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Summary The specificity of interaction of amino acids with triplets in the acceptor helix stem of tRNA was investigated by means of a statistical analysis of 1400 tRNA sequences. The imprint of a prototypic genetic code at position 3–5 of the acceptor helix was detected, but only for those major amino acids, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid, and valine, that are formed by spark discharges of simple gases in the laboratory. Although remnants of the code at position 3–5 are typical for tRNAs of archaebacteria, eubacteria, and chloroplasts, eukaryotes do not seem to contain this code, and mitochondria take up an intermediary position. A duplication mechanism for the transposition of the original 3–5 code toward its present position in the anticodon stern of tRNA is proposed. From this viewpoint, the mode of evolution of mRNA and functional ribosomes becomes more understandable.Offprint requests to: W. Moller  相似文献   
The bacterial H+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) catalyzes electron transfer from NADH to quinone coupled with proton pumping across the cytoplasmic membrane. The NuoK subunit (counterpart of the mitochondrial ND4L subunit) is one of the seven hydrophobic subunits in the membrane domain and bears three transmembrane segments (TM1–3). Two glutamic residues located in the adjacent transmembrane helices of NuoK are important for the energy coupled activity of NDH-1. In particular, mutation of the highly conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-36 in TM2) to Ala led to a complete loss of the NDH-1 activities. Mutation of the second conserved carboxyl residue (KGlu-72 in TM3) moderately reduced the activities. To clarify the contribution of NuoK to the mechanism of proton translocation, we relocated these two conserved residues. When we shifted KGlu-36 along TM2 to positions 32, 38, 39, and 40, the mutants largely retained energy transducing NDH-1 activities. According to the recent structural information, these positions are located in the vicinity of KGlu-36, present in the same helix phase, in an immediately before and after helix turn. In an earlier study, a double mutation of two arginine residues located in a short cytoplasmic loop between TM1 and TM2 (loop-1) showed a drastic effect on energy transducing activities. Therefore, the importance of this cytosolic loop of NuoK (KArg-25, KArg-26, and KAsn-27) for the energy transducing activities was extensively studied. The probable roles of subunit NuoK in the energy transducing mechanism of NDH-1 are discussed.  相似文献   
The Enterococcus faecalis conjugative plasmid pCF10 was used to introduce Tn925 into Acetobacterium woodii by filter mating. Tetracycline resistance was transferred at frequencies of about 10(-6) per donor, but no plasmid DNA was found in the transconjugants. DNA hybridization analyses of HindIII-digested chromosomal DNA demonstrated the insertion of Tn925 at a variety of locations, whereas wild type DNA showed no hybridization at all. The transconjugants were used as donor in mating experiments with tetracycline-sensitive Bacillus subtilis. Transfer of tetracycline resistance was observed at frequencies of 10(-8) per recipient.  相似文献   
Two mutants that grew faster than the wild-type (WT) strain under high light conditions were isolated from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 transformed with a transposon-bearing library. Both mutants had a tag in ssl1690 encoding NdhO. Deletion of ndhO increased the activity of NADPH dehydrogenase (NDH-1)-dependent cyclic electron transport around photosystem I (NDH-CET), while overexpression decreased the activity. Although deletion and overexpression of ndhO did not have significant effects on the amount of other subunits such as NdhH, NdhI, NdhK, and NdhM in the cells, the amount of these subunits in the medium size NDH-1 (NDH-1M) complex was higher in the ndhO-deletion mutant and much lower in the overexpression strain than in the WT. NdhO strongly interacts with NdhI and NdhK but not with other subunits. NdhI interacts with NdhK and the interaction was blocked by NdhO. The blocking may destabilize the NDH-1M complex and repress the NDH-CET activity. When cells were transferred from growth light to high light, the amounts of NdhI and NdhK increased without significant change in the amount of NdhO, thus decreasing the relative amount of NdhO. This might have decreased the blocking, thereby stabilizing the NDH-1M complex and increasing the NDH-CET activity under high light conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Streptomyces ambofaciens strain ATCC23877 contains the 11.1 kb plasmid pSAM2 stably integrated into its chromosome. This plasmidic sequence is able to loop out and to be transferred at high frequency to S. lividans where it is found simultaneously as both free and integrated plasmid. When a UV derivative of strain ATCC23877 (strain ATCC15154) is used, the resident copy of pSAM2 can be transferred to S. lividans, but only the integrated form is found in this strain. In both cases, the integration occurs at a unique chromosomal region through the same plasmidic integration site as that in strain ATCC23877. The resident copy of strain ATCC15154 can also be transferred at low frequency to S. ambofaciens DSM40697 (devoid of any pSAM2 sequence). In this case, as several copies of pSAM2 are integrated, the integration pattern is complicated. Integration of a complete pSAM2 sequence in this strain occurs in a region that hybridizes with the integration zones of S. lividans and of S. ambofaciens strain ATCC23877. Comparison of the cloned integration zone of S. lividans before and after the integration event showed that the restriction pattern of the resident pSAM2 in strain ATCC15154 is similar to that of the free form of pSAM2 found naturally in another UV derivative of strain ATCC23877 (strain JI3212).  相似文献   
