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Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) are widely distributed throughout the eastern United States. Although once common throughout much of its distribution, the species has experienced declines in local populations. Understanding resource selection is important for the conservation of this species; however, few data exist on resource selection for eastern box turtles in the southeastern United States. We estimated home range and resource selection for 100 individual turtles in the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, and Cumberland Plateau and Mountains physiographic regions in Tennessee, USA, from 2016 to 2018. We used step-selection functions to investigate eastern box turtle resource selection during May–August 2017 and May–August 2018 at 2 spatial scales. We classified vegetation type, measured vegetation composition and structure, recorded time since fire, and measured coarse woody debris abundance at 1,225 used telemetry locations and 1,225 associated available points. Home range sizes averaged 9.3 ha ± 3.0 (SE) using minimum convex polygon analysis, 8.25 ha ± 2.88 using 95% kernel density analysis, and 1.50 ha ± 0.56 using 50% kernel density analysis. Box turtles selected areas with greater visual obstruction at the 0–0.25-m level, greater amounts of 10-hour and 100-hour fuels (timelag categories used in fire-danger ratings), and greater litter depths compared to available locations. Box turtles were more likely to select areas with greater cover of brambles and coarser woody debris and were less likely to select areas with less vegetation cover. Vegetation type and time since last fire did not affect selection. Our data suggest that management activities that encourage greater understory vegetation cover, greater visual obstruction at the 0–0.25-m level, and greater bramble cover will enhance habitat quality for eastern box turtles. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Larval Macrostemum carolina caddisflies construct silken catchnetswithin protective retreats, often on submerged trees and branches(i.e., snags). In the Savannah River, M. carolina larvae constructthree distinct retreats that differ in the configuration ofthe water entrance hole: (1) at the end of a silken tube, (2)flush with the top of the retreat, and (3) backed by a 180-degreesilken backstop. To identify the proximate mechanism mediatingthis retreat polymorphism, we removed larvae of known phenotypefrom their original retreats and brought them into the laboratory,allowing them to construct new retreats. We found that (1) larvaecan construct more than one type of retreat, so variation inthis behavior is not under strict genetic control; (2) larvaedo not preferentially reconstruct their original retreat design,so these alternative behaviors apparently exhibit little heritability;and (3) larvae primarily construct each phenotype in a particularmicrohabitat (i.e., "tube" and "backstop" retreats are principallyconstructed on the downstream half of the snag, and "flush"retreats on the upstream–bottom quadrant). Therefore,the retreat polymorphism in M. carolina is phenotypically plasticand is controlled by microhabitat location or a correlated environmentalvariable. Most net-spinning caddisflies construct their netsin fairly specific microhabitats. However, behavioral plasticityallows M. carolina larvae to construct retreats all around asnag, thereby reducing potentially intense competition for spacewith other net-spinning caddisflies. Consequently, this maybe the ultimate reason this polymorphism evolved.  相似文献   
Roads as barriers to animal movement in fragmented landscapes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Roads can act as barriers to animal movement through mortality during crossing attempts or behavioral avoidance. This barrier effect has negative demographic and genetic consequences that can ultimately result in local or regional extinction. Here we use radio-telemetry data on three terrestrial vertebrates (eastern massasauga Sistrurus catenatus , eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina and ornate box turtle Terrapene ornata ) to test whether roads acted as barriers to movement. Specifically, we test whether individuals avoided crossing roads by comparing the number of observed crossings with the number of road crossings predicted by randomizations of individual movement paths. All species crossed roads significantly less often than predicted by chance, indicating strong road avoidance. Results of this study showing behavioral avoidance and previous studies on road mortality indicate that roads are strong barriers to these species. High mortality during crossing attempts would select for road avoidance, reducing the number of individuals killed on roads over time but leading to genetically partitioned subpopulations due to a lack of gene flow. In species that are long-lived and late-maturing, negative genetic effects might not be observable over short time-scales, thus placing populations at high risk of extinction because of a failure to detect an incrementally worsening problem. Formulating successful management strategies for many species in decline will require integrating data on road mortality, animal behavior and population genetics in order to understand more clearly the barrier effect of roads.  相似文献   
Prescribed fire is an increasingly important management tool for eastern deciduous forests, but relativity little is known about the direct effects of fire on the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina). We used very high frequency (VHF) transmitters to monitor mortality, movement, and spatial ecology of 118 box turtles in response to 17 prescribed fires across 4 seasons and 3 sites in east Tennessee, USA, during 2016–2018. Annual survival of box turtles that experienced a prescribed fire event was lower (0.87 ± 0.04 [SE]) than turtles that did not (0.98 ± 0.01) and was negatively correlated with fire intensity, fire temperature the turtle experienced, and litter depth. All prescribed fire-related mortalities occurred during the early (Apr–May, n = 5) or late growing season (Sep–Oct, n = 1). Fourteen percent of box turtles we captured exhibited damage to their carapace from previous fire events. Box turtles that survived prescribed fires were in microsites that did not burn, moved to unburned areas during the fire, or burrowed following ignition. Home range size was similar before and after burns and sinuosity of movements did not differ in burned or unburned areas. Our results indicate that though box turtles are susceptible to prescribed fire during their active season, they have behavioral and physical traits that reduce the direct effects of prescribed fire. Prescribed fire practitioners should be aware of the risks of fire, particularly during the active season. We suggest managers consider altering prescribed fire intensity, seasonality, and firing pattern to minimize risk of direct effects where box turtles are of concern. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
We isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for a Texas population of three-toed box turtle, Terrapene carolina triunguis, using a refined hybridization capture procedure. All eight primer pairs amplified successfully at all loci in seven Texas ornate box turtles (T. ornata ornata). Due to the decline and conservation concerns of North American box turtles, these isolated microsatellites may be a most valuable tool for evaluating baseline population genetic structure for threatened box turtle populations.  相似文献   
An adaptive explanation for environmental sex determination is that it promotes sexual size dimorphism when larger size benefits one sex more than the other. That is, if growth rates are determined by environment during development, then it is beneficial to match developmental environment to the sex that benefits more from larger size. However, larger size may also be a consequence of larger size at hatching or growing for a longer time, i.e., delayed age at first reproduction. Therefore, the adaptive significance of sexual size dimorphism and environmental sex determination can only be interpreted within the context of both growth and maturation. In addition, in those animals that continue to grow after maturation, sexual size dimorphism at age of first reproduction could differ from sexual size dimorphism at later ages as growth competes for energy with reproduction and maintenance. I compared growth using annuli on carapace scales in two species of box turtles (Terrapene carolina and T. ornata) that have similar patterns of environmental sex determination but, reportedly, have different patterns of sexual size dimorphism. In the populations I studied, sexual size dimorphism was in the same direction in both species; adult females were, on average, larger than adult males. This was due in part to males maturing earlier and therefore at smaller sizes than females. In spite of similar patterns of environmental sex determination, patterns of growth differed between the species. In T. carolina, males grew faster than females as juveniles but females had the larger asymptotic size. In T. ornata, males and females grew at similar rates and had similar asymptotic sizes. Sexual size dimorphism was greatest at maturation because, although males matured younger and smaller, they grew more as adults. There was, therefore, no consistent pattern of faster growth for females that may be ascribed to developmental temperature. Received: 20 March 1996 / Accepted: 10 March 1998  相似文献   
Abstract: To examine effects of relocation on eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina), we compared home ranges and movement patterns of 10 resident and 10 relocated box turtles in Davidson, North Carolina, USA. Home ranges of relocated turtles were approximately 3 times larger than those of resident turtles when measured by minimum convex polygons, 6 times larger than resident turtles when measured with 95% kernels and 7.5 times larger than resident turtles when measured by 50% kernels. Relocated turtles also moved a greater average distance per day than resident turtles. Additionally, 5 relocated turtles experienced mortality or disappearance compared to no mortality or disappearance of resident turtles. Our results raise questions about the success of relocation as a management strategy for eastern box turtles. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):772–777; 2008)  相似文献   
Abstract: In the mid-Atlantic region, urban sprawl and development have resulted in habitat alterations and fragmentation; however, the effects on eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) populations are unclear. To investigate the status of eastern box turtle populations in a fragmented landscape, we used mark—recapture and radiotelemetry to estimate population density, sex ratio, age structure, and survival on 4 study areas with differing degrees of isolation and human disturbance in northern New Castle County, Delaware, USA. We estimated adult population densities ranging from 0.81 turtles/ha to 3.62 turtles/ha among our 4 study areas. Sex ratios were male-biased at 2 study areas and balanced at 2 study areas. Proportion of juveniles ranged from 0% to 31%. Estimated annual survival rate ranged from 0.813 to 0.977. Mortality of radiotagged and marked turtles was primarily due to natural causes, but mowing was the primary cause of human-induced mortality. We found evidence of population decline at one study area due to low survival and recruitment. Human disturbances, isolation, and habitat composition appear to have the greatest influence on the box turtle populations we studied. To minimize mortality from human disturbance, we suggest planting crops adjacent to forest habitat that require no mowing or mowing at a height ≥15 cm. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):745–753; 2008)  相似文献   
Despite several secretive marsh bird (SMB) species being listed as critically imperiled throughout the mid-continent of North America, limited information on SMB distribution and habitat use within primary migratory corridors results in uncertainty on contributions of wetlands in mid-latitude states toward their annual cycle needs. Our objectives were to quantify temporal patterns of SMB wetland occupancy during spring migration at a mid-latitude state and evaluate the relationships between SMB colonization probability and water-level management practices, and the resulting habitat conditions during spring migration. We conducted a 2-year, dynamic occupancy study (2013–2014) that included 6 rounds of repeated call-back surveys to detect the presence of 5 SMB species (i.e., Virginia rail [Rallus limicola], sora [Porzana carolina], king rail [R. elegans], least bittern [Ixobrychus exilis], and American bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus]) during spring (Apr–Jun) on 107 wetlands across 8 conservation areas and 4 national wildlife refuges throughout Missouri, USA. We detected sora most frequently, followed by least bittern, American bittern, Virginia rail, and king rail. Coefficient estimates indicated colonization probability for all species was positively associated with emergent vegetation cover and negatively associated with amount of open water. Open water was the only variable in the best supported model explaining American bittern site colonization, to which they were negatively associated. Virginia rail colonization had a strong positive association with vegetation height, whereas least bittern and sora site colonization were influenced positively by water depth and agriculture, respectively. Based on the habitat associations within and among SMB species identified in this study, wetland managers can tailor management strategies to optimize spring migration habitat for single- or multi-species objectives.  相似文献   
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