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Formation of a Tree having a Low Lignin Content   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Received 30 September 2001/ Accepted in revised form 26 October 2001  相似文献   
The non‐toxic compound N‐acetyl‐L‐phosphinothricin (N‐Ac‐L‐PPT) is used in a so‐called deacetylation system to induce male sterility in transgenic plants by tapetum specific deacetylation to the herbicide L‐phosphinothricin (L‐PPT). A procedure was developed to produce pure racemic and L‐isomeric N‐Ac‐PPT containing less than 30 ppm residual PPT. Experiments applied to wild type tobacco and PPT‐resistant tobacco showed that the maximal tolerated N‐Ac‐PPT concentration would be less than 45 mM of the L‐isomer. Otherwise unspecific deacetylation by several acylases, as well as by environmental conditions like higher temperatures or pHs beyond neutrality, increased the residual L‐PPT content to toxic concentrations. In contrast, N‐acetyl‐L‐phosphinothricyl‐alanyl‐alanine (N‐Ac‐L‐PPTT), a substance also occurring during the biosynthesis of phosphinothricyl‐alanyl‐alanine (PPTT) by some Streptomyces species, was tolerated up to 274 mM by wild type tobacco plants. However, the ArgE deacatylase from Escherichia coli originally used in the deacetylation system, as well as some other acylases, showed no activity towards N‐Ac‐L‐PPTT.  相似文献   
Tree size, survival, and coppicing of micropropagated plantlets, macropropagated cuttings, and seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were monitored through 57 months in a study in southern Florida to assess propagation options. Two plantlet lines developed by direct micropropagation and orchard open-pollinated seedlings from three ortets were compared in the main study. Rooted cuttings from up to four ramets of each of the three ortets and another ortet were examined in an adjacent supplemental study. Freezes at six and 16 months killed most initial and first-coppice stems to the ground. Most developmental differences in the main study were consistent from ages 2 to 57 months. Propagation by ortet interactions were observed beginning at 21 months, due to the poor performance of seedlings of one ortet after the second freeze. At 57 months, no differences in tree height, DBH, volume, or survival were detected between plantlet lines and between rooted cuttings and plantlets, but seedlings were inferior to plantlets and cuttings. Vegetative propagules had more uniform tree size at every age, with typically less than one-half the variability observed among seedlings. Even though plantlets and cuttings may be more expensive to produce, they have numerous advantages over seedlings for E. grandis plantation establishment in Florida.  相似文献   
Glycoalkaloids were used as evidence of the affinities of nine taxa of Solanum Series Megistacrolobum and related potato cultigens from western Bolivia. S. boliviense, S. sanctae-rosae and S. toralapanum contain the commertetraose sugar moiety and appear to represent a relatively wild group within the Series. S. megistacrolobum, S. sogarandinum and S. raphanifolium show anomolous glycoalkaloid profiles that probably reflect hybridization associated with human disturbance. Primitive forms of the S. χ ajanhuiri cultigen are indistinguishable chemicaliy from conspecific weeds that were previously classified as S. megistacrolobum. Variation in total glycoalkaloid content within Series Megistacrolobum likely reflects direct selection by humans for reduced glycoalkaloid levels during the domestication process.  相似文献   
Summary Segments of the TL-DNA of the agropine type Ri plasmid pRi 1855 encompassing single and groups of open-reading frames were cloned in the Ti plasmid-derived binary vector system Bin 19. Leaf disc infections on Nicotiana tabacum led to transformed plants, some of which showed typical hairy root phenotypes, such as the wrinkled leaf morphology, excessive and partially non geotropic root systems and the ability of leaf explants to differentiate roots in a hormone-free culture medium. Particularly interestingly, most of these traits were shown by plants transformed with a TL-DNA segment encompassing the single ORF 11, corresponding to the rolB locus. Hairy root can be induced by this latter T-DNA segment on wounded stems of tobacco plants; hairy root induction on carrot discs requires, on the contrary, a more complex complement of TL-DNA genes.Abbreviations YMB yeast mannitol broth - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - 6-BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - Km kanamycin - Cb carbenicillin  相似文献   
