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Results of a comparative study of the sensitivity of the system of respiratory control to increases in the CO2 concentration and the intensity of free-radical processes in young and elderly subjects are described. It is shown that normal (natural) aging is accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity of the respiratory system to hypercapnic stimulation and a parallel significant decrease in the activity of catalase in the blood of examined subjects. Mechanisms responsible for the modifications of the sensitivity of the system of respiratory control to hypercapnia are discussed; these shifts can be at least partly related to changes in the intensity of production of free radicals observed in elderly subjects. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 53–57, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   
Abstract: Direct and indirect contact between wild and farmed cervids along perimeter fences may play a role in transmission of diseases like chronic wasting disease (CWD), but no studies have quantified such interactions. At 9 high-fenced commercial elk (Cervus elaphus) farms in Colorado, USA, during October 2003 to January 2005, we used animal-activated video to estimate rates of fence-line use by wild cervids, rates of direct contact between farmed and wild cervids, and probability of direct contact when wild cervids were present. We recorded 8-fold-more wild elk per unit time than mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) at fence lines. Depending on site, we recorded 0.66 to 46.90 wild elk per 1,000 hours of camera monitoring. We documented 77 interactions between wild and farmed elk involving naso-oral contact and no contact between wild mule deer and farmed elk. Rate of direct contact ranged from 0.00 to 1.92 direct contacts per 1,000 hours of camera monitoring among sites. Given recorded presence of wild elk, estimated probability of observing direct contact during a 2-minute video recording ranged from 0.00 to 0.11 among sites. Risk of direct contact was about 3.5 times greater for single woven-wire fence compared with offset electric fence attached to a single woven-wire fence. We observed no direct contact through double woven-wire fences. Because little is currently known about infection rates associated with infection mechanisms, we cannot infer a level of CWD infection risk from our results, but some form of double fencing should reduce potential for direct and indirect transmission of disease into or out of elk farms.  相似文献   
Aim The seagrass, Posidonia oceanica is a clonal angiosperm endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Previous studies have suggested that clonal growth is far greater than sexual recruitment and thus leads to low clonal diversity within meadows. However, recently developed microsatellite markers indicate that there are many different genotypes, and therefore many distinct clones present. The low resolution of markers used in the past limited our ability to estimate clonality and assess the individual level. New high‐resolution dinucleotide microsatellites now allow genetically distinct individuals to be identified, enabling more reliable estimation of population genetic parameters across the Mediterranean Basin. We investigated the biogeography and dispersal of P. oceanica at various spatial scales in order to assess the influence of different evolutionary factors shaping the distribution of genetic diversity in this species. Location The Mediterranean. Methods We used seven hypervariable microsatellite markers, in addition to the five previously existing markers, to describe the spatial distribution of genetic variability in 34 meadows spread throughout the Mediterranean, on the basis of an average of 35.6 (± 6.3) ramets sampled. Results At the scale of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole, a strong east–west cleavage was detected (amova) . These results are in line with those obtained using previous markers. The new results showed the presence of a putative secondary contact zone at the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait, which exhibited high allelic richness and shared alleles absent from the eastern and western basins. F statistics (pairwise θ ranges between 0.09 and 0.71) revealed high genetic structure between meadows, both at a small scale (about 2 to 200 km) and at a medium scale within the eastern and western basins, independent of geographical distance. At the intrameadow scale, significant spatial autocorrelation in six out of 15 locations revealed that dispersal can be restricted to the scale of a few metres. Main conclusions A stochastic pattern of effective migration due to low population size, turnover and seed survival is the most likely explanation for this pattern of highly restricted gene flow, despite the importance of an a priori seed dispersal potential. The east–west cleavage probably represents the outline of vicariance caused by the last Pleistocene ice age and maintained to this day by low gene flow. These results emphasize the diversity of evolutionary processes shaping the genetic structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   
A method is proposed for predicting the adjacency order in which strands pack in a -sheet in a protein, on the basis of its amino acid sequence alone. The method is based on the construction of a predicted contact map for the protein, in which the probability that various residue pairs are close to each other is computed from statistically determined average distances of residue pairs in globular proteins of known structure. Compact regions, i.e., portions of the sequence with many interresidue contacts, are determined on the map by using an objective search procedure. The proximity of strands in a -sheet is predicted from the density of contacts in compact regions associated with each pair of strands. The most probable -sheet structures are those with the highest density of contacts. The method has been tested by computing the probable strand arrangements in a five-strand -sheet in five proteins or protein domains, containing 62–138 residues. Of the theoretically possible 60 strand arrangements, the method selects two to eight arrangements as most probable; i.e., it leads to a large reduction in the number of possibilities. The native strand arrangement is among those predicted for three of the five proteins. For the other two, it would be included in the prediction by a slight relaxation of the cutoff criteria used to analyze the density of contacts.  相似文献   
