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In the Neotropical drosophilid secies Zygothrica dispar the males, many of which are hypercehalic, engage in territorial fights on mushrooms. In an attempt to see whether head width effects mating success, lek behavior was videorecorded. Most owners of a territory on the cap of a mushroom are broad-headed, and usually defeat intruders, which in general have a narrower head. Escalation in confrontation to bodily contact is rare and mostly involves opponents of equal head width. Most contests between unequals end after a close head-to-head confrontation, and are thus purely ritual. Females appeared to be courted only on the lek. Although no female was observed to copulate, it can be supposed that male head width influences fitness through its effect on owning a territory on the lek.  相似文献   
Synopsis Social and reproductive behavior of three paternal mouthbrooding cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) were investigated in the shallow marine waters of Shirahama, Japan. The solitary species Apogon doederleini and A. niger bred in transient pairs, in which a male and female associated for only a few hours of each afternoon on less than 5 successive days. The prespawning behavior was the same as the courtship display on days prior to spawning. After spawning, egg-incubating males were usually left alone. The gregarious species Apogon notatus formed territorial lasting pairs, which resided at given sites from dawn to dusk on each day during a period of a month or more. After spawning, the egg-incubating male either continued to stay with his mate in the territory, or left it to enter into an aggregation. In the latter case, the female continued to reside in the territory, pairing with a new male whom she brought from an aggregation. It is suggested that in paternal apogonids the prolonged pair bond and territoriality should have developed only in gregarious species as secondary adaptation for reproductive success: to avoid conspecific interference during spawning.  相似文献   
Thievery,home ranges,and nestmate recognition inEctatomma ruidum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Thievery of food items among colonies of a ponerine ant,Ectatomma ruidum was common; nonnestmates in colonies or near the colony entrances receive incoming food items and carry them to their own colony. In our study area 7 of 10 colonies were victimized by thief ants. Colonies have discrete home ranges and home range size is correlated with the number of workers in the colony. Worker ants discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates when non-nestmates are presented at colony entrances, but individuals from different colonies were not observed to engage in agonistic interactions away from nest entrances. Non-nestmates gain entrance to colonies when the entrance is unguarded. Many instances of non-nestmates being removed from colonies by residents were observed. The costs and benefits of theft under these circumstances are considered.  相似文献   
We studied the life-history of the Sierra Madre sparrow (Xenospiza baileyi) in a subalpine grassland-agriculture mosaic south of Mexico City. From March to early September 1999 we captured and color-banded 53 adults with mist-nets and mapped the breeding territories of 21 males. We again mapped territories in the same spot in April and May 2000. The number of breeding territories was found to be the same in the two consecutive years and interannual survivorship was found to be relatively high. Breeding territories were restricted to the bunchgrass-covered areas. We used the density of territories and the amount of remaining habitat to estimate a total population size of 5,380–6,150 adults for this species. Using this and other recent data, we recommend raising the Sierra Madre sparrow to the status of critically endangered using BirdLife International criteria.  相似文献   
通过为期一年的标志重捕研究,获得了农田优势种黑线姬鼠与臭聃的巢区、活动距离、领域性等资料,分析了种间领域性及空间分布的关系。并观察到随着捕获突数增多,对动物的可捕性产生影响,再结合对重捕期体重变化的分析,发现长期标志重捕对两种动物产生了正与负的效应。  相似文献   
Studies of rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus in northern latitudes have shown that, in the breeding season, the majority of cocks pair monogamously and defend small territories, whilst in most populations, a small proportion of cocks are polygynous or remain unmated. Little is known, however, on spacing behaviour and habitat use of alpine rock ptarmigan populations occurring at low densities at the southern edge of the species’ range. From 1995 to 1997, we trapped, radio-tracked and observed birds in the Central Italian Alps (elevation 2,000–3,000 m) in order to investigate spacing behaviour and habitat use in alpine landscapes where habitats offering rich food and cover are patchy. Both sexes were selective in their habitat use, and cocks did not establish territories on bare ground, artificial or nutrient rich grasslands or bogs. In the breeding season, cocks had larger home ranges than hens (cocks 99 ± 57 ha, hens 50 ± 25 ha) that overlapped with the ranges of neighbouring cocks and hens. Cocks were monogamous and defended relatively large territories (core areas of home ranges: cocks 37 ± 26 ha, hens 24 ± 12 ha), which corresponded with low spring densities (0.47–2.29 cocks km−2 and 0.35–1.60 pairs km−2). Territory size of individual cocks was negatively correlated with the amount of high quality habitat in the core-area. Our results suggest increased home ranges and large breeding territories in low density alpine rock ptarmigan populations, compared to populations occurring at higher densities in the central and northern alps, and on subarctic and arctic grounds at northern latitudes, confirming the predictions of models on food-based territoriality.  相似文献   
