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Aims Rhododendron ponticum L. is reputed to be a post Plio‐Pleistocene relict plant species with a disjunct distribution that comprises the Iberian Peninsula to the west and the Euxinian region plus some restricted Mediterranean areas to the east. We analysed the ecological range (of subsp. baeticum) in the western area (Aljibe Mountains, north of the Strait of Gibraltar) to understand the factors determining the present area limitation. Location Sierra del Aljibe, north of the Strait of Gibraltar (Iberian Peninsula). Methods We selected 20 riparian sites where R. ponticum is common, and compiled data on the ecological diversity of associated woody species and ferns. We established a 500‐m main transect in each site, along the stream or river course, in which we placed five 20‐m‐long plots at regular intervals. We recorded physiographic habitat features, woody plants and fern abundance, and the number of R. ponticum individuals. Results Rhododendron ponticum in southern Spain is restricted to riparian forests in acidic soils (pH 4.0–6.4), and is mainly found on the banks of inclined and enclosed streams. In our inventory we recorded 59 woody taxa and 12 ferns, with R. ponticum being the dominant species of the understorey (mean abundance 78.6%). The communities are characterized by a high incidence of the humid warm temperate element, both in number of species (18.8 ± 3.7 per site) and abundance; meanwhile, the presence of the modern Mediterranean element (mean number of species 3.4 ± 3.8 per site) appears to be favoured by disturbance. These ecological–historical groups of taxa also show distinct patterns of typological habit, frequency of endemism, infrageneric diversity and geographical range. Populations of R. ponticum are characterized by a very variable density of seedlings in many sites, and the virtual lack of juveniles. Main conclusions Riparian forests of the Aljibe Mountains constitute a refuge for R. ponticum where the species persists, but populations appear to be in decline. The narrow ecological range of R. ponticum in the area strongly contrasts with its wide amplitude in the eastern natural area, mainly the Euxinian region, where R. ponticum probably finds better conditions due to the environmental heterogeneity of the region, and the lack of a hot dry season.  相似文献   
Intensive weed control and plot preparation practices have become a critical and integral part of productive beech forest management in Turkey’s coastal Black Sea region (BSR). This study was conducted in an eastern beech forest of 100+ year old in the BSR to evaluate ecosystem effects of three different experimental Rhododendron ponticum understory control methods with a randomised block design, including manual grubbing, foliar and cut stump spraying with imazapyr (Arsenal) and foliar and cut stump spraying with triclopyr (Garlon). Untreated vegetation plots served as controls. Evaluation of these treatments included their effects on understory and forest floor biomass and nutrients (C, N, P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and effects on soils, including bulk density, pH, soil nutrients (C, N, P and S), exchangeable cations (K, Ca and Mg) and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). Grubbing and imazapyr treatments had greatly reduced the amount of understory biomass 5 years after application (P = 0.002). Triclopyr treatment also had a major effect on understory vegetation control, but by 5 years later, about 10% of the rhododendron originally present on these plots had gradually re‐sprouted and partially covered the plots. Five years after woody vegetation control treatments, at the 0‐ to 20‐cm depth, treatments did not appear to affect soil bulk density, pH and CEC. For the upper 20‐cm soil depth, the exchangeable soil K concentration at the 10‐ to 20‐cm depth on triclopyr‐treated plots was 33% higher than on grubbing plots, and it was twice that of imazapyr application plots. Imazapyr plots had almost 11 times more dead organic