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Since their discovery, matrix vesicles (MVs) containing minerals have received considerable attention for their role in the mineralization of bone, dentin and calcified cartilage. Additionally, MVs' association with collagen fibrils, which serve as the scaffold for calcification in the organic matrix, has been repeatedly highlighted. The primary purpose of the present study was to establish a MVs–mimicking model (PEG-S-ACP/micelle) in vitro for studying the exact mechanism of MVs-mediated extra/intra fibrillar mineralization of collagen in vivo. In this study, high-concentration serine was used to stabilize the amorphous calcium phosphate (S-ACP), which was subsequently mixed with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to form PEG-S-ACP nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were loaded in the polysorbate 80 micelle through a micelle self-assembly process in an aqueous environment. This MVs–mimicking model is referred to as the PEG-S-ACP/micelle model. By adjusting the pH and surface tension of the PEG-S-ACP/micelle, two forms of minerals (crystalline mineral nodules and ACP nanoparticles) were released to achieve the extrafibrillar and intrafibrillar mineralization, respectively. This in vitro mineralization process reproduced the mineral nodules mediating in vivo extrafibrillar mineralization and provided key insights into a possible mechanism of biomineralization by which in vivo intrafibrillar mineralization could be induced by ACP nanoparticles released from MVs. Also, the PEG-S-ACP/micelle model provides a promising methodology to prepare mineralized collagen scaffolds for repairing bone defects in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Andreas Barth 《BBA》2007,1767(9):1073-1101
This review discusses the application of infrared spectroscopy to the study of proteins. The focus is on the mid-infrared spectral region and the study of protein reactions by reaction-induced infrared difference spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Eleven male subjects were investigated to detect a possible circadian rhythm of the polymorphonuclear phagocytosis. Both cell activity and serum opsonins were studied for numerical detection of granulocytes having ingested at least one particle and for the mean number of ingested particles per cell. No significant temporal differences (ANOVA and cosinor) were found.  相似文献   
Modelling species distributions has been widely used to understand present and future potential distributions of species, and can provide adaptation and mitigation information as references for conservation and management under climate change. However, various methods of data splitting to develop and validate functions of the models do not get enough attention, which may mislead the interpretation of predicted results. We used the Taiwanese endemic birds to test the influences of temporal independence of datasets on model performance and prediction. Training and testing data were considered to be independent if they were collected during different survey periods (1993–2004 and 2009–2010). The results indicated no significant differences of six model performance measures (AUC, kappa, TSS, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity) among the combinations of training and testing datasets. Both species- and grid cell-based assessments differed significantly between predictions by the annual and pooled training data. We also found an average of 85.8% similarity for species presences and absences in different survey periods. The remaining dissimilarity was mostly caused by species observed in the late survey period but not in the early one. The method of data splitting, yielding training and testing data, is critical for resulting model species distributions. Even if similar model performance exists, different methods can lead to different species distributional maps. More attention needs to be given to this issue, especially when amplifying these models to project species distributions in a changing world.  相似文献   
Occupancy is an important metric to understand current and future trends in populations that have declined globally. In addition, occupancy can be an efficient tool for conducting landscape-scale and long-term monitoring. A challenge for occupancy monitoring programs is to determine the appropriate spatial scale of analysis and to obtain precise occupancy estimates for elusive species. We used a multi-scale occupancy model to assess occupancy of Columbia spotted frogs in the Great Basin, USA, based on environmental DNA (eDNA) detections. We collected three replicate eDNA samples at 220 sites across the Great Basin. We estimated and modeled ecological factors that described watershed and site occupancy at multiple spatial scales simultaneously while accounting for imperfect detection. Additionally, we conducted visual and dipnet surveys at all sites and used our paired detections to estimate the probability of a false positive detection for our eDNA sampling. We applied the estimated false positive rate to our multi-scale occupancy dataset and assessed changes in model selection. We had higher naïve occupancy estimates for eDNA (0.37) than for traditional survey methods (0.20). We estimated our false positive detection rate per qPCR replicate at 0.023 (95% CI: 0.016–0.033). When the false positive rate was applied to the multi-scale dataset, we did not observe substantial changes in model selection or parameter estimates. Conservation and resource managers have an increasing need to understand species occupancy in highly variable landscapes where the spatial distribution of habitat changes significantly over time due to climate change and human impact. A multi-scale occupancy approach can be used to obtain regional occupancy estimates that can account for spatially dynamic differences in availability over time, especially when assessing potential declines. Additionally, this study demonstrates how eDNA can be used as an effective tool for improved occupancy estimates across broad geographic scales for long-term monitoring.  相似文献   
