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Contrasting scales of oviposition and parasitism in praying mantids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on spatial patterns of parasitism of oothecae (egg cases) of praying mantises (Stagmomantis limbata) by torymid wasps, Podagrion spp. Using collections of mapped mantid oothecae from Riparian sites in the Sonoran desert and Grassland sites in the Chiricahua Mountains (both in Arizona, USA), we characterized the spatial distributions of oothecae and parasitism. The likelihood of an egg case suffering some parasitism was higher at Grassland sites, which had high oothecal densities, than at low-density Riparian sites. However, experimental isolation of Grassland oothecae to densities comparable to Riparian sites reduced parasitism rates. At Riparian sites, parasitized oothecae exhibited on average the same extent of parasitism as parasitized oothecae at high densities but with much greater variation. Indeed, large fractions of Riparian oothecae suffered both severe (>50%) and light (<20%) parasitism, whereas most parasitized Grassland oothecae suffered intermediate levels of parasitism. Analysis of first nearest neighbor distances indicated that the parasite load of an ootheca did not depend on its immediate isolation. However, extending the analysis to include subsequent nearest neighbors (using a technique from spatial statistics called the R(K) function), we found that even though oothecae of S. limbata were spatially clustered, some oothecae in a (statistically defined) cluster escaped parasitism when overall oothecal densities were low. This pattern suggests that when oothecae are sparsely distributed, Podagrion wasps exploit only a fraction of the oothecae available locally, even though the oothecae are strongly aggregated relative to their overall density. We suggest this lack of congruency in the scales of oothecal deposition and parasitism at low densities (which is absent when oothecae are at high densities) may be explained in part by behavioral aspects of the parasite's reproduction, including increased host fidelity by relatively sedentary female parasites. Received: June 13, 2000 / Accepted: October 16, 2000  相似文献   
The organelle DNA in generative cell and its behavior during spermatogenesis in Pharbitis limbata and P. purpurea were observed by epifluorescence microscopy stained with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In these two species, the generative cell is long and thin in which a great amount of cytoplasmic DNA is present. Most pairs of sperm cells are isomorphic, in which one end is obtuse and the other is elongate, but in a few pairs dimorphi sperms are present. The nucleus is located at one end of the cell. A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm. The size of organelle nucleoids and their fluorescence intensity are different in a sperm cell. The features of generative cell and sperm cell, and behavior of cytoplasmic DNA are similar in P. limbata and P. purpurea. The obvious differences between them are that the size and fluorescence intensity of organelle nucleoids in P. purpurea are respectively smaller and weaker than in P. limbata. The results showed that morning glory has potential of biparental or paternal cytoplasmic in heritance. Isomorphism and dimorphism of sperms, and the relationship between the ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm in sperm cell and the plastid biparental inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   
牵牛属生殖细胞和精细胞中细胞器DNA的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用DAPI荧光技术观察了大花牵牛( Pharbitis lim bata Lindl.)和圆叶牵牛(P. purpurea(L.) Voight)生殖细胞的细胞质DNA及其在精细胞形成过程中的动态。牵牛属这两个种的生殖细胞均为细长形,具有大量细胞器DNA。刚形成的一对精细胞大多数一端钝,另一端呈尾状。较后期的精细胞多呈凸透镜状。生殖细胞分裂形成的一对精细胞多是同型的,也有的表现为异型。精细胞的核多偏于细胞的一端。在细胞质中有大量细胞器DNA分布。精细胞中的细胞器DNA 荧光点在大小及荧光强度上有所不同,可能代表线粒体和质体这两种不同的细胞器DNA。大花牵牛与圆叶牵牛之间,无论是生殖细胞或精细胞在细胞形状和细胞质DNA 分布状况上基本相似。一个明显的差异是,后者的细胞质DNA 荧光点体积较小和荧光弱。研究表明,精细胞存在具有DNA 的细胞器,为牵牛花细胞质具有双亲遗传或父系遗传的潜能提供了细胞学证据。本文还对研究的两个种的精细胞存在同型和异型的现象,以及精细胞在核质比率上的特点与质体双亲遗传的关系进行了讨论  相似文献   
1. Female feeding regime exhibited a cascade of effects on reproductive biology and behaviour in the mantid Stagmomantis limbata (Hahn). 2. Well‐fed females (High diet) consistently attained greater body mass, thicker abdomens, and higher fecundity than food‐limited females (Low diet) in four annual generations. Dorso‐ventral abdominal thickness strongly correlated with fecundity. 3. In an experiment in captivity, Low diet females were more likely to cannibalize males than High diet females. 4. High diet females attracted more males than Low diet females in several contexts. In terms of long‐range attraction, caged High diet females attracted more males in the field. In terms of short‐range attraction, males preferentially mounted and copulated with High diet females in captive paired choice trials. In naturally‐occurring pairs in the field, a preference for females with thick abdomens was evident. These results point to two possible explanations: male choice for well‐fed females and state‐dependent female pheromone emission. 5. Two years of field data indicate considerable variation in female feeding success, as measured by abdominal thickness. Average feeding success in nature appears to be relatively high, when comparing the rate of abdominal expansion in the field to captive females maintained on High diets. 6. In the field, nearly all mounts and copulations occurred in September in both years, when female feeding success is expected to be high. If mating activity occurs during a window of high female feeding success, so as to reduce the risk of cannibalism for males, then the female feeding regime may be implicated in the phenology of mating activity in cannibalistic species.  相似文献   
Habitat edges as a potential ecological trap for an insect predator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  1. Ecological traps, where animals actively select poor habitat for reproduction over superior habitat, are generally associated with birds at forest edges. This study examines oviposition preference, predation, and parasitism rates in the mantid Stagmomantis limbata to determine the potential generality of this phenomenon.