matter on the forest floor than there was on grubbing plots. Forest floor C concentrations on imazapyr plots were 26 and 14% greater than those on grubbing and triclopyr plots, respectively. Total ecosystem (forest floor + understory + soil exchangeable) Ca content was 50% higher on imazapyr plots than that on triclopyr plots, while the ecosystem K pool on imazapyr treatment plots was 27% lower than that on triclopyr plots. Herbicides can be used as an alternative for achieving some forest management objectives when other vegetation control methods are not feasible or economical. It is recommended that vegetation control not be used on steep slopes because of greater risk of soil erosion. There may be benefits in encouraging slash disposal by fire after imazapyr treatments, thus removing recalcitrant understory residues left on the forest floor and releasing the essential nutrients within them.  相似文献   
为探讨长穗偃麦草E染色体在硬粒小麦背景中的传递特点,利用染色体特异分子标记、基因组原位杂交(GISH)、非变性荧光原位杂交(ND FISH)等方法,对小偃麦8801(AABBEE)与硬粒小麦(AABB)杂交后代中选育的株系Du_No.2和Du_No.4进行了分析。结果表明:(1)分子标记检测株系Du_No.2及Du_No.4分别能扩增出长穗偃麦草2E、4E染色体特异条带。(2)GISH和ND FISH分析显示,株系Du_No.2和Du_No.4分别附加了1条2E和4E染色体,表明株系Du_No.2 和Du_No.4分别为硬粒小麦 长穗偃麦草2E和4E单体附加系。(3)2个株系的减数分裂过程观察发现,后期Ⅰ、Ⅱ和末期Ⅱ都有E染色体分离异常现象,且株系Du_No.2和 Du_No.4的异常率分别为22.24%和36.18%。(4)2个株系分别与硬粒小麦进行正反杂交的后代PCR分析表明, 2E和4E染色体经雄配子的传递率分别为4.41%和2.17%,而通过雌配子的传递率都为零,表明2E和4E染色体在硬粒小麦背景中能通过雄配子传递,但不通过雌配子的传递。该研究为创建全套硬粒小麦 长穗偃麦草双体附加系及代换系提供基础。  相似文献   
Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum is endemic in the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula. The relict populations of this species are vulnerable, due mainly to difficult conditions for the establishment of seedlings, resulting in a virtual lack of sexual recruitment. In order to preserve the surviving populations, in vitro culture methods have been applied for both the sexual and the agamic propagation of the species. The in vitro germination of seeds was high when conducted with Anderson’s medium without plant growth regulators. The self-rooted seedlings obtained were easily transplanted to outside conditions. The presence of growth regulators in the medium interfered with the development of the seedlings, causing heavy callus formation. The in vitro growth of explants took place readily in Anderson’s medium plus 0.072 mg L−1 of BA and 0.036 mg L−1 of NAA although the explants did not form roots. Rooting was achieved by the basal dipping of the explants in hydroalcoholic solutions of 500 mg L−1 IAA during the outside transplanting process. Therefore, the combination of in vitro grown explants together with ex vitro rooting, results in a good method for the agamic propagation of Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum.  相似文献   
中间偃麦草麦、小麦和小麦-中间偃麦草2Ai-2附加系Z1、Z2、X6,代换系ZD28等进行RAPD分析,从320个RAPD引物中,鉴定出2Ai-2染色体特异的2个RAPD标记OPO05650和OPMO414000。利用这2个特异OPO05和OPM04,PCR扩增普通小麦CS(ABD)及其近缘植物中间偃麦草(E1E2St)、拟鹅冠草(St),长穗偃麦草(E)、簇毛麦(V)、黑麦(R)、大麦(H)粗山羊草(D)等基因组DNA。结果表明,OPO05650和OPO41400均是2Ai-2染色体上St基因组区域的特异标记。将上棕2个特异片段分离回收、克隆、测序,根据测序结果重新设计、合成特异引物,成功地转换RAPD标记为SCAR(sequence characterizked amplifed region)标记SC-05和SC-M4。利用SCAR标记对不同材料进行分析的结果表明,凡含有2Ai-2染色体的抗黄矮病材料及拟鹅冠草均产生一条扩增带,不含2Ai-2染色体的材料,包括小麦、长穗麦草、簇毛麦、黑麦、在麦、粗山羊草以有含有其他他中间偃麦草染色休的附加系,均没有扩增产物,说明上棕2个SCAR标记是中间偃麦草2Ai-2染色体的特异性PCR标记,且是2Ai-2染色体上St基因组区域的特异性标记。克隆与鉴定中间偃麦草的2个SCAR扩增片段TiSCO5和TiSCM4。结果表明,克隆的中间偃麦草TiSCO5和TiSCM4特异片段,分别是St基因组特异性的寡拷贝序列有多拷贝重复序列,为St基因组遗传研究的新探针。  相似文献   
Following removal of the invasive species Rhododendron ponticum, the native understorey plant community typically fails to reestablish itself. Potential explanations for this failure include (1) lack of an appropriate native seed source; (2) inability of seed to penetrate a dense bryophyte layer; and (3) persistence of chemical “legacy effects” in the soil. We established an experiment to test these competing hypotheses in an Atlantic oak woodland where R. ponticum had been removed. The following experimental treatments were applied singly and in combination: (1) addition of a native seed mix to test for seed limitation; (2) removal of the established