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Series of nanoporous carbons are prepared from sunflower seed shell (SSS) by two different strategies and used as electrode material for electrochemical double-layer capacitor (EDLC). The surface area and pore-structure of the nanoporous carbons are characterized intensively using N2 adsorption technique. The results show that the pore-structure of the carbons is closely related to activation temperature and dosage of KOH. Electrochemical measurements show that the carbons made by impregnation-activation process have better capacitive behavior and higher capacitance retention ratio at high drain current than the carbons made by carbonization-activation process, which is due to that there are abundant macroscopic pores and less interior micropore surface in the texture of the former. More importantly, the capacitive performances of these carbons are much better than ordered mesoporous carbons and commercial wood-based active carbon, thus highlighting the success of preparing high performance electrode material for EDLC from SSS.  相似文献   
Larvae and nymphs of the tick Ixodes ricinus L. display similar reactions to analogs of the insect juvenile hormones (methoprene and pyriproxyfen), which induce at both stages juvenalization of the Haller's sense organ regenerates. Similar effects were also described for retinoic acid. Unlike juvenoids, retinoic acid can affect not only regeneration, but also normal development of the Haller's organ and cause changes corresponding to so-called regenerative induction. Amputation of the leg and treatment with retinoic acid do not affect the duration of larval or nymphal development, while juvenoids somewhat accelerate their development.  相似文献   
Abstract. Although the oesophageal appendages in the four enchytraeids Enchytrueus crypticus, Fredericia strinta, Buchholzia appendiculata , and Achaeta sp. are quite different from one another in shape and position, their histology and ultrastructure are basically the same. These are intestinal appendages, the lumina of which distally end blind and proximally open into the oesophagus. Almost all of the few cells in their single-layered epithelium have a microvillous, cilia-free border at the apex, facing towards the lumen, and basally comprise an extremely extensive labyrinth. The presence of the latter, composed of very thin cell processes, and of numerous mitochondria identifies the organs as energy-producing and -consuming, transport-active structures. Their possible function as a food-moistening organ or osmoregulatory organ is discussed, and they are compared with other intestinal appendages in enchytraeids and other oligochaetes.  相似文献   
The nocturnally active weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii is known to employ active electrolocation for the detection of objects and for orientation in its environment. The fish emits pulse‐type electric signals with an electric organ and perceives these signals with more than 3,000 epidermal electroreceptor organs, the mormyromasts, which are distributed over the animal's skin surface. In this study, we measured the metric dimensions of the mormyromasts from different body regions to find structural and functional specialization of the various body parts. We focused on the two foveal regions of G. petersii, which are located at the elongated and movable chin (the Schnauzenorgan; SO) and at the nasal region (NR), the skin region between the mouth and the nares. These two foveal regions were compared to the dorsal part (back) of the fish, which contains typical nonfoveal mormyromasts. While the gross anatomy of the mormyromasts from all skin regions is similar, the metric dimensions of the main substructures differed. The mormyromasts at the SO are the smallest and contain the smallest receptor cells. In addition, the number of receptor cells per organ is lowest at the SO. In contrast, at the back the biggest receptor organs with the highest amount of receptor cells per organ occur. The mormyromasts at the NR are in several respects intermediate between those from the back and the SO. However, mormyromasts at the NR are longer than those at all other skin regions, the canal leading from the receptor pore to the inner chambers were the longest and the overlaying epidermal layers are the thickest. These results show that mormyromasts and the epidermis they are embedded in at both foveal regions differ specifically from those found on the rest of the body. The morphological specializations lead to functional specialization of the two foveae. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Organ cultures of newborn rat lungs synthesize and accumulate DNA, RNA, collagen and noncollagenous proteins almost at a linear rate for at least 5 days. During this period the synthesis of collagen consistently exceeds the synthesis of noncollagenous proteins in a pattern similar to neonatal lung growth in vivo. Although some morphological characteristics of lung architecture are distorted after culture, fundamental structural similarities to lungs growing in intact animals are retained. When these cultures are maintained in atmospheres rich in oxygen, increased collagen synthesis is observed, a response similar to that of lungs in intact animals exposed to high oxygen concentrations in vivo. Our studies suggest that lung organ cultures may be a suitable system for investigating the biochemical aspects of lung tissue-environmental interaction. These studies were supported in parts by NIH Grant HL-19668, a contract (68-03-2005) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and grants from the California Lung Association.  相似文献   
