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Results from 24 transects showed that tapirs were less abundant in areas with higher human presence. They also preferred less steep areas, especially as browsing sites. An analysis of feces showed that fibers were the largest component (40–55%) followed by leaves (10–30%) and twigs (15%). Bamboo (Chusquea spp.) was found in all samples and probably accounts for the high proportion of fibers. Twenty‐seven plant species were identified to be eaten by tapirs.  相似文献   
Declared in 1995, the 34,400 km2 Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco National Park is the first protected area in South America co-managed by an indigenous organization, the Capitanía del Alto y Bajo Isoso (CABI). In 1997, based on historical occupation by the Isoseño-Guaraní over the past 300 years, CABI formally demanded a 19,000 km2 `Tierra Comunitaria de Orígen' (TCO) that adjoins, but does not overlap, the national park. The creation of TCOs and the co-administration of protected areas are elements of decentralization processes in Bolivia, whereby the management of land and natural resources is devolving to departmental and municipal levels of government. This paper examines biodiversity monitoring in the context of a community wildlife management program developed with CABI. Hunter self-monitoring (100–150 hunters per month) combined with monthly activity records for potential hunters (7637 observed hunter-months) permit estimations of total offtakes of subsistence game species for 1996–2003, as well as catch-per-unit-effort over the same time period. These data show considerable fluctuations from year to year and no declining trends that would suggest over-hunting. Monitoring populations of multiple game species can be relatively expensive, even with the voluntary support of hunters, considering data collection and analysis, as well as presentation and discussion through community meetings. At the same time, monitoring does not provide highly accurate assessments of short-term changes in wildlife resources. However, relatively simple participatory methods are important for generating information on long-term trends and for creating a context for community discussion of formal wildlife management.  相似文献   
The forests of southeastern Amazonia are highly threatened by disturbances such as fragmentation, understory fires, and extreme climatic events. Large‐bodied frugivores such as the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) have the potential to offset this process, supporting natural forest regeneration by dispersing a variety of seeds over long distances to disturbed forests. However, we know little about their effectiveness as seed dispersers in degraded forest landscapes. Here, we investigate the seed dispersal function of lowland tapirs in Amazonian forests subject to a range of human (fire and fragmentation) and natural (extreme droughts and windstorms) disturbances, using a combination of field observations, camera traps, and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. Tapirs travel and defecate more often in degraded forests, dispersing much more seeds in these areas [9,822 seeds per ha/year (CI95% = 9,106; 11,838)] than in undisturbed forests [2,950 seeds per ha/year (CI95% = 2,961; 3,771)]. By effectively dispersing seeds across disturbed forests, tapirs may contribute to natural forest regeneration—the cheapest and usually the most feasible way to achieve large‐scale restoration of tropical forests. Through the dispersal of large‐seeded species that eventually become large trees, such frugivores also contribute indirectly to maintaining forest carbon stocks. These functions may be critical in helping tropical countries to achieve their goals to maintain and restore biodiversity and its ecosystem services. Ultimately, preserving these animals along with their habitats may help in the process of natural recovery of degraded forests throughout the tropics. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   
贵州毕节赫章县松林坡乡踏土村黑寨组采石场发现更新世哺乳动物化石。重点研究了具有时代鉴别意义的貘化石。貘上颌牙齿及下颌骨尺寸的大小比较发现, 它与华南早更新世的山原貘最接近, 其地质时代应该为早更新世。赫章松林坡黑寨采石场是贵州境内目前发现的第二个早更新世化石点。此外,地层中出土的一件动物骨片, 其形状及片疤分布特点疑似经人工加工的骨制品, 提示贵州毕节地区早期人类活动的可能性。  相似文献   
The density of Brazilian tapirs ( Tapirus terrestris) was studied in the northeastern part of the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil using two simultaneous and independent methods: (1) systematic camera trapping combined with capture–recapture analysis, with camera traps spaced 1 km apart and distributed over 54 km2; and (2) line-transect sampling using an array of 12 linear transects, from 3.8 to 7.2 km long, covering the principal open and forest habitat types across the entire 1063 km2 SESC Pantanal Reserve. The two methods yielded conservative density estimates of 0.58 ± 0.11 tapirs/km2 (camera trapping) and 0.55 (95% CI 0.30–1.01) tapirs/km2 (line transects). The study suggests that certain Pantanal habitats and sites can sustain relatively high population densities of tapirs when these animals are protected from hunting. Further testing of the camera-trapping methodology as applied to tapirs is required, particularly focusing on extending the survey period. As it represents a relatively rapid method for estimating population density, in comparison to line-transect surveys, and as it generates information simultaneously on multiple species that are conservation priorities, we recommend that camera-trapping surveys be applied more widely across a variety of Pantanal habitats and land-use categories in order to confirm the value of the vast 140,000 km2 wilderness region for this vulnerable species.  相似文献   
Population density of Tapirus pinchaque was estimated in 7000 ha Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados in the central Andes of Colombia. Eight variables were measured in 110 left rear foot prints of the mountain tapir: total length and width, and length and width of the three toes. This information was analyzed with Cluster Analysis by means of UPGMA and Euclidean distance using the scores obtained by means of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the eight variables. Habitat availability was measured in 147,000 ha using aerial photographs taken during the 1950s and 1980s. The results of the cluster analysis showed that there are between 11 and 15 individuals, for a mean density of one individual for each 551 ± 85 ha. The measurements of forest cover in the 147000 ha showed that habitat availability for the mountain tapir (montane forests and forestry plantations) increased 18l4lha from the 1950s to the 1980s. This increment in forest cover seems to have a positive effect on the local population size of T. pinchaque, since in areas previously covered by pastures, there are now secondary forests where tapirs tracks and feces can be found.  相似文献   
Hunting pressure, fragmentation and deforestation have caused global declines in animal abundance, and the consequences for plant communities are poorly understood. Many large‐seeded plants, for instance, depend on large and endangered vertebrates for seed dispersal. In some Semi‐deciduous Atlantic Forests, endangered tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) are major dispersers of pindó palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana). Here, we compare recruitment patterns of pindó palms between protected and disturbed (defaunated) Atlantic Forest areas in Argentina and evaluate the potential consequences of the lack of the main disperser for pindó palm regeneration. We analyzed the number and spatial pattern of pindó adults, offspring, and tapir dung piles within ten plots established in an area spanning tapir latrines inside Iguazú National Park and in a fragmented forest area outside the park where tapir is locally extinct. In both areas, we evaluated recruitment levels beneath 24 adult palms in circular plots centered on adult stems. We found lower pindó palm recruitment outside the park where offspring tended to be aggregated around adult palms. In contrast, in Iguazú National Park offspring were spatially associated with tapir dung‐piles, in which most offspring were registered. Recruitment under adults was higher outside the park suggesting a lower rate of seed removal in disturbed areas. Our results show that tapir dispersal promotes higher recruitment levels of pindó offspring and shapes their spatial pattern, breaking the spatial association with adult (presumably maternal) palms. These results are useful for predicting the impact of local tapir extinction on this palm.  相似文献   
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