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The vitamin D-binding protein in human serum (the group-specific component) is an alpha 2-globulin which is genetically polymorphic in all populations studied. Previous work (J. Svasti and B. H. Bowman (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 5188-5194, and J. Svasti, A. Kurosky, A. Bennett, and B. H. Bowman (1979) Biochemistry 18, 1611-1617) has shown that the electrophoretic variations of the proteins controlled by two allelic genes, Gc1 and Gc2, are due to at least three amino acid substitutions between Gc1 and Gc2 (Svasti et al. (1979] and to heterogeneity in the Gc1 phenotype arising from carbohydrate dissimilarities. Gc1 migrates electrophoretically as two protein bands, while Gc2 migrates cathodally as a single band. This study demonstrates a post-translational glycosylation difference occurring in a single area of the Gc1 sequence which accounts for the heterogeneity observed previously. The glycosylation site, a threonine residue, appears to be in a sequence which differs between Gc1 and Gc2. The O-glycosidic bond, which is typical of mucins, is rare in plasma proteins. The cyanogen bromide fragment containing the galactosamine-containing carbohydrate in Gc1 was partially sequenced through 20 residues from the amino terminus. No detectable galactosamine could be found in the homologous cyanogen bromide fragment in Gc2. A new purification procedure for the vitamin D-binding protein in human plasma has been developed. Three chromatographic steps provide purified protein.  相似文献   
The redistribution of surface membrane immunoglobulin molecules (sIg) was studied in two functionally distinct populations of mouse splenic B lymphocytes, namely, those bearing membrane IgM(IgG?) and those bearing IgG. Brief exposure to mitogenic doses of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced direct but differential effects on the subsequent ability of specific antibodies to induce this redistribution on each cell type. Studied as a function of temperature, antibody-induced redistribution of sIgM on cells previously exposed to LPS was observed to occur at temperatures lower than the temperatures required for similar sIgM redistribution on lymphocytes not exposed to LPS. In contrast, mitogen-treated sIgG+ cells demonstrated an opposite and long-lasting effect (at least 40 hr), requiring higher temperatures to allow sIgG movement comparable to that seen on untreated sIgG-bearing lymphocytes. Thus, we conclude that LPS interacts with both IgM+(IgG?) and IgG+ lymphocytes, but that such interactions produced different membrane effects on each B-cell subset. This membrane change can therefore be useful as a quasi-functional differentiation marker. Furthermore, differences in sensitivity to cellular activation by LPS seen between sIgM-bearing (sIgG?) and sIgG-bearing B cells may be a reflection of such direct, although different, membrane effects.  相似文献   
The microorganism Brevibacterium flavum 21129 has been used to produce multigram batches of L-[15N2]lysine of high purity and isotopic enrichment by supplementation of the growth medium with (15NH4)2SO4 of 98.0 atom% excess. The doubly 15N-labeled lysine can be detected at dilutions 10 times greater than singly labeled lysine when isotope dilution curves are analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This enhanced sensitivity permits kinetic measurements of plasma free-lysine isotope content over a 300-fold dilution during 6 h following a single oral bolus of 5 mg/kg body wt. This inexpensive preparation method lends itself to the production of highly useful biochemical compounds for kinetic studies of human nutrition.  相似文献   
Nanosecond laser flash photolysis has been used to produce and identify the vitamin K semiquinone (radical) from vitamin K dihydroquinone and to observe its formation and decay in the presence of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase (epoxidase). The activity of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase is not decreased by exposure to the laser. Absorbance of the semiquinone is proportional to enzyme concentration and is stimulated by a synthetic substrate, PheLeuGluGluIle. Stabilization of the semiquinone is observed in the presence of the enzyme. The semiquinone is rapidly destroyed in the presence of inhibitors of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase and vitamin K epoxidase.  相似文献   
The dephospho- form of rat liver citrate lyase has been prepared by treating purified [32P]-ATP citrate lyase with a partially purified phosphatase. A comparison of the properties of the phospho- and dephosphoenzyme has been performed. The pH optima were the same for both forms of the enzyme in four different buffer systems although the optimum values varied identically for both enzyme forms with the buffer. Both the phospho- and dephosphoenzymes show the same kinetic properties except for the Km observed for ATP in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid buffer system where it was 54 μm for the phosphoenzyme and 292 μm for the dephosphoenzyme. The present study also indicates that both enzymes are cleaved by trypsin and lysosomal proteases in a similar manner. Both forms of the enzyme tend to associate with mitochondria to the same extent and both enzymes have identical temperature stability curves.  相似文献   