Gruber B  Henle K 《Oecologia》2008,154(4):679-690
Mortality during movement between habitat patches is the most obvious cost of dispersal, but rarely it has been demonstrated empirically. An approach is presented, which uses capture–mark–recapture data of an arboreal gecko species to determine the effect of individual movement on local survival in a spatially structured population. Because capture–mark–recapture data are widely available for a range of animal species, it should be possible to extend their application to other species. The method is based on the assumption that the tendency to be a territorial animal or to be a floating animal is fixed during the study period. The advantage of our approach is that only one additional parameter has to be estimated for describing movement risks. We further tested the power of our approach to detect an association of movement and mortality with simulated capture histories. The study revealed a strong negative effect of movement on local survival. Hence, animals that moved more often between trees had a lower survival rate. Interestingly, the mean movement rate for males was significantly higher than for females, which should lead to a biased sex ratio towards females in the population. As there was an even sex ratio in the population, we discuss not mutually exclusive explanations for this finding like differences in emigration rates between sexes, differences in survival rates between sexes, or a skewed sex ratio in offspring.  相似文献   
Reproductive ecology and function of long-term territoriality in the lefteye flounder Engyprosopon grandisquama were investigated in the southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan. Field observations of marked individuals and monthly sampling suggested that the spawning season was from June to September with a peak in June–July. During the spawning season, males maintained their mating territories, although spawning behavior was not observed in August–September. Some males stayed until the next spawning season and then acquired more mates than newly appearing males, most of which could not acquire mates. Long-term retention of territory may be more advantageous for establishing a mating territory and acquiring mates in the next spawning season.  相似文献   
Allopetrolisthes spinifrons is an ectosymbiotic crab of the sea anemone Phymactis clematis . As a consequence of low host abundance, these represent a scarce and limited resource for the crab. Additionally, the relatively small size of the sea anemone host suggests that few symbiotic crabs can cohabit on one host individual, forcing crabs to adopt a territorial behaviour. In order to examine the potential presence and ontogenetic development of territoriality, the agonistic behaviour between crabs of various ontogenetic stages (adults, juveniles, and recruits) was studied in the laboratory. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that adult or juvenile crabs aggressively defended their sea anemone hosts against adult or juvenile intruders, respectively, but both adult and juvenile crabs tolerated recruits. Adult crabs behaved indifferently towards juvenile crabs, sometimes tolerating them, sometimes expelling them. Recruits never showed agonistic behaviour among themselves. The agonistic interactions observed in the laboratory and the uniform population distribution pattern on sea anemones recently described for A . spinifrons indicate that this species exhibits territorial behaviour, which develops during ontogeny. Territoriality in this species and other symbiotic decapods may function as a density-dependent mechanism of population regulation, being mediated by the availability of hosts. Resource monopolisation behaviours may be common among other symbiotic and free-living marine invertebrates inhabiting discrete habitats that represent a limiting resource.  相似文献   
We investigated the breeding habits of the bastard halibut, Tarphops oligolepis, in the southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan. This fish was found to have two spawning seasons in a year (around July and November); individual fish spawned over the two spawning seasons. During the spawning seasons, males established territories. Home ranges of females overlapped with those of other females and with territories of plural males. The courtship partner changed during a day, and multiple matings among both sexes were observed during a spawning season, suggesting that T. oligolepis bred promiscuously. This is the first report of the mating system among Paralichthyidae. Received: October 18, 2000 / Revised: May 7, 2001 / Accepted: July 9, 2001  相似文献   
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