Rats were exposed to two procedures which enabled them to press a lever to turn off a 90 or 100 kV/m 60-Hz electric field or, later in the study, illumination from an incandescent lamp. Under one procedure, a response turned off the stimulus for a fixed duration, after which the stimulus was turned on again. A response during the off-period restarted the fixed duration. None of the rats turned the field off reliably. Next, under an alternative procedure, pressing one lever turned the field off; pressing the other lever turned it back on; responding under those conditions differed little from that seen at 0 kV/m. Under both procedures, when illumination from an incandescent lamp served as the stimulus, each rat did turn the stimulus off, and performances varied with stimulus intensity. The results show that a 100 kV/m 60-Hz electric field is not sufficient to function as an aversive stimulus under two procedures where illumination from a lamp does function as an aversive stimulus.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo simulations and a modified Poisson–Boltzmann (MPB) theory are used to investigate the temperature dependence of the capacitance (around the potential of zero charge) of an electric double layer in the presence of surface polarization due to a dielectric boundary. Within the context of the restricted primitive model planar double layer, whose solvent dielectric constant is ε2, the cases when the electrode is an insulator (ε1 = 1), when the electrode and the electrolyte have the same permittivity (ε1 = ε2, no polarization), and when the electrode is a conductor (ε1 → ∞) are studied for the case where the electrolyte concentration is 0.1 M. The simulations reveal a capacitance anomaly, that is, a positive temperature dependence of the capacitance at low temperatures for the former two situations. The MPB theory also shows this effect for these two situations and is in qualitative or better agreement with the simulation data. In these two cases, both the simulations and theory show a dramatic increase of the diffuse layer potential in the temperature regime where capacitance anomaly occurs. However, in the latter situation, where the electrode is metallic, the capacitance always has a negative temperature derivative for the MPB theory and probably also for the simulation data.  相似文献   
The aim of this review is to show that probably the internal clock of precocial birds is imprinted in the prenatal period by exogenous factors (zeitgeber). The activity of organ functions occurs early during embryonic development, before this function is ultimately necessary to ensure the survival of the embryo. Prenatal activation of some functional systems may have a training effect on the postnatal efficiency.The development of physiological control systems is influenced by endogenous and exogenous factors during the late prenatal and early postnatal period: epigenetic adaptation processes play an important role in the development of animals; they have acquired characteristics which are innated but not genetically fixed. As a rule, the actual value during the determination period has a very strong influence on the set-point of the system. This will be explained using the example of thermoregulation.It is shown in detail that it seems to be possible to imprint the prenatal development of circadian rhythms by periodic changes of the light-dark cycle but not by rhythmic influence of acoustic signals.Altogether, there are more questions open than solved concerning the perinatal genesis of circadian rhythms in birds. Topics are given for the future research.  相似文献   
Abstract. The terrestrial polychaete Hrabeiella periglandulata has many features in common with the Clitellata and the polychaete taxon Parergodrilidae. An ultrastructural investigation of the central nervous system and the sense organs of H. periglandulata individuals was undertaken to look for structural similarities with these taxa as well as to elucidate whether these structures might exhibit adaptive characters typical of terrestrial annelids in general. The central nervous system of H. periglandulata is subepidermal and consists of a brain situated in the first achaetigerous segment. The circumoesophageal connectives are without dorsal and ventral roots, and the ventral nerve cord has closely associated connectives and ill-defined ganglia. In contrast to clitellates and the terrestrial parergodrilid Parergodrilus heideri , nuchal organs are present. They are internal and highly modified compared with those of marine polychaetes but are similar to those of the intertidal parergodrilid Stygocapitella subterranea . A pair of ciliary sense organs is present inside the brain, resembling similar structures in many microdrile oligochaetes. These observations indicate that there are, in fact, structural similarities between the nervous system and the sense organs of clitellates, parergodrilids, and Hrabeiella individuals. These similarities may very likely be the result of convergent evolution in adaptation to the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   
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