Synopsis This study tested the hypothesis that visual contact between fish may result in enhanced rates of growth in a schooling fish. Juvenile chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, were held singly and reared in isolation or in visual contact with conspecifics. Fish were fed at either a low (6% body weight d–1) or high (20% body weight d–1) ration for 42d. Specific rates of weight gain were 18% greater at low ration and 38% greater at high ration for fish in visual contract with conspecifics than for those held in isolation. The results demonstrate a selective advantage of visual cues associated with schooling behavior and suggest that the efficacy of growth models for schooling fishes may be enhanced by the consideration of social interactions which may facilitate growth.  相似文献   
Commonly used minirhizotrons consisting of a transparent tube inserted into the soil seldom attain good contact between the tube and the soil, which leads to root growth occurring in a gap rather than in the soil. A new system is described involving an inflatable flexible rubber wall, made from a modified motorcycle tube. Pressure ensures a proper tube/soil contact so that the environmental circumstances for root growth along the tube more closely correspond to those in the undisturbed soil. Before the endoscope slide is introduced into the minirhizotron for taking pictures, the inflatable tube is removed, so that there is no-often opaque-wall between the endoscope and the roots. This improves the picture quality and facilitates the analysis of root images.  相似文献   
Summary Sarcoma 180 monolayers spontaneously shed single cells and small multicellular aggregates into the surrounding medium to produce a dual population of floating and substratum-attached cells. Shedding was a motility-associated event that occurred when cells attempted to migrate over one another. It resulted from a combination of cell shape change and active motility, which increased sensitivity to fluid shear dislodgement by reducing a cell's surface area of adhesive contact and increasing strain tension at its adhesive contact points. Shedding occurred at all phases of the cell cycle. Extracellular matrix but not conditioned medium enhanced the floating subpopulation by slowing the kinetics of rattachment to plastic and cellular substrata. Although sarcoma 180 cells are anchorage independent in the sense that they grow readily in single cell suspension, they nevertheless exhibited anchorage modulation of their cell cycle. Short periods in suspension produced a mild G1 accumulation, whereas longer periods of anchorage deprivation led to a mild G2 accumulation which appeared to result from an interference with cytokinesis. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada, The National Cancer Institute of Canada, the Alberta Heritage Savings and Trust Fund for Applied Cancer Research, and the Alberta Heritage Fund for Medical Research.  相似文献   
Summary With a stereoscope, as used for the inspection of aerial photographs, sequential photographs of roots obtained by the endoscope method from minirhizotrons can yield much more information than hitherto. A series of photographs shows that most of the roots seen in a minirhizotron in grassland grew on the surface of the lexan tube, while there was a gap between the roots and the soil. Decay of the extensive root hair zones around the roots may make new root growth in the gap between rhizotron wall and soil invisible. Some consequences of these observations for the endoscope method are discussed.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial protein import   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most polypeptides of mitochondria are imported from the cytosol. Precursor proteins contain targeting and sorting information, often in the form of amino-terminal presequences. Precursors first bind to receptors in the outer membrane. Two putative import receptors have been identified: a 19-kilodalton protein (MOM19) inNeurospora mitochondria, and a 70-kilodalton protein (MAS70) in yeast. Some precursors integrate directly into the outer membrane, but the majority are translocated through one or both membranes. This process requires an electrochemical potential across the inner membrane. Import appears to occur through a hydrophilic pore, although the inner and outer membranes may contain functionally separate translocation machineries. In yeast, a 42-kilodalton protein (ISP42) probably forms part of the outer membrane channel. After import, precursors interact with chaperonin ATPases in the matrix. Presequences then are removed by the matrix protease. Finally, some proteins are retranslocated across the inner membrane to the intermembrane space.  相似文献   
Abstract: Laminin A, B1, and B2 chain mRNA levels in degenerating and regenerating mouse sciatic nerves were examined using northern blot analysis. In normal intact nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA steady-state levels were high, but when the nerves were crushed, the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA per milligram wet tissue weight of the distal segments of the nerves increased five- to eightfold over that of control levels as the total RNA and β-actin mRNA levels increased, suggesting that these increases were the consequence of Schwann cell proliferation after axotomy. When the steady-state levels of B1 and B2 mRNA were normalized as the ratio to total RNA or β-actin mRNA levels, however, they drastically decreased to about 20% of the normal nerve levels in the nerve segments distal to both the crush and transaction sites 1 day after injury. In the crushed nerves, B1 and B2 mRNA levels gradually increased as the regenerating nerves arrived at the distal segments and reestablished normal axon–Schwann cell contact, and then returned to normal levels on the 21 st day. In the transected nerves, where Schwann cells continued to be disconnected from axons, both B1 and B2 mRNA levels remained low. Cultured Schwann cells expressed detectable levels of B1 and B2 chain mRNA which significantly increased when the cells were cocultured with sensory neurons. However, mRNA for A chain was not detectable in the normal, axotomized nerves or in cultured Schwann cells. These data indicate that Schwann cells express laminin B1 and B2 chain mRNA that are up-regulated by axonal or neuronal contact, but they do not express A chain mRNA.  相似文献   
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