ground vegetation at the start of the experiment (which principally consisted of bryophytes) to test for the impact of a barrier layer; (3) addition of activated carbon to test for chemical legacy effects in the soil; and (4) fertilization as an additional measure to promote the establishment of native vascular plants. Application of the native seed mix was revealed to be an effective way to increase the cover of native vascular plants and was particularly effective when applied after the removal of the bryophyte layer. The application of activated carbon and/or fertilizer, however, had no effect on the cover of native vegetation. We conclude that reports of R. ponticum exerting chemical legacy effects long after its removal may have been overstated and that seed limitation and inability to successfully establish in a dense bryophyte layer provided the strongest barriers to natural recolonization by the native plant community following R. ponticum removal.  相似文献   
利用染色体配对分析和酯酶及种子醇溶蛋白电泳分析研究了我国育成的11个八倍体小偃麦,结果表明:(a)来源于小麦和中间偃麦草杂交后代的6个部分双二倍体中,中1和中2的偃麦草染色体组不同于中3、中4、中5和小偃78829的偃麦草染色体组;(b)来源于小麦和长穗偃麦草杂交后代的5个部分双二倍体中,小偃784的偃麦草染色体组不同于小偃693和小偃7631中的偃麦草染色体组,表明在长穗偃麦草中有两个互不相同又不同于小麦的染色体组E和F,而小偃7430和小偃68中的偃麦草染色体组很可能是E和F染色体组的重组体;(c)小偃784中的长穗偃麦草染色体组和中5及小偃78829中的中间偃麦草染色体组基本相同,而中2的中间偃麦草染色体组不同于小偃693和小偃7631中的长穗偃麦草染色体组F,这意味着在长穗偃麦草和中间偃麦草中可能只有一个共同的染色体组E。部分双二倍体中酯酶及醇溶蛋白偃麦草染色体特征带的存在和发现,为这些染色体或其片段导入小麦后的鉴定提供了方便。  相似文献   
Li D  Zhang X 《Annals of botany》2002,90(4):445-452
Fluorescence in situ hybridization was used in Thinopyrum ponticum, a decaploid species, and its related diploid species, to investigate the distribution of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA. The distribution of rDNA was similar in all three diploid species (Th. bessarabicum, Th. elongatum and Pseudoroegneria stipifolia). Two pairs of loci were observed in each somatic cell at metaphase and interphase. One pair was located near the terminal end and the other in the interstitial regions of the short arms of one pair of chromosomes. However, all of the major loci in Th. ponticum were located on the terminal end of the short arms of chromosomes, and one chromosome had only one major locus. The maximum number of major loci detected on metaphase spreads was 20, which was the sum of that of its progenitors. The interstitial loci that exist in the possible diploid genome donor species were probably 'lost' during the evolutionary process of the decaploid species. A number of minor loci were also detected on whole regions of two pairs of homologous chromosomes. These results suggested that the position of rDNA loci in the Triticeae might be changeable rather than fixed. Positional changes of 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA loci between Th. ponticum and its candidate genome donors indicate that it is almost impossible to find a genome in the polyploid species that is completely identical to that of its diploid donors. The possible evolutionary significance of the distribution of the rDNA is also discussed. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear DNA in Th. ponticum were investigated by PCR amplification and sequencing. The sequence data from five positive clones selected at random, together with restriction site analysis, indicated that the ITS repeated units are nearly homogeneous in this autoallodecapolypoid species. Combined with in situ hybridization results, the data led to the conclusion that the ITS region has experienced interlocus as well as intralocus concerted evolution. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the sequences from Th. ponticum have concerted to the E genome repeat type.  相似文献   
为转移与利用百萨偃麦草耐盐、抗病等优良基因,用普通小麦中国春-百萨偃麦草双倍体与中国春杂交,通过染色体C-分带、分子原位杂交并结合减数分裂中期I的染色体配对分析,从回交后代中选育出一套小麦-百萨偃麦草二体异附加系。对这套异附加系进行的鉴定与分析表明,各附加系除添加了一对百萨偃麦草染色体外,小麦的21对染色体未见明显变化。各附加系所添加的百萨偃麦草染色体在减数分裂中期I配对基本正常,仅有少量单价体,其自交后代中外源染色体亦能正常传递。这说明所培育的这套二体异附加系在细胞学上已相对稳定,暂分别编号为DAJ1、DAJ2、DAJ3、DAJ4、DAJ5、DAJ6和DAJ7。各异附加系中百萨偃麦草染色体在小麦族中的部分同源群归属和百萨偃麦草耐盐抗病基因在染色体上的定位研究正在进行之中。  相似文献   
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