Passive immunization protects guinea pigs from lethal toxoplasma infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The cellular and humoral interactions that contribute to protective immunity in toxoplasmosis were studied by adoptive transfer of selective cell populations or immune serum and its fractions into normal syngeneic strain 2 guinea pigs. The results of this study with the RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii confirm and extend the findings of previous studies by showing that the passive transfer of parasite-sensitized T cells or of immune serum from previously infected donors protected recipient guinea pigs against lethal toxoplasmosis. An additional key finding was that similar levels of complete protection against lethal infection occurred in guinea pigs receiving partially purified anti- Toxoplasma immunoglobulins or immune cells that had been enriched for B cells prior to transfer. Cells residing in the spleen, lymph nodes and peritoneal cavity, but not the thymus, were equally effective in conferring immunity to challenged recipients. In addition, cell titration experiments revealed that guinea pigs could survive T. gondii infection by infusing them with as little as 2 × 107 sensitized T cells or B cells. Unlike protection mediated by T cells, protection against lethal disease occurring in the B cell recipients was associated with the formation of Toxoplasma antibodies. These findings illustrate the major role of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity in affording protection against toxoplasmosis based on a guinea pig model of the human disease.  相似文献   
Summary Mobilization of the plasmid ColE1 from cells containing a conjugative plasmid (such as F) requires the synthesis of ColE1 mob proteins, and the presence, in cis, of bom (basis of mobility), a region of ColE1 containing the origin of transfer (oriT). The process of ColE1 transfer is thought to resemble that of the conjugative plasmid F, although the plasmids share little sequence homology. In F, conjugation is preceded by a strand-specific nicking event at oriT. The nicked strand is then conducted to the recipient with the 5 end leading. This is believed also to occur with ColE1, but direct biochemical confirmation has been precluded by its small size (6.65 kb). To test this hypothesis genetically, a novel method, using a dv-based vector, has been devised to site-specifically integrate bom (or any other cloned sequence) into the chromosome of Escherichia coli. When provided with suitable mobilizing plasmids, such strains were found to transfer the chromosome in a polar way. From these data, the orientation of transfer of ColE1 was deduced and shown to be analogous to F.  相似文献   
Summary Within the chromosome of the archaebacterium Sulfolobus sp. B12, a 7.4 kb region was identified which displayed extensive sequence similarities to the 15.5 kb genetic element SSV1 carried by the same strain both as a circular form and as a site-specifically integrated copy. DNA sequence analysis indicated that this 7.4 kb region (designated SSV1intB) represented an SSV1-like element distinguishable from the full-length integrated copy (designated SSV1intA) by extensive deletions and point mutations. The physical organization of DNA sequences of SSV1intB indicated that this element was integrated at the same attP site as previously identified for SSV1intA. A comparison of the DNA sequences at the left attachment sites of SSV1intA and SSV1intB revealed that they both represented very similar putative arginine tRNA genes followed by a 10 by inverted repeat sequence. S1 nuclease mapping experiments indicated that these tRNA genes are transcribed. Offprint requests to: W. Zillig  相似文献   
Minor-vein anatomy, sugar content, sugar synthesis, and translocation were studied in mature leaves of nine members of the Scrophulariaceae to determine if there is a correlation between companion-cell type and class of sugar translocated. Three types of companion cell were found: intermediary cells with extensive plasmodesmatal connections to the bundle sheath; transfer cells with wall ingrowths and few plasmodesmata; and ordinary companion cells with few plasmodesmata and no wall ingrowths. Alonsoa warscewiczii Regal., Verbascum chaixi Vill., and Mimulus cardinalis Dougl. ex. Benth. have intermediary cells and ordinary companion cells in the minor veins. These plants synthesize large amounts of raffinose and stachyose as well as sucrose. Nemesia strumosa Benth., and Rhodochiton atrosanguineum Zucc. have both intermediary cells and transfer cells and make proportionately less raffinose oligosaccharide than the species above. In N. strumosa, a single sieve element may abut both an intermediary cell and a transfer cell. The minor veins of Asarina scandens (Cav.) Penn. have transfer cells and what appear to be modified intermediary cells that have fewer plasmodesmata than other species, and occasional wall ingrowths. Asarina scandens synthesizes little raffinose or stachyose. Cymbalaria muralis P. Gaertn et al. and Linaria maroccana Hook.f. have only transfer cells and Digitalis grandiflora Mill. has only ordinary companion cells; these species make a trace of galactinol and raffinose, but no stachyose. Translocation experiments indicate that there is long-distance movement of raffinose oligosaccharide in these plants, even when it is synthesized in very small quantities in the leaves. We conclude that intermediary cells are as distinct a cell type as the transfer cell. In contrast to transfer cells, which are specialized for uptake of solute from the apoplast, intermediary cells are specialized for symplastic transfer of photoassimilate from the mesophyll and for synthesis of raffinose oligosaccharide. This supports our contention that raffinose oligosaccharide synthesis and symplastic phloem loading are mechanistically linked (Turgeon and Gowan 1990, Plant Physiol. 94, 1244–1249). Minor-vein anatomy and sugar synthesis may be useful characters in determining the phylogenetic relationships of plants in this family.We thank Andrea Wolfe and Wayne Elisens for helpful discussions on the taxonomy of the Scrophulariaceae. This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant DCB-9104159, U.S. Department of Agriculture Competetive Grant 92-37306-7819, and Hatch funds.  相似文献   
The sporophyte foot of the mossTimmiella barbuloides consists of an unistratose epidermis of transfer cells, a parenchymatous cortex, and a small central strand consisting only of hydroids. The parenchymatous tissue of the vaginula develops one layer of transfer cells opposite the foot, whose lower extremity extends into the gametophyte stem's central strand. From the bottom to the top of the foot the ultrastructure of the sporophyte transfer cells shows some gradual changes that appear related to a functional specialization of these cells. According to a centripetal gradient, the quantity of plastid starch progressively lessens in both vaginula parenchyma and foot cortex. the observed morphological patterns suggest that in the foot-vaginula complex nutrients are translocated radially up to the sporophyte central strand.  相似文献   
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