intestine. Pure sodium taurocholate was found to greatly potentiate exsheathment of N. battus in vitro but this occurred at a pH below 3 and thus the action of this bile salt could not affect exsheathment in the host.  相似文献   
Waller P. J., Dobson R. J., Donald A. D., Griffiths D. A. and Smith E.F. 1985. Selection studies on anthelmintic resistant and susceptible populations of Trichostrongylus colubriformis of sheep. International Journal for Parasitology15: 669–676. A T. colubriformis population (BCK), formerly resistant to benzimidazole anthelmintics, but now highly resistant to levamisole after 6 years exposure to this drug alone in the field, was passed through 12 generations in the laboratory in three separate lines exposed either to selection with thiabendazole or levamisole, or to no selection. Another population (McM) not previously exposed to these anthelmintics was treated similarly in two lines, selected with thiabendazole or not selected.Selection with thiabendazole resulted in a return of benzimidazole resistance in the BCK line which occurred faster than in the McM line, but a similar level of resistance was reached in each by the twelfth generation. Resistance ratios in both selected lines compared with the unselected McM line were less than 20: 1, and only 1.5 times the recommended dose rate of thiabendazole was required to remove more than half of the resistant population. This suggests that a polygenic vigour tolerance rather than a specific resistance had been selected.In the case of levamisole resistance, the BCK population was found to contain two distinct subpopulations, one susceptible and the other highly resistant. Resistance ratios for the highly resistant subpopulation were greater than 4000: 1, implying a specific resistance controlled by a major gene. During the 12 generations of levamisole selection, the proportion of resistant phenotypes fluctuated about an average level of 70%, suggesting that susceptibility alleles were being maintained in the population through superior heterozygote fitness. This conclusion is supported by a significant decline in levamisole resistance in the absence of levamisole selection. Moreover, thiabendazole selection hastened the reversion to levamisole suceptibility.The results provide support for the reintroduction of a benzimidazole anthelmintic to control this helminth population, and for a slow rotation in the use of drugs with different modes of action.  相似文献   
Ivermectin and moxidectin are closely related avermectin/milbemycin anthelmintics and available data suggest that side resistance occurs with these two drugs. However, moxidectin remains effective against many species of ivermectin-resistant worms due to its higher potency. The larval development assay (LDA) is routinely used to diagnose ivermectin resistance in Haemonchus contortus but laboratory diagnosis of moxidectin resistance is hampered by the lack of any validated in vitro tests. The objective of this study was to measure the relative susceptibility/resistance of H. contortus to moxidectin on goat farms in Georgia, and to validate the DrenchRite LDA for detecting resistance to moxidectin. Fecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) were performed at five different moxidectin dose levels and DrenchRite LDAs were performed in duplicate on nine meat goat farms in Georgia, USA. To improve our ability to make inferences on the relative levels of resistance between farms, FECRT data were first analysed using a linear mixed model, and then Tukey's sequential trend test was used to evaluate the trend in response across dose levels. LDA data were analysed using log-dose logit-response and probit models. Using these statistical results, we were able to rank the nine farms from the least to the most resistant, and to develop a set of criteria for interpreting DrenchRite LDA results so that this assay can be used to diagnose both clinically apparent moxidectin resistance, as well as sub-clinical emerging resistance. These results suggest that our novel approach for examining these types of data provides a method for obtaining an increased amount of information, thus permitting a more sensitive detection of resistance. Based on results of the LDA, moxidectin-resistant farms had resistance ratios, compared with an ivermectin-sensitive farm, ranging from 32 to 128, and had resistance ratios of 6-24 compared with an ivermectin-resistant/moxidectin naive farm. Moxidectin resistance was diagnosed both in Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus on almost half of the farms tested, despite this drug only being used on these farms for 2-3 years.  相似文献   
Eggs and rhabditiform juveniles of the ruminant parasite Trichostrongylus colubriformis developed normally in Caenorhabditis briggsae Maintenance Medium. A toxin from a crystal-enriched preparation of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis was lethal to nematode eggs and juveniles within 24 hours and to eggs and juveniles after 24 hours of development. Treated eggs had refractive granules and development was arrested, whereas nontreated eggs developed normally. Eggs treated after 24 hours of development contained juveniles that were granulated, had esophageal derangements, and were moribund or dead. The ovicidal toxin from B. t. israelensis may facilitate microbial control of parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

A supernatant from eggs of the ruminant nematode Trichostrongylus colubriformis contained an enzyme that was similar to leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), based on hydrolysis of the substrate L-leucine β-naphthylamide to β-naphthylamine. A Michaelis-Menten constant (K m) of 0.155 mM was obtained. Rate of hydrolysis of 16 substrates revealed that L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine β-naphthylamides were hydrolyzed most readily while seven additional substrates were hydrolyzed at lesser rates. The optimum pH for enzymatic activity was 6.75–7.5. Enzymatic activity was lost by heating the egg supernatant to 60°C for 5 min or freezing at 0°C for 28 days. Addition of millimolar concentrations of the chlorides of zinc, manganese and magnesium to the egg supernatant had no stimulatory effect on enzyme activity while 10 and 100 mM concentrations significantly reduced activity. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid at 10?4 M had no effect on enzymatic activity. Activity was inhibited by 10?4 M 1,10-phenanthroline, but the inhibition was reversed by zinc chloride at 10?3 M. Di-isopropylphosphofluoridate at 10?3 M reduced enzymatic activity moderately. Enzyme activity in egg supernatant increased 2.2-fold from 21 days to 60–90 days of a primary infection in the host while a 3.3-fold increase was found in primary versus secondary infections.  相似文献   
Trichostrongylus colubriformis infective larvae were subjected to various levels of γ-irradiation and administered to guinea pigs. The worms surviving were subsequently counted. Irradiation with 12.9 C kg inhibited worm establishment but lower doses neither influenced worm establishment nor survival.  相似文献   
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