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中高纬度地区TRMM卫星降雨数据的精度评价   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
卫星降雨产品在降雨空间格局分析中扮演着重要角色,其中TRMM 3B42(3B42)是重要的产品之一,具有适宜的空间和时间尺度,已成为生态、气候、水文模型的重要驱动因子.当前对3B42 V7新版本数据的精度和误差认识仍然有限,尤其缺少中高纬度地区的数据精度评价研究,制约其在生态、气候和水文等领域的应用.本文基于内蒙古自治区1998—2012年3B42 V7产品和53个气象站点数据,评估其在中高纬度地区的精度,揭示了各精度评价指标的空间分布特征及其影响因子.总体精度评价结果表明: 3B42在年、月、日尺度上均高估降雨量,且误差随时间尺度增大而增加,日降雨量的平均误差和平均绝对误差分别为-0.06和0.88 mm;降雨事件侦测能力表现良好,公正预兆评分达到0.23,但对降雨事件总频率存在微弱高估.数据精度受海拔和多年平均降雨量影响,随海拔升高,降雨绝对误差减小,降雨事件探测能力减弱,多年平均降雨量对数据精度的影响则相反.  相似文献   
Carbon emissions from fires in tropical and subtropical ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Global carbon emissions from fires are difficult to quantify and have the potential to influence interannual variability and long‐term trends in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We used 4 years of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) satellite data and a biogeochemical model to assess spatial and temporal variability of carbon emissions from tropical fires. The TRMM satellite data extended between 38°N and 38°S and covered the period from 1998 to 2001. A relationship between TRMM fire counts and burned area was derived using estimates of burned area from other satellite fire products in Africa and Australia and reported burned areas from the United States. We modified the Carnegie‐Ames‐Stanford‐Approach (CASA) biogeochemical model to account for both direct combustion losses and the decomposition from fire‐induced mortality, using both TRMM and Sea‐viewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite data as model drivers. Over the 1998–2001 period, we estimated that the sum of carbon emissions from tropical fires and fuel wood use was 2.6 Pg C yr?1. An additional flux of 1.2 Pg C yr?1 was released indirectly, as a result of decomposition of vegetation killed by fire but not combusted. The sum of direct and indirect carbon losses from fires represented 9% of tropical and subtropical net primary production (NPP). We found that including fire processes in the tropics substantially alters the seasonal cycle of net biome production by shifting carbon losses to months with low soil moisture and low rates of soil microbial respiration. Consequently, accounting for fires increases growing season net flux by ~12% between 38°N and 38°S, with the greatest effect occurring in highly productive savanna regions.  相似文献   
降水是全球能量和水循环中的重要变量之一,降水资料的精度对洪旱灾害的监测与预报、水资源管理等至关重要.本文利用环渤海地区1998—2014年55个气象站点的逐日降水数据,分别从日、月尺度对TRMM 3B42、CMORPH、PERSIANN 3种卫星降水产品进行精度评价,并对其季节差异进行分析.结果表明: 总体上,TRMM 3B42 V7的精度最高,PERSIANN精度最低,但CMORPH对日降水事件的探测成功率(0.69)最高;3B42略高估算了日降水量,其他两者则对日降水量存在低估.春、夏、秋季各卫星降水产品对降水的成功探测率高于冬季,且相关系数、均方根误差等指标随季节变化明显.3种卫星降水产品的月尺度估算精度优于日尺度,其中对日降水量的估算精度较低,特别是明显低估了暴雨事件的实际降水量.本研究为卫星降水产品在环渤海地区降水估算及其在气候与水文模拟和预测中的应用提供了依据和支持.  相似文献   
娄宁 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):4043-4050
基于TRMM 3B42降雨数据,构建5个年尺度的时间序列参数,结合数据挖掘和GIS空间分析技术,分析2003—2015年中国华东区域暴雨时空特征.结果表明: 2003—2015年,研究区年降水量与年暴雨降水量空间分布较为相似,年降水总量呈略微上升的趋势,年暴雨降水比例的时间波动较显著;暴雨降水空间分布在南北方向的差异性明显强于东西方向;年暴雨频次的时间波动较小但空间差异显著;年暴雨降水呈现向北偏移的趋势;5个变量的变化趋势均表现出较强的空间差异性,且大部分像元呈不显著的增加(或减少)趋势.  相似文献   
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