Summary Environmental influence on physiological factors that determine seed quality is discussed in relation to true potato seed (TPS). This review has been motivated by the need for high quality seed for the proper evaluation of TPS technology. The objectives of tuber production may not be in harmony with those required for the production of high quality TPS. The production of high quality TPS may be influenced by the stronger sink strength ability of fast developing tubers for assimilation of available nutrients. Earliness of tuber formation, which is needed in TPS progenitors, may tend to result in incomplete TPS development. Limiting conditions during seed development decrease the potential of the seed for field establishment. Seed vigor is the most important attribute of seed quality since it is essential for seedling performance under the adverse conditions commonly encountered during field development. The attractiveness of TPS technology for tropical areas, where potato production is limited by low-quality seed tuber availability, is decreased by the lack of seedling vigor and uniformity of seedlings derived from TPS. Current research indicates that considerable genetic improvement of TPS vigor and uniformity is possible. It is suggested that significant immediate improvement of TPS quality would result from agronomic techniques that reflect understanding of the physiological factors that influence the production and maintenance of high quality seed. Research areas needed to develop methodologies for TPS production with optimum expression of genotype are identified.Abbreviations TPS True potato seed - CIP International Potato Center, Lima, Peru - SD Short day - LD Long day - INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chile - GA Gibberellic acid  相似文献   
Summary In order to study possible functions of the inclusion body matrix protein (IBMP) encoded by gene VI of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), the XbaI fragment containing the gene VI of a Japanese strain of CaMV (CaMV S-Japan) was transferred to tobacco plants by Ti mediated transformation. Eight out of 18 kanamycin resistant plants (40%) expressed detectable levels of IBMP. Those transgenic plants expressing IBMP produced leaves with light green color, and their growth was suppressed as compared with control plants. Symptom-like necrotic spots also appeared on the leaves and stems of the mature transgenic plants. Furthermore, in these transgenic plants, pathogenesis-related proteins 1a, 1b and 1c were highly expressed and the activity of 1,3--glucanase was increased up to eightfold. From these results, we concluded that expression of the IBMP is associated with symptom development.  相似文献   
The effect of a juvenile hormone analogue, S-71639, was tested on the eggs, four larval instars and adults of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, by topical application or after treatment of the foodplant. The last larval instar is very sensitive to S-71639. Treatment of this instar delayed the onset of pupation and prevented adult emergence. Treated animals showed severe abnormalities, but they were not immediately killed at the doses used in this study. Treatment of larvae also interfered with the photoperiodic induction of diapause. Adults, kept under diapausing conditions, started to lay eggs after treatment with S-71639. The ovicidal effect of the compound was rather weak. The implications for practical use of S-71639 in control of the Colorado potato beetle are being discussed.
Résumé L'effet d'un analogue de l'hormone juvénile, S-71639, a été testé sur les oeufs, les quatre stades larvaires et les adultes du doryphore, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, par application topique ou après traitement de la plante-hôte. Le dernier stade larvaire est très sensible au S-71639. Le traitement de ce stade retarde le début de la métamorphose et empêche l'émergence adulte. Les animaux traités montrent de graves anomalies, mais ne sont pas immédiatement tués par les doses utilisées dans cette étude. Le traitement des larves perturbe aussi l'induction photopériodique de la diapause. Les adultes placés dans des conditions de diapause, commencent à pondre après traitement au S-71639. L'effet ovicide de la substance est plutôt faible. Les implications pour l'utilisation pratique du S-71639 dans la lutte contre le doryphore sont discutées.
Summary Genes coding for the enzyme acetohydroxyacid synthase, often referred to as acetolactate synthase (AHAS, ALS; EC, from wild type Arabidopsis thaliana and a sulfonylurea-resistant mutant line GH50 (csrl-1; Haughn et al. 1988) were introduced in Nicotiana tabacum. Both genes were expressed at high levels with the 35S promoter. The csrl-1 gene conferred high levels of resistance to chlorsulfuron whereas the wild type gene did not. As selectable markers, chimaeric AHAS genes yielded transgenic plants on chlorsulfuron but at much lower efficiencies than with a chimaeric neomycin phosphotransferase gene on kanamycin (Sanders et al. 1987). Shoot differentiation from leaf discs was delayed on chlorsulfuron by 4–6 weeks. This study indicated a role for mutant AHAS genes in the genetic manipulation of herbicide resistance in transgenic plants but as selectable markers for plant cells undergoing differentiation no advantage over other genes was perceived.  相似文献   
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