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Primary cell cultures were prepared from breast muscles of 11 day 4 hour-embryonic chicks. Cytoplasmic RNAs were isolated from the cultured cells at various time intervals from day 3 to day 8. A [P32] DNA probe complementary to messenger RNA of myosin heavy chain was used to hybridize with the RNAs after gel electrophoresis. A transient species of polyadenylated RNA with a decreased mobility in electrophoresis was detected during a period of time when contractions of syncytial fibers were first observed.  相似文献   
The vitamin D-binding protein in human serum (the group-specific component) is an alpha 2-globulin which is genetically polymorphic in all populations studied. Previous work (J. Svasti and B. H. Bowman (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 5188-5194, and J. Svasti, A. Kurosky, A. Bennett, and B. H. Bowman (1979) Biochemistry 18, 1611-1617) has shown that the electrophoretic variations of the proteins controlled by two allelic genes, Gc1 and Gc2, are due to at least three amino acid substitutions between Gc1 and Gc2 (Svasti et al. (1979] and to heterogeneity in the Gc1 phenotype arising from carbohydrate dissimilarities. Gc1 migrates electrophoretically as two protein bands, while Gc2 migrates cathodally as a single band. This study demonstrates a post-translational glycosylation difference occurring in a single area of the Gc1 sequence which accounts for the heterogeneity observed previously. The glycosylation site, a threonine residue, appears to be in a sequence which differs between Gc1 and Gc2. The O-glycosidic bond, which is typical of mucins, is rare in plasma proteins. The cyanogen bromide fragment containing the galactosamine-containing carbohydrate in Gc1 was partially sequenced through 20 residues from the amino terminus. No detectable galactosamine could be found in the homologous cyanogen bromide fragment in Gc2. A new purification procedure for the vitamin D-binding protein in human plasma has been developed. Three chromatographic steps provide purified protein.  相似文献   

The red-striped soft scale insect Pulvinaria tenuivalvata (Newstead) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) started to infest sugarcane plants (Saccharum officinarum L.) in different districts in Egypt during the last decade. The percentage of infestation was recorded in El-Wakf area, Qena Governorate (Naghhamadi mill zone) Upper Egypt in some fields. There are three levels of infestation, low, intermediate and high. From these fields, samples were selected for physical and chemical studies. The results obtained show that the stalks of infested plants decreased in weight, the sugar content (glucose and sucrose) drastically reduced and as the percentage of infestation increased the percentage of glucose and sucrose content significantly decreased. The primary and secondary humidity and the cellulose content also increased in the healthy plants compared to the infested ones. All the physical character of the infested plants was significantly affected in comparison with the healthy ones.  相似文献   
Changes are reported of Crataegus-Betula dune woodlands between 1950–1980 from Meijendel, a calcareous coastal dune system near the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, which is used as a water catchment area. It concerns both woodlands in degradation stage and, more common, woodlands on the increase. Changes were recorded with help of successive vegetation maps, air photos and permanent plot observations. Woodland increase usually occurs on places with groundwater at or near the surface, either because of natural circumstances or as a result of artificial groundwater recharge through infiltration as part of the water catchment activities. The management of both types of woodland is discussed.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van der Meijden (1983), Flora van Nederland, 20th ed. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen. Nomenclature of mosses follows Margadant & During (1982), Beknopte Flora van Nederlandse Blad- en Levermossen, Thieme, Zutphen.The authors have pleasure in thanking their colleagues from the Dune Water Works who supplied data on hydrology.  相似文献   
The results of a detailed analysis of 100 supernumerary limbs generated by 180° ipsilateral rotation (on the same limb stump) of regeneration blastemas is presented. The limbs were analyzed in terms of their position of origin, frequency, cartilage structure by Victoria blue staining, and muscle structure by serial sections. Single, double, or triple supernumeraries can be produced at no unique position of origin, although the posterodorsal quadrant was preferred. Four classes of supernumerary limbs were generated by such operations—normal; double dorsal or double ventral; part normal/part mirror imaged; part normal/part inverted in approximately equal frequencies. After amputation of these supernumeraries the same muscle patterns are faithfully regenerated. A hypothesis to explain the production of these abnormal limbs is proposed based on the observed phenomenon of fusion of supernumerary blastemata, but their regenerative behaviour presents problems for current models of pattern formation. Similar results have been obtained with developing limb buds and the relation between development and regeneration is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract. A village-scale field trial of pyrethroid-impregnated mosquito nets was undertaken in The Gambia, West Africa, in the Mandinka village of Saruja (13o13'N, 14o55'W) during July-November 1989. Nearly all the villagers possessed and used their own bednets. Anopheles gambiae is the main vector of human malaria in the area.