The effects of ouabain, a known inhibitor of lymphoproliferation, were studied in relation to the cytotoxic effector function of human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) against chicken red blood cell (CRC) targets. MNL effectors lysed 51Cr-labeled CRC targets in the presence of PHA (mitogen-induced cellular cytotoxicity—MICC) or rabbit anti-CRC antibody (antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity—ADCC) in the absence of ouabain. The addition of ouabain to the cytotoxic reaction caused profound diminution of MICC with greater than 90% suppression of killing at ouabain concentrations of 5 × 10?4M; ADCC was much more resistant to the effects of ouabain with only 60 to 70% inhibition of killing at similar ouabain concentrations (P < 0.01). Similar ouabain inhibition of MICC occurred whether the effector cell populations were unseparated MNL, depleted of monocytes, enriched for T cells, or depleted of T cells, suggesting a generalized activity by ouabain against all effector cells active in MICC. Ouabain inhibition of MICC could be overcome by increasing PHA concentrations, indicating that ouabain inhibition was not due to irreversible toxic effects on effector cells. Increasing the concentration of anti-CRC antibody resulted in increased killing in this ADCC system and, paradoxically, ADCC cultures with the highest antibody concentrations were more completely inhibited by ouabain. This enhanced inhibitory effect of ouabain on ADCC cultures with the highest antibody concentrations was not observed when the effector cell population was first depleted of phagocytic cells, suggesting a preferential inhibitory action by ouabain against monocyte effectors in ADCC. Thus, the differential inhibitory effects of ouabain on MICC and ADCC against CRC targets may be in part explained by the differing ouabain sensitivities of the various effector cell subpopulations involved in these cell-mediated cytotoxic events.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that ouabain inhibits mitogen-induced cellular cytotoxicity (MICC) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against chicken red cell (CRC) targets. We now report that ouabain increases spontaneous killing of CRC targets in the absence of mitogen or antibody. Spontaneous cytotoxicity by fresh mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) was enhanced by ouabain in a dose-dependent fashion and was maximal at a ouabain concentration of 5 × 10?5M. Removal of phagocytic cells from the MNL effector cell population abrogated ouabain-induced spontaneous cytotoxicity, suggesting that the effector cell activated by ouabain was a monocyte. Ouabain-induced spontaneous cytotoxicity was relatively inefficient compared to MICC or ADCC and was only demonstrated consistently at effector:target cell ratios higher than those routinely employed for MICC and ADCC. Very low concentrations of ouabain (5 × 10?9M) also enhanced spontaneous cytotoxicity of MNL precultured for 7 days, when added at either Day 0 or Day 6 of preculture. The cell effecting spontaneous cytotoxicity after 7 days of culture has been previously shown to be a monocyte. Thus, ouabain has opposing effects on cell-mediated cytotoxic functions: it inhibits MICC and ADCC against CRC targets, but stimulates spontaneous, monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity against the same targets.  相似文献   
Novikoff hepatocellular carcinoma cells possess cell-surface glycoproteins that bind the lectin, concanavalin A. A subset of Con A-binding plasma membrane glycoproteins was solubilized by addition of n-butanol to a suspension of Novikoff cells. Glycoproteins solubilized into the n-butanol-saturated aqueous phase of the two-phase mixture were purified by sequential chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A. Glycoproteins specifically bound to the Sepharose-conjugated Con A exhibited apparent Mr = 72,000 to 125,000. The plasma membrane localization of these components was inferred by their isolation from cells surface labeled with NaIO4/ NaB3H4. A xenoantiserum, raised against glycoproteins specifically bound to Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A was employed to identify reactive components in nonionic detergent extracts of Novikoff tumor cells or rat hepatocytes surface labeled using lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination (125I). Major reactive peptides in extracts of Novikoff cells exhibited apparent Mr = 74,000, 82, 000, 110,000, and 135,000, while those in extracts of hepatocytes possessed apparent Mr = 98,000 and 105,000. The reactivity of the antiserum with extracts of 125I-labeled Novikoff cells was abolished by absorption of the antiserum with hepatocytes, indicating that the qualitative differences observed may result from structural modification of one or more cell-surface glycoproteins, rather than the expression of new or inappropriate glycoproteins. This antiserum will provide a useful probe to investigate alterations in the expression or structure of glycoproteins that occur as a consequence of malignant transformation or adaptation of malignant cells to growth in the ascitic form.  相似文献   
A simple equilibrium dialysis cell may be quickly prepared from common, inexpensive microcentrifuge tubes. The resulting cell is easy to use and precise enough for quantitative dialysis studies of small samples (<50 μl). In addition, by using a portion of the cell, exchange dialysis of small samples can easily be done.  相似文献   
An antibody preparation elicited against purified, lysosomal-solubilized NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase from rat liver microsomes was shown to interact with methemoglobin reductase of human erythrocytes by inhibiting the rate of erythrocyte cytochrome b5 reduction by NADH. The ferricyanide reductase activity of the enzyme was not inhibited by the antibody, suggesting that the inhibition of methemoglobin reductase activity may be due to interference with the binding of cytochrorme b5 to the flavoprotein. Under conditions of limiting concentrations of flavoprotein, the antibody inhibited the rate of methemoglobin reduction in a reconstituted system consisting of homogeneous methemoglobin reductase and cytochrome b5 from human erythrocytes. This inhibition was due to the decreased level of reduced cytochrome b5 during the steady state of methemoglobin reduction while the rate of methemoglobin reduction per reduced cytochrome b5 stayed constant, suggesting that the enzyme was not concerned with an electron transport between the reduced cytochrome b5 and methemoglobin.An antibody to purified, trypsin-solubilized cytochrome b5 from rat liver microsomes was shown to inhibit erythrocyte cytochrome b5 reduction by methemoglobin reductase and NADH to a lesser extent than microsomal cytochrome b5 preparations from rat liver (trypsin solubilized or detergent solubilized) and pig liver (trypsin solubilized). The results presented establish that soluble methemoglobin reductase and cytochrome b5 of human erythrocytes are immunochemically similar to NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and cytochrome b5 of liver microsomes, respectively.  相似文献   
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