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Ascomata of a Metarhizium species were collected from Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. The ascomata were similar to M. kalasinense in its host preference for elaterids, olive-green clavate stromata, and obliquely immersed perithecia, but the asci and ascospores were significantly shorter in length than those of the latter species. Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses based on the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the elongation factor 1-alpha gene showed that the Japanese species was phylogenetically distinctive in the M. anisopliae lineage, including M. kalasinense. Accordingly, we describe a new species, M. brachyspermum. Isolates of this species produced olive-green conidial masses on the surface of the colony. Also, hyphal anastomoses between two metulae were often observed on conidiophores.  相似文献   
A teleomorph was discovered in crosses among isolates of Leptographium yunnanense isolated from Pinus spp. originating in Thailand, China, and Japan. The ascocarps are black, globose to subglobose, and lacking necks. Ascospores are hyaline, 1-celled, surrounded by hyaline sheaths, and appear cucullate in side view, quadrangular in face view, and triangular in end view. Three species were known to have teleomorphs morphologically similar to the present fungus. However, their anamorphs were distinguishable from L. yunnanense. Thus, this teleomorph is described as Grosmannia yunnanensis. Contribution No. 214, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Graduate School of Life & Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   
In trials with various agar media and autoclaved stem pieces of weeds and cultivated plants, perithecia ofDiaporthe helianthi Muntañola-Cvetkoviet al., developed only on autoclaved stem pieces. The simple, useful culture technique for producing perithecia is fully described.  相似文献   
新生隐球菌交配型分析试验方法和培养基的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较观察了Hayagar(HA)、Matingagar (MA)、Haycubeagar (HCA)、稻壳琼脂(RSA)、富营养Hayagar(IHA)以及沙保弱培养基 (SDA) 6种培养基的新生隐球菌交配试验效果。按 2周内产生阳性结果排列培养基的次序是HCA(95% )、RSA(95% )、HA(86% )、MA(38% )、SDA(38% )和IHA(2 4 % )。采用点状可以替代划线接种方法用于处理大批量标本并节省材料。此外 ,先将诱导菌株和受试菌株混合预培养可以使原方法不能交配的菌株产生阳性结果  相似文献   
在引起菜豆炭疽病的 Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. Et Magn.)Br. EtCav.大量培养物中,发现一个在低温培养保存中丧失产生分生孢子能力而仅产生子囊壳的菌系。对其形态学、培养特征、单子囊孢子培养的研究及与有关种的形态比较结果表明,这个源于分生孢子的子囊菌培养物是菜豆小丛壳Glomerella lindemuthianum Shear。这个培养物经人工接种菜豆,再分离时首先产生无性态分生孢子,经数代培养又回复有性态,表明有性过程的产生是同宗配合的。这种有性与无性阶段之间的交替和联系,证明这是一个全型态真菌,即菜豆小丛壳 G. lindemuthianum 是无性态荣豆炭疽菌C.Lindemuthianum 的有性态。  相似文献   
In this study, we identified a total of 33 wine yeast species and strains using the restriction patterns generated from the region spanning the internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1 and 2) and the 5.8S rRNA gene. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of this rDNA region showed a high length variation for the different species. The size of the PCR products and the restriction analyses with three restriction endonucleases (HinfI, CfoI, and HaeIII) yielded a specific restriction pattern for each species with the exception of the corresponding anamorph and teleomorph states, which presented identical patterns. This method was applied to analyze the diversity of wine yeast species during spontaneous wine fermentation. Received: 2 July 1997 / Accepted: 7 December 1997  相似文献   
Tapesia yallundae var.yallundae is newly recorded from wheat stubble collected near Moorresburg in the western Cape Province of South Africa. Apothecia were observed on wheat stubble incubated for 8 months at 10°C under near-ultraviolet light. Single ascospore isolates produced colonies typical of the Wheat (W)-type in culture. Apothecia were also induced after single-conidial isolates were mated on wheat stubble and incubated at 10–15°C for 6 months. All single-conidial isolates were of the W-pathotype (Ramulispora herpotrichoides var.herpotrichoides).  相似文献   
To improve our understanding of phylogenetic relationships within the anamorphic genus Septoria, three molecular data sets representing 2,417 bp of nuclear and mitochondrial genes were evaluated. Separate gene analyses and combined analyses were performed using first, the maximum parsimony criterion and second, a Bayesian framework. The homogeneity of data partitions was evaluated via a combination of homogeneity partition tests and tree topology incongruence tests before conducting combined analyses. A last incongruence re-evaluation using partitioned Bremer support was performed on the combined tree, which corroborated the previous estimates. After each separate data set attributes were examined, simple explanations were advocated as the causes of the significant incongruences detected. The analysis of multiple gene partitions showed unprecedented phylogenetic resolution within the genus Septoria that supported the results from previously published single gene phylogenies. Specifically, we have delimited distinct but closely related species representing monophyletic groups that frequently correlated with their respective host families. Conversely, the occurrence of well-supported groups including closely related but distinct molecular taxa sampled on unrelated host-plants allowed us to reject, in these particular cases, the co-evolutionary concept expected between a parasite and its host and to discuss alternative evolutionary models recently proposed for these pathogens.  相似文献   
The teleomorph of Mycopappus quercus causing frosty mildew in Quercus acutissima is described as a new genus and species, Redheadia quercus, in the Sclerotiniaceae. Apothecia sprout from sclerotia on the fallen infected leaves kept for 10 months at 5°C and subsequent incubation at 15°C under diffused room light. Typical zonate lesions and multicellular propagules of M. quercus are produced on Q. acutissima, by mycelial inoculation using an isolate from a single ascospore, confirming the teleomorph–anamorphic connection. No significant differences are observed between cultured colonies of isolates from the ascospore and those from the propagule. Sclerotia and microconidia of the fungus are produced on culture media.  相似文献   
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