Studies of the morphological features of the temporal region of mesolithic skulls from Padina in the Iron Gate Gorge of the Danube revealed a very prominent and large supramastoid ridge which is the most striking feature in skulls of both sexes. Mastoid processes were larger in male skulls, but in 25% of the cases there was an overlap between the size of the processes in male and female specimens. The mastoid ridge was prominent in both sexes. The digastric fossa was always well defined in both sexes and in the two thirds of the skull specimens it was deep. The posterior root of the zygoma was prominent in all the skulls, but it was better developed in the male specimens. The parietotemporal suture in both sexes rises above the level of the pterion. There were no morphological or anthropometrical differences between the left and the right side of individual skulls outside the limits of natural asymmetry. All these morphological characteristics of the temporal region may help in racial and sexual diagnosis of the Mesolithic skulls from the Iron Gate Gorge.  相似文献   
1. Echo delay is the primary cue used by echolocating bats to determine target range. During target-directed flight, the repetition rate of pulse emission increases systematically as range decreases. Thus, we examined the delay tuning of 120 neurons in the auditory cortex of the bat, Myotis lucifugus, as repetition rate was varied. 2. Delay sensitivity was exhibited in 77% of the neurons over different ranges of pulse repetition rates (PRRs). Delay tuning typically narrowed and eventually disappeared at higher PRRs. 3. Two major types of delay-sensitive neurons were found: i) delay-tuned neurons (59%) had a single fixed best delay, while ii) tracking neurons (22%) changed their best delay with PRR. 4. PRRs from 1-100/s were represented by the population of delay-sensitive neurons, with the majority of neurons delay-sensitive at PRRs of at least 10-20/s. Thus, delay-dependent neurons in Myotis are most active during the search phase of echolocation. 5. Delay-sensitive neurons that also responded to single sounds were common. At PRRs where delay sensitivity was found, the responses to single sounds were reduced and the responses to pulse-echo pairs at particular delays were greater than the single-sound responses. In facilitated neurons (53%), the maximal delay-dependent response was always larger than the best single-sound responses, whereas in enhanced neurons (47%), these responses were comparable. The presence of neurons that respond maximally to single sounds at one PRR and to pulse-echo pairs with particular echo delays at other PRRs suggests that these neurons perform echo-ranging in conjunction with other biosonar functions during target pursuit.  相似文献   
Several species of weakly electric fish reflexively change their frequency of electric organ discharge (EOD) in response to sensing signals of similar frequency from conspecifics; that is, they exhibit jamming avoidance responses (JAR).Eigenmannia increases its EOD frequency if jammed by a signal of lower frequency and decreases its EOD frequency if jammed by a signal of higher frequency. This discrimination is based on an analysis of the patterns of amplitude modulations and phase differences resulting from signal interference. Fish of the closely related genus,Sternopygus, however, do not exhibit a JAR. Here we show that despite lacking this behavior,Sternopygus shares many sensory processing capacities withEigenmannia:
1.  Fish could be conditioned to discriminate the sign of the frequency difference (Df) between an exogenous sinusoidal signal and its own EODs with as few as 300 training trials.
2.  Fish can discriminate the sign of Df for jamming signals with an amplitude as low as 2 V/cm (p-p); which is approximately 40 dB below the amplitude of the fish's EOD, as measured lateral to the operculum.
3.  Fish appear to discriminate the sign of Df by evaluating modulations in signal amplitude and differences in the timing of signals received by different areas of the body surface.
4.  Sternopygus processes electrosensory information through band-pass modulation filters. Tuning to modulation rates over at least 4–16 Hz exists.
Summary The responses of neurons in field L in the auditory neostriatum of the mynah bird, Gracula religiosa, were recorded during presentation of intact or manipulated mimic voices. A typical mimic voice konnichiwa elicited responses in most of the neurons. Neurons in the input layer (L2) of field L showed many peaks on peristimulus time histograms while those in other layers (L1 and L3) exhibited only one or two peaks. Several neurons in L1 and L3 responded only to the affricative consonant /t/ in the intact mimic voices. They did not respond to the affricative consonant in the isolated segment or to the one in the playbacked voice in reverse. Forty-five percent of the neurons (33/ 73) decreased in firing rates at the affricative consonant in the isolated segment compared with in the intact voice. Some of these neurons, in which neither the affricative consonant in the isolated segment nor bursts of noise alone elicited responses, exhibited clear phasic responses to /t/ in the case when bursts of noise with particular central frequencies preceded the affricative consonant. The responsiveness of these neurons appears to receive temporal facilitation. These results suggest that these neurons code the temporal relationship of speech sound.Abbreviations HVc hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudale - TFN temporally facilitated neuron - TSN temporally suppressed neuron  相似文献   
Summary Six population samples of the South American cricetid rodent Akodon dolores were collected at the same site at six-month intervals over a three year period. Changes in density were detected. Seven out of 18 loci analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis were polymorphic. Only two of these loci (Est-4 and G6pdh) showed statistically significant variation in allele frequencies following a seasonal pattern. There was no correlation between allele frequencies and population density. When animals were grouped into two classes according to body weight, a clear difference in allele distribution at the Est-4 and G6pdh loci was observed between individuals 39 g or less and those heavier than 39 g. As the first group comprises predominantly younger animals, the data indicate that changes in the age-structure of population, rather than density variations, are responsible for the cyclic pattern of allele frequencies fluctuations.  相似文献   
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