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This study documents odontometric variation in four populations of related genetic background. It is found that the transplanted populations of Cuanalan and Saltillo have undergone significant microdifferentiation in tooth size relative to the two home valley populations. The extent and direction of this microdifferentiation is seen as reflecting differential amounts of admixture from African and European sources in demographic subunits of the two transplanted populations. The dental variables found to discriminate significantly between populations are the same variables predicted to be evolutionarily labile by Butler's Field Theory. Principal component analysis confirms the presence of morphological fields in these data and supports the position that each class has a stable tooth, with stability decreasing with increasing distance from the key tooth. The importance of hybridization in determining which variables significantly discriminate between populations is confounded by the effects of development of the dentition in morphogenetic fields. These data suggest the odontometric data provide an adequate, if somewhat conservative, base from which to evaluate microdifferentiation of human populations.  相似文献   
The Collection and Sale of Wild Mushrooms in a Community of Tlaxcala, Mexico. In this paper, we characterize the harvest and sale of wild mushrooms in Javier Mina (Tlaxcala state, Mexico) based on observations made during visits to that community during the rainy seasons of 1995 and 2001. While there, we visited the forests with various families of mushroom gatherers and also carried out 16 visits to a local mushroom broker to obtain information on the buying and selling of the mushrooms, including a list of the prices per kilo of the species that are sold commercially. Boletus cf. pinophilus, Lyophyllum cf. decastes, Hebeloma aff. mesophaeum and the Amanita caesarea complex were the highest–priced species, and were those collected in the greatest amounts. Our observations indicate that the gathering of mushrooms, a traditional activity among the people of Javier Mina, contributes, through the sale of the mushrooms, to the income of the community during the rainy season.
Recolección y venta de hongos silvestres en una comunidad de Tlaxcala, México. Recolección y venta de hongos silvestres en una comunidad de Tlaxcala, México. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el proceso de recolección y venta de hongos silvestres en Javier Mina, Tlaxcala. Para describir estas actividades se realizaron visitas a los bosques con varias familias recolectoras de hongos durante las épocas de lluvias de 1995 y 2001. Además, se realizaron 16 visitas a un distribuidor local para registrar información con respecto a la compra y venta de los hongos. Se obtuvo un listado de los precios por kilo de los hongos que se comercializan. Boletus cf. pinophilus, Lyophyllum cf. decastes, Hebeloma aff. mesophaeum y Amanita caesarea complex fueron los hongos recolectados en mayor cantidad durante este estudio, mismos que tuvieron los precios más altos de compra–venta. Se concluye que la recolección de hongos es una actividad tradicional para la gente de Javier Mina; sin embargo, la venta de éstos, contribuye a la obtención de ingresos durante la temporada de lluvias.
Three hundred and ninety-five individuals from two populations from the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico, were studied in relation to the ABO, Rh, MNS, P, Kell, Lewis, Diego, Kidd, Duffy, Haptoglobin, Transferrin, Group specific component, Albumin, Acid Phosphatase and Phosphoglucomutase systems. One of the populations (San Pablo del Monte) is Indian, while the other (City of Tlaxcala) is Mestizo. The alleles which show variation in the Mestizo population are intermediate between the Spanish and the Indian gene frequencies. Three different genetic distance measures suggest that the Mestizo population is a triracial hybrid, while the Indian population is closely related to its two most proximal geographic neighbors, Vera Cruz and Puebla.  相似文献   
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