2. Egg case (oothecae) densities were measured across two edge types (cottonwood and desert scrub) within desert riparian ecosystems. A positive edge effect in oothecae density was found with an approximate three-fold increase in density at cottonwood ( X edge = 0.05 oothecae/100 m2 vs. X interior = 0.015 oothecae/100 m2) and desert scrub ( X edge = 0.20 oothecae/100 m2 vs. X interior = 0.06 oothecae/100 m2) edges ( P  < 0.01).
3. Rates of bird predation were significantly higher for oothecae at desert scrub edges and showed a trend of higher predation rates at cottonwood edges, suggesting that riparian habitat edges may be acting as an ecological trap for this mantid species. There was no effect of edges on oothecal parasitism rates.
4. These results provide an example of the effect of habitat edges on a generalist insect predator and indicate that an ecological trap may exist with respect to one of its natural enemies.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Generalist arthropod predators are ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems but experimental studies have yielded little agreement as to their effects on prey assemblages. Drawing on results from a suite of experimental field studies, a meta‐analysis was conducted of the impact of praying mantids (Mantodea: Mantidae) on arthropod assemblages in order to identify predictable and unpredictable effects of these extremely generalised predators. 2. Results across different experiments were synthesised using the log response ratio framework, with a focus on quantifying net mantid impacts on arthropod density across taxonomic orders and trophic levels of arthropods, paying special attention to the contribution of mantid species identity and experimental design variables, such as the use of cages, length of experiment, and manipulated mantid density. 3. Calculated on a per mantid‐day basis, the net impacts of Tenodera sinensis on arthropod density were generally weaker but more predictable than the effects of Mantis religiosa. Mantids in general had weak negative effects on density for most taxa but exhibited strong negative and positive effects on some taxa. Tenodera sinensis tended to have negative effects on Homoptera, Diptera, and Hemiptera and herbivores as a group, however M. religiosa exhibited greater variation in response of different taxa that appeared to be affected more strongly by experimental design. The effects of Stagmomantis carolina tended to be negative or non‐significant. 4. Experimental cages had little influence on either the sign or magnitude of net community impacts for T. sinensis, however cage experiments reversed the sign of the mean effect for two of six taxonomic orders when the experimental predator was M. religiosa. Cages also increased the variability of effect size greatly for M. religiosa but not for T. sinensis. 5. It was concluded that it is possible to use log response ratios to determine general, predictable trends in a well‐studied system. Similar meta‐analyses of generalist predator effects in other systems should produce predictions of how these predators influence food webs, an important step towards defining more clearly the influences of generalist predators on community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Silk apparatus of the funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata was located at the ventral end of the abdominal part, and was composed of internal silk glands and external spinnerets. Among the three pairs of spinnerets, the posterior pairs were highly elongated along the body axis. By the light and electron microscopic inspections, it was found that four types of silk glands were connected through the typical spinning tubes of each spinneret. Anterior spinnerets comprise 2 pairs of the ampullate and 125 to 150 pairs (female) or 110 to 114 (male) of pyriform glands. Another 2 pairs of ampullate glands in both sexes, 5 to 8 pairs of tubuliform glands in females, and 20 to 26 pairs (female) or 15 to 17 pairs (male) of aciniform glands were connected on the median spinnerets. Additional 8 to 10 pairs of tubuliforms in female and 41 to 53 pairs (female) or 27 to 32 pairs (male) of aciniform glands were on the posterior spinnerets, respectively. While the ampullate and tubuliform glands were connected with the spigot-type spinning tubes, the pyriform and aciniform glands with that of spool-type tubes. It has been also revealed that the tubuliform glands were only observed in female spiders, however the flagelliform and aggregate glands which had the function of adhesive thread production in orb-web spiders were not observed at both sexes of this spiders.  相似文献   
On the island of Lombok, Indonesia, three nectarivorous birds partially coexist: the two closely related and very similar Lichmera honeyeaters and a sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis). We investigated how these species segregated ecologically in areas where they coexisted by evaluating foraging visits and aggressive interactions at rich and poor nectar resources in different habitats (forest and open areas) along an altitudinal gradient (800–1600 m asl). The two honeyeaters were partially segregated by altitude. In the zone of overlap, Lichmera limbata dominated the richest forest resources, while Lichmera lombokia dominated the richest resources in open land. The sunbird, C. jugularis, was only observed in open habitats and mostly at poor resource patches. In the three‐species community in open habitats a dominance hierarchy was apparent with L. lombokia as the superior species and C. jugularis as the inferior species. Studies on how segregated species interact in their transition zone can help us to understand interactions between otherwise ecologically segregated species.  相似文献   
陈琪  王睿  魏亚娟  刘建军 《应用生态学报》2020,31(10):3241-3247
梧桐木虱是一种危害园林植物梧桐的重大害虫。本研究分别测定了12种杀虫剂和5种天敌昆虫对梧桐木虱的防治效果。结果表明: 12种杀虫剂中噻虫嗪和吡虫啉对梧桐木虱的防治效果最好,螺虫乙酯次之。在喷雾法、注射法和灌根法等3种施药方式中,应尽量避免使用喷雾法,优先选择注射法,在条件允许的情况下可使用灌根法作为补充手段。5种天敌昆虫中以中华通草蛉和赤星瓢虫对梧桐木虱的防治效果最佳,在长期防治效果上可以起到代替杀虫剂的作用。因此,中华通草蛉及赤星瓢虫可作为园林环境中长期安全环保防治梧桐木虱的重要方法,而以注射法使用噻虫嗪和吡虫啉可作为短期快速防治手段。  相似文献   
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