An experimental wash-resistant formulation of permethrin was compared with standard emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of permethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, versus placebo-treated bednets. Target concentrations of pyrethroids on bednets were permethrin 500mg/m2 and lambda-cyhalothrin 25 mg/m2. The experimental design involved random allocation of a treatment to one net per family. Whereas 68% of people questioned said they washed their nets fortnightly, observations during the 16-week trial period showed that only 4/130 (3%) of nets involved in the trial had been washed as frequently as once per month.
Early morning searches for mosquitoes under bednets (1 day/week for 16 weeks) found significantly more mosquitoes (60% An. gambiae ) in placebo-treated nets than in pyrethroid-treated nets. The numbers found with each of the three pyrethroid treatments did not differ significantly from each other. Insecticidal efficacy of the treatments was tested by bioassays using wild-caught unfed mosquitoes exposed to netting for 3min. Linear regression analysis of bioassay mortality against number of times that a net had been washed by villagers showed that nets impregnated with the wash-resistant permethrin retained their insecticidal properties better than nets impregnated with lambda-cyhalothrin or with the standard permethrin formulation.  相似文献   
Automated determinations of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its main metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, have been described (Technicon autoanalyzer). The determinations are based on an extraction procedure from deproteinized tissue extracts or cerebrospinal fluid by means of butanolheptane mixtures. The indoles are transferred from the organic phase to a water phase and determined fluormetrically with the cysteine-o-phthaldialdehyde method. The method is highly sensitive: solutions containing 1 ng/ml can be reproducibly determined. Twenty samples per hour can be passed through the system. The determination of both 5-hydroxyindoles is performed with the same manifold.  相似文献   
The dry summer of 1976 triggered a wholesale installation of sprinkler systems for agriculture. This dry summer also revealed areas in The Netherlands most susceptible to drought, namely sandy regions and the coastal fringe. This resulted in distribution of Rhine water to new areas, and in quantities hitherto unknown. The Second National Water Management Plan (1982) consequently focussed on enlarging the capacity of water distribution works. This distribution has led to a multitude of ecological effects, such as changes in salinity and nutrient concentration, as well as the spreading of contaminants. Consequently, the Third National Water Management Plan (1990) includes fewer distribution works because of the adverse environmental effects and the reduced feasibility due to increasing costs and decreasing agricultural benefits.A climatic change as predicted may result in climatic conditions in The Netherlands resembling those of France or the Mediterranean, implying drier summers and more precipitation in winter. An increased frequency of dry summers will no doubt revive water distribution plans now shelved and may even bring new ones to the drawing board. An increase in Rhine water distribution will have serious consequences for many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as will a lowering of the groundwater table. In this paper we will discuss the dilemma of choosing between allowing increased desiccation of wetlands as the climate becomes drier or increasing the distribution of Rhinewater and the potential ecological effects of these choices. Alternative strategies to water management also are discussed.This article is largely based on Duel et al. 1989.  相似文献   
Percottus glehni is a new colonizer in the ichthyofauna of Lake Glubokoe. Recently, this species, established in the European part of the USSR nearly 30 years ago, has become common in the lakes and ponds located 3–5 km from Lake Glubokoe. In Lake Glubokoe it keeps mainly to water thyme (Elodea) in shallow water with individuals up to 7 cm in size being predominant. Apparently, these fishes are not abundant due to strong predation pressure from larger predators.  相似文献   
Sulphate reduction in oxic and sub-oxic North-East Atlantic sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Oxic and sub-oxic N.-E. Atlantic sediments were examined for sulphate-reducing activity. Oxygen and/or nitrate reduction are probably the dominant mineralisation processes in the abyssal plain sediment studied. A low rate of sulphate reduction (0.1 nmol SO2−4/ml/day) was recorded in the surface 5 cm of the continental slope sediment, together with the presence of a range of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). A higher activity of sulphate reduction (2.2 nmol SO2−4/ml/day) occurred in the continental shelf sediment which led to a small decrease in pore water sulphate and an increase in titration alkalinity. This sediment contained approx. 102–103 acetate, lactate and propionate oxidising SRB/ml. No low- M r organic acids were detected in these sediments. However, amendment with 75 μM acetate stimulated sulphate-reducing activity in the shelf sediment.